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Sewage Follow Up
Lleutrim organizes a patrol to follow up repairs to a broken sewage pipe along the south side of Prospect.
IC Date Mon Jan 21 18:03:31 2019, PST.
Players Hjalmar, Wazi, Sigryd, Lleutrim
Location South side of Prospect, then south and west down the coast.
Spheres Gaian Garou

OOC Note: This PrP Patrol took place as several scenes over a couple of weeks - together here in a single log and dated for the last scene. ST'd by Lleutrim. Much thanks to Wazi and everyone for assisting with mechanics!

<---======##===================[ Current Time ]===================##======--->

It is now currently Mon Jan 21 18:03:31 2019, PST.

The moon is currently Full Moon, Rage diff 4 (3 if Ahroun and/or Crinos).

The current temperature is 60.0 F (15.6 C).

Sunset was 52m ago.

See also: +moon, +weather


The sun has set about an hour ago and a light wind has kicked up, blowing in a little chilly and damp tonight from the sea. There is likely a promise of fog well before dawn though none yet. Tonight's early evening patrol is to meet in one of the caves before the Caern. There Lleutrim awaits for Hjalmar, Sigrid, and Waziyata to arrive. For the moment he's in his homid form with his black leather jacket and boots, hands on his hips as he slowly paces, thinking. Pale grey eyes are watchful for the first arrivals as it nears the appointed time.

Hjalmar arrives shortly, axe in its sheat and a smile upon his face. "Heya there, Lleutrim! How are you?" He comes up to the man and looks up and smells the air. "Smells and looks good, no?"

Sigryd arrives, quiet. No guitar this time. She makes a little effort to step quietly as she walks up to the meeting spot, getting into the frame of mind for the patrol. She's wearing a light sweater and leggings, and practical boots. The chill doesn't seem to bother her in the least. "Evening," she greets the other two.

Lleutrim stops his pacing and turns to Hjalmar as the other arrives, "Shield Brother. Aye, smells like rain to me. But then it rarely does around here. Just those blasted fogs from the sea that roll in all winter." Lleu puts out his right arm to clasp Hjalmar's, "When the hell are you going to challenge for Adren anyway? Aren't you about due?"

A warm smile for Sigryd, "Good evening, Dapplegrim." A glance past her towards the Caern and Lleu adds, "I'm told Waziyata is finishing up something an Elder instructed her to attend so but hopefully she'll join us." He gestures for them to take seats if they like. For himself, Battle Singer leans his arse against the cave wall and loosely hooks his thumbs into his belt, "So, Hjalmar, Wazi, and I discovered a broken sewer pipe to the north west woods close by town a few weeks ago and a bane possessed bear that had been chasing two hunters. We managed to distract the bear and make it chase me instead of the two hunters, which then high tailed it the fuck out of there. We three proceeded then to fight that bear once the men were gone. I was nearly killed but Hjalmar here and Wazi managed to defeat the formor bear and bring it down. Back tracking it some days later, we had found a poisoned stream fouled with sewage. And following that, we discovered the old broken sewer pipe. We did what we could to clean up the sight and cleans it, patching it as best we could. We let the Elders know, and the Wyrmfoe. We followed up with the EPA and the city to go and fix the pipe."

Hjalmar listens to Lleu's recollection and nods. "Aye. Was a good fight. One that /had/ to be done." He cants his head to the side and nods. "How did the EPA proceed? Did they fix the thing? Or... Is it still broken and a mess down there?" He takes a seat on one of the rocks nearby.

Hjalmar of course accepted Lleu's greeting and after he has taken his seat, chuckles and nods. "Aye! It is. And I am making arrangements with Alecto, to see her about it soon. I am curious as to what my next challenge will be!" He grins broadly.

Sigryd arrives, quiet. No guitar this time. She makes a little effort to step quietly as she walks up to the meeting spot, getting into the frame of mind for the patrol. She's wearing a light sweater and leggings, and practical boots. The chill doesn't seem to bother her in the least. "Evening," she greets the other two.

"Is that where we're patrolling?" Sigryd asks. "And yes, a good story that. You shoud tell it at the moot," she suggests to Lleutrim. "A fomor bear is no small foe." She hmms at Hjalmar's reply. "The mystery of them always has me on edge. The not knowing."

Lleutrim lifts a hand to skim over his beard, "Hmmm, well I might at that, Sigryd. I'll consider it." A nod, "We have had reports that they have been working on the sewer pipe and it seems it is done. I'm taking us out to check on the repairs and see if the site requires any additional cleansing, which is likely. Assuming all looks as it should, we'll continue on and follow the pipe each direction for as far as we dare to make certain there isn't any more trouble. As it's an old pipe, we'll likely be doing regular patrols up that way."

A slight grin for Hjalmar, "Alecto will make it a good challenge. Excellent." Back to the topic at hand, Lleu adds, "So, let's head out in lupus. It's a fair distance to travel to get up there so we may as well get started."

Hjalmar nods and smiles at Lleu. "You will be leading the patrol then?" He is not questioning him, just wanting to make sure. "And aye. I am sure she will!" Then his eyes close and he wills himself into a shift.

It's about this time that Waziyata pokes her head into the cave, ears perked up, tongue lolling. She surveys the little gathering a moment, laughing a silent, wolfish laugh, before stepping inside. Her tail is wagging in an amused, friendly way. <<You do not live here?>> Then she is padding in close, sniffing, investigating the three homids. Lleutrim gets a bump of her shoulder against his knee. Hjalmar gets a bump of her head against his calf, followed by a light, playful nip. Then Sigryd is investigated and greeted in turn, a polite and curious snuffling.

Sigryd looks around as the wolf arrives. She grins at the snuffling. "We've met, if briefly, Puddle Jumper rhya," she tells the wolf. "Good to see you." She looks at Lleutrim. "So they've fixed it...do you, wrong question... How much trouble do you anticipate?"

The former Marine chuckles at Hjalmar's question, "I'm a Patrol Leader now but I don't care which of us takes tonight's lead. You are welcome to, Hjalmar, or Wazi. As long as it gets done and done well, as that responsibility falls on me if we don't." Lleutrim's relaxed, then smiles as Wazi shows up. He puts out a hand to skim it through her thick white pelt as she greets each of them in turn, "Glad you could make it. We were just about to head out." A shrug for Sigyrd, "I don't know if we'll find anything. But then, we never know for certain what we'll run into. Maybe nothing. Then again, it was a powerful bane that possessed the bear and the stinking creek was fouled for a good while. So let's keep sharp and approach the area quietly."

