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Latest revision as of 03:05, 4 January 2019

The Family All Meets Mammoth
Skully and Johanna take Ildar, Khol, and Xenovia to meet their Spirit Totem, Mammoth
Players Ildar, Johanna, Khol, Skully, Xenovia, Kandula's Hope
Location Serenity Grove/Penumbra
Spheres Gaian Garou

Skully has been preparing for this all day, making sure things are 'just right' in a very Goldilocks sort of way. He's cleared and prepared an area in the Penumbra outside the Coopers' house, occupied all local spirits to keep them out from under foot, painted Garou glyphs and tribal pictograms to welcome his Totem, and finally stepped back out of the Umbra to go fetch Mammoth's tusk, letting the rest of the pack gathered know, "It's time, folks."

Johanna has brought the Mammoth's tusk out for Skully. Once handed over since truly, it looks much more normal for him to carry, she awaits the others to join them. "Weathers-the-Storm, you have really out done yourself. Mammoth I am certain will be pleased."

Khol comes out as he is alerted that its time. He has spent some time just in personal meditation, to make sure he is as ready as he can be for this.. It will be quite a new thing for him as well. He joins the others and smiles to Skully. He really doesn't have anything to compare his preparations to.

Ildar would have of course, arrived with Xen, watching the preparations and mentally readying himself as well. At the word from Skully he nods and joins the others, looking about at all the work that has been done and smiling broadly to Skully with a nod of appreciation.

Xenovia comes in with the others when summoned and looks up at Ildar as she gently squeezes his hand. "This is a big moment," she whispers. "Meeting someone so old, ancient." She's excited for him and then smiles to the others.

Skully leads everyone out and through the Gauntlet to the place he's prepared in the penumbra, where it's snowing gently and the horizon is shrouded by mists. He sits cross-legged on the ground and takes a deep lungful of air, blowing on the tusk-horn three times before he starts praying quietly in Lakota, chanting, "Ate Wankantanka, Mitawa ki, wazi ya tanhan, ka te na Wa ska ki u ya ye ki, hena un taku ya kage ki, ya glu ska kta, he ca nu." He continues, his voice a gentle, low drone in a set cadence, and before long certain words are punctuated by a slow rumble from the earth, as if the stones beneath were waking.

Johanna takes a seat to the right of Skully, ever so watchful of the Mammoth tusk. As he plays it, she watches it come to life. Always fascinated by it, she stares at the flute as she relaxes and reaches a point of meditation for the moment as she hears the chanting.

Khol has never crossed the gauntlet before, and he looks about in amazement as he follows the others. He will sit down next to Jo, to watch and listen quietly

Xenovia has new abilities to step through and she stays close to the other Garou. She's not spent too much time on this side and everything is still a wonder. When it's time, she will sit down where the circle is prepared.

Ildar holds Xen's hand, grinning her way as they'd move through the gauntlet. He was better at it here, it was easier, so that helps of course. Getting to that spot, he'd sit like the others did, watching in fascination as Skully blows that horn and starts chanting. He'd look about himself, noting what's going on. He was focusing himself, mentally preparing for what was to come, but there's a definite excitement to it.

"He iye cel, Wakantanka, Anpetu ki le, Micante Ki Mi ci yu ska ye," Skully continues chanting, the rhythm of his words now seeming to be punctuated by some great spiritual drum. "He cel tohanl, nitokab woyasu ki el, wahinajin ki, ima ya cu kta."

Before long, however, it becomes clear that it is not a drum at all, nor the stirring of the earth; it is the rhythm of four massive feet, walking slowly from the white shadows of mist in the distance and coalescing into a silhouette of umber and sienna. Mammoth strides slowly from the niveous curtain of snow and fog, eyes glowing like two amber beacons, one great tusk curling forward to match the horn in Skully's hands. The great shaggy beast steps forward into the painted circle, then raises its trunk high and emits a proud, trumpeting blare that thunders through the umbral sky, sending shivers deep into the bones of all gathered.

Johanna reaches for Khol's hand as Mammoth approaches. As he begins his trumpeting blare, she squeezes his hand and moves to her knees, and bows her head to Mammoth. Quietly, she remains there in reverence for their most honor totem.

Khol looks at the massive creature, his eyes wide, and he is a bit slow to move, but with Johanna's prompting he moves to his knees and bows as well. His breathing coming in slightly short, awe filled gasps.

Xenovia rises from her seat and gracefully bows down to one knee, following suit of the others. She offers reverance for such an ancient spirit and lowers her gaze respectfully.

