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Challenge for Adren
Ildar challenges Isla for the rank of Adren
IC Date May 9th, 2019
Players Ildar, Isla ST
Location Caern, City
Spheres Gaian Garou Shifter

xxxxxThe City. The hustle and bustle of the days and nights go in and out with the rise and fall of the sun. The cars zooming by, the stench from the sewers stronger in some places than others. This part of the city is some of the worst. Rats scurry around at night, trash is in piles, and the street people camp out.

xxxxxToday, is fairly quiet as it is garbage day and the trucks are going up and down the streets. A breeze is flowing through as the a storm is exiting the area. It is still a bit chilly, and overcast.

xxxxxIt is an unusual day today. After hearing that Ildar was looking to meet with her, Isla showed up at the Caern just in time to see the end of his sparring with her pack mate's mate, Branton. She waited for it to be over, be sure Branton was good, and then meet with Ildar. He made his challenge for Adren to her, to which she just grinned. "Aye, I accept it. You Fosterns seem to all have me on yer list. Well, I know just what to do wit' ye. Come." She opens a moon bridge up, and has him come with her. The other side opens within an empty warehouse in the city.

"Now, let's go fer a walk. This isnae a patrol, so much as some recon. Ye strike me as someone comfortable in the streets, I want to see how ye handle that, and what ye will see." Isla tells Ildar. She leads the way out of the place.

Ildar makes sure that Branton is good from his mending, gives him a fist bump, then hops out of the ring. When Isla approaches him, he smiles and bows her way before motioning. "Alright. I'm ready." Following her into the city, he looks about and takes that moment to make sure to use that fetish. The feel of rage about him gets curtailed, making it so he can easily walk among people as he grins at Isla. "Ah.. well.. I grew up on this. Although I didn't have the way to show people I was pissed off back then. So this just brings back memories."

Isla hehs as they start to walk. Her heels clicking on the sidewalk. "Aye, as I suspected. So tell me more about yerself. Ye strike me as though there is a lot more to yer story. Street kid made good?" Seeing some random people on the other side of the street, she goes into the mode of making sure to keep up the cover here, and takes Ildar's arm. She whispers, "I dinnae interested in ye, cutie, just makin' it look more like we are together to keep up appearances in this area."

Ildar seems quite capable of running with it. Those who were passing got that same eye that others on the street would give. Eyeing up potential targets. He smiles at Isla and shakes his head. "I get it. Lived here. remember? As for that.. yeah. Something like that.. I got offered a sandwich. But I never was really a bad kid. Just.. a rough life from what happen to me. That didn't stop me from knowing what's right and acting on it.. Turns out I knew the.. rules.. before knowing the rules." He'd emphasize that comment to help explain which set of rules he really meant.

Isla aahs, "I cannae say I've been there, being all but a Disney princess me self." A laugh from that. "But seems like ye have turned yerself around. Good timing on that. Ye know where it could have led if ye didnae do that." She points over to a group of street people to one side of the street, an older man looking rather beaten down sits up against a wall, with a newspaper over him.

As they continue walking, it sounds like there is an argument going on up ahead. Suddenly a young girl is running out from one alley, across the street and into another one. A man, barely an adult comes chasing after her. "Get back here, you bitch!" His clothes ragged, he's dirty, and is obviously angry.

Ildar nods amiably enough to Isla. "I knew.. Somewhere deep in my core I knew. So I made sure to not slip.. It was lonely sometimes.. But.." He trails off as the fight breaks out ahead of them. Taking a breath and focusing as he'd watch the woman, then the man run, he frowns. "Crap.. That's.. that's bad. I have to stop it." He glances to Isla and shrugs. "I'll be right back, alright?" With a flashed grin, he would take off after the woman and guy.

Isla watches what is going down, almost as though she knew what was going to happen! She continues along, following after, observing.

xxxxx"Leave me alone! You are not you! You changed! I want nothing to do with you anymore!" the woman shouts. "You are not Jason. You are... something else! Not my brother!"

xxxxx"NO! You are mine to protect. You need to stay away from those so called friends of yours and stay with me! No school, no boyfriends, nothing!" The man called Jason yells out, "NOTHING!!!" He tosses aside garbage cans, boxes, even a tire she has gotten behind, trying to get to her, "ARRR!! GET OVER HERE!" He snarls, like a beast more and more.

