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Revision as of 06:44, 31 January 2020



No one can tell what goes on in between the person you were and the person you become.
- Steven King, The Stand”

  • On the Run: Creek has been on the run from "something" for the past few weeks. When asked he's reluctant to give specifics though he's used the term "they" a few times suggesting that it's not just a single person that's after him. Maybe a group or an organization that he pissed off or saw something he shouldn't have. Either way he's been trying to stay one step ahead of them ever since. This has meant that he's been sleeping where he can, eating when he can and living quite rough on the street.
  • Had a Life: Creek had a life that was much different than the one he's in now. Based on his small bits of revealed information he was a student at UC:P for a while but then something happened. He was never intended to end up on the street but then again who is?
  • Had a Name: Creek, or so some might know him as - though he's not given that out to many, isn't his real name. It's just a word, partially faded, on the flap of his canvas satchel. The old bag was either something he possessed in his old life or possibly something he found along the way in this new one. But it's a name that some people have started to use to refer to him and he just went along with it.

Roaster Folk

  • Emrick:Tries to help. Not sure why. Still, offering me some quick cash for a hotel so I could get some real sleep in a real bed and a real shower was pretty damn nice of him. Probably gonna get himself killed.
  • Caressa: Another one of the helpers. People are -just- not that nice. She had questions. Tried to put the whammy on me at least once. Keeping my distance.
  • Joel: Jumpy fucker. I misspoke -one- damned word and he loses his shit and calls the local sheriff. WTF? What got them so spooked? I don't think its whats after me. Maybe something else.
  • Bobbi: Looks familiar. I think I saw her at the tent city once. Not sure what's up with her. She, like everyone else I find at that coffee house, offers to help. I'd rather not get her killed.

City Folk

  • Tian (old): Offering me work at a kung fu temple? Well I never saw that coming. You'd be surprised the people you run into at WaffleMania.
