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2020.02.16 Trip to Lunas Court
Trip to visit Lunas court
IC Date Febuary 16, 2020
IC Time Late Evening and overnight
Players River, Clarisse, Riker, Paul Barakat, Alexander, Merek, Natalie H., Alexander,
Storyteller River
Location Lunas court
Spheres Bastet, Kinfolk

(Please add any bits if you have additional logs)

The invitation to a ritual from drawing down the moon was sent out by River to all the Bastet and Kinfolk. As you arrive at the designated time and place your find yourself in the forest in a clearing about a mile from the nearest road. A trail of luminary leads the way to the clearing (jars with small tea candles in them. As you arrive at the circle River is going over her notes again and an Elderly looking woman stands by offering her a look of patience. She has a middle eastern look, but other than dark hair and olive shin she looks allot like River actually. Possibly, and probably a close relation of some kind.

Natalie's long strides bring her to the clearing. She pauses at the edge for a moment, but then slowly she paces into the clearing. She dips her head to the older woman respectfully, and then to River, "Hey there." She offers quietly.

With a bit of help, Clarisse arrived and smiled as she could see her sister there, also offering a respectful bow of her head to the lady in the clearing. She smiles offer reassuringly to River, but tries not to disturb her while she is clearly thinking so seriously either. "Hello Miss."

Alexander vroom vrooms on the way toward the clearing, checking the bike someplace out of the way and striding toward the clearing. Most everyone gets a pat on the shoulder or a fist bump. Natalie and Clarisse, though, get full on hugs as they all arrive and gather.

Paul arrives on time, his backpack slung over one shoulder and waves over to River, grinning at her. He waits patiently as she finishes with the elderly woman, and uses that time to greet everyone else in an excited voice, "Evening Miss Natalie, Miss Clarisse." He smiles to Alexander then, "Hello, Sir. It's been a while since I've seen you. How have you been?"

Merek makes his way to the place that the main ritual will be, while he takes the time to snap on his white-black armor, along with a nice ring and a weapon at the hip which is blade which is runed upon the black material, the hilt covered in leather, which is sheathed upon the back. A nice cloak is pulled about as well.

Riker used to a walk Finds himself there in no time and walking up along the path of luminary lights he finds himself in the clearing in no time at all. Seeing Clarisse is there he walks over to where she is and the group forming, nodding to them all. This looked like the right place.

River smiles and waves to people as she sees them arrive at the clearing. "Welcome all my friends and family." She grins as she says "I put allot of work into this and wanted to do something special for all of you." She then motions to the older woman This is my great aunt.

Natalie hugs Clarisse, and when Alexander comes up, he gets a hug too, as does Paul. She smiles greeting to the others. When River speaks, her attention turns back to her and she says, "Thank you for this."

The older woman holds out her arms and smiles I am Aaliyah, Rivers aunt on her Fathers Side. I am a Bubasti kinfolk and sorceress to the Sister Hood of Luna. My great niece asked me here to supervise and in case of an emergency help if need be. Please I am mostly only here to watch. She moves over to find a seat at a fallen log. As she moves it is with an obvious limp and with the use of her trusty walking stick. You can almost smell the faith rolling off this woman.

Clarisse smiles as she is hugged and returns hugs to those given and settles settling between Natalie and Riker this evening, gently holding to Riker's hand, smiling to him warmly. "We are truly grateful for this invitation." Her voice is that gentle hint of gaelic and softness about it. "We are very grateful you are here to share your wisdom and watch as well."

Alexander inspects the trappings of the ritual, trying to glean what he can from it. He already seems chill, and has a bit of that ganja smell going on. "Thank you. I'm sure this'll be an enlightening trip." He has no problem with extra hugs. Just a big cuddle cat right now.

Paul returns the hugs he gets, and then turns to the woman as she introduces herself. He bows his head to her respectfully, "Nice to meet you, Ma'am. I'm Paul Barakat. Thank you for such a wonderful opportunity."

