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The area is swathed in seasonal decorations. There are wreaths, garlands and boughs of evergreen and holly strung along the buildings and table. Twinkling white lights appear scattered throughout the trees and shrubbery around the property, giving an intermittent sparkle in the night. Through the tall windows of the longhouse, a large, luxurious Yule tree can be seen, lavishly decorated. Here and there, after the sun has set, the light flutter of snowflakes can even be seen...
The area is swathed in seasonal decorations. There are wreaths, garlands and boughs of evergreen and holly strung along the buildings and table. Twinkling white lights appear scattered throughout the trees and shrubbery around the property, giving an intermittent sparkle in the night. Through the tall windows of the longhouse, a large, luxurious Yule tree can be seen, lavishly decorated. Here and there, after the sun has set, the light flutter of snowflakes can even be seen...
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To the northwest of the Caern's bawn lies the pack territory of Frostbite in the lands they now refer to as Ravenscar. There, a modern day Viking Longhouse has been erected to house the pack, their kin, a corax, HIS kin, a five year old, and a war spirit that looks like a dog. Old McFenris had a farm, E I E I RARR! Today, a wide selection of the inhabitants are around. When Klara arrives, as no doubt instructed by the Den Father, she is greeted by two ravens, Cobalt and Cornflower who kraa something that sounds like "SHITFUCKBALLS" and "OHSHITFUCK" as they fly off to get away from a materializing roan pit bull who insists on welcoming all visitors.
To the northwest of the Caern's bawn lies the pack territory of Frostbite in the lands they now refer to as Ravenscar. There, a modern day Viking Longhouse has been erected to house the pack, their kin, a corax, HIS kin, a five year old, and a war spirit that looks like a dog. Old McFenris had a farm, E I E I RARR! Today, a wide selection of the inhabitants are around. When Klara arrives, as no doubt instructed by the Den Father, she is greeted by two ravens, Cobalt and Cornflower who kraa something that sounds like "SHITFUCKBALLS" and "OHSHITFUCK" as they fly off to get away from a materializing roan pit bull who insists on welcoming all visitors.

Revision as of 13:52, 18 January 2020

Klara Learns the Rite of Contrition
Aaryn teaches Klara the Rite of Contrition
IC Date 2020.01.17
IC Time Late Afternoon
Players Micah Sten Rian Royan Klara Aaryn
Location The Longhouse at Ravenscar
Spheres Garou Gaian
Theme Song A theme song for the log

Longhouse - Yard

A scattering of ravens call out to announce your arrival as the small path eventually gives way to several buildings up ahead. The most impressive of the three buildings is what appears to be a modern retelling of a Viking Longhouse. It is a tall structure and long, of course, made of sturdy wood logs and stonework. There is a stone porch and steps at the front and several long windows along the sides, giving the home a more open and airy feeling. Depending on the time of day or night, a warm golden glow can often be seen coming from these windows.

To the right of the longhouse, there are two smaller buildings, precise log structures of a modern slant. Each of them appear to be for craft working of one sort or another. Behind the smaller buildings, a creek runs over smooth stones and through the forest bed.

To the left of the longhouse is a large, ancient Oak Tree, the kind with thick branches and roots that children and birds alike can play about in. In the center of this area is a large stone fire pit, around which several stone benches have been arranged.

The area is swathed in seasonal decorations. There are wreaths, garlands and boughs of evergreen and holly strung along the buildings and table. Twinkling white lights appear scattered throughout the trees and shrubbery around the property, giving an intermittent sparkle in the night. Through the tall windows of the longhouse, a large, luxurious Yule tree can be seen, lavishly decorated. Here and there, after the sun has set, the light flutter of snowflakes can even be seen...

To the northwest of the Caern's bawn lies the pack territory of Frostbite in the lands they now refer to as Ravenscar. There, a modern day Viking Longhouse has been erected to house the pack, their kin, a corax, HIS kin, a five year old, and a war spirit that looks like a dog. Old McFenris had a farm, E I E I RARR! Today, a wide selection of the inhabitants are around. When Klara arrives, as no doubt instructed by the Den Father, she is greeted by two ravens, Cobalt and Cornflower who kraa something that sounds like "SHITFUCKBALLS" and "OHSHITFUCK" as they fly off to get away from a materializing roan pit bull who insists on welcoming all visitors.

The greetings from the two ravens give Klara a brief moment of pause, the ragabash grinning at the particular choice of mimicry before she realizes they -might- be talking about the pit bull that she knew stuck around the Den Father and his pack. Her head quickly swivels around in search of the spirit so as to hopefully avoid being balled over by him.