Ildar's eyes narrow as he would pick up speed to gain on the guy going after his sister. Trying to get close, Ildar would seek to shoulder check him into a wall, to plant himself between the man and the woman. "Hey! Didn't you hear her?? Back off! Calm down!"

xxxxxThe man pushed back into the wall is /not/ pleased, "Who the fuck are you? GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! THIS AIN'T NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS PRETTY BOY!" He puts both hands on both of Ildar's shoulders and tries to push him back and away. "She's /MY/ Sister, and you have no RIGHT TO INTERFERE!!!" He growls at Ildar.

xxxxxThe girl is crying, "Just go away... leave me alone!" She is curled up in a ball, sobbing.

Ildar plants himself, glaring at the man as he'd come off that wall. He snorts a little and as the guy goes to try to grab his shoulders and push him away, he'd twist, easily grabbing his arm into a block of that other arm, then plants his hand on the elbow to lock it and hyper-extend the arm to lock him down, pushing him down to bend over. "The girl said leave. This is your last chance before I knock your happy ass out. Leave. You agree, I'll push you towards the street, you keep going. Anything else? We're going to have problems."

xxxxxThe guy is twisted and tries to fight back, but as Ildar pushes him down and bent something changes. A desperate voice. The tone changed, the pitch higher. "Help me.. Please. I just have a second.. This thing, it holds me captive. Help me!" The man is suddenly near tears, and not fighting one bit, as he crumbles to the ground.

xxxxxThe girl, still sobbing pleas, "That is him! My brother Jason! The real Jason!" She scuttles over now to him, no longer keeping away. "Help him? Can you help him?"

Ildar kneels, bringing the guy down to the ground with him. Gritting his teeth, he doesn't let up on the arm bar, but he also doesn't crank it harder as the guy isn't resisting. He shakes his head a little, glancing between the guy and the girl. "No. I can't help him. Once that thing takes over.. It's over.. This will be one of the last times you get to speak to Jason. Please.. Tell him good bye. Tell him you love him.. and run."

xxxxx"Can't you take it out of me? What is this? What happened? Jill! I am sorry, this thing.. I .. I.. I'm trapped. Help me. Help me please! I don't want to die!!" Jason cries, sobbing now. His body shaking as the fomori is fighting back for control. "I.. I can't hold it back much longer!"

xxxxxJill, the girl, cries, and strokes her brother's face. "I love you Jason. I need you. Can't you help him, mister? Do you know anyone that can save him?" She pleads with those sad tear filled eyes.

Ildar's face hardens. He stares at Jack as he talks about the thing taking over and his grip instinctively tightens on the man's arm. "Look.. I get it. I really do. I'm doing you both a mercy. Please. Trust me on this. You've seen what that thing does. You've felt the sting of it.. Remember your brother now. Remember him in those good moments. Then you need to go. To run. Now."

xxxxx"Jason .. What do I do? Jason... JASON!!" She searches his face, looking to see if she can find her brother once more.

xxxxx"GO. I cannot hold on much longer... I..AAAAAAHHHH.... Jill, get out of here! Find someone to help you!" He screams and begins to thrash and fight against Ildar. "NOOOO!!!!" He's losing control again to the fomori.

xxxxxJill is frightened, scrambling away now. "Help him! PLEASE help him!" She turns and runs right into Isla. She is grabbed in Isla's arms, face buried in her shoulder as she keeps the girl protected there.

For her part, Isla looks on, keeping the girl safe, and watching out for anyone else coming. "Ye know what ye gotta do there. Show yer strength and knowledge. Be the leader we know ye can be." Sort of encouraging, but this is all on the line for Ildar. Part of his challenge.

That tighten grip was well reasoned as the Fomori started to try to thrash again. Of course, with his superior strength, it's easy to pin him down as long as the man has some control. He hisses as the girl runs into Isla but is kept there. "I know.. I just didn't want her to have to see it.." He'd shake his head, then shift that grip. With a knee to the arm to keep the bar in place, Ildar would grab the man's head. One hand is on the man's head, the other quickly comes over. "This is mercy. I'm sorry that I can't help you more. Please.. Be in peace.." Ildar would murmur to the thrashing man. The jerk is sudden and firm, that superior strength leveraged to simply twist his head, snapping the neck to kill him as quickly and cleanly as Ildar can. With Isla holding the girl to make sure she didn't see, He'd watch for that Fomori to try to come out and that's when that spiritual wrath, the muted rage that's held in check by the fetish burning within it, is used to pierce the fowl thing, dissipating and killing it instead of letting it go to another.