A breath later, Lleu shifts from man to wolf himself, ready to go - either to lead the way, or let Hjalmar or Wazi take the lead for practice.

ShieldBrother dips his head at Lleu's words. And bumps his head against Wazi as she has greeted him as well. <<Thinking it a good chance for Puddle Jumper to lead...>> He looks into her direction and cants his head to the side. <<Up for it? You are Fostern as well.>> The question is there. It is up for her to accept or not. <<If you not want to lead today. I will.>>

Sigryd shifts also, taking on wolf shape to better run with the others.

Waziyata tilts her head to one side at Hjalmar's invitation and Lleutrim's words, looking curiously between the two. She considers a moment, ears wilting back somewhat, before chuffing in agreement. <<Yes. I will lead.>> Then she's looking between the two men another moment, and then up at Sigryd. She eyes the woman-turned wolf a moment, then turns and pads out of the cave, tail wagging slow and alert, stance subtlely changing to a more dominant poise. A pause at the mouth of the cave, before <<Run.>> and she takes off running, bounding toward the far away river.

As soon as they are all ready and their patrol leadership sorted out, the wolves head out of the caves and depart the Caern. Battle Singer lopes at a nice ground eating run and for the moment his tongue lolls with his pleasure at running with the other wolves. The large ruddy flanked Fianna with his silvery eyes bright leaps and runs with surprising quiet, dodging trees, hopping seeps, dips, or leaping over fallen branches or dead trees. Waziyata knows the way and Lleu flanks her, a little distance off to her left. At least while they are yet on the bawn, Battle Singer is in excellent spirits. As they begin to put distance behind them, his exuberance fades and he becomes more alert.

ShieldBrother yipyips at Wazi's order after she accepted the leading role this time, and starts running with her. Like the wind!

Dapplegrim runs along bringing up the tail. she's quiet, just the sound of her breathing and the regular pad of paws on the ground. She runs economically, not the exubarance of Battlesinger, but like she means to be able to continue for the entire night. Tail up, ears up, she's clearly enjoying the run.

Puddle Jumper lopes through the forest with practiced, familiar ease. The further away from the Bawn the group moves, the more relaxed the wolf becomes, at first, posture settling into a more easy gait. After a very long, several hour run, the forest begins to thin toward the scent of water, and the ahroun grows tense again. She slows her run to a more cautious trot, huffing softly. <<Careful, here. It is Close.>>

It takes a while for the wolves to run that distance for it is miles. They have all night and need not hurry though they will wish to finish their patrol and get back by first light. As they make their way with occational brief stops to drink at streams, to rest or listen, checking scents, they eventually make it to the general area where Lleu, Wazi and Hjalmar had located the broken sewer pipe. They will have come a good long way and up fairly close to the city. The glow of Prospect's lights are in the near distance.

As the wolves slow their pace and begin to take more care to move more quietly in the darkness, the burble of the stream can be heard up ahead. There is no longer the over powering smell of raw sewage. There is only a hint of it, along with the smells of men, diesel fuel, metal, rubber, and a mix of other lesser odors.

Battle Singer breaks from a lope to a more cautious walk, moving very quietly and like a shadow. He keeps to what concealment he may and bellies up to lie beneath an arching bush as his silvery eyes and his perked ears take in details of what lies before them. Up slope from the rambling stream the earth is churned up and the pipe is not visible. Lleupine turns his head to see what Wazi wants to do first.

For her part, Waziyata is moving almost as if she were born to sneaking through the woods. She moves with delicate, careful steps, picking her way through the brush as silent as the ghost her white fur resembles. She sneaks to the edge of the clearing and perks her ears up, scanning the area and sniffing intently, head lifted to catch anything on the wind. Then, she drops her nose to the ground and turns to slink carefully along the edge of the treeline. <<Spread. Smell. Find danger or humans. No attack first. Stay close enough to run together.>>

ShieldBrother might not be as quiet as the others. But at least he is not bouldering through everything and anything! As they come up to the location, he too, smells the different smells now... Sewage being replaced by other manmade smells... Coming closer, He starts to scan his surroundings as well, trying to determine and discern anything he can here.

Once Wazi has given the order to ease out of cover with caution and start checking things out, Battle Singer comes out from under the bushes. There doesn't appear to be anyone about, all is quiet except for the usual night sounds. Crickets, an owl in the distance, the running stream. No frog sounds. A slight fog is starting to roll in from the sea. Lleupine walks around sniffing the ground with the others, keeping to the edge of the trees. As they become certain all seems quiet, he eases further out to check the disturbed earth and the many tracks.

Waziyata moves slowly, carefully amongst the tracks and smells of humans, construction, and sewage. She whines a little at one point, shying back a bit from one of the areas that still reeks of sewage. Then she growls quietly, turning and snuffling along the ground again. Her ears slowly lay back as she moves along, circling the area and easing further westward with each pass. After a few minutes, she chuffs: <<Sense Wyrm? I cannot. This human's smell is.. Very-very bad. I do not like it. This place must be cleansed.>>

Then, she is turning and snuffling at whatever she's found once more, snuffling about more intently.

ShieldBrother looks around with his own keen eyes.. Lots of people have /been/ here. But the place is empty now. The repairs seem to have been well done. But there's at least a small bit of sewe spillage that needw cleaning to be seen. Moving quietly, ShieldBrother roams through the area as he looks for others around.

Dapplegrim continues as well, slow, and checking the back trail to make sure nothing is coming up behind the assembled wolves. <> Dapplegrim replies to Waziyata.

Waziyata snuffles about a bit more before giving a low growl. <<Yes. He went this way.>> She pauses then, ears perking up as she looks out into the darkness, toward the west. She hesitates a long moment, considering. Then she turns back to the other two and chuffs. <<We cleanse first. Then, we hunt the nasty human.>> Then, she pads back over toward the other three wolves, tail wagging slowly in a lazy show of wariness.

Dapplegrim turns her head southwest and lifts her muzzle pointing. <<Not recent. Feels like it went that way.>> she looks around at the area, and nods, a dip of muzzle, and a tilt of her head.

Battle Singer sniffs around, paws a bit at the soft earth, checks out the stream, and generally moves all over the area. Like Waziyata however, he too is drawn to a certain set of boot tracks that seems to wander through. The large Fianna follows those tracks around the site and back to the west ere he stops. Lleupine lifts his head, sniffs the night's thickening fog, and flicks an ear. His thick busy tail hangs relaxed. Faintly he chuffs, << Bad smell. One man's tracks. Came through after the repair was done. Was smoking a cancer stick. >> Battle Singer looks in the same direction as Wazi's interest and Dapplegrim's. Then back to Shield Brother and the pipe repair. << Agreed. >> The direction of their interest also is rife with the smell of the sea and the fog coming.