Merek looks to the people, listening to what the older woman has to tell all of them. The cloak is pulled about him while he notices that no one has greeted him, with as such, he keeps to himself.

River smiles as she sees Merek standing all alone and walks over to hug him as well as she says "This way vader, feel the light side of the force."

Clarisse smiles at Merek warmly and does move over to give him a hug too, "I am so sorry my friend. It is good to see you here too. She offers hugs around to thos she hasn't offered them too yet as well, including the lady as well. She just can't seem to go without hugging those that mean so much to her tonight even River's Great Aunt.

A little later a elderly man comes walking into the clearing from the other direction. Oh this one Just screams Bubasti on every level. He still has that lean dusky look. As he walks in Aaliyah walks over and bows her head before hugging him and smiles "It is good to see you again brother!" The old one smiles and makes gestures with his hands signing to his sister. Aaliyah smiles and says "This is my brother Aimu - Silent Walker, Bon Bhat, of the Bubasti. He has agreed to honor us with helping to lead the ritual to open the gateway." The Elder bastet bows his head to those present and makes a gesture for you all to carry on.

Merek offers a light hug to Clarisse, and to River, while he nods a bit, still he keeps that cloak to him while he watches as well as listens.

Alexander would have included Merek with the fist bumps and shoulder pats (hugs going to Pridemates unless others initiate). Aimu gets a small, respectful bow in accordance with his rank. "Maahes' Sword, Ilani of the Simba."

Merek looks between the people of the Bastet, while he stands up. He does offer a hand to Alexander, and after that, he thinks about it. "Merek de Black, Bubasti Kinfolk," he says.

Paul bows his head deeper to the man, telling him in a voice tinged with awe, "A pleasure to meet you, Sir. I'm Paul Barakat, kin to those who walk the dark sands of Khem. I'm honored to meet you."

Riker smiles as Clarisse's hand slips into his and then they are directed to introduce themselves,. "It is an honor to be here among Gaia's best..." Even as he begins to open his voice any could tell he was born to be a orator, the voice was like a loud bubbling brook, but heard like the raging rivers in the great jungles. Deep and with a flow that many might think he is a master of speechcraft, "I am Riker Faerune, Rited on the day of my true birth Ghost-Before-the-Dawn, Tekhmet of the Khan and brother to Volcano."

Natalie dips her head toward the Elder and offers, "Natalie Matthews, Ilani of the Swara." She steps back a small step as others speak.

Clarisse offers softly her introduction to the man, offering a deep respectful bow of her head, "Clarisse Annah McElroy, Tekmet of the Swara." Her voice soft and very respectful. "Rited Crimson Rogue."

River smiles and bows her head showing respect as she says River Salama Pristess of the Sisterhood of Luna, Bubasti kinfolk.

The Elder Bubasti smiles and gestures to his sister Aali and then gestures to the gathering. Aali smiles and bows her head "I am here to serve as the voice to my brother. He was wounded long ago in battle and lost his ability to speak as a cub. We is honored to meet so many American cousins and thanks you all for coming to this important ritual to Honor Luna.

River heads off to where a large bundle has been gathered. She returns with a basket stuffed with herbs. Anise, cabbage, camphor, cucumber, iris, jasmine, lettuce just to name a few. She goes about setting up the herbs in the center of the clearing. She than takes a large jar of powder and shoves her hand inside. She brings out this fist full of powder and throws it high into the air. it floats for a second and then falls in an amazingly neat near perfect circle around her on the ground. It is a sublte thing but a Rabbit made from jade hops over in the Umbra to the herbs and leans over to inspect the offerings.

Natalie watches the rabbit curiously, and frowns a little bit, but she says nothing as she watches the spirit.

The Rabbit seems satisfied with the offerings and in a moment both promptly vanish. In the real world the circle glows faintly and the offered herbs of the moon vanish into thin air.

Clarisse watches quietly with those bright blue eyes of hers. blinking as the rabbit seems to vanish before her and it makes her smile.

