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2019.04.20: Services to be Rendered
Dawson and Blod come to a deal
IC Date April 20, 2019
IC Time Early Evening
Players Dawson,Blodskadi Ulwin, Alice
Location Styx and Stones
Spheres Mortal+

Styx and Stones - Pool Hall


Early evening at the Styx and the pool hall is about a third as full as it will be as it approaches midnight. For now the place is filled with the regular folks - doing their back-table deals, discussing the news of the week over a game or munching down on some food while waiting for someone to show up. Music blasts out from old speakers as the crew continues to go about its business - getting the place ready for when the real trouble shows up later.

Seated behind but to one side of the bar, a white-haired guy in his mid twenties absently flicks through his phone as though sending texts and answering calls - the busy man never seems to catch a break to just chill.

Blodskadi Ulwin enters the place, sneezing as the smoke hits him, looking back up with a grimace as he straightens his jacket and begins to walk towards the seeder part of the room. His eyes flick about randomly as he walks towards a group of thugs which he promptly taps on the shoulder "Hey, you know what you owe." he says quite seriously to a big thug. The thug simply looks up, looking pissed for a moment before quickly pulling out some cash with a smile and says a few words in spanish. Blod nods simply as he takes the cash, counting it out before walking towards the bar to order something, putting most of it in his jacket before actually looking about the room.

Danny, a young Latino man with big arms and the tattoos of someone that's done military service, looks up and over to the blond-ish looking guy that approached the bar. "What'aya have?" he asks and rattles off a few of their cheaper beers as options plus the food the kitchen can cook up for him; burgers, loaded fries, wings, etc. The music changes pace and the thugs that Blod just approached occasionally look back to the guy, to the bar and then to Dawson. The owner gets off his phone and stands to slide it into a back pocket while he walks over to a coffee pot that seems to be the only source of a non-alcoholic beverage in the place. He turns slightly, notices Blod and calls out to him. "Hey...what you doin here?" he asks in a more curious rather than accusatory tone. While waiting for an answer he fills up an old, white coffee mug and takes a sip.

Blodskadi Ulwin smiles politely with a nod as he takes a seat "Hey, thank you for your service sir, I'll take a burger with some fries, water if you have it, or I'll take some coffee if you don't." he says pointing to the coffee pot. He would rest his hand, on on top of the other before looking towards Dawson "Ah, Mr. Dawson, just wanted to stop by, had some business to do, try the food, mostly seeing how the place is since I was near by." he says with a shrug before tilting his head slightly and making a motion with his hand after his eyes flick from Dawson, to the coffee pot, then to some random glass in the room "How about your self? Garage still jacked?" he asks with a raised brow as he turns slightly in his seat to face Dawson more, one hand beginning to slowly tap the counter.

Noting the man from the one visit to the scrapyard, Dawson turns and fills another cup of coffee and slides it out for the guy to take. Danny, acknowledging the man's thanks, scribbles down his order and hands it to one of the few waitresses as she passes by for one thing or another. The brunette woman stands five and a half feet tall, of a comfortable weight and with a look that would shrivel plants. Obviously used to life among the lower, criminal sort, she has nothing to fear from these guys - or maybe she just needs the money that much. Either way she heads into the back to drop off the food order. "The garage is slowly getting cleaned out but that's going to take a while - the scrapyard? Ugh," he groans at the very thought and pulls out his phone as if to emphasize the troubles he's been fighting because of it. "Can't get anyone to go in there and pull out the old wrecks - so it's gonna have to be done by hand."

Blodskadi Ulwin glances at his order is taken, smiling politely at the waitress as she passes by before looking back "Well, if your willing to pay, I have time on my hands to help." he says bluntly as he sips at the coffee with a muttered thanks, a vile look on his face as he drinks it, obviously not used to nor a coffee drinker as he puts the mug down carefully and pushing it away slightly before looking at Dawson for a moment "Mr. Dawson, a blunt question, but you back to 'working', or you trying to run straight?" he asks as he puts one hand to scratch his chin and the other continues to tap slowly. He looks relaxed with in the enviroment, sometimes smiling or nodding to obvious thugs or criminal types as they pass by before looking towards Dawson as his eyes flick about randomly.

It doesn't take much for the white-haired guy to pick up that Blod isn't a big fan of coffee, So, he digs into the ice box behind the bar and pulls out a plastic bottle of water and slides it over to him. "How's this?" he asks. "Better?" The frankness of the guy's question draws his attention and a quizical look. "Why do you care?" His tone isn't exactly accusing but there's definitely a tone of 'why is it any of your business'. "I pay people for work. I'm not out to cheat anyone - but it's not exactly easy work. It'll take a while to get the either place cleaned out." You paged Devon with 'thanks. I also think that if people see logs at a place they assume that it's active and that might attract more rp. if that makes any sense.'