ShieldBrother, returning from his quick round around the place. <<Found spot needing to cleanse. What did you all find? Someone was here?>> He cants his head at seeing everyone seemingly having found tracks of someone. <<What has been found?>>

Waziyata looks to Shieldbrother at the question, tilting her head a bit, ears perking up and then laying back in an expression of confusion. <<You do not smell him?>> She considers a moment, before turning and padding back over to the spot she was investigating, wagging her tail again, <<Here. This human. He does not wash. He smells like human filth. Like sewers. Like taint, maybe. Came here after other humans worked, then left.>>

ShieldBrother shakes his head. <<No. Was looking at different spots. Good find.>> He then goes to sniff the found trail and snarls. <<Bad smell.. Very bad smell.>>

It's a group effort but the four of them work together to clean the site and in doing so, Lleutrim teaches Sigryd the Rite of Cleansing. When they are all finished, he also suggests it may be wise to obliterate their wolf tracks where the earth is freshly disturbed. Walking around in their homid forms, kicking or brushing earth soon completes that precaution.

By now the sliver of moon is masked behind the thick fog that has been rolling in as the evening progresses. It shines above dimly as a silvery blur. Waziyata has identified a set of tracks that may be of interest that lead off to the west that smell bad to her and Sigryd used her Sense Wyrm gift and got an ill vibe off to the south west.

Lleutrim tosses the leafy branch he was using to help obscure wolf foot prints and satisfied, he looks to Wazi and the others, "Well, I think we are ready to go. Do you want to follow those tracks and check it out, or finish patroling up and down the pipe?" He may be one of the Sept's offical patrol leaders now but he's giving Wazi her chance to shine.

"We will hunt Wyrm, then check more pipes," Wazi answers Lleutrim. She stands in her teenage form, bloody bandage talen in the form of tattoos over her body, arms crossed over her front uncomfortably. She used to have a hoodie, but seems to have forgone it. Then, she turns and moves toward the west end of the site, throwing herself forward to land on all fours in her breed form. She gives herself a shake, glancing back to the others, then slips back into the brush with her tail and head held high as she sniffs about. On re-finding the trail, her tail wags. <<This way.>>

Hjalmar nods at Wazi's command and wills himself into the shift into Lupus. <<Ready. Lead the way!>> He will follow Wazi, staying a little to the left and behind her.

Black and brown fur sprouting over his body and a strange sound coming from within. Hjalmar shifted into his wolf form.

Sigryd waves the higher ranks ahead. "I'll guard our backtrail," she volunteers. "Just in case." Then she too shifts into lupus to trot after the others, frequently glancing over her shoulder, or wolf ears swiveling to the side to catch noises on the flanks and from behind.

Lleutrim gives a nod, that being his preference as well. They can always come back on another patrol night to check the rest of the pipe later. A thumbs up to Sigrid, then he too goes back to the edge of the trees and shapeshifts back into a wolf to lope after with the others in silence.

The trail is a hours old, perhaps from the morning. It wends it's way through the trees in a generally westerly direction for some distance, back tracking on itself for this particular set of boot prints also came from that direction originally, not with the trucks and repair crew. Eventually the tracks break from the trees and the view opens up to a bluff with the sea below. They can't see it but the wolves can smell it and feel the change in the air with a light breeze stirring the fog. Waves roll perhaps 20 feet below. The scent trail and tracks turn towards the south and move along the edge of the trees, around rocks and erroded places along an animal path. Wazi has no difficulty whatsoever following it even with the thick fog and the heavy dew along the coast.

Up ahead in the dimness there is a light, barely visible through the trees and the faint smell of ... something burnt.

Waziyata prowls through the woods along the trail, hesitating occasionally when it doubles back on itself but following with ease nevertheless. As the woods begin to open up a little, giving more room for fog and sea air, she huffs softly, pressing onward. She moves at a steady, comfortable pace, and when the group of wolves finally reach the smell of fire and the flickering light, she growls softly. <<Maybe near. Careful. Find problems.>>

ShieldBrother dips his head in acknowlidgement. <<Will do Puddle Jumper.>> And with that, he goes to comply with Wazi's orders.

Sigryd doesn't voice any sound, just a lowering of her head in acknowledgement and readiness to run, or attack up from below.

It isn't a fire up ahead. The dim light doesn't flicker. There is no smell of a wood fire. As the wolves draw closer more smells slowly begin to make themself known. Gasoline faintly, rubber, metal, the usual sorts of smells one associates with a dwelling with an older vehicle or small engines. Burned plastic and rubber.

Pieces of trash emerge out of the fog. An old beat up pickup truck, a rusty lawn mower that doesn't look like it's been used in years. A four wheeler. Last of all, a camper with a hint of sound now coming from it that may be a TV set playing inside. The dim glow resolves itself into a window spilling electric light from within.

There is that sweet smell of rotting filth. A trashy, sewage nastiness though muted. All of the wolves ease up cautiously and quietly.

A raucous laugh breaks the near stillness. A rough, man's laugh inside of the camper.

As Waziyata draws closer to the filthy camper, she strays a little to the side, giving the structure a wide berth and moving to circle it through the fog and night. She steps gingerly with her nose returning to the ground, ears up and alert as she investigates the area. <<Wyrm Sense? Humans? Monsters?>> She is clearly looking for evidence of all of these things, herself.

ShieldBrother shakes his head. <<Can't do. Only have nose, ears and eyes. And they do not like this place....>> He snarls a bit. He keeps on full guard as he prowls around the place like Wazi does.

Dapplegrim stifles a growl but can't help the curl of her lips away from long, sharp white teeth at the sound of that coarse laugh. She closes her eyes at Waziyata's question and concentrates on the gift, looking with other senses.

Battle Singer comes along with the others, cautiously, silent. He sniffs at things, circles a bit wide, ears shifting between slightly flattened back and pricking forward to catch sounds. The Fianna Galliard wolf makes a face of distaste at the mixture of smells. He stops and lifts his head a little at the laugh.

There are no other campers or trailers close by. This seems to be a pretty secluded spot, south of the city. Perhaps a squatter? Seems a pretty pricy place to put a home in California, view of the sea backed by National forest. Lots of things discarded outside around the trailer as the wolves silently stalk around. Inside of the camper the TV continues to make sounds of a sitcom, not very loudly. Suddenly the man's voice yells inside, "I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP! Stop that sniffling, damn you!"