Merek looks at a journal which he keeps with him, writing in it. The man looks to be content while he watches, shifting his cloak about that armor which he wears.

Paul gives a nod of his head as he watches the rabbit. He smiles to River then, giving her a proud expression.

Alexander leans closer to the circle and sniffs, then inhaling deeply through his mouth and admiring the work... "So, do we all stand in the circle?" that is how that normally works...

Riker waits watching the rabbit appear then disappear, the glow of the circle, but he remains silent waiting to find out what they need to be doing.

River bows her head and steps to the side as Silent Walker steps up. He gestures you all to approach. The moon is juusst hanging over the tree line now. He gestures a series of signs to his sister and Alli says "Everyone step around the circle and join hands. Silent Walker will now lead us in opening a gate to the moon. You will all have until dawn here to enter the gate or it will close with the first rays of dawn." As you each step up to hold hands in a circle you feel the power surge. It takes almost 15 minutes but the circle is filled with an intense shimmering gateway/moon bridge, but the light is more intense. Not blinding, but much, much brighter.

Natalie steps forward and offers a hand to those who might step to each side of her. She nods her understanding to the explanation of the gate, and when it will close.

Riker has no fear when he steps up, holding hands with Clarisse on one side, and someone on the other, watching as the circle gathers power and is activated. he had never seen a moon ridge made before, and he was quite fascinated with it.

Paul doesn't hesitate in stepping forward, taking a hand on either side of him. He seems comfortable with the situation and very excited.

Clarisse smiles as she steps up with her Riker on one side of her and Merek on the other, making sure to hold tightly because this is something she hasn't done before, but with her family here, there is no way she is afraid, very curious though and intently watching the ritual as it takes place.

Alexander can't help but laugh as they jostle about and figure out exact hand holding procedures.

Its sort of like the tv Show Stargate. There is a flash of light, then a rushing of lights past you and a second flash of light. The whole thing takes seconds before your on the other side. You find yourselves in a similar circle as the one you entered in the forest clearing about knee deep in pale grass. One direction you see the grass end in the familiar terrain of the earths moon with the Earth just over the horizon cloaked in a crescent shadow. In the other direction is a large pale hedge with a single break forming an entrance past the barrier. Just at the opening sits a little lune spirit that has taken on a human form that's only about three feet high with a slightly over-sized head and large luminous eyes. At the moment he is watching the group with a curiosity that borders on Fascination.

Merek takes a hand of whoever will take his, then he nods a bit, while he waits to be teleported. When he is, there's a look about, as well as a nod in thought to the place.

Natalie sucks in a soft breath, and then she's looking around in utter delight, "Oh!" she chirps as her eyes grow large and she smiles a simple, lovely smile of pure wonder.

Alexander hunkers down a little into the grass, and peers through it at the little lune... making his way through the grass, before standing back upright and giving the Lune a sweeping bow. As befits a guest in the territory of (not just a rival, but) of the Goddess of the Moon.

Clarisse gasps at the feeling of traveling from familiar ground to the ground of the moon for a moment must simply stop and put her hand down on the ground to gain her bearings, looking up warmly at that spirit though that watches them just as curiously as she watches him. She is complete aww at the moment. She bows her head respectfully as she pushes herself up from the ground.

It seems that one hand of Paul's has is Merek's and he looks to the other kin with a big smile on his face, his eyes wide as they find themselves transported. Then he remembers to breath. He looks around quickly, trying to take it all in and then stares back at the small being just as fascinated with it as it seemed to be with them.

Natalie draws a slow breath, and is only a step behind Alexander. When she is nearer the spirit, she kneels, bowing her head in respect. After all, they are visitors, "Hello. Thank you for letting us visit."

Merek nods a bit to Paul, whose hand he looks to have, then he takes a moment to step forward while he looks to the place as a whole. He doesn't speak, letting the party do all that while he takes notes!

