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Miner Issue

"This date had started as bland and was speeding right along to abysmal."
- ― Katherine McIntyre, Captured Memories

The packets Eris had given everyone had crude hand-drawn maps of the area that could be overlaid on top of the topographical maps she had that marked areas of interest in the Tellurian.

The map appears to indicate that at least for miles out from the pit itself is fine but in a strange sort of amoeba-shaped border the land that had been purchased butts up against mountains, an airfield, a couple of development projects both active and abandoned. There are a few private spots, the airport among them that have also been bought within the weird border that has been forming around the map.

The patrol will be taking them along a strange snaking path, thus far following the encroaching tendrils of civilization as it creeps inwards towards the old mines.

They can start in the northeast, the north, the southeast or the south.

Russ consulted his favorite tool of divination (a little light mammalian haruspex,) the night before in order to ultimately decide that they would begin their patrol in the south. Russ sent messages out the night before to Eris, Azoth and anyone else who would might worthy enough to go on a special Umbral patrol with the Ritemaster.

He committed the map to memory last night and doesn't carry anything on his person except a few of his dedicated fetishes in case of an emergency. He is in his Crinos form and travels through the Umbra along the outer edge of the Pit's territory is going smoothly as he

Naturally, another joins the patrol. Hey, look, it's the Gardener of the Bawn, the Janitor of the Pit; why, it's crazy Uncle Azzy, the Keeper of the Land, making an all too familiar trek through the Spiritual Half of the Hive's territory. As always, it can be argued that in the Umbra is where one can see Azoth's true appearance. While he is quite monstrous in the physical realm, it is in the Umbra that his spiritual affinity for Wyrm-tainted Spirits is realized and beyond obvious. His tall birth form seems more nightmarish. The proportions of his body seem a little stretched, twisted, warped in some way that seems utterly and completely Wrong, or...Right, depending on the point of view.

His black fur has a sickly green tint to it, the drool on his chin looks downright toxic, and a pale glow from a representation of bubbly green balefire seems to leak from his mouth as a smog-like aura drifts from his form into rapid dissipation. A spiritual bird -- a jaggling of some kind, much like the image of the totem Whippoorwill that he religiously worships -- perches on his head between those bat-like ears. Truly, to those who never really witness the Blind One in the Umbra, he looks entirely like a different Garou altogether. No. No, he looks more like a Bane than anything even remotely wolf. Still, the representations of Bat so which he claims to be a child of are much more notable now than ever.

A whistled Whippoorwill's cry is given in greeting to the Master of the Rite as a hand raises in, well, a casual wave. Teeth show in dark grin. <> calls out he. Azoth, as usual, has a bare amount of anything on him save for a few simple fetishes. No weapons, no supplies. Most would be unwise to venture into this land anyway. Here there be wolves.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Russ rolls Wits + Alertness vs 6 for 2 successes. 2 2 3 3 3 +7 +9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Harano steped into the umbra. Already in his direwolf form, the large black beast brought up the rear quickly catching up with the two of them, his glowing green eyes survaying the umbral landscape. Those eyes smoked and burned like balefire torches. <<Hello Brothers>> He says almost stoicly though his resulting tail wag hid his excitment at seeing the two again. Long had been his journey away from home, now he was back again, his "vacation" Over.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Harano rolls Wits + Alertness vs 6 for 5 successes. 1 +6 +6 +6 +8 +9 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Azoth rolls Perception + Alertness vs 3 for 0 successes. 1 -1 -1 7 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Eris pads beside her Alpha in Lupus form, the pale sylph of a ghost wolf making no noise as she matches his crinos pace with an easy long-legged lope. Her large ears are back a bit and her nose is to the air but close to the Pit, there's really nothing too worrisome in sight as of yet as the group of them head South.

Out along the southern border, the map had bubbled out into one of the bulges of the irregular shape, the area shows that there's an old abandoned quarry which has recently been purchased along with the abandoned warehouses in the surrounding area.

As they approach this area the Umbral landscape seems to become barren and not in the typical way of the desert wastes. The air becomes stale, there's no wind and no real movement of the various spiritual aspects of the umbra. The light becomes sharper and everything seems to be leeched for a color like some sort of weird haze hangs in the air only the air is crystal clear. It's little at first, just a touch of wrongness, that slowly starts to creep up like nails on a chalkboard or the surreal blandness of the DMV.