Sten looks up at the birds calling out. His shirt off and having been training pounding a wooden log of a punching bag which stood near the sparring circle. The older NOT McFenrir, looks to who Tank was assulting now. Moving towards the path that leads up to the Yard and Longhouse proper. "Hello there" he offers with a nod. His Fenrir blood evident and clear.

Can ravens brood? Su-ure they can. Sort of. Most of the time, ravens are lively creatures. They tend to not be quiet, especially with new faces around. And they certainly don't tend to sit very still. But the large black raven sitting in the high branches of the large oak tree is being both quiet and still. He's in the light. The rays of the sun hitting his black feathers, making them shine a black and blue hue. But he might as well, otherwise, be a statue for he does not move much.

As Klara looks around for the roan pit bull turned missile, she also spots another four-legged critter eyeballing her quietly as it sits on its haunches beneath the old Oak Tree. A grey and white wolf levels its cool blue gaze upon her for a few moments before picking itself up and loping in the Ragabash's general direction. The wolf gives a shake of her head as she arrives alongside their visitor, bits of bone tied about her fur tinkle gently as she yarwls, >>Greetings, Almost-Too-Far, yuff. It is good to see you again. I'm Guides the Dead, known to man as 'Aaryn'. Aaryn or 'Ryn' will suffice, as we're not in formal setting and informality is perfectly fine by me. Are you hungry or thirsty? You are welcome to our hospitality<<

Even if the roan missile is being launched towards her, Klara will settle her focus on Guides the Dead as she approaches. Making any sort of lupis sounds with a human throat is...difficult at best, so the Fang doesn't even try. "I accept your hospitality, Guides-the-Dead'rhya," She HAS to get one bit of formality in, once, or they'll revoke her Silver Fang card. Honest! "In the spirit of friendship it is given." She inclines her head in a formal gesture of acceptance and respect. "And thank you for agreeing to teach me, Ryn. Even if you were volunteered for the job." The last is added with a faintly amused smirk.

And speaking of such hospitality, Micah comes out of the Longhouse carrying said mid-day refreshments as the Fenrir usually have which include meat but not pork, whatever is fresh from the garden, fresh bread, cheese and a choice of water or mead. He sets them down on the large table in the back yard of the Longhouse, calling out, "Don't break the cliath, Tank!"

Tank, for his part, does not breath the Cliath, but does sniff and check her out and makes sure she is who and what she says she is. As he walks along side of her towards Ryn he gives a merry yarl and in the spirit tongue says, ~If you get bored learning things we can fight later.~

Slowly, the large ravens head turns to watch the new face as she comes to greet the Pack. A little movement is made, a wing pushing outwards just a bit from his body before settling back in along his side. The only sound he lets out is his beak clicking a few times in the air. He's watching the new face now, though.

Sten smiles broadly "Welcome to Ravenscar, I am Sten Blixt, Adren Skald of Fenrir, Alpha of Frostbite." offering a nod though letting the Theurge deal with the newcommer since it seemed she was her for her.

Ryn gives Klara a bit of a chuff in a wolfish version of a chuckle, >>I am used to being VolunTold, I do not mind. I like working with new students of the Nation,<< she mrawrls before bumping into Tank and sending the war spirit off his feet and then giving him a warning snap of her jaw. >>Beat it, Kid! Ya botherin' me!<< She yip-barks. Another shake of her head and she continues their path towards the table where the lanky wolf makes a leap onto a chair at the side of a table and turns around to precariously settle her haunches into the piece of human furniture. The wolf tilts her head back, skyward, to look up at the raven in the higher branches, jaw opening as her tongue lolls out for a moment. And then, her attention snaps back to Klara, >>you wish to learn Contrition, yes?<<

Klara looks up when Sten speaks and turns to face him. "Thank you. I am Klara Anya Tolstaya, known as Almost-Too-Far, born on two legs beneath the hidden moon, of the Silver Fang." Thankfully, she stops the introduction there, because as everyone knows, formal Fang introductions can go on for days. Or at least feel like they do. She accompanies Aaryn towards the table, though she remains standing for now. "Yes, among other things. I think it's an important one to learn first for anyone, but especially as a ragabash."

"As the closest thing our pack has to a ragabash, I concur," Micah inserts. "It took me a long time and a lot of beatings to swallow my pride long enough to learn to say I'm sorry - especially if I didn't think I was wrong. In the end, it really held me back from becoming a Fostern sooner." He crosses his arms and looks over to his sister for a moment before adding, "As a theurge though, Ryn is likely to focus on saying sorry to the spirits - not just other Garou."

