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Stress Test
Training Day at the Amphitheater when Branton finds out how good his armor really is.
IC Date May 9th, 2019
IC Time Mid-day
Players Branton, Cait, Ildar, Troy, Against the Wind, Kelli
Location Caern
Prp/Tp None
Spheres Gaian Garou and Kinfolk
Theme Song None

Branton is hanging out in the amphitheater sparring with another kinfolk, his opponent weilding a wooden training sword and Branton weilding what looks like one of those collapsable riot batons that's about three feet long. They're going about half speed and Branton is calling out numbers "Three, Four, One. Good! Again." and then repeating a little faster.

Having finished up with some of his paperwork, Ildar would swing by the amphitheater, hearing people in it. Pausing as he watches the sparring, he nods a little and walks closer to stand near the ring. Smiling, he studies the back and forth they're doing curiously, although not interrupting at the moment.

Against the Wind comes out of the Catacombs. His ears twitching back and forth, his nose to the wind as he gets the lupus 411 on the current state of things. As he hears activity in the amphitheater he strides up to the the entrance are and surveys the situation.

The young man Branton's training takes a thwack on his fingers on a high block because he glanced over to see the new arrivals to the Amphitheater. "Shit, you okay?" Branton asks before stopping to take a look "You'll be fine, go get some ice and think about how to balance situational awareness with focus." Then he looks over to the two garou and offers a wave "Anyone else want a go? Looks like I've got an opening in my morning."

Ildar grins wolfishly at the kid who gets wacked for his trouble. He gives an upnod to Branton and smoothly climbs up into the ring. "Sure.. I don't mind giving it a go. What's the specifics you're looking for? As.. well.. I'm much better with just my fists than a weapon. But I'm happy to adjust."

Against the Wind continues to just watch from his position at the main entrance to the amphitheater. His gaze locked on on the training, but his ears still moving back and forth, and his nostrals slightly flaring as he continues to take in scents of the area.

Cait comes down into the Amphitheater with a jaunty bounce to her step. She looks around with bright eyes, watching those fighting in the center and then looks curious. When Ildar jumps into the 'ring', she'll perk an eyebrow up curiously and smiles as she gets closer to take a seat 'ringside' on a bench or rock or log or whatever. "Oh, this will be fun, can I be next?", she calls out cheerfully.

Branton grins at Cait as she comes in and waves "Either you or the Den Father. You can be unarmed if you prefer, just if you're going to shift to a form with claws I'd ask you activate the ring's safety feature. I'm staying armed because I don't have claws, I have toys. I've been looking forward to testing out some of my gear in this combination."

Ildar smiles to Branton and nods a little. "Ok.. I'll activate it to be safe. Just in case." He muses, studying the rod. "So are you allowing gifts then? I want to know how hard you'd like me to go, for your testing.." He looks over to Cait and smirks her way with a small shrug, then goes to the fetish to focus on it, charging it to protect him and Branton both.

Cait leans forward, elbows on her knees as she watches them with a bright grin. "Oh, you have new gear? Man, you're like a mad scientist genius, every time I come by you are testing something.. it's fun!" She'll give Ildar a respectful nod, but her smile is bright, "This will be good to watch, I'm curious how much help gear can offer... especially against an experienced Garou. This will be super interesting because that means others who are not Garou can do this too! ...Probably."

Heading into the theater is Troy, who is carrying his guitar on his back and wearing a button down open chested flannel with a pair of worn jeans. He lifts his hand upwards to the gathered, followed by a 'howdy' that he drawls out to them. Sliding into a seat, he parks a foot up on the bench ahead of him, then starts to strum his guitar.

Against the Wind release a huff at the mention of gear, but for the most part he keeps his overwatch position and keeps his attention focused.

Branton waggles a hand back and forth at Cait "Nothing new in particular just layering options in different combinations. I do have something new in the works but its not quite ready for testing. I've outfitted a couple other kinfolk with some of my basic stuff because they wanted to go on patrols." Waving to Troy as he turns to Ildar, Branton considers "Well, speed and strength are fine. Maybe just leave off the exotics? No trying to tie my brain into a pretzel or melting my ear drums with a sonic scream. That second one is just as unpleasnt as you'd imagine."

Ildar laughs, shaking his head. "I'm not that type of wolf man. I got speed and power. I tend to be an archer. But I'm capable up close. We'll try a round full tilt and you can tell me if it's too much, fair?" He grins, offering that fist bump before he'd settle back to his mark for the spar with an upnod to Branton. "Just say when."

"Oh... now that's cool. Maybe I can send my brothers your way? They want to do shit like this." Cait says with an uplifting of her eyebrows. She'll glance over at Troy as he joins them and offers him a grin and a wave before she looks back up at the sparring area where the two are preparing. She'll grin and go quiet now as she watches with interest. No pressure Den Father, no pressure at all.

"Oh, a fight. Neat." Troy says as he rises up a bit, then begins to rock out on his guitar as he starts to play a heavy line of chords that is just 'perfect' for battle music. Something a little Mad Maxxy. He bobs back and forth as he plays, his fingers shredding the strings through one solo after the other. He gives an upwards nod of his head to Cait and ATW as well.

