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Windows 7?!
Vic talks to Raise about the New Hope MMA computer server and its chosen OS.
IC Date September 2nd, 2020
IC Time Afternoon
Players Raise and Vic
Location New Hope MMA (the Apartment)

Raise comes walking in from the front gym, he has a towel around his neck and sweat on his brow. He heads to the fridge for a bottle of water.

One of the coffee tables has been taken over by Vic. On it there are print outs in various places, a printer that the printouts came from at a corner where an uncautious bump could cause it to spill onto the floor, and her laptop located securely in the center of the table. Vic is sitting cross legged on the floor facing the sofa from the opposite side of the table alternatively looking at her laptop screen and her smartphone in her left hand, occasionally typing into the former or swiping on the latter with her free right hand. She doesn't turn to look in Raise's direction but idly says, "Security system is extremely impressive. The server set up... lacking in many ways. I can't believe you're using /Windows/ for that. As far as my research shows its as Swiss-cheezy in this world as it was in mine... plus Seven apparently hit its end of life this year."

Raise comes out with his water and smiles, "So... fixable?" he walks over in front of the TV and opens a side cabinet revealing a printer. Then pulls a HDMI cable out and stretches it across to the laptop but does not plug it in. Then he gets a bluetooth mouse and keyboard and sets them within you reach, "There is a network back here too but it does not connect to the front one. It is just a home network including this computer out here and the one in the home office back here. But totally usable. The HDMI will let you use the big screen as a monitor."

"Thanks but for now no thanks," Vic replies, "Your world's HDMI is weird and I'm still getting used to how it looks."

After a pause she says, "Well thank the digital gods that nobody let you talk them into connecting the two networks directly. You should only connect to your business network directly or though a secure VPN. I'll set that up for you also." She thrusts a piece of paper at Raise and says, "I want to buy this server. Its not cheap but you wouldn't buy ... I don't know what you need to use for your fighting, what's something important for what you do Raise?" She finally turns to look up at the near giant of a man as she asks the question.

Raise looks at the paper and nods, "When the guys I hired tied the app into my server they told me I needed an upgrade." he nods and his eyes get big as he cocks his head trying to see if the number was going to change, "I mean that is not too bad. At least I will not have to finance it. Sure submit the paperwork to the accountant with the exact specs. I will tell him I approve so there should be no delay on funding."

Raise adds as an after thought, "Is it better having the security and main servers seperate or would it be better to combine them?"

Vic watches Raise's reaction and visibly suppresses a chuckle. "Remember we're protecting your patron's personal and financial information," she says kindly, "A bit of up front cost to keep them protected and thus their good will towards you is worth it. I'll work on the software architecture until I'm certain of its security and then run a routine to port the data over seamlessly." She nods. "No, we need to keep them separate and the security system is tight," she explains, "This is just for the main server. Whoever did the set up was very much focused on the security over the computer system in general."

Raise nods, "Silvana knows her stuff that is for sure. And that all sounds great. Just let me know if there is anything else you need. Ohh and, "he points to the printer." that is wireless. You just need to be signed into the network to get access. The network password is taped on the inside of the cabinet door."

Silence. Vic's initial reaction is to quietly stare at Raise. "Wait, hold on," she says, "This is the staff-wifi network we're discussing." Brief pause followed by, "Is the cabinet lockable? please tell me that its locable and that the key is only held by a small number of people."

Raise chuckles, "No it's just the WIFi for back here. There is another one in the main gym for customers. I said network and meant WiFi but that is just for us to use. It is stronger because there are less people using it and it has it's own... uhhh repeaters I might not be remembering that work right. But yea this area back here is restricted to just us Mystic types so I don't have a lock on the cabinet no. But there is not much on this betwork back here. Some games and movies and music is about it."

"Okay," Vic says with a sigh. "That's good to know. So, yeah, I'll get a formal proposal written up for your accountant and then get working further on this for you," she confirms. She then closes her laptop lid and stands up. "That water looks extremely good, it'll be better with carbonation and some sugar and artificial sweeteners," she says as she walks to the fridge. Turning around from it with a Code Red which she twists the top off of she asks, "When you say mystic types, how far does that go? Would it include Bygones by any chance?"