Waziyata sniffs around the yard surrounding the trailer for several long moments before sneezing over one foul smelling cigarette butt. She turns her back on it, giving herself a small shake, then paces away from the trailer. She shifts her weight, squirming a little as if preparing to do something, only to freeze at the shout from inside. Her ears perk up and she looks toward the trailer. Then she chuffs softly. <>

That said, her form begins to swell and grow, settling into her glabro form. After that, she crouches low and picks her way carefully toward the trailer, to one of the windows adjacent the television set. That might be the most likely spot the man inside isn't looking.

ShieldBrother nods to Wazi and keeps on guard, staying close to her as she goes to peek inside. That shout has put him on edge.. And he has a premonition as to what it means...

Dapplegrim can't help a low rumble, quickly suppressed, at the cigarette butts. She flicks one with a paw to call attention to it. <<Same as before. Wyrm same as before, but right here.>> Then the man yells and Dapplegrim freezes, head swiveling to face the trailer. <<lure him out and attack from the flanks>> she suggests, mostly body language and low sounds that won't carry.

It's not easy to see /anything/ out here. It's dark, very foggy with extremely limited sight distance. The sound of the sea rolling in a short distance below, lapping at the stony shoreline. No imported fancy beach this far south from the city. Just chilly Pacific ocean water and tidal pools amid sharp rocks. Weeds up here. The old mower certainly hasn't been seeing any use around here.

Battle Singer stays in his wolf form as Wazi shifts and moves closer. He looks to Dappelgrim and gives a wolfish nod, circling around to see if there is more than one door and how many windows. There seems to only be the one door on the front side, a trailer hitch on one end with a small propane tank attached to it, couple of small windows on each side with one tiny window on the back end. Two steps up to the door made of stacked cinder blocks.

Wazi moves in a very slow and careful crouch, up to the wall of the trailer where the glow of the television light is strongest. She hesitates a moment, then touches her palms lightly against the trailer wall before easing up to poke one eye up over the windowsill and peek inside. She tenses after a moment, then lowers her head again, pressing her ear to the wall instead. One hand moves to make a shushing motion with a single finger against her lips.

ShieldBrother dips his head in confirmation at the gesture and awaits the next order.

A breath after Wazi peeks into the trailer and ducks back down, there's the sound of movement inside. Someone getting up fast followed by the unmistable sound of a shotgun slide being racked. A moment later, there's a further movement inside of a shadow blocking the light as someone tries to look out the window, which is closed. The TV inside continues to play on.

Everyone is ducked down out of his line of sight when the man looks out at the fog. "What the fuck?"

Dapplegrim eases close to Wazi, between her and the door, and freezes as soon as she's there, fortunately before the man moves to look. She's got her attention fixed on the door, and listening inside for the sound of footsteps to give away the man's location.

Wazi doesn't do anything except stay frozen in place. Waiting.

ShieldBrother follows the example set by Wazi for the moment..

The Fianna is around back and circles now close up near to the trailer to peer around the hitch and the propane tank to see what the others are up to. Battle Singer's ears are up, silvery eyes alert. While they all wait, Lleu stays still and silent.

After a good long look out of each of the windows, the man goes back to resume his seat in the chair before his TV. There's some mumble and for those with particularly sharp hearing, maybe the sound of a beer can top being popped.

Battle Singer eyes the camper's door, then the other garou, asking very softly << Fall back? Make plan? >>

Once the moment's tension has passed, Wazi drops to all fours, resuming her breed form. She gives herself a shake, then turns and huffs softly at Battle Singer's question. She looks back to the trailer, then flicks an ear in response. <<Need to know more. If he is only tainted, he does not need to die. Is he more? Less?>>

ShieldBrother eases a little as the man moves back inside. His ears are being kept perked in case something else happens... He particularily listens for the sound of someone in distress. Or pain....

Waziyata shifts her weight a little, mincing from foot to foot at the trailer's side. Then she rears back on her hind legs. She staggers a couple of steps in that position before resting her paws gingerly against the edge of the trailer, then peeks in through the window again. After a moment, she twists, dropping back to the ground, then tosses her head forcefully, returning her perceptions to the physical realm. She turns, stalking away from the trailer. <<Fomori. Banes. We will kill them.>>

Dapplegrim's lips roll back in a silent snarl again and she starts to shift, expanding, growing, taking the dire wolf's shape. One word, ears flattened, a near silent snarl <<Fomor>> and her muzzle points into the trailer. Then what Waziyata said penetrates and she just nods, and crouches near the door, head down and teeth bared.

That is all that ShieldBrother wanted to know.. As now, he preps himself up for battle!

<<We should kill the banes. Three. Ugly. And Fomor. Maybe two for Banes, two for him and then cross?>> Waziyata offers her first idea on a plan of action. She glances between the other three garou, briefly, before chuffing <<Who will step sideways with me?>> As she speaks the question, she shifts her weight a little, edging further away from the trailer as she begins to shimmer faintly with the light of Luna's Armor.

Battle Singer is still in his lupus form for tracking. He stays close to the trailer and silent as the others report their findings. He cocks his wolf's head, >> I will step sideways with you. Maybe we should deal with the banes first, then come back to deal with the man? That won't alert him, will it? << His chuffs and faint sounds along with his body language are kept low. >> If he runs, we can track him. <<

Hjalmar dips his wolf head. <<Agreed. Banes worst enemy.>>

At Battle Singer's reply, Waziyata tilts her head a little to one side, ears perking up. She considers him a moment, thhen glances toward the trailer. Then to the ATV and the truck both parked nearby. <<Fomori are tricky. Banes can warn them of us. They can run faster than us. Give warning to others.>> She considers another moment, then gives herself a shake and chuffs, <<Break cars. Make them not drive. Battle Singer, can you howl through Gauntlet?>>

Battle Singer has shifted up into a larger, meaner wolf form, the hispo form bristling with muscle and thick pelt to stand a little over five foot tall at his shoulders! Yet he remains up close to the trailer's hitch so not to be easily seen from within. His silvery eyes slip to look at the truck and the ATV, then back to Wazi, >> True. << He considers her question then gives a wolf's version of a shrug, >> Once I pass through I can howl in umbra. I don't know if I can howl /through/ Guantlet. I've never tried. I do not know if 'Call of Wylde' allows me to or not. <<

ShieldBrother looks to both Lleu and Wazi. <<If needed. I go Crinos and wait here for your return? Engage if needed?>> His question directed mostly at Wazi.