Blodskadi Ulwin smiles gratefully as he takes the water and takes a quick sip to get rid of the coffee taste "I don't really care as much Mr. Dawson, but other people who do care are or will be ansy, we both know what that means." he says in a very business like tone as his eyes take an unusal focus on Dawson as he takes a sip "I only care as to either, as put so mastefully by the people here, get the fuck out of dodge. Or change priorites in who needs fixing." he says as his eyes glance over at the wall for a second then back "I never said you were out to chear some one Mr. Dawson, nor am I worried about your inability to pay, I just wanna know for my own sake." he says honestly as he uses a hand to fan some smoke away from his face as he takes another sip "Don't care about how hard it is either, hard work means good pay." he finishes as he looks towards Dawson, a curious expression on his face as he waits for a reply.

"I'm not really all that concerned if people get anxious about what I'm doing," Dawson explains and takes a sip of his coffee. The faint scent of the burger and fries being cooked start to linger through the cloud of smoke, body odor and stale beer in the room. It doesn't smell cheap though. As much as everything else in the place might be just held together with duct tape and spit, the food that comes out of the kitchen ain't no joke. Though not done yet, it's close. "And don't call me Mister. It just sounds weird - like you're a judge or a banker." The man takes another sip of his coffee and hands the undrank cup to Danny to dispose of while they talk. "When would you be able to start," he asks - generally avoiding the answer that the blonde-haired man seems to want to hear. "I'm not much of a morning person but I can have one of the boys meet you there to open the gate." Leaning forward a bit, Dawson rests a forearm on the edge of the bar and bends forward a bit to stretch out his back a little - long hours starting to catch up with him it seems. "But everyone's off-site before the sun goes down."

Blodskadi Ulwin clicks his tongue in thought "I can be there around 1 or 2ish, can't do mornings, been working at the witchs brew." he says simply as he shrugs, a little, not really caring if he gets his answer, almost like Dawson answered it for him. "I can work for a decent three to four hours every other day, or every day if the pay is good enough." he says as he takes a sip of water and licking his lips.

"Ten an hour...cash. Paid after the end of the day." Dawson explains and slides a business card out of his back pocket over to the guy with a number on the back. "Just give this guy a call - tell him I'm sending you in to work. He'll hook you up." No sooner does Dawson offer the man some work does Babs, the waitress - not her real name, show up with his food. She puts the plastic basket with the burger and fries down in front of him and walks away to let him eat. Dawson, taking the moment to let the man eat in peace, followers her back into the back for a while.

Blodskadi Ulwin eats with a small nod, the food was surprisingly ok and not swimming in grease. Smiles happily as he takes his very broken flip phone out to look at things, frowning slightly as some text message and looking towards one of the guys in the back then shakes his head as he looks at the card, nodding slowly as he puts it in his pocket before looking to an empty spot to his left. "What? No, I don't really care, but it would be nice for some extra cash, I could use some new shoes." he says as he looks at the toe sized hold in his shoe with another frown as he eats one of the fries with another approving nod as he raises an eye brow at the chair "As I said, as long as its not going to affect me, I don't care if he's working or not." he says before deciding to ignore the chair, roll his eyes and continues to eat his meal, looking towards the door once and awhile, like he might leave soon.

While Blod is eating, Dawson returns from the back and walks along behind the bar to get back to his coffee cup and a notebook he left back there - his plans and all that. "Shoes?" he asks only catching part of the man's words as he gets close enough to hear them over the background noise of the pool hall. "You're just being pulled in as labor. Unless you want some other kind of work or can provide some other skills. " He watches how the man eats - wondering if he is stuffing it down like a man that hasn't eaten or just comfortably eating with the ease of someone who knows where his next meal is coming from. "What size do you wear? Can't be taller than me by much. YOu're what...a ten - eleven maybe?"

Blodskadi Ulwin eats like a man who may not see his next meal tommorow, slowly and enjoying each bite like it might be his last "Hmmm? Oh no, I wasn't asking for shoes, was planning to use the money I get for shoes." he says before an eye brow shoots up "That is, unless, you have some sort of other work? And depends on what is it obviously." he says, his interest peaked again before he tiltsh is head "Size ten, good guess." he says with a frown "Man, and I hear I thought I was short." he says seriously, giviing Dawson a pitying look of his lack of height as he eats another fry.

"Can you wash dishes?" Dawson asks, jotting something down in his notebook - his eyes giving the eating man an appraising look as though he were assessing him for some potential jobs to come. "You strip? Nah...doubt it. You look like you're more back of the bar kinda work." He's not really judging the guy one way or the other - just more of trying to figure out where he might be able to use him. "I'm always on the look out for a good...worker."

Blodskadi Ulwin furrows his brows "Besides for stripping, I can wash dishes and do some other stuff, what else you got?" he says with a polite smile as he continues to eat, eyes sparkling with potential oppurtunity.

Dawson leans in at the bar, talking with Blod as the blonde-haired guy eats on a basket of burger and fries. "Let's go with the idea that I might have some need of your services. Not now but sometime. Until then, you don't have to worry about food. Just stop by and Tommy will get ya squared away." It's a simple enough of a deal - a sort of retainer of services yet to be in demand. "As for cash...we'll work that out as we go."