Ildar stares in wide-eyed shock at the massive beast that has come to see them, shuddering with that bone shivering blare. It'd take him a moment to realize what the others are doing, completely lost in that awe. Finally, he'd shift, doing much like Xen had to bow to one knee, bowing his head in reverance to the massive mammoth.

Skully has his head bowed as well, but he is smiling broadly as he says, "Thank you for answerin' our call, great Mammoth. We keep the pact." He sets the tusk down to rise to his feet, but as huge as he is, he is still dwarfed by the behemoth spirit before him, massive and proud.

Skully spreads his arms wide, gesturing to his pack, and says, "Our numbers grow, Mammoth. We bring to you our family, who stand ready to pledge themselves to your cause an' the cause'a Kandula's Hope. They stand ready to introduce themselves an' make themselves known to you." His hand goes to Ildar's shoulder first, giving the Silver Fang his cue as the great Mammoth waits patiently.

Johanna rises now, encouraging the others to do so. She stands next to Skully, and waits for Ildar to speak and introduce himself next. A signal to Khol and Xenovia to join them, as family, show just how their family is growing and revere the might spirit.

Khol straightens, he is dwarfed by Skully, but this spirit is beyond that.. its massive size is like standing in the shadow of a mountain. He might not be able to speak right now even if he wanted. his wide eyes taking in every powerful inch of the spirit.

Xen falls quiet as Ildar is to go first. She looks to him proudly and smiles warmly over. She nods for him to go ahead.

Ildar listens to Skully and at that touch, glances up at him, then raises. Mammoth IS massive and his movements are respectful immensely, but there's a certain pride to the Silver Fang as he's given the cue to go first. "I am Ildar Solokov, Grandfather was known as Fights-the-Dark, Great great grandfather was Fangs-of-Justice. Great great great Grandmother was Luna's Claws. Rite Name Honor's Keeper, Fostern Silver Fang, Ahroun born on two legs. I am a member of the Sept of the Enduring Spirit and with your blessing, I would seek to be a member of the Kandula's Hope pack."

Mammoth's trunk reaches toward Ildar, pressing over his heart and then taking in his scent. It then curls around his shoulder, and the Totem spirit speaks in a voice like stones shifting within the earth. <> Step closer, <> it says, guiding him to the tuskless side where one amber eye waits. <> I would see you better, son of Falcon. <>

Johanna steps back with Khol, waiting with a proud look for Ildar to be seen closer by Mammoth.

Khol smiles a little, still looking a bit in awe of the spirit, but he stays with Johanna, letting her guide him in what to do.

Ildar doesn't move, doesn't flinch from the touch. He'd bow his head at the request and moves as requested, stepping to the side and closer to Mammoth, looking up into that massive amber eye with a look of deep respect.

Xen carefully moves out of the way for now as Ildar is being summoned closer by the spirit. She is still in awe, curious as to what Mammoth will say about their newest pack member. There's a slight tickle of energy at fingertips from all the excitement but she does try to keep her breathing even. She's buzzing with anticipation.

Mammoth gives Ildar a good look-over, or perhaps look-through; the spirit seems to see into the Garou, weighing and judging him. <> You are known to me now, Honor's Keeper, <> Mammoth says before long, releasing the Silver Fang. <> You will serve well, I think. <>

Skully touches Xenovia's shoulder lightly, letting her know that it is her time to step forward now that Ildar has made his introduction.

Skully might get a small shock from Xenovia when he touches her shoulder, but this evening she does have her walking stick with her. For those who haven't seen it yet, it helps ground her with its inner copper core, and within the wooden stave are metal screws. It may as well be a lightning rod. She nods to the Alpha and steps forward up to Mammoth with a wondrous smile. The Storm Avatar keeps her head bowed, but she does seem to be relieved Ildar was accepted by Mammoth. "Hello!" It gets blurted out more than soft. She's brimming now. "WE are so happy to finally meet you." The We being herself, and Grandfather Thunder.

Khol doesn't say anything, he seems to be recovering a bit, but he is clearly impressed by mammoth

Johanna sighs with a tinge of relief, beaming happiness as her family keeps moving forward and being accepted. Her hand touches the baby inside of her that leaps with joy from all of this. "I know. One day you too." She nudges Khol to be ready to introduce himself as well.

Ildar smiles to Mammoth and bows his head gratefully. He would step back, an encouraging smile shot at Xen as he'd move back to his spot, watching on happily with his pack, his family, as Mammoth meets those who are new.