The lupus considers a long moment, eyeing the trailer and the two vehicles thoughtfully. Then she flicks an ear and shifts her weight again, chuffing softly. <<Yes. Shieldbrother, stay and keep fomor from running. Break cars, do not alert him if can. We will cross, kill banes, return, then all kill Fomori.>> Another pause, before she growls quietly and adds, <<Need talens or gifts to do this better. Or pack. Real pack.>> Then, she turns and stalks away from the trailer. <<Do not sidestep here, the banes will be on you.>>

Waziyata hesitates, glancing back to Hjalmar before adding, <<Wait two minutes. If we are not back, look for us. If we have need, help. If we are dead, run and get greater garou.>>

As they are making ready, activating their gifts, Battle Singer has done the same as Wazi gives out orders. An ear flicks at Waziyata's last bit. Lleupine turns his head to look at Shieldbrother and then Dapplegrim to read their body language. >> Mind his shot gun, Shieldbrother. Probably no silver but you might want to do the ATV first, then get behind the truck. If he can hurt you we may not be able to come to help /you/ right away. << Then he looks to Wazi, >> I am ready. Do you wish me to howl soon as we cross over, and if so, what? <<

Sickening ripping and stretching sounds are heard as the transformation takes place and Hjalmar becomes a huge murder machine

The plan is decided and orders are given. Wazi can lead them a little ways away from the trailer. So when they step sideways, the banes won't be on top of them as they come through the gauntlet. Battle Singer takes a few seconds to shift back to homid and fish a small tin out of his back pocket. Inside there he carries a couple of talens but also a small, round, plastic mirror just for this purpose. He sets it down face up on the ground, then sorts himself out and changes back to Hispo, all ready to go. There is a glance back over his shoulder as Hjalmar says back at the trailer, then to the others, >> Ready. <<

Once she is back in the woods, Puddle Jumper gives a low growl and grows up into her own hispo form at last. She shifts her now massive weight, mincing a couple of steps like a garbage truck daintily crushing a bicycle. Then she glances over the other three and chuffs, <<Now.>> Then, she turns her attention to the mirror and flattens her ears, letting herself drift from the physical realm.

Dapplegrim stares into the mirror, and steps forward, reality sliding around her as she steps sideways into the umbra. It's a slow passage but there's progress.

Battle Singer likewise stands close by the mirror, all three of them encircling it. His silvery eyes peer at the reflective surface and high above them his waxing Gibbous moon shines down through the trees to cast Luna's light upon the focus of their vision.. it wavers and then it takes only a breath ere they fall through the gauntlet and pass into the umbra on the other side.

All around them are shadows of trees, a few bright woodland spirits in the area. Yet they seem reluctant to get too close, hanging back and peering. The cleaning opens up filled with strange dark lumps, humps, and sharp angles of dead machines and the trailer, which have been there long enough to begin to leave impressions on the umbra side. Thin spidery webs, like cobwebs, anchor the shadow impression of the trailer and three darker forms lurk beneath it, nudging about. The banes. One of them seems further back under the section that might be a bedroom while the other two are prowling.

The first looks much like a rat in general form, yet grotesque. Composed of garbage, rusty cans, trash, feces, slime and filth as one might associate with the sewer spill. The second one is harder to see, an ever changing dark mass of greens and reds like something half digested and thrown back up, gaping with pockets of void that could be mouthes. The last bane is too far underneath to catch a glimpse of and holding still.

ShieldBrother comes from Lupus in Crinos as the others make their way into the Umbra. He uses the silence of the night to quickly and stealthy move to the vehicles parked here. He positions himself on the dark side of the vehicles, positioning them between him and the cabin as he slowly drives one of his sharp claws into the tires of the ATV. After this, he would move to the Truck and do the same thing here... Piercing the tires and deflating them instead of making them pop.

Once in the Umbra, Puddle Jumper waits for the two homids to catch up and finish crossing through the gauntlet. She hunkers down in the spiritual reflection of the woods as she waits, amongst the sleeping plant spirits. When Dapplegrin finally arrives, the ahroun stands and chuffs <<Now!>> before charging from the woods and into the clearing about the shadow of the trailer and vehicles. She gathers herself up, then leaps forward, tearing a strip of spirit stuff from the vomit bane, snarling and tossing her head back and forth to snap and bite at the thing again. In short order, it is dead, and the hispo is turning her attention to snap and lunge at the rat-thing that fights Dapplegrim.

As soon as Battle Singer has come through the Gauntlet and into the umbra, he gets his barings and takes his cue from Waziyata. She zips off to attack the banes in the clearing where the shadows of the junk is heaped and the trailer looms, the banes underneath. Things on the near umbra side don't precisely match the material world - it's eerie and strangely lit, and yet somehow feels less dream like than reality now seems. Everything here on the umbra side seems extra sharp or extra soft and glowing depending on it's nature.

Lleupine charges in off of Wazi's flank and the pair of them go after the second bane, leaving the first, easist to access bane to Dapplegrim. Battle Singer leaps at it, sinking his Spur Claws into it. The claws rip out of his paws, stuck in the bane which shrieks it's pain! Ere Battle Singer can follow up his attack on the foul spirit, Wazi's already brought it down with a massive attack! Just as well, for Lleu notices that Dapplegrim is getting mauled.

The Fianna Galliard springs away from the dying bane to lend Dapplegrim aid! Battle Singer's claws ripped out, he attempts to sink his fangs into the nasty rat-like trashy sewage filth! Only, his jaws snap shut audibly upon nothing more than air as he misses it!

Released to battle...Dapplegrim stalks a couple steps and charges silently for the closer bane. She gets a good first bite in, crunching through the garbage that makes it up, then it turns and rakes at her with tin can claws dripping foulness from the sewers and draws blood. Dapplegrim snarls, rage burying the pain of the wound she's taken, and the direwolf bites at it again, but her teeth skitter off the thing's metal hide.

Soon, all three garou are attacking the rat bane, so Puddle Jumper turns away from it. She growls, shifting her weight and showing her teeth as she advances on the bane in the back. She waits a moment, then lunges in and scores a bite on its flank, tearing its attention away from working its charm. As the bane turns to face her, the Ahroun flexes, digging her claws deep into the umbral turf and giving a deep, guttural growl, a challenge mixed with a threat. It would be a terrifying sight even without her gift, but the bane experiences True Fear.

