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Latest revision as of 06:22, 21 April 2019

2019.04.20: Auditions, Part 2
Dawson watches as Ken demonstrates his...abilities.
IC Date April 20, 2019
IC Time Near Midnight
Players Dawson, Ken
Location Styx and Stones
Spheres Mortal+

Styx and Stones - Pool Hall


--Continued from Auditions, Part 1--

There's a moment in every romantic comedy where the plucky young hero has been shouting his personal truth to someone a few times but because of the background noise of a crowd or music or something they can't hear it. Then, with the expert timing of a modern sitcom, the background noise suddenly falls off the the plucky hero shouts his truth for all to hear.

...and the music just stopped for Ken. One does not say that they can beat the toughest motherfucker in a biker bar - and then say that they're kidding. Oh no. One does not boast about damned near anything in a biker bar and not expect a challenge. Not one but -both- of the biker clubs seated at the back tables turn and look to the bar to see who was dumb enough to throw down in their presence.

Danny, calling the shots, hops down from the slightly tall stool and reaches for the aluminum baseball bat kept beside it. Thumper, as it's called, is hefted to an easy grip and Ken, not the bikers, is asked - politely - to go outside. It's not because Danny wants to challenge the man to a fight, Oh no. It's because he knows the other thirteen guys behind him -will- and he just wants it all to happen somewhere else.

There's an amused grin when he hears all the scuttles and commotion going on behind him. He takes his pair of shades off, revealing the piercing light brown eyes underneath as he grits his teeth so hard, his gum is showing all over his mouth. Rising up from his stool, he pivots and rotates in place to greet just who has the guts to rise up and heed the challenge. "Yeah, I've had it with you greasy fucks anyway," Ken remarks. When Danny reaches for the bat, there's a glare tossed over to him, then a nod when he's asked to 'take it outside'. Of course, he and the bikers /will/ make their way out.

Stepping into the alley outside, Ken is tailed by the dozen or so bikers who didn't take too kindly to his words. Well, he did say the /toughest/ guy. Not every damn patched member in the joint!

The alley is tight. Crowded, as alley's tend to get when more than a few people roll out into one. As such, its unlikely that more than three or so bikers at a time can get a clean shot at Ken. Folks jostle for position, then square up to attempt to deliver the beat-down. The three bikers use brass knuckles. They're gonna take turns trying to clean Ken's clock.

Ken is bare-handed, but he's up for the challenge. The three greasers begin equipping their brass knuckles, though. Whata bunch of whimps.

Tiny (cuz he's fucking HUGE) gets - well, whatever he gets, it ain't pretty, cuz now he's in a world of hurt. OW! The two bikers connect with solid punches. One blow gets taken easy by ken. The second lands more square and rings his bell a little!

BLAM-O. Ken is made of stern stuff. The bikers? Not so much. At least not tonight! One goes down like a sack of potatoes! Now there are TWO bikers sucking wind on the dirty floor of the alley!

First blood goes to Ken as he steps up and lands a terrifying punch into a biker's face, sending him sprawling onto the floor. Two of his friends retaliate and one manages to rattle his head a tad bit, but it was far from enough to knock him down. Two quick successive strikes then send another biker to the same fate as his friend, unconscious on the alley floor. The last guy standing stands there, and before he can do anything, gets a solid haymaker right in the guts that send him crawling to the floor, as well.

Sometimes, its just not your night. A lesson that the three unlucky SOBs that stepped up to take on Ken have now learned. The final biker goes down like a sack of potatoes from Ken's latest haymaker! The rest? They split, not wanting to put their nonexistent health insurance to the test!

The remaining bikers jolt out of the alley and scatter everywhere like they'd seen a demon or something. Then Ken comes out, knuckles bruised and in the middle of adjusting his black shades as it perches on his nose. There's a bit of blood coming out the edge of his mouth, too, and maybe some from his nose. He enters the pool hall once more after dealing with the band of no-gooders, ordering a beer for himself.