A somewhat quiet, low-ish sound comes from the raven, like a very muted kraa; like a greeting that he wants to get out there without disturbing. The other wing moves in the same manner as the other before!

Sten nods to Klara and towards Aaryn "She will set teach you and show you what you need to know" bowing his head towards Aaryn as he moves back to where he left his shirt getting it on "Anything anyone need from the fridge?" looking over to Micah to see if he wanted something. "Hrafn you want something?" looking up to the big black bird Theron has connected.

The wolf slouches a big against the big chair, letting her fur down a bit as they chat with the Cliath. Her head pops up towards the Raven in the tree and she chuffs and gives a groaning sort of yarwl. Not that the Raven could understand her even if he wanted to, but the wolf seems extremely interested in the bird - Her ears are perked and her blue eyes peer intensely as it shifts. But as the hunky Viking makes his way back to gather his shirt, Ryn's head swivels to follow him for a moment, then eventually settles back on Klara. Tongue lolling for a second as she opens her jaw, then yarfs >>knowing how to say you're sorry is vital,<< she agrees. >>Yes, you are correct, especially for a Ragabash,<< there's an almost wolfish chortle. >>And it is important to know how to say, 'sorry' to both other garou and spirits. Nothin' worse than a pissed-off Monkey Spirit....<< Another shake of her head and Ryn begins to gingerly stand in that seat. >>Actions speak louder than words when we ask for forgiveness, and so the rite has depth. Tell me, are those clothes dedicated to you?<< She bobs her head in Klara's direction.

Micah's insertion draws a chuckle from Klara, and she waggles her eyebrows at him. "Ragabash learn early to roll with the punches, literally. And that saying sorry is the best way to avoid one...or at least, lessen it." Her right arm bends, thumb hooking into her pocket as she cocks her hip to the right. "And apologizing to the spirits is important, just like to garou." And then she is finally noticing (or at least acknowledging) the raven above when it craws. She returns the unobtrusive wave with a quiet one of her left hand. She snickers, eyes sparkling with good humour, "PIssed off monkey-spirit? Sounds like -that- is spoken from experience. And yes, they are."

Micah rubs the back of his neck as his sister mentions pissed off monkey spirits, "To be fair, he wasn't pissed off, he was cashing in on a promise made." He grins through, remember the mess it all caused, "Ryn here is very comfortable in her wolf, so she'll teach you the rite in its most basic form in your lupus and then we can talk about all the variations for other forms, or who you are apologizing too." Sten has disconnected.

Ryn gives a >>CHUFF<< about Micah and his Monkey Spirit. Yep! Experience! And then stands and leaps down from the chair which means, by the law of kinetic energy, the chair topples over behind her. Meh. Ryn trots over towards Klara, >>I find that the rite, itself, is easier performed in your wolf, when /possible/<< she mrawls, >>for various reasons, notthe least of which is not having to get dirt out of your clothes.<< She settles back on her haunches and bobs her head at the Cliath expectantly. >>Well now,<< She yips, >>go ahead. Let's see that beautiful wolf come on out and say 'HI!'<<

Another two clicks of his beak and the Raven slowly shifts position on the branch. He just sort of sidles a bit to the left, as if he was following the rays of the sun as it slowly moves along the sky.

Bobbing her head, Klara rolls her head to stretch her neck before she shifts - bones crack and muscles adjust as the Russian woman's body changes from human to wolf. It doesn't take more than a moment before, in her place, stands a wolf in warm tones of brown and small bits of black. Other than the bright green eyes, her markings and colourings are relatively generic. Giving herself a shake that starts at her head and works its way down her spine, she then steps forward, stretching out her back and extending her legs one at a time behind her with a little flick of the earth for emphasis. >>Ready!<<

Ryn gives a little flick of her head, ears perked curiously, but she stands and gives a pleased little ~yip~ in the Cliath's direction, in a wolfish >>well done!<<

>>Yay, I can shift forms!<< Klara returns with a snuff that sounds vaguely like a human snort of amusement as she makes fun of herself.