As her companions arrive to attack the remaining bane, Puddle Jumper turns away from the terrified spirit and shoulders through the tattered web of the trailer, sniffing about. After a moment, her eyes grow bright, silvery blue in the darkness and she looks through the gauntlet. There is a long silence, before the lupus growls again. <<Eat. Do not let them reform. Fomor has hostage. Human child. Very young. Need Crinos for delirium.>>

Then, the glow in her eyes fades and the ahroun turns her attention to the other two garou, considering them a moment. Then, she is pacing purposefully toward Dapplegrim, sniffing at the Get's wounds. <>

It's nasty work, getting in there under the hulking shadow form of the trailer's essense. It's not like it really has a spirit but the Weaver tech inside of it does make for a mess of webs that stick to the coats of the garou as the huge wolves go after the banes! Tiny electricity spirits zip-zap away with a pop, running away from the fight! While the third bane stays huddled up in the back, protected to some degree by the first two that has now become one, Battle Singer does his best to help bring the second bane down! It is Dapplegrim's kill to claim, rending the rat-like thing into pieces!

Lleu leaps to try and assist Wazi with the last bane, then. She has interrupted it from it's focus of possession and it is one rightly pissed off spirit of pain! It stikes out as a black oily cloud, not nearly as fast as the garou who seek to rip it apart. It's hard to tell if the attacks against it even do it any harm at all for it simply tears apart and seems to reform itself, lashing out in turn to do what it may to hurt the wolves in turn!

Battle Singer's jaws bite into it and he thrashes his head, teeth bared! Snarling, he seems to rip it apart - but it is Wazi's gift of True Fear that makes it keep backing off, not attacking! It begins to fade and it's hard to tell if it's dying or trying to escape and reform elsewhere!

The first bane destroyed by Battle singer, Dapplegrim charges the one that's been still, biting and tearing at it. It attacks back, and she dodges, twisting aside from the thing's claws. Dapplegrim twists back to the attack, working around Battlesinger as he too tears at the warped spirit. She gets her teeth into it and shakes, digging deeper with those fangs. The spirit fails, destroyed. Dapplegrim steps back, shaking herself. Ichor from the bane dripping, steaming from her fangs. THe great wolf sneezes, and looks at Puddle Jumper.

<<Please>> the direwolf growls soflty,

Rather than answering the Fenrir, Puddle Jumper merely presses her head in close, sniffing at the other wolf's wounds. She snuffles over them a moment before beginning to lick the nasty gashes. She doesn't shy away from the blood and gore, and if Dapplegrim shies back, the Ahroun pushes forward to maintain the contact. After only a few moments of this, the wound is healed good as new, not even the faintest hint of a scar left to mar the other woman's form.

Then, Puddle Jumper turns and tears into the nearest bane 'corpse', beginning the gross and grisly work of devouring the spirit's essence and destroying it permanently.

Battle Singer pants and watches Wazi tending to Dapplegrim's wounds. While she does so, he goes to the first Bane they killed and begins to devour it. He consumes it's gnosis and make certain it will not live on to corrupt anything else. Aye, it's grisly, nasty work and certainly not pleasant. Thankfully there's no toxocity with these to cause the wolves damage in turn, yet they taste horrible!

Dapplegrim doesn't flinch, jst bends her head around to look at what's going on. <<thank you>> she says with body language, laid back ears , a dip of her head, to Puddle Jumper.

After Puddle Jumper finishes disposing of the banes, she gives a faint whine and then shakes herself again, turning and pressing back out from underneath the reflection of the trailer. <<Get Shieldbrother.. Dapplegrim will cross inside, protect little girl. I will wait, cross inside too, if Dapplegrim can not. Battle Singer, fight Fomori from outside with Shieldbrother.>>

Ugh, nasty. Battle Singer turns his head, held low as he listens to Wazi. >> Understood. << He raises a front foot to paw some of the nastiness off of his face, then focuses on recrossing the Guantlet to get back to what is supposedly the real world. Though it is here in the umbra that the garou might feel more at home in, even for all of it's oddness, surreal. And yet real life feels almost faraway and dream like...

Dapplegrim dips her head and starts to shift again into human form before stepping back sideways into the normal world.

When they are finished Battle Singer slips back through the Gauntlet and appears in amid the various junk somewhere past the old pickup truck. Still in his huge direwolf form, the Fianna Galliard goes looking for Hjalmar, moving in silence and sticking to the darker shadows in the night as he's able. The moon is up and glowing brightly, Gibbous and fat in the sky so it's somewhat harder for the huge hispo to stay concealed from anyone looking out of the trailer. Yet he is very quiet as Battle Singer seeks the Philodox.

When Lleu finds Hjalmar, he rumbles very soft and low, >> Waziyata wants us to lure the formor out if we can. She and Dapplegrim are going for something in the trailer that I did not see. <<

ShieldBrother looks at Battle Singer and nods. He pulls his axe and smashes the haft through the window of the truck. You wanted a distraction? Here it is.

Hjalmar's smashing of the glass out of the truck's window /does/ get noticed! There's movement in the trailer the TV and light are turned off inside. Very likely the man is peering out one of the trailer's windows but damn. It's both dark and it is foggy and he can't see shit out here - yet maybe he catches sight of some kind of movement for the trailer door is opened and the shotgun is raised...

For her part, Puddle Jumper does the grisly work of cleaning up and eating the banes. She doesn't like it, but she likes it less than banes reforming down the road to continue their work. After she's finished, she turns her attention to Sigryd, watching the woman work her way so slowly and painfully through the gauntlet. After a few moments, the lupus heaves a sigh and then shrinks down into her own human form. She sits in a squat, watching the homid work so painfully slowly through the gauntlet. "Maybe practice stepping," the lupus-turned-human advises.

Sigryd starts to step sideways, to get to the girl to protect her. The gauntlet is thick here and she moves so.s.l.o.w.l.y...her lips twist in a silent snarl and Sigryd grits her teeth, and leans into the gauntlet, trying to push through fast enough to be of use to the little girl. Each step a trial, but she's through.

ShieldBrother takes a bit more cover behind the truck after smashing the window. Using the vehicle to hide him as well... Trusting on that, and the darkness to prevent him from being seen. He awaits what happens next.. Ready to charge would it be needed.

Battle Singer slinks like the fog itself to move towards the end of the trailer, using what cover he may and at an angle that is difficult to see him without the formor stepping out through the door. There he pauses, silent as the fog, silvery eyes watchful as he waits in a position of ambush should the man come out.

The man, who's aroma rides forth into the foggy air smells of unwashed body, a sweetness that suggests rot, and filth. His clothes and face can't been seen easily in the darkness, especially as he hasn't stepped out of the trailer. Hjalmar's moved just in time. The shotgun doesn't go off, having lost what he thought was his target. "Gods be damned fucker! Take a hike, or I'll be toss'n ye body in tae th' sea! NO TRESSPASSING!"