When they cross over, there is almost a ethereal white, archaic, leather armor with a large light golden pauldron on his right shoulder, that appears over him. A large bow strapped to his back that is very decorative looking like a tree branch bent with carved tiger reliefs along it and made into the imagery. The fae gifted fetishes almost appearing in a haze or a dream over him. Something born of the mists and of spirits making their presence known. He knew this would happen so he doesn't look surprised and he comes to bow his head and gaze for only a second to the Luna spirit.

The spirit waves and then in the language of the spirits "Welcome to the court of Luna and the garden of Sokhta the incarna of Luna. I mean usually there is a rabbit here for such things but he hoped past dragging a sac just a few moments ago." The Lune then smiles warmly and says "You are fortunate travelers. The full moon brings fortune for those that visit the garden. Sadly I am not allowed to show you the path inside as each group must face their own test to enter the inner sanctum of Sokhta." He looks around "Seriously the rabbit normally does all this."

Riker's voice rings out first, the soothing way of it perhaps trying to calm the Luna spirit some, "You are doing well as our guide for this.."What the spirit had said seemed pretty straight forward, they were to be tested. he seems very ready for such in his manner and his way of speech.

Clarisse offers a very respectful and deep curtsy, to the Spirit who has taken up at least showing them the way, "Thank you for such a warm and wonderful greeting dear Spirit. My family has the utmost trust and respect and always has. Thank you for being here for the McElroy's once again as we face this journey."

Paul hitches his backpack up more securely on his shoulder, and looks like he is preparing for whatever the spirit might request as he lets the true borns do the talking unless he is approached.

Alexander raises an eyebrow, and looks toward the path. Commenting on the rabbit being late for an important date is too easy and flippant right now. "As Seline guides our Path, no two step the same. Thank you for your assistance. I'll remind the rabbit to come back if I see him." as he heads toward the court.

Merek looks to the spirit with a nod, while he smiles, "Thank you," he says, then he scratches at his stubble in thought while he thinks about it.

Natalie rises and murmurs, "Thank you for your guidance." She then turns to look at the others and then looks around in thought. "Well.."

The Lune spirit/door man looks to Alex and snorts as if it gets the joke. He then gestures as you all pass. As Clarisse passes he yanks on he pants let and smiles. Id try right. He beams a smile at her that actually glows. Inside the hedge is in fact a hedge maze. At first glance you are offered three directions to advance, right, left, and straight ahead. The hedges rise twice as high as any shifter is tall. The pale silvery light seems to come from the paths through the hedge that are created by linked path-stones that glow slightly.

Alexander isn't sure it'll work in the spirit world, but has read a comic this one time... so he puts his right hand on the 'wall' and starts walking.

You round a corner and come face to face with a an elderly woman as she looks to you with blind eyes. She smiles and bends a crooked finger to beckon each of you closer. One might notice her shadow cast on the hedge is that of a huge sphinx. She grins and ask "Riddle?" In an ominous tone, followed by "Or game of chess?" She blinks and it is obvious she prefers the game of riddles.

Riker looks at the maze before them, remembering things like the labyrinth, the Minotaur and other mazes that have popped up through many myths and legends, "This is going to be quite a task... Even with a bit of help." His hand in Clarisse's he was close enough to hear the luna spirit.

Natalie steps into the maze and looks at the options, then moves to follow Riker and Clarisse. Why not? At least for now.

Clarisse as the spirit pulls on her pant leg and mentions going right she looks thoughtfully at him and smiles even brighter and looks towards the right wall of the hedge maze. Understanding what Alex is doing by putting his hand along the wall to follow it.

Paul follows the others, but his head twists around as he continually checks around them.

You round a corner and well it is a maze after all, not a single turn and your done. The group comes face to face with a an elderly woman as she looks to you with blind eyes. She smiles and bends a crooked finger to beckon each of you closer. One might notice her shadow cast on the hedge is that of a huge sphinx. She grins and ask "Riddle?" In an ominous tone, followed by "Or game of chess?" She blinks and it is obvious she prefers the game of riddles.

