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2019.04.15: I got a bad feeling
Dawson has found some others to help him investigate some bad feelings he’s getting from a recent purchase.
IC Date April 15, 2019
IC Time Late Afternoon
Players Dawson,River, Nyx, Lilian, Anyu, Blodskadi Ulwin
Location New Era Garage
Spheres Mortal+, Mage


New Era Garage - Parking Lot


Dawson drives over from the Roasters, making sure not to lose any of those who said that they'd come help investigate his new project. Should anyone of them wanted a ride, all he had with him was his bike so they'd have to ride with him. He gets close enough to the entrance and pulls a remote out from his vest to activate the gates that open for him with the sound of metal grinding on metal. Once everyone's inside, he closes the gates again to keep things out...and in.

"So this is the newest project. Wanted somewhere to open as a shop - seemed cheep and now I know why," he begins and starts to give a quick tour -outside- of the garage itself. "The first place that I felt the weirdness was out back...here, let me show you..."

Lilian looks about the place then at the others, "You research the history of the land, and places here at all?" as she moves along with them all, taking in some breaths slowly letting her senses open somewhat, but not all she could yet, in case it distracts her from what is about and what Dawson is saying.

Anyu will meet Dawson here and will enter where they enter after having parked her cheap-ass Dodge. She'll have a satchel with her and looks around with a smile, she looks excited, terribly, terribly excited. "So...", she'll say cheerfully as she follows inside. "What was the weirdness you felt exactly? Like, was it slimey, or cold?" Seeing River, Anyu will smile at her and move to position herself next to her.

Nyx follows along with the band of would be ghost hunters, hands remaining in her coat pockets. She looks over as another joins the group, giving her a short nod before she too starts to look around.

River looks around as she enters and well, there is no trying to see the various layers of reality. She instead just tunes her cponcentration down a bit to let it all in at once. "Lets see what we have here."

"Uh...," Dawson looks at Anyu, "I've done some work within old graveyards and usually they're pretty quiet. But once...one time outside of Tuscon, I got to an old, abandoned yard that was sort of a mass grave from the early ninteen hundreds or something. That place gave me the twitches." He continues to walk towards the woodland lot in the back and adds, "...This was worse."

New Era Garage - Back Lot

The lot is heavily wooded with California Oaks, the perimeter of the acre-sized space is completely fenced in by the enormous trees. As you move inward from the edge, a dense snarl of heavy underbush and abandoned wrecks create a natural border for a clearing at its center.

The clearing could be described as a rough circular area devoid of wrecks and with several large boulders probably too large or costly to move when the space was turned into a scrap yard all those decades ago. Accessed by a trail wide enough for a four-wheeler, the clearing is easily fifty yards or so from the back of the buildings that make up the shop.

Nyx follows along, quiet as she listens to the others talk and ask their questions. As they come into the clearing she pauses for a moment, closing her eyes to focus before starting to slowly look around. Her eyebrow raises up slowly, going Mr. Spock proud before she says simply, though sounding impressed. "Boy are you fucked." River looks around "yea step one, burn this place to the ground, salt the earth and then move!"

Lilian takes one look about the place, and backs up then spins about with well an "Fuck me, this is...you need to research the history here, this place is a cluster fuck." looking at the place, then the others. "Where to start would be the best question, it needs to be cleansed or it will...the things this place could be used for, hell." shaking her head, "Do you know of priest mages, and those that could well..." not even sure where to start.

Anyu pauses as she steps out here and just looks sad, very very sad. "This place..", she'll say with tears in her eyes as she looks around. "The awful things that must have been done here. So much suffering.."

Nyx glances to Lilian before she speaks again, "I think what she's trying to say, is this is a necromancers playground. You've got bodies, and lots of them." She seems less emotionally effected, more just surprised. "How could this many people end up here and nobody notices?"

Hearing that he's fucked, that he should burn the place to the ground and salt the earth or if they don't see to know where to start to fix the place just -fills Dawson with happiness and joy; really. His eyes glance to the ground, his lips flatten and he lets out a faint breath of aggravation.

"Yeah...see...that's what I was hoping I was wrong about," he begins, "...when I first came back here I thought it'd be perfect but now...it's like trying to plug a christmas light into a power plant." He bends to his haunches, peering at the fire ring at the center of the circle of stones and reaches out a hand as though trying to feel the heat from a long-dead fire. "I...dunno."

The round clearing is probably a dozen yards across with the boulders around the edge like a poor-man's stone circle with a raised fire pit of stacked stone at their center. The stones are only about three or four feet tall at the most and probably as big around as an average oil drum. Like flattened teeth, the nine stones erupt from the soil at nearly regular intervals as though placed there on purpose.