Raise cocks his head quizically, "What is a Bygone?" he moves over to the crock pot and removes the lid to check on the rump roast. It already smelled good but with the lid coming off it intensifies. He looks to you after replacing the lid, curiosity showing.

Vic takes a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the cooking roast. She ponders for a moment on the answer and says, "Beings from a bygone age. Could be viewed as monsters by some but despite that being an extremely incorrect oversimplification."

Raise shakes his head, "You are not selling it very well. Umm why do some see tham as monsters? And you say beings which makes me think of Vampires and Werewolves and I don't know much about either of those beings but I have been advised to stay away. What is different about Bygones?"

"They're beings of myth that for the most part haven't been part of the world in ages and ages," she says. "For example, if you were having tea with a dragon who happened to be the one that St. George fought and they were a kind and thoughtful person who simply really didn't like people trying to take the things they collect how would you judge them?"

Vic says, “Plus, for all you know, you've already met one or two.”

Raise stutters, "A... A.. Dr..dragon? You mean Dragons are real? I uhh am not sure I would have the nerve to sit at a table with a Dragon. I mean they breath fire and can swallow a person whole and all. Wow, you don't seem to be pulling my leg either. Dragon's really... Wow." he can only gape at the moment as his brain tries to process

Vic shakes her head. "No, no, he'd look human potentially. But yeah, a dragon maybe... or well... a pegasus... or anything out of myth like that," she says.

Raise shakes his head, "Well I am not too sure about opening the doors to dragons and orcs and medusa's and the like. I mean I could not stop something like that if it decided to tear the place apart. I don't know. I might bring it up to a couple other Willworkers I know and see if they have any light to shine on the matter." he then mumbels, "Dragons that look human, that is a scary thought."

Vic nods. "Good idea," she says and asks, "Do you know Bobbi? If not I should introduce you to her." She seems to be ready to wait for an answer before she exclaims, "OH! Also, I told a couple of my fellow mages about your classes, at least one of them expressed interest in them."

Raise smiles and nods, "Bobbi is the one who said I should give you a shot. So I did. And that is fantastic, always happy to train more of our own. I think Dawson might be good to ask about Bygones, he seems like the type that might know more on the subject."

"Oh yeah?" Vic responds to the comment about Bobbi. "Awesome. She's started teaching me about them after I met one recently," she explains and adds, "Don't know Dawson but multiple sources of information is never a bad thing." She then sips some of her soda.

Raise smiles and nods, "Are Bygones allowed in Roasters Basement?" he seems more curious now that you said Bobbi was teaching you about them. He then adds, "Dawson owns a biker bar downtown. It is a bit of a rough and tumble place but Dawson is good people."

Vic shakes her head and lifts her shoulders slightly in a shrug. "Honestly, I don't know if they are allowed in the basement or not," she says, "I know you are and I am, a few other people, but all are mages or sorcerers."

Raise smiles and nods, "Well I would like to learn more about these Bygones. You said you met one? Was it the Dragon St. George fought?" excitement can be heard rising as the thought of dragons being real settles into his thought processes

Vic laughs and shakes her head. "No, no. The one I met isn't a dragon and has nothing to do with St. George," she says and then explains, "I met one that could be viewed as similar... different cultural references but the their 'presence' is similar enough that I used them as an example... and we had waffles together not tea."

Raise laughs, "You had waffles with a dragon. Wow. I never though I would say that and mean it litterally. Holy shit. There are dragons. That would be one bad ass picture."

Still chuckling a bit, Vic says, "Like I said, not a dragon. But I'm not about outing someone's secrets for them so we'll leave it at that." After a sip of the soda again she says, "So yeah, there likely are dragons but I can't confirm that for you, Raise."

Raise sags a bit, "No dragons." he then pipe's up, "Well maybe if you see this not-a-dragon again you could ask him for me?" he seems to get hopeful again.

"You mean if there are dragons?" Vic asks and nods. "Sure, I'll ask them that next time I talk to them."