Isla holds the girl as she sobs. Not known as the comforting type per se - but she did support her triplet brothers fairly often. Stroking the girls hair she whispers to her, "It'll be better now. Ye will see. Yer brother is released from this torture. We'll get ye to a safe space."

xxxxxJason, lays in that heap there. The fomori within attempted to rage again, but was dispatched by Ildar. Motionless now, the body oozes something nasty out from it, the Wyrm infection very real.

xxxxxThankfully, no one has followed and the street is quiet. The rats are even staying away, leaving them all alone.

Ildar makes sure that the fomori is well and truly gone, then quietly says the prayer for the prey, to seek comfort for the man that was, which he just ended. Standing to his feet slowly, he'd leave the body for now, looking over to Isla with a small nod, then walks over to Jill. "We can get you some support.. It's.. I know there's nothing that can be ever said to recover from that loss.. I had to watch my own sister die in front of me.. in a much.. much crueler way.."

He shakes his head, taking a soft breath, then letting it out. "You may never understand it.. But I did him a mercy by ending his life. That thing would of tortured him for eternity. Making him watch as he did cruel and vile things to others.. It's a vicious cycle.. and what I did.. What I did is the only way to end it." He looks over to Isla with a small upnod. "I'll.. clean up.. here. If you want to get her moving."

Isla nods to Ildar. "Take care of him, cleanse, and come find me where we arrived here." She turns and leads the girl away, pulling out her phone to make a call. "Hey, yeah. I got a special fer ye. Can ye come help me get this girl setup. Yeah, needs the works." She keeps the girl right by her, about to even pick her up if needed. "Ye are protected now. Carey is coming, and ye can trust him. Or I'll be the one kicking his ass."

Ildar nods solemnly to Isla. Watching the two of them go for a moment. He takes a breath in, then lets it out quietly. Letting that grip that the fetish had on him go, so that rage can raise unfettered, he snarls silently, balling his fist as he stares at the body for a moment. Rage tamped down, slowly, steadily, he resumes that full control and moves to get to work. The first steps are getting that cleansing done, going through that ritual quickly and effectively as it's just the one area. Once done, the body is moved, hidden for the moment so that it can be recovered and taken care of later. This is also when he makes sure that anything relevant to leading to him is removed. No prints. Once that's done, he'd stalk the streets as the predator he is, no one wanting to really pay attention to the ball of rage that makes them all uneasy as he'd head for that warehouse, making sure he's not followed in the process.

Isla meets a car that comes up. "Hey Carey, this is Jill. Jill this is Carey. He's going to take you to a new place and get you all setup. He'll check up on ye, and anything ye need." Carey offers the girl a bottle of water, and a blanket. "You want some food? Let's go get you something warm. Then I'll show you around."

Isla heads back to the warehouse then once Jill is settled. Once inside, she will open the moon bridge to take Ildar back to the Caern so they can chat.

"So, what did ye learn from all that? What can ye take away?" Isla asks Ildar.

Ildar is quiet for most of that. Watching Jill get handled and then heads through that bridge with Isla. He stares off towards the heart of the Caern for a long moment, takes a breath, then lets it out slowly, looking towards Isla evenly. "That sometimes the hardest thing to do is the right thing. That mercy can be cruel in the short term, to stop long term pains.. That everyone has someone they can lose that can break them." He flexes his hands a little, shaking them slightly to loosen them afterwards. "The best help I could of gave him was killing him. I hated doing it in front of her.. But they both asked for help.. I hate that I have to kill.. but letting him go on would of been so much worse.. I have to protect Gaia and sometimes.. Sometimes that means looking like the bad guy.."

Isla puts a hand on Ildar's shoulder. "Aye. Ye do. And the further along into leadership ye get, the more experience ye get, the tougher those things are. Ye cannae take the easy route sometimes, and with yer strength, yer knowledge, and the gifts that Gaia has given ye, those decisions are more and more important. Ye made it today withnae a blink, and did it. I am proud to say ye have passed me test. Ye are worthy of being an Adren. Go, do yer howl, and make us all proud, aye?"