Anyu looks around some more, but doesn't really move from where she stopped. She'll look at the ring that Dawson puts his hand over and she'll frown a bit, "This definitely looks like a ritual area.. an -evil- ritual area. I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, but this will probably warp whatever you want to do. The energies are awful and powerful."

Nyx shakes her head slowly, "I wouldn't even know where to begin on purifying this." she agrees with the current train of thought. "Can't do that with the bodies here, trapped like they are. This is beyond Buffalo Bill territory. The previous owners need to be hunted down, that's for sure."

"The garage still has the same vibe - but not as strong," Dawson stands and backs away from the ring of stones and looks at the women gathered. "Is there any hope in fixing that place? Or fix -any- of it?" He starts to walk away from the fire ring - perhaps not wanting to be anywhere near this place even as the shadows start to lengthen a bit.

Lilian says, "Well you need to first move all the bodies then properly have them all buried, then cleansing...and if someone commits a greater evil after it is cleansed, you cleanse it, you need a priest well versed on exorcism, cleaning and putting restless dead to rest. But for years after this land will take to evil acts quicker then good ones, sort of attuned, has to be retrained."

Dawson answers an incoming message to his phone while listening to the women.

Nyx nods slowly. "It sucks, but I'd say the first thing is to call the cops. These all need to be identified and given back to their families if they have them."

Anyu's bright blue eyes slide to Lilian as she speaks, and she perks up, looking very interested in what she's saying. Nodding to her, she'll then lok back to Dawson and shakes her head slightly, "You need to clear out a lot. If you do -anything- here, it will be warped... tainted." She'll sigh and then say, "Definitely need a lot of cleansing here, and .. these poor souls need help." Anyu looks almost overwhelmed by all of this, and there are tears still in her eyes, she's not used to his much.... Evil.

River says, "Seriously Id burn it down and salt the earth and pray salt keeps the dead down. I mean I dont know allot about wraiths but this is bad."

Lilian sighs, "We do need to know the history of this place, so well...could read back, but it will look like I am some crazy meditation for a bit, never good to do that one fast, once I set my circle could be out of it 15 to 30 minutes."

Dawson shakes his head quickly and the words, "No Cops" all but bark out of his mouth at Nyx. Trying to back pedal a bit, he explains that if the cops are notified than whoever or -what-ever used this place could hear that we've picked up on their secret. "We need to handle this without getting them involved. They won't have the first -clue- what's going on."

Nyx arches an eyebrow at him. "They won't be able to help with how fucked up it is, but putting the dead to rest is kind of the goal here. Leaving them down there is just begging for repeats." She shrugs, "But it's your perpetual nightmare."

Anyu's phone chimes at her and she'll glance down at it, read it quietly and look a little confused. Texting back, she'll look up at Dawson curiously and then sighs as she says, "We could potentially talk to one of the ghosts, if we could get them to talk to us without trying to attack us.." She'll nod at Nyx in agreement, "Also, putting the dead to rest is a good thing to do. Give them some closure..."

Lilian hmms, "Even if all the bodies are dug up and somehow identified you need a priest of truth faith, or a mage of true faith of some sort to lay this all to rest, then the cleansing or consecration. Depending on your plans for the place, and do not forget to chase off the spirits of blood and destruction then lure the types of spirit you want here to cultivate, and change the area." softer, "you will have allot of steps to do to make this place safe for you."

Dawson looks to Anyu and tells her that Bloodskadi was asking about this place. "I told him to ask you about it - you know him, right?" Once everyone's given him their 'professional' advice, he turns back to the garage and is just shaking his head the entire time. He's gonna lose a lot of money on this and he can't see a way out of it. "Let's get out of here..."

New Era Garage - Parking Lot

Nyx shrugs and adds. "There's also no way that's going to be a one person job. That's...too much. They could get overwhelmed. It's like poking a wounded bear. Once you've got it's attention...there's no way to know how it's going to react"

Blodskadi Ulwin looks at the fence with a frown as he mumbles silently. He jumps on the fence siding as he makes his way in, stealthy as possible, stopping to check his phone and looking confused "The hell..." he says softly before landing on the other side.

"And I don't have a coven...fuck." Dawson curses and rests against his bike parked here in the lot. "Hell, I'd probably need more than one to even make a dent in this place. "Shit shit..." his frustration starts to boil over inside him and he spins upon hearing someone come over the fence. "The fuck?"