Khol nods once, and waits until he is called on, ready, if a bit apprehensive to be addressing such a powerful and ancient spirit.

Mammoth examines Xenovia, sniffing but not touching her, sensing the power that resides within her material form. <> You are the 'angel' he speaks of, <> the great Totem intones, turning its head to look at her with one great eye. <> You are known to me now, child of the storm. <>

Skully finally reaches over to tap Khol's shoulder, letting him know that it is now his turn to step forward.

Xen smiles to Mammoth, "Thank you." She doesn't get the trunk treatment, but she is all grins by the time she moves back to stand beside Ildar, and the rest of the pack.

Johanna squeezes Khol's hand, and then releases it. She folds her hands together and waits to see what Mammoth will say, and how Khol will take to the great spirit they have in front of them.

Khol looks a bit nervous as he steps forward, but there is steel in his spine as he does so. "I.. Am Khol Cooper, Kin to the Tribe of Stargazers, Mate to Johanna Rite named Starchaser. And, I am recently awakened as a willworker. I .. I ah.. am honored to meet you Great spirit, I have no words for such an overpowering presence.. But that I wish to serve you in this pack."

Mammoth's trunk moves to sniff Khol, taking its time before moving to touch his hand. <> You touch Gaia's soul with these hands, <> the Totem thrums, regarding Khol with that amber eye. <> You are known to me now, willworker. Take great care with the responsibility your gift carries. <>

Ildar doesn't seem to hesitate at all in being willing to take Xen's hand. He grins at her proudly as she'd be accepted and stands close to her, watching on as Mammoth interacts with Khol as well. He nods lightly to himself, glad to be here with the rest of them.

Khol bows his head "I will, I am learning to use it rightly." he agrees, then steps back respectfully

Johanna reaches for Khol's hand again and as he steps back. A nod with respect to Mammoth, and she gives her mate a wink showing how proud she is of him.

Xenovia links fingers with Ildar's when he takes her hand. She nods to Khol once he's accepted, and then smiles over at Johanna. "Little Star might be next, who knows?" She whispers.

Once the three have been introduced to the pack, Mammoth looks to Johanna, then to Skully, bowing its head. <> You have done well in growing your pack. They are welcome in my service. You have kept the pact. You are the children of Mammoth. <> With that said simply, the great Totem turns and strides away slowly, each step shaking the ground as the ghostly fog and snow take the massive spirit back into invisibility.

Khol watches Mammoth leave, unwilling to turn away until he is completely gone.

Ildar watches intently as Mammoth departs. Bowing his head, a breath unknowingly held is released. Glancing over to Xen, he flashes a grin her way, then looks to the others as he cheers. "That was amazing!!"

Xen beams, "And now Mammoth knows who we are. We can call on him, or if he needs us we'll be able to help one another."

Johanna smiles to Xenovia. She grins and whispers back, "Absolutely. I cannot wait." As Mammoth leaves she bows her head again. Rising, she adds to Ildar's exclamation. "Welcome Ildar, truly to our pack. And Xen, and Khol. We truly are more family than ever."

Skully smiles broadly, picking up the tusk and blowing through it one more time to herald the departing Totem, then turns to his pack and bows deeply. "You humble me," he states in a low rumble, looking each of them in the face. "This thing we're buildin'; it's greater'n all of us together. I'm proud to lead you, an' humbled to know you. My pack, an' my family."

Khol looks at each of you then , he starts with Johanna, and gives each of you a simple hug "Brothers and sisters. Together we will do so much." he smiles stopping at Skully last "With your leadership."

Ildar grins, nodding to Xen with a wink her way, then looks to the others. Khol gets a hug back and he'd bow to Skully. "I'm honored that you asked me to join. I'm thrilled to be accepted and I will always seek to do you, the pack and Mammoth proud."

Xen opens her arms wide and hugs the Alpha. "We LOVE you too!!!!!"

Skully takes his hugs and gives Ildar a nod, smiling broadly and giving Xenovia a squeeze before rumbling, "I'm just one man, doin' the best I can." He takes the tusk and steps back across the gauntlet, leading the pack back home now that the introductions have been made and the spirits have been satisfied.

Khol smiles a little "We are, none of us, just one person anymore Skully... We are together and stronger for it."

Johanna takes Khol's hand and steps back across the gauntlet with him, and back home.

Khol follows Jo back looking about and offering "That's.. quite amazing."