Riker nods and gathers them closer to speak, yeah a huddle perhaps not so close as that, "Obviously riddle is the answer, we can all discuss to get the answer, Chess would be one on one."

Natalie steps closer to Riker and dips her head to listen to him. She nods, "I'm not a good chess player. We have a better shot at a riddle."

Clarisse offers softly too, "Chess was never my game. Riddles now.. that I am better at."

Paul nods his head in agreement, "I am good with riddles and puzzles. And chess would take a lot longer too."

Alexander admires the Sphynx shadow on the wall, and looking toward the blind woman after, his grin widening. "Riddle it is, grandmother. Lay it on us."

The old woman smiles but with a sense of irony. "You have all shown great wisdom in accepting my riddle. Surly I could have kept you here till dawn with a game like chess." She grins and ask "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have nobody but come alive with the wind. What am I? "

Clarisse smiles at the question and looks to her friends to see if they know because she does, but really wants to see if they know, and shakes her head at Merek.

Clarisse :puts her hand over Merek's mouth gently and hugs him for good measure, shaking her head again and smiles at Paul nodding her head.

Natalie looks to Paul, and she smiles, nodding, "Yes. You're right!" she says quietly. "You should answer for us, Paul."

The old lady grumbles and says something inaudible under her breath She then motions you all past as she looks disgruntle at the idea you bested her. The shadow is roaring, well the motion of roaring in anger and thrashing its tail. She does offer a wink to Caressa and Paul as they pass.

Clarisse stands on her tippy toes to kiss Riker as he gives her that encouragement, and gently squeezes his hand. "Thank you Love." as she follows around the bend with the others.

Alexander gives Paul and Clarisse big, thumping shoulder pats when they get the answer so obviously right very quickly, and gives the blind lady a salacious wink as they walk past.

The center, well is not that far off. Well it iss but you avoid a sleeping dragon, a squadron of Loon spirits, and even a cranky white cat easly as you find your way to the center of the maze. The fertile soil of Moonsiler for Sokhta's (Lunas Daughter) garden serves as a haven for life and growth that other may rest in before continuing their journey. Pale beauty surrounding a shimmering pool of night-blooming flowers and silver white hedges form an intricate hedge maze. Pastel cosmos, Moonflowers, White Echinacea, Satin Flowers, and Evening Erimrose with plants that have no earthly counterpart grow in the garden glowing and twinkling like miniature stars in Sokhta's own light. Their sweet heady scents perfume the air. In the center of the garden along side a large round pool where pallid swans lazily drift along side white water lilies. The whole garden echos with the calls of night birds. Near the throne sits the jade rabbit sitting on a sac of offered goods. Sitting on the throne speaking to the Rabbit is Sokhta the incarna of Luna. She smiles warmly and beckons to to approach and introduce yourselves.

Paul follows the others and the moment he sees all the incredible plants in the garden he has to force himself to not reach down and pluck a leaf or cutting here and there.

Wanders over as beckoned, holding Clarisse's hand still, a way of giving confidence with out words. No his words that flow smoothly now address the jade rabbit and the Luna spirit. With a slight bow of his head he softly relates his lineage and name, "Riker Faerune, Rited on the day of my true birth, Ghost-Before-the-Dawn, Tekhmet of the Khan and brother to Volcano." It is almost like a practiced way he says it. But still natural in the way he speaks it each time.

Natalie's steps falter when everyone comes into the garden without any other challenges. The tall Swara comes to a stop, briefly, dazed by the beauty surrounding them. And then Luna's Incarna beckons them forward. She moves as if in a dream, or almost so at least, and a respectful distance from the throne, she drops to one knee, bowing her head. "My Lady, I'm Natalie Matthews, Ilani of the Swara, rited Morning Mist. Your garden is more beautiful than I could ever have imagined on my own." Her voice is soft and filled with awe.