Against the Wind gives a nod of the muzzle to Troy as he continues to watch the sparring unfold, <<As the Bone Gnawer Galliard Dances with Budwiser once said...prepare for clean up on isle 6...>>.

Branton grins broadly at Troy and nods as he starts up a sound track and Branton reaches down to touch the Sunshaped white gold beltbuckle, and an aura of flickering energy springs up around him as he comments to Ildar "And if I need to back off, let me know."

Cait turns her head to look up at the wolf that was watching from afar, apparently she didn't see him. She'll grin a bit at that, saying, "That Bone Gnawer still around?", and then looks back to the stage to see what's going on. Of course, the musical accompaniment is given a little chuckle.

Against the Wind gives a single shake of his large muzzle, <<No, he is in his own Sept far in the frozen lands.>> he chuffs as he swings his muzzle to point to the the north east before returning his gaze.

Ildar studies Branton and nods a little to himself. After some initial attempts to mess with him, he'd just lay into him as only a street punk knows how. Those punches are fast and furious, managing to outlast the desperate defense that Branton puts up with a final smack to the chest that knocks Branton down! Ildar pulls back on that last swing, watching for a moment, then relaxes out of his stance with a small nod.

Branton is a skilled fighter, possibly one of the best human fighters in the city. And it is a testiment to that skill that an Adren Ahroun raining down an impossibly fast flurry of rage fueld speed punches. In the end though, Branton topples like a felled tree.

Ildar laughs, grinning as he stands and offers Branton a hand up. "Definitely man. That's why I asked if I should of held back.. But you still held up like a rock! I know my knuckles are going to be bruised for a bit off that armor.."

Branton is sitting on one of the benches catching his breath after having lost his brief bout with the Den Father before he had to leave. Sipping at some water seems to be more his speed for the moment.

Now that the glorious sparring has ended, Troy has ceased the frantic play of his guitar and is now just strumming in a light, 'calming down' tune. He watches his fingers carefully as the move along the chords as he works through this new song that he is working on. "You guys are pretty awesome." He says with a grin on his face. "I feel like I need to step up or something. I didn't know people could move like that."

Cait hops up and walks on over to Branton to crouch near him and smile up at him as he pants. "That was awesome.", she agrees with Troy. "You really took it! Good job Branton!" She's not kidding either, Cait is clearly impressed how Branton actually stood standing for that long.

Branton nods at Cait and grins "I was looking for a stress test for my armor. This certainly was that. If it weren't for healing gifts I'd have polkadotted bruises for days." Troy gets a wry grin and a shrug "Weapons work for an hour a day, and lots of excercise."

Cait grins and then waves at Troy as he heads off before looking at Branton again, carefully looking him over. "You really aren't that badly hurt?", she'll ask him and then smiles, "You know, it's only because you were fighting the Den Father. If you fought me, not sure how it would have turned out.", she'll say with a chuckle.

Branton is sitting on one of the front benches drinking from a waterskin and talking with Cait "Not very much at all now that I've been healed. Still can tell I did work though. We can have a go in a bit if you want."

Cait's crouched before Branton as she chats with him, her forearms resting on her knees as she smiles at him. "Well I'm glad you're healed... have a go?", she'll query and then laugh. "I dunno, I have lost my confidence after seeing that previous fight.", she says playfully. When Kelli comes wandering in, Cait looks up and smiles, rising smoothly as she waves. "Hey Kelli!"

Kelli waves to Cait, "Hey, whats up girl? My gym buddy getting a good work out in?" she glances around to see if the family is around, "Hows the fam?" she smiles to Branton as well, a wiggle finger wave given his direction.

Branton waves back at Kelli and then to Cait "Fair enough. In fact I might go have a lie down. For all that the match lasted maybe four seconds the healing afterwards is a little tiring."

Cait laughs at Kelli and grins at her, "WEll I haven't worked out yet, but I did see a pretty awesome fight. Branton here was testing out some shit, and it was pretty spectacular how it stood up to the Den Father." She'll grin and looks over at Branton and smiles at him, "If I could help you, I would... you want me to carry you home?", she'll wink at him teasingly.

Branton shakes his head at Cait "I appreciate the offer but I'll be teleporting. I've got a thing that as long as I'm within fifty miles or so of my house it'll jump me there. If you can make talens or fetishes I'll show you how."

Kelli blinks when Branton mentions teleporting. "Oh..." she just says quietly, the plain kin surrounded hy a world of wonders. She takes it all in stride, "Cool."

Cait looks at Branton and grins. "You have all the toys.", she'll say with amusement. "Hell, I'd love to learn that shit, but I can't do jack right now. Maybe in .. I dunno, a few years?", she'll say with a wink. "Well you get some rest, it was great to watch... thanks for letting us." Then she'll look over at Kelli and smiles at her, "Branton's cool, very cool, he's totally my bff.", she'll announce.

"Ooo, BFF?" Kelli teases as she comes closer for girltalk, because thats her super power, "Does someone have a crush?" she teases further.

Branton chuckles "It'll be sooner than that. I'll have to teach you a bit about sorcery and how it works so you can explain to the spirit what you need from it. Just let me know when you're ready for lessons." And he gets up and heads out.