>>Oh, you might be surprised,<< Ryn chortles a bit. She may, or may not, be speaking of everyone's favourite Silver Fang pal there. She turns to face the old oak tree and peers up a moment before yarwling, >>an apology should come from the heart. That is to say, it should be sincere and instinctual. There are certain body language aspects that /most/ people, spirits and wolves understand as being apologetic. Like this,<< she offers before lowering her wolfish head towards the ground and looking uuuuup at the Raven in the tree in an almost Wolf-in-Boots fashion. She lets out a pitiful little ~whine~

Klara clearly doesn't know the story of the Silver Fang in question as she just turns her head to the side, ears perking. Settling on her haunches, she watches Ryn, studying the body movement before she stands and moves forward. Bending her front legs, she lowers her head towards the ground, ears laying down and pack as she holds her tail low. She gives a soft wine, similar to Ryn's but slightly more hesitant; trying it out really.

The bird moves a bit to this, his body posture changing and his head tilting a bit to the side. He lets out a little kraaa, followed by a trilling sound that three short clicking sounds. He repeats that sound twice, head moving just a bit to the side, eye peering down at the wolf.

Ryn chuffs her approval at the Ragabash and continues, flopping her ears just a bit, careful not to pin them back along her head in a threatening manner, but making them look more soft. She lowers herself to her belly, slowly, keeping her blue eyes settled on the Raven in the tree. Stretching her front paws out in front of her, she slides along forward on her belly just a smidge, and lets a little whine reverberate from her throat through her muzzle, letting emotion convey itself in a sound and not in words.

Klara's certain to relax her ears as Ryn gives hers a wiggle, before she once again attempts to mimic the movements. She drops her belly to graze the ground, back legs bent slightly as she belly-crawls forward a few inches. She, too, whines pitifully, the sound soft and high pitched, made in three short lengths rather than one long whine.

Normally being the one that watches others, suddenly being watched like this with two wolves creeping along the ground and whining at him.. or at least the one.. makes the raven let out another kraa, this one a bit louder than the first one. Another series of clicks follows the kraaa before he slowly inches closer to the stem of the tree.

Ryn softly whimpers again, a soft, barely audible sound this time as she places her front paws over her muzzle and writhes her head from side to side a bit before upturning her right paw and giving it a piteous liiiiiick liiiiiick. The softly vibrating whine continues a moment as she again lifts her paws towards her ears and paw-paw-paws at her ears and muzzle. The whine reverberates again, like Klara's, in three short little whimpering sounds as a tiny piece of bone pops free from the Get's fur. Softly, gently, Ryn drops her eyes from the perching Raven, to the bone, and presses her nose to it to roll it closer towards the Raven. The small metallic clasps glints in Helios' light a moment as she scoooooots it closer to the Raven and then scrambles back away, all on her belly. She lets out a low, mournful whimper. >>Hrafn!<<

The motion of paws over nose and licking of paws is imitated, quickly and easily, but her head lifts in a perk of curiousity as something is brought out and pushed forward. Her head twists to the side as she looks curiously towards the exchange, focused on observing and understanding rather than copying for now.

Micah, who has been observing, comments briefly, "A gift or offering is key, especially with a spirit. They're very vain and like things in their image. In a pinch, gnosis will do."

Ryn is /Not/ Implying the RAVEN is Vain. Nope.

The raven lets out another little kraa to this, his eyes going from the wolves to the bone with its shimmering and glimmering surface which catches the rays of the sun. But he does not move. He does not have to! Instead, from around the roots of the tree, comes a spider. Its large, its backside about the size of a fist. Eight legs, eight eyes and black fur covering its body. The spider slowly begins to move up towards the offered item to then come to a stop just in front of it. The creature, clearly NOT a natural spider that anyone would know, looks up at Guides the Dead. Those little front feelers of his wave in the air a bit before he says, ~Thanks!~ in the most -cheerful- and happy spirit voice you could ever imagine hearing! And then, unless stopped, the spider will spin a quick web around the bone and haul it off towards the tree!

/Of/ course the Raven would not make this easy. Ryn watches Bob as he begins to spin that web, and chuffs, softly. As if it were her /last/, /DYING/ breath. ~Bob~ she chokes in the tongue of the spirit, ~please. Tell Magnificent Feather. *sob* I'm SOOOORRRRRYYYYYYYY~ Followed by the most close translation one can get to Lupus Ugly-Crying.

Still watching, Klara's ears perk as her mouth drops open a bit, tongue lolling out - she knows this is serious but because it isn't a real apology (she doesn't think), she can't help but grin at the lupus ugly cry she's witnessing. BUt she does look back and forth between Ryn, the spider tugging the bone offering up, and the Raven.

The longhouse is alive with whines as Rian arrives. Sten and Micah have, apparently, wondered off, growing tired of the scene. But there are two wolves laying sprawled on their belly beneath the old Oak Tree, in varying stages of whining up at the large Raven in its branches.