Clarisse is following with Riker, her hand in his, she is in aww at the beauty she is surrounded by, very much in amazement, it being such an honor to meet Luna and the Jade Rabbit and she bows her head, she in fact bows to her knees, and her voice though soft as a whisper, can be clearly heard she is certain by Luna, "Your Grace, I am Clarisse Annah McElroy, Tekmet of the Swara, rited Crimson Rogue, and your garden is as magnificent as you are beautiful." There is no greater truth the young Swara could offer at the moment.

Paul waits until the true born have introduced themselves and then he steps forward, going to his knee before the throne. His voice is a bit shaky as he says, "I am Paul Barakat, kinfolk to the Bubasti. I'm honored to be here in your garden." He seems almost overcome and raises his eyes up for just a brief look at the Incarna.

Alexander strides forward, then steps one foot back to make big, sweeping bow, forcing the hair on his head to sprout out, and around his shoulders, and pushing his shirt open a little as the mane sprouts across his chest. "Alexander Ataia, Sword of Maahes, Ilani of the Simba." and rising from his bow to gaze at their hostess. "Thank you for your hospitality this eve, and the opportunity to gaze so close upon yor beauty."

Merek looks thoughtfully to the incarna, while he takes a moment to lift a hand, greeting. "Nice garden," he says, two fingers up in the peace sign as well while he smiles. "Merek de Black."

Sokhta stops and smiles to Merek and leans down to sniff him and says I see you have been touched by one of mine? She smiles and says "River right?" She grins and looks to the bunny and says "I believe she is one of yours correct?" The Rabbit bows and smiles "I believe she is outside making sure that they have a way home should something unforeseen happens." Sokhta nods her head as she smiles "Please you are all welcome to my garden. You have all shown great wisdom in the Sphinx's challenge and wisdom in avoiding her attempt to Drag time out of you. Also I am impressed at the easy you avoided trouble and your manner are impeccable. She smiles as she looks to the Earth overhead as she says "You have time. Please rest and drink from my waters. Jade Rabbit will show you the short way out when you are read. I would like to offer a gift to each of you. She motions to a pile of moon rocks that have been polished. (Just normal moon Rocks) and to the other side a pile of seeds (Seeds from around the garden) "Please take one of which ever you prefer. (( Use the logs for where you got them, but still up to staff approval via your own request))She motions the Bastet forward to gather around her. "Please a few words of your deeds from the past. I would love to hear your stories.

Merek looks between the things offered while he nods to the woman sniffing the man. "Thank you, I have a plan, if I might have a moon rock that is perfect for crystal making along with a bit of the flowers!"

Alexander takes a look over the various items, and pockets a random rock as the others talk before getting to his own story. "So my training was a little unique. Gathered with other young Simba, all learning still how to wet our claws. An alarm was raised and battle was joined, and us youngsters told to hold away and let our elders show us war. But sitting idle sits ill among Simba and the Young, and so did we have to move, as was our nature. We approached the battle, but waited until the sun had crested the bluff behind us. And with the Sun's blinding rays behind us, did we leap into the fray. Dakat and tainted weapons fell before us. And we were cuffed across the ears for disobeying our elder, and rewarded with drink and song and the company of Kin for our valor... and knowing that a Simba is to lead the charge, not stand behind it."

Natalie rises and approaches with light steps. She will choose seed or rock after speaking with Sokhta. She kneels again, closer, and gazes at the Lady. She offers, "My Lady, I would tell you of the first time I battled the Wyrm in defense of a defenseless Kinfolk, and cleansed the area of taint once I was done. I was nothing more than a cub being taught by my Kuasha, though I approached the end of my Year. The Kinfolk and I were camping at a beautiful place in the desert. He left our camp in the night for something and I heard a yell, moments later. I went after him. I found him in a tree almost to brittle to support him, and a wyrm creature that had once been a coyote was trying to get him. I shifted to what I thought might be the best form to deal with this creature and rushed in. It quickly became apparent I had chosen ... not quite right, but I was able to shift rapidly and I was then able to destroy the wyrm and protect the innocent one who was with me." She bows her head, "I mourned the creature that had been so corrupted, but I knew that I also needed to do a cleansing. My Kuasha had taught me well, though, and I was able to very successfully perform my first cleansing on my own. The Kinfolk was safe and unharmed, and I successfully cleansed a very beautiful place."