For her part, Wazi waits and watches as Sigryd finally crosses through the gauntlet. The lupus smiles slightly at the homid's final success, "Good," she informs the now-empty web, "You do not feed spiders." Then, her eyes are glowing again as she looks through to the physical realm. She watches a moment as the man rushes to the door with his shotgun in hand, then she delicately steps over to the bathroom. She closes her eyes just a moment, and when she opens them she is in the material plane again. The blonde woman grimaces, nose wrinkling at the bathroom. Then she moves just her hand, resting it upon the knob for the door, ready to throw it open and emerge. Her opposite hand slips to the hilt of the knife on her belt.

When Sigryd crosses over into the trailer, she finds herself in a small cramped bedroom. There's a single queen sized bed that dominates the room with built in dresser set into the wall, and a fold down bunk along the other wall. The queen sized bed is messy and unmade but empty. In the fold down cot however is a lump cowering beneath the covers. Sniffing, but trying to be silent. That must be the little girl. It smells BAD in here. Filth, dirty laundry, soiled dishes, dank air, cigaretts, beer, and worse. There's no light and it's difficult to see /anything/ at all, only the dimest of shapes - light and dark, very muted.

Puddle Jumper on the other hand slips into reality into a very tiny bathroom. It's -disgusting- in there. Slime mold, stains, a filthy floor, SUPER skanky and smell enough to make you gag. No one has even flushed the toilet lately. It probably doesn't work. Again, no light. Darkness - but Puddle Jumper can feel her way and see the barest hint of very dim light coming in from under the door.

Sigryd wrinkles her nose at the stench. Silently. She listens a minute to see if she can tell where the man is, and hearing the yelling she nods. Sigryd starts to sing, barely more than whispering, just enough for the girl to hear, a lullaby, soothing, to hopefully calm the girl a little.

ShielBrother is not getting shot at yet.. Good. But he also does not hear steps coming outside. He snarls and looks next to him. A few traces of a claw in the air later, and suddenly, beside him. But at the other end of the truck. A small light appears, hovering behind the vehicle from the stinking bastards point of view. ShieldBrother hopes that this would seem as someone lighting a flashlight or something. And thus attract the skunky bastid.

So, Wazi is trapped in the bathroom of doom, waiting for the standoff outside to end. She'd probably be okay, except that her heightened senses gift is still going. That means she's even more aware of just how awful her confines are. The ahroun shifts her weight a little, grimace deepning, nose permanently wrinkled. It's the touch to the doorknob that nearly brings a bad end. Sticky, grimy, earthy. The smell intensifies as some tiny air pockets give way under her touch. The Ahroun tenses, eyes closing, teeth clenching, nostrils flaring, knuckles tightening on her dagger's hilt. It's all she can do not to lose her shit, no pun intended. Still, she waits.

Battle Singer doesn't move, he has set up his ambush and by Gaia, he's not so much as twitching his tail. Patient, he waits, ready to leap out and go for the man's back if he comes down the couple of steps and out of the trailer.

Meanwhile, inside the bedroom, the sniffing stops. The lump under the covers is very, very still and listening. Listening to Sigryd's softly sung, almost whispered lullaby. The little girl tugs down the covers and tries to peer into the darkness. She doesn't say anything.

The light blooms into life behind the truck, at the opposite end from where the Philodox commands it. It draws the man's attention and he lifts the shotgun right up. A step into the doorway and he fires - **"BLAM!!*** It' FUCKING loud and splits the night! The buckshot sails right over the hood of the truck - one of the balls punch a hole in the edge of the windshield! "BLOW YE FUCKING HEAD OFF NEXT! GET OUT!" Angry, seething, 'Stinky' starts down the steps.

As the shot rings out, ShieldBrother snarls a nasty grin. The light starts to move back and forth behind the vehicle. Making it look like that the one holding it is starting to panick without seeing a way out.

Inside the bathroom, Wazi is shaking her head slowly, insistently, back and forth like a metronome. Determinedly. Her eyes remain shut. She tries not to breathe any more than necessary. Her lips purse over grit teeth. Her hands remain exactly where she placed them, for all the good they're doing right now. Inside, she is screaming and Raging and cleansing herself in the blood of wicked rednecks with shotguns and no sense of personal hygiene. Outside, she probably looks like she's going to hurl or at least collapse and die. Finally, there's an explosion of gunfire and the thudding of the man's steps.

Wazi opens the door and steps out of the bathroom, breath still held, then turns and closes the door behind her. Finally, her eyes open again and she allows herself a tentative breath, dagger coming free of its sheath.

Sigryd continues to sing to the little girl, still quiet, still soothing. She's got a foot bracing the door, wedging it shut, and is otherwise still. She listens for movement in the hallawy, but her eyes are on the girl, the lump hiding under the blankets.

The quavering light's movement behind the truck does indeed lure the redneck - but he's being /careful/ and swings wide to try and see who or what is there without getting close. 'Stinky' steps around to do that and bring his shotgun closer to get a line of sight. Battle Singer eyes track the formor man, his haunches bunched up and ready to spring. He waits just a moment longer to let the man clear the trailer and come fully out. But not long enough to let him get around the truck and get a bead on Shieldbrother.

Stinky can see the light in the foggy night, now. He lifts the shotgun higher to take aim as he takes the last couple of steps and as he does, Battle Singer leaps out to attack his back!

Inside, Wazi's right at the entry to the kitchenet and the bedroom. It's sort of a neck of a hallway that never quite made it to becoming a real hallway. The main room and the open door are right there to her right, the bedroom to her left, the tiny kitchen nook across from her.

Sigryd has the bedroom door closed. It's dark. There was a VERY LOUD blam and yelling. Very, very softly the little girl whispers from her bed, "Daddy?" She sounds very frightened.

Inside the little hallway that wasn't, Wazi just takes a few moments to breathe, settling her Rage a little, enjoying the respite of no longer being in the absolute heart of Ground Zero. It's still bad, but it's better. After a short while, she gives her head a shake and then glances to the bedroom door. She eyes it a moment, then turns and steps quietly into the living room area. Her dagger reamins in hand, at the ready, as she stalks toward the front of the trailer. Maybe the man has backup of some kind. Maybe her friends need assistance. Only one way to find out, right?