Anyu follows Dawson and the others out from the wooded area and still looks very sad. She gives Dawson a look of compassion as she says softly, "It's possible to fix it, but it'll be a lot of effort, and I don't think it's a bad thing to do." When he curses, she'll look over at the fence and then stare, frowning and looking at her phone before looking at Blodskadi again. Sighing, she'll say, "What are you doing?"

Lilian hmms, and looks to Dawson, "Well there is trade of favors for assistance, there is also building the right coven as well to do what you need and sharing together as well." then she looks to the one who just came here and nods to him.

Nyx starts to ask a question of Lilian, but then there's someone jumping over the fence and she stops after, "Do..." Her lips press together and her eyebrow arches up again, her hands tensing in her pockets. Blodskadi Ulwin looks concerned as he walks over, grumbling about jumping over more silently next time as he shows his phone "Dude, you don't post its dangerous to come when you just sent out a thing to come help, and then I get these mis-communicating texts, whats going on?" he asks, looking concerned and frustrated as he straightens his jacket and dusts his pants off, frowning at a stain that won't come out as he comes over grumbling and sweaty, like he rushed over here.

Dawson suggests, with a wave of his hands, that people get closer and closer to the gate as if proximity to the garage or to the lot behind it would somehow infect them with - something. "Dude, I dunno you. I was trying to keep you out of this place because..." he looks between Anyu and the others and then back to the young guy, "...it's dangerous." It's as accurate a description he can give without spilling too much metaphysical truth on the guy all at once.

"I'll lock the place up as well as I can - but you might want to tell the others that this place is no good and to urge them to stay away."

Lilian nods, "Well ask to some of us if you need help, do not try to do this alone Dawson." softer, "We are community, we should start acting more like one."

Anyu frowns slightly and puts her hands on her hips as she looks at Blodskadi, "How is it miscommunicating to say it's dangerous, and stay away?" She'll sigh and then smile though, "You always run head first into danger, don't you?" Moving without much urging, awayyyyyy from the danger zone, anyu will nod to Dawson and say with a sigh, "Do you want me to ask around, for suggestions on what to do? And what might work?" She'll nod at Lilian and say, "Yes, please don't try to do this alone, I don't want you to get hurt..."

Nyx turns slightly, looking back the way they came, her lips pursing lightly as she thinks. Her foot lifts lightly in a tap or two, then she turns back to follow the group with a glance at Anyu then Dawson. She appears to be mulling something over, but nothing she's saying out loud.

Dawson turns to Anyu and then to Lilian, "Hey, if you know people who can and would help -without- calling in the seven o'clock news and half a county worth of cops that'd be cool. But I can't stress this enough," he takes a moment to let this sink in. "No...cops. If they start poking around here they won't even pause to wonder how I found out about the stuff here. They'll assume it's all mine and I'll be in jail that very night. No thank you."

Lilian nods, "Yeah and you know us all too." with a wink and smile, "I think we can find the right people, and be prepared to well learn allot of crazy shit in the process. It will be a journey."

Blodskadi Ulwin raises an eyebrow as he looks at the garage then back at Dawson, then at the garage before listening and looking at Anyu "Only when friends, food, and good opportunities present themselves." he says honestly before raising another eyebrow as he listens as he looks at the place again, obviously thinking something before his eyes flick about.

Kaati pages: Drop me a meet if it's OK. I don't want to crash your thing if you'd prefer not, but I would love for Kaati to get involved in something since it's right up her alley. And there's enough of a reason for her to check it out. She wouldn't do anything more than look, obviously, since you're taking off.

Nyx smirks faintly, "No one said anything about calling the news. I have another idea, but it might not be a popular one either." turning to start walking back towards the gate. Dawson hops on his bike and starts the engine - the near universal symbol that it's time to go. He grabs the remote from his vest and opens the gate to let people drive out. "Let's get out of here," he urges over the low rumble of his bike.

This, in combination with the many corpses buried here as well, should leave a seriously 'bad vibe' for those who are sensitive to such things.'

Walking towards the gate since she parked outside, Anyu will wave at Blod, "You want a ride?", she'll ask him, although looks at him with a little bit of interest, as if she's seeing something new for the first time. Then, back to Nyx and Dawson, she'll nod and then looks around as she walks, her expression turning sad again when she sees the wooded lotted area from afar.

Blodskadi Ulwin sighs obviously disappointed as he pants, wiping his brow "Yes please Anyu." he says with a smile as he heads for the front as he looks toward the building suddenly, then back shaking his head. as he heads out the gate, hands in pockets.