Paul wanders around looking over everything, and reverently touching a plant here and there but doesn't dare to even bruise a leaf. He seems indecisive on which item to take but after examining them he just can't resist the seeds, and chooses those. As the stories start being told he moves back to listen attentively to them.

Being the orator that he is, his voice beginning to speak in that Cadence of a time forgotten by age and practiced to a perfection, but so naturally to him. Riker speaks of the day of his rating, new to the hands and legs of men, but also with such ease he had when taking up a bow. Each shot made perfectly ricocheting off a bowel, to sit upon two hours he shot there a moment before. One, two, three... Three times his arrows flew and blinked on the bowl, then two more at the same moment thanking into the tree to catch the bowl between them.

So enthralled was one of the onlookers, a special guest there from the far east courts, a zhou lung Mokole by the name of Snow-atop-the-glaciers, had bequeathed to him his own skin to fashion the armor, Emperor's Will. It can now be seen so faintly upon him for it is only a glyph upon his right forearm like a tattoo. And from his family, his mother, she handed down the bow he now wields, Peerless Drive, resting now behind his back in a shimmering sort of way, dormant for now as a tattoo upon his left forearm.

It was later that evening that they hunted, and he felt his first opponent, a nasty Fomori. He speaks of the harsh fight, winding here and there, the claws and teeth of the creature scratching along the armor and the Jade stone he had constructed around him. But finally with one last shot as the thing tried to run through the woods, the arrow from Peerless Drive, curved among the trees and sunk into the creatures back ending it. The crescendo comes to a height in t he end, then the softness returns to his voice, "They say most of my kind are ruthless, but Volcano came to me then and only said this, 'Would you follow me little brother unto the ends of the earth...' And I nodded and so Volcano became like a brother to me and has always been with me since." With that he moves to gather up one of the stones and to drink from the waters.

Clarisse begins her story to story to share with Luna, "Not so long ago in a world that feels halfway away, in what felt like a nightmare, a man burst through a young maidens window, but the man was not the threat, the treat was what followed, towering in the shadows of the night, terrifying the heart of the young maiden, tearing the man that had offended his family, limb from limb, before turning to the young maiden as if she were his prize to devour or take as his own. The young maiden tried to ask him why and he told her, because it was his nature and the man had hurt his family, and when he asked her why she slept in such light clothing that truly did cover her own form, she had nothing to say, but the young maiden knew if she did not keep the large man distracted long enough, he would hurt her, and when she felt him throw her against her own bed in the night. She changed forms..until he held her like a human holds a kitten, and petted her, before he let her go distracted again by the man's body, he began to devour, feasting on it, and she took that moment..to run through the broken window, and into the night, over the rooftops and out into the desert, where she could finally run with the swiftness she had been granted, finally she lost the creature, and found safety. Leading him from the city. Later the young lady was able to return, with her Knight beside her and he was able to calm and work out a peaceful agreement with the creature so they could all live in peace and the young maiden, was able to find a new home with her Knight who she has fallen deeply in love with."

Sokhta smiles and says "Many thanks for your stories. You have honored me greatly and I thank you for your visit. I do hope to play host to each and every one of you again in the future." She smiles as she stands and bows her head slightly "But the hour grows late and you should probably be heading back. I believe you have some time for sight seeing." She turns to the Rabbit "I trust you will show them back to the gate my friend?" The rabbit bows deeply and says in the language of spirits "But of course my lady." The rabbit then motions you to follow and lead you back outside.

Natalie does take a moment to take a single drink, after telling her story, and she picks a moon rock which she cradles in her hand gently. She then moves to follow the rabbit, seeming almost to float along. After all, visiting Luna is a very big deal! She spends some time looking around, just marveling, but eventually she returns to the gate, the draw of returning to her baby enough to draw her home from even such an amazing adventure.