Alice makes her way into the biker bar, her face partially obscured by her ashen grey hair and the hood she wears up. Glancing around, she seems to like what she sees and makes her way towards the bar. Alice sits down at Bar.

Blodskadi Ulwin nods "Alright..." he says, the sentence stopping as he takes a bite of burger, obviously in thought as he pulls out a small coin shaped object and passing it to Dawson "Give a call then when things are needed, I warn you, I may or may not ask for more depending on the task, and only after its accomplished." he says before looking towards those entering, doing a double take on Alice as he looks up, blinks and then looks back "Until then, this stands as premise to our deal." he says as he goes back to eating, like he wasn't just making deals.

Dawson nods, accepting the coin and stuffing it down into his pant's pocket while the man finishes his food. The arrival of the newest patron stops their conversation - at least temporarily - as Dawson and Danny, the bartender beside him, both gawk at the ink. Well, only one of them is looking at the ink.

"Agreed," he says in finality apparently approving the not-a-deal that was just made.

Alice raises a hand to catch the bartender's attention, and as he leans forward and over the bar for the order, you hear "Beer, please. Anything will do.". Her voice is strongly accented -- unmistakably English, and seemingly of class. Her face remains covered by the combination of falling hair and clothing, and she seemingly makes no effort to undress herself and relax.

As a bottle is opened and passed over towards her, a tattoo-covered hand grasps it and brings it towards her. She makes no motion to drink it.

Having essentially concluded the serious side of the conversation with the blonde-haired man at the bar, Dawson turns his attention to the tattooed woman and tilts his head to one side, appraisingly examining her ink. "Nice art. Must have taken you a while...and a pretty penny."

Blodskadi Ulwin looks over at Alice as he finishes his meal before his eyes flick about randomly before glancing between the two, drinking his water as he listens to the conversation in the mean time as he glares at an empty chair, like he's telling it to be quite.

Alice turns towards the voice, previously seeming solely focused on the condensation that had built up on her beer bottle. As she lifts her head and face, long strands of hair fall away to reveal more and more of what was hidden beneath. The woman offers a friendly smile, "Oh, these?" She lifts her hands up to examine the back of them, "You should see the rest of me." she finishes with a laugh. "Yes, I've collected them over some years now. I see you're no stranger to ink, yourself."

"Landmarks," Dawson explains, not really pointing to the various bits of ink on his own body but the styles, iconography, even color vary so widely that they look like up to six different people all had a hand at his canvas. "Not been in town long enough to find a new shop, but not sure if I'll need it." Somewhere far away, in a chamber of fire and shadows, some demon or abyssal lord just heard his boast and has put his name on a list. Oh yes, there are lists. Dawson's just shaken his fist at the powers that be and proclaimed that his life will be -boring- in Prospect. Ya'll should just step back now.

Blodskadi Ulwin looks at the tatoos on both people, mildly interested "I never understood the point of tatoos myself, is it a personal prefrence?" he asks with a raised brow as he looks at the two, or more around the two as his eyes dart about, but never actually looking directly at them as he pops another fry into his mouth which he eats slowly.

The woman chuckles softly, "I don't think I have any more blank canvas to paint." she says. "But if you find a good place, do let me know." She turns towards the man seated at the bar that had spoken, "I guess you could say it was personal preference. Somewhere between none, a few and then a whole lot. I guess I fit into the latter."

Blodskadi Ulwin nods "Interesting, but where are my manners? I'm Blodskadi, Blod for short, a pleasure to meet you Ma'am." he says with a smile and a small bow with a raise of his half empty plastic bottle of water as he takes a sip before finishing his last fry on his plate. He reaches into his jacket to scrounge for money, muttering something at an empty chair which he glares at. Almost like the chair said some snarky comment to his muttering back.

Alice brings her own bottle of beer up in retort. "Alice. The pleasure is all mine." she replies, as she places the bottle back on the bar "Blodskadi? What an interesting name. It sounds perhaps Scandinavian in origin?" Her eyes glance from the empty chair back to Blod, deciding not to bring anything up about it.

Blodskadi Ulwin raises a brow as he takes a swig from his bottle "About right Ms. Alice." he says with a polite smile as he pulls out a roll of cash which he unrolls. He begins to place the bills down to pay for his meal slowly and one at a time "So what brings you to this part of town? Obviously not the smoke." he says with perfect timing as he sneezes from the smoke. He puts the wad of cash back in his jacket as he looks back toward her, his eyes darting about from her, to the empty chair then to a beer bottle on the floor as he stretches in his chair.

Jaime makes his way over to take a seat at the bar, and then orders some cheap, domestic beer.

Alice chuckles as she seemingly appears not bothered by the heavy smoke burden in the bar. "Oh, perhaps the company? I'm a little lonely, I guess. I've recently come from abroad and have yet to make any friends." she says sadly, as she finally brings the bottle of beer to her lips and takes a moderate swig. "Why do you ask?" she queries, "Do I stand out?"