ShieldBrother hears the ambush Lleu sprang on the man before he makes it around the back of the truck. And as he rises to add in his own murder to the equation, he sees the man go down.... Damned! He keeps his axe at the ready as he comes closer a bit, keeping the downed man in sight. <<Good attack Battle Singer!>> He growls lightly...

Sigryd shhhs softly to the little girl. "It's ok. I'm here to keep you safe," she says softly, soothingly as she can. "Do you have a favorite song? I'll sing it with you."

Wazi enters the main room where the TV and chair are located, a small table, a book shelf. It looks like if it were just cleaned up, it would be homey. There's even a photo hung on the wall if she can make it out in the dimness. Looks like a happy guy standing in front of the ocean with a pretty wife and a little girl with sunkissed brown hair in pigtails and curls. The little girl is smiling big and holding up a fish she caught with her fishing pole. Around the room there is dirty dishes, beer cans, junk. Most of it looks recent.

The little girl peers through the darkness at Sigryd's dark shape in her room. She starts crying again, dirty cheeks smeared with the tears she'd been trying to keep silent beneath her covers. "No. Daddy will hurt me. I want Mommy back. I miss her." She softly sobs, hushed as if afraid to be heard. She uses on hand to hold the blanket up close to her chin, "My arm hurts something awful."

Battle Singer didn't /quite/ bring the man down! Lleupine ravages the man's back and the shotgun is dropped! The fog is thick, obscuring, but the man's outcry of pain and surprise rip open the night. The huge dire wolf and the man stagger and as the man falls beneath Battle Singer's attack, something happens. The man's body begins to /change/ much like a garou's! 'Stinky' grows larger, releasing the snarl of an angry beast! A hissing, horrible, retched sound. He stands back up and throws Battle Singer off of his back, changing shape in the darkness and fog into something far more than a man! A terrible stench rolls off of him, an acidic, gagging smell of toxic excretement. The form that rears up is as large as a garou in Crinos, but more stooped, more reptillian - and yet, it seems as if it is less well shaped, thick bodied with gaping mouths filled with teeth that seem to open like lesions in it's very flesh at random. Blood or ichor seep down it's back where Battle Singer had bitten viciously into him but now 'Stinky' has claws and fangs of his own!

Wazi looks over the room a long moment, listening, considering. She paces through the little living room toward the picture on the wall, squinting to see it better, but then the sound of the man shouting in pain sings out. The Ahroun turns to look at the open door, blinking as she sees the man transform into the lizard thing. Her brow raises, an expression of almost mild surprise on her human face. Then, she frowns and abandons admiring the scenery in favor of charging for the door, dagger in hand. She doesn't leap out into the fray, but she does take up guardianship of the entrance, ready to spring into the fight if needed, or prevent the man's return to the trailer.

Over her shoulder, she shouts to the hallway: "Guard!"

Sigryd shakes her head. "I won't let anyone hurt you. Let me see your arm?" She picks up a child's song again, Simple, silly, comforting to a child. "There is an inn a a merry old inn beneath an old grey hill. THe ostler has a tipsy cat that plays a five stringed fiddle, and up and down he runs his bow...." While she sings she moves over to the bed so she can check the girl out.

The little girl cries, trying to stay quiet. "Who are you? Where's Daddy?" If Sigryd draws back the blanket, the child reaches to hold her right arm close. She's bruised and a little bloody from having been beaten. Her left arm appears to be broken and her little wrist twisted so that her hand is not in a natural position. "Hurt so much. So afraid!"

Sigryd shhhs, and smooth's the girl's hair back. "I'm one of the good guys," she tells the girl. "I'm the one to make sure no one hurts you any more or scares you. Try and sleep. I'll keeep you safe." She starts singing again, just wordless melody, a long, slow rite of cleansing, the best that can be done until healing can be found.

ShieldBrother attacks the lizardform Fomor now that it has taken its form, not wanting to give it a chance to attack. He attacks and hits.. Though the axe's edge, barely scratches its filthy hide. The.. Thing.. Attacks him now, a bite he is able to parry with the cold steel of the axe's head. He snarls and is about to end it as Lleu attacks again, bringing the fucker down for good. He gives Battle Singer a nod. <<Good kill.>> Just for good measure though... Hjalmar cleaves the beasts head... It rose once.. Not again!

Battle Singer has indeed gotten in another nasty attack on the beast! He sinks his teeth into it's side this time and despite it's horrible smell, manages to rip out it's guts! Entrails rip out and spew to the side making the formor thrash and screach a most abominable noise! It goes down and ere it might do more than claw the ground and gasp, Shieldbrother has planted his axe into it's skull with a loud CRACK!

All then is silent outside except for the soft rolling waves of the ocean, muted by the thick fog, and the sudden sound of Battle Singer retching! Nasty, vile taste in his mouth! Thankfully it seems to do him no more harm than to want to barf his guts up, blarg!

Wazi tilts her head a little, watching as the two work together to bring down Lizardman. She grimaces again, then shaking her head slightly. She watches a few moments, making sure the threat is ended. Then she turns and steps back into the living room, returning to the picture on the wall. She scoops it up, then slipping it into her Minnie Mouse backpack. A trophy for the night? It would be unusual for the lupus.

Later, after the little girl is secured and Rhea's Rescue Bus contacted at either Hjalmar or Wazi's recommendation, Waziyata spends a few moments aside with the girl (likely with Sigryd's help). The girl's broken arm is healed discretely, with an explanation that the arm isn't actually that bad and will get better soon. The picture of the broken family is given to the girl with a gruff lupus comment of, "Remember them from -before- the bad things." A pause for thought, and then the addition of, "Find things to be happy for. Do not let Rage take you, too." It's probably a deeper sentiment than most children her age can take in, and possibly more than would be expected of the Lupus Ahroun to say clearly in one stretch of time.

Then, she hangs around to make sure the girl is taken into safe custody by the kinfolk and to help cleanse the site and destroy the corpse of the Fomor.

The sound of bones, sinew and flesh setting back into their original form can be heard coming from ShieldBrother as he becomes a tall muscular man with blond hair and blue eyes.

Hjalmar reverts back to Homid form in order to not scare the survivor. He quickly looks through the trailer, not turning up anything. He then proceeds to drag the corpse with the help of Lleu and Wazi into a wide circle that Hjalmar will use as the area of cleansing... And after the cleansing is done.. He will start the burning of the corpse, destroying any proof of the Fomor.

What a mess they have to clean up, too! It'll take them all night and into the next day ere they will be finished, here. Lleutrim makes sure the job is done well and thoroughly, and the little girl tended to safely - the veil protected. It is a good thing they followed up.