Enter majestic white wolf, stage left! Fluffy McFancyfang is a good kid though and doesn't show up out of nowhere, requesting permission to visit from territory's edge and probably getting the 'yeah the weirdos are that way' from Micah or someone. When he arrives at the longhouse proper, he stooooops... Sits down, and tilts his head so far to one side, ears all perked up with that canine 'what did I just walk into??' expression on his furry face.

The large black spider that was starting to make it up the tree stops and turns. It goes back to the ground; leaving the bounty behind! That large spider then begins to skitter across the ground towards Guides the Dead. He walks right up to the wolves right paw and just sort of .. wraps a few legs around the ankle, ~Furry!~ the spider says, as it completes its .. very awkward attempt at being guided in how to give a hug by someone who isn't human either. Yep. Apology accepted? Perhaps! The spider then turns to grab the wrapped up gift once more, starting the ascent up the tree!

The spider narrowly misses the lupus tongue coming out to give it a wolfish *Smooch*, and Ryn hops up to her four feet again. She swivels her muzzle towards the Cliath and chuffs before yipping >>there, apologizing 101!<< She pulls her lips back in a wolfish grin and lolls her tongue out, as well, >>You're a natural at communicating in your lupus,<< she begins to encourage the Cliath, and then her blue eyes fall on Rian and her ears perk in Surprise. She gives herself a solid nose-to-tail shake, getting the dirt off as she mrawls, >>Death Before Dishonor. I didn't see you sitting there! How... How long have you been there, exactly?<<

Her mouth hangs open a little wider at the praise, and Klara pushes up from her belly and head down position. >>Thanks! But hopefully I won't need to apologize -too- often!<< The other wolf is a rich brown with hints of black and lighter brown, though her markings are common. Bright green eyes that McFluffyPants likey would recognise swivel around in his direction, and Klara gives herself a nose to tail shake, ridding herself of any belly-debris from crawling. And she bounds off to him, ears up and tail lifted - it looks like she might intend to shoulder check him. >>Death-Before-Dishonor'rhya!<<

>>Long enough to decide that I have to tell EVERYbody what I saw!<< Rian says, producing a particularly doofy smile of his own. He stands up and prances in a little circle, head and tail held high like he was going to a canine award show, or like the world's proudest Akita, >>Guides the Dead kisses spiiiiiiiiders! Guides the Dead kisses spiiiiiiiiders!<< It's less sing-songy in lupus but he still gives it his very best shot. Also, bad Rian! How disrespectful! But, Ahroun, so tempting people into smack mode is just a thing he cant help.

And, oh yeah. There is a brooding raven up in the oak tree that, for now, sits close to the trunk of the tree in one of the high branches and trying very hard to be a silent, none-moving entity! Except for little movements of his head, looking at all the wolves being all .. wolves. So many wolves.

Luckily, Ryn is Get and loves a smack-down as much as any self-respecting Ahroun. Her grin spreads across her maw, and her eyes narrow in mischief. She gives a little dirt-kick with her hind leg and lowers her shoulder - This time, in a tackle and not an apology! She takes off in the direction of Rian. Hopefully, Klara won;t be collateral damage, but Ryn has a feeling the impressive Cliath can more than handle whatever comes her way - Even if it is a Get of Fenris!

The cliath was already halfway towards Rian by the time Ryn made her charge. Seems Klara didn't wait for a reason before trying to shoulder check the older Fang - of course, her own body slam is probably negligible to the Ahroun, and likely just as easily overlooked gy the Get. But hey, she tries!

Rian gets biffed by Klara-wolf and breathes something of a laugh before >>AHGAIANOOOO!<< he's suddenly taken down by the more experienced Aaryn-wolf! He goes down like a cheap kinfolk, wailing and whining like a dog that's just been hit by a car while he's mauled. To death! >>No! No! My fur, my beautiful fur! Save the sexy wolf! Oh no I'm too gorgeous to die! Hi, Almost-too-THAT WAS MY ARMIT QUITTIT THAT TICKLES!<< he complains, while on his back with legs flailing madly. Yep, mighty warrior.

The Get lays her full weight on top of Rian in a show of Adren-Dominance and gives him a full, hearty lick right in his eyeballs and nostrils. <3

Bob finishes hauling the loot up the trunk of the tree before securing it on the branch near the brooding raven. The large spider then moves around the trunk and is then just out of view and gone somewhere. The raven though is still there, trying to not lose the sun.. light! Watching the wolves.. be .. wolves? Or Garou!