In his Crinos form, the Ritemaster's Bane heritage is apparent in the way his already too sharp features seem to elongate and become more vulpine. The fox-like tufts of red fur by his ears are parted to make way for a large curling set of sharp ram's horns with bony spurs along the edges. His own hooves clop along softly but not as silently as the footsteps of the Ragabash by his side. The arrivals of Azoth and Harano both get a nod of acknowledgment and he greets them in an echo, <Brothers.>

Russ indicates the winding path ahead and remarks calmly as they move along, <We have Outsiders trying to move into a quarry out this way..> His Scottish accent is still present but a touch harder to place in the Wyrmish tongue of a Garou. He trails off slowly as the very landscape around them starts to trail off and his odd eyes scan the path ahead as he imparts, <Something strange going on... the way ahead looks washed out. Never seen nothin' like that before.>

The wings on Russ' back shift and rustle uncomfortably but stay drawn in close to his spine, folded neatly.

The pale wolf sports a pair of batwings in the umbra, folded against her fluffy furred sides a translucent pale set of bone and membrane that matches Russ' own darker pair. Eris is currently subdued and the line of fur along her spine starts to bristle the further they venture into this weird place and she tucks closer to the Crinos next to her, her tail drawing down straight as she attempts to become even less noticeable.

It is the geological and spiritual equivalent if being stuck in an ethics class as read by the lovechild of Ben Stien and Dilbert. For those with a nose, it kind of smells like the air should be sour, like the kind of smell you get when you taste bile rising in the back of your throat. Mentally it's almost like having OCD. Something is /out/ /of/ /place/.

In the distance, the horizon becomes so washed out its bland.. but then they might realize it's not really a horizon but a huge ... wall. It's the same color as the ashed out sky and towers above them. They're not even within two miles of the spot on the map and they can see this wall.

The shift in environment is unsettling, to say the least. The Keeper stalks right up beside his elders, curls his upper lip upward in confusion, and stares with those blind eyes so very hard. <<By Whippoorwill's unfaltering gaze, it feels as if the life is being sucked out of this place.>> The gears inside Azoth's head turn rapidly to go over known information, stories, tales, secrets that might lend some hint as to what could be the source of this drain of...elan.

The blind one draws back a half step with a low growl in his throat and mutters curses, <<Defilers of the Defiled. Consumers of the Consumed. Destroyers of the Destroyed.>> Along the back of his neck, his stiff fur stands on end as his confusion quickly turns into distaste and anger. <<Reflections of reflections, life-bending light, ....cagers? What is this?>>

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Russ rolls Perception + Alertness vs 7 for 3 successes. 1 3 +7 +7 +9 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Harano stared straight ahead at the quarry his nose lifted into the air trying to catch a scent on the "wind" So to speak. <Yeah...Weird.> He muttered but stared at the sight for a long moment in awe, studying it. He brings his paw to settle on the ground at the very edge, the edges of his muzzle pulling back into a snarl. Yeah no, he didnt like this at all. <What do you think we are dealing with then?> He asks the group, while still looking around, as though he would find the answer hidden in the blandness. <wait... the fuck> He looks down at the ground slowly moving toward what looked like some sort of faded writing.

Russ takes a quick step forward to rest a handpaw lightly on Harano's shoulder, <Stop.> He looks around, wheeling his gaze over the glyphs on the ground and then back toward his travelling companions. His lips curls up in annoyance and he snarls out one distinct words, <Traps.> The gutteral growl continues in the back of his throat for a time as his eyes flip back to the glyphs on the ground, <None of move, no one step on any of those markings until we figure out what their meaning." He glances to the air and surveys the scene some more before he decides,

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Misty Wolf rolls Perception(4) + Alertness(5) (9 dice) vs 8 for 0 successes. 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Russ rolls Perception + Alertness vs 8 for -1 successes. -1 -1 6 6 6 7 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Azoth rolls 5 vs 8 for 2 successes. 1 2 +8 +9 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Harano rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 3 successes. 2 3 5 5 +7 +10 +10

<<What?! Traps, here? This is unacceptable,>> objects Azoth as if that makes any difference. <> There's no use in the bat-faced wolf even trying to look downward at the ground. It won't help. His ears, however, do swivel and twist as if trying to make out more of what is said, as if any amount of sound might provide a clue to his brain on what is seen. However, his companion and life-long guide spots something else entirely.

The expression of Azoth's monstrous face softens, his blank eyes narrow, and he bites his upper lip in concentration leaving a single fang poking upward visibly. He tips his head slightly one way, then the other, much to the chagrin of the bird between his ears that flutters and digs in with claws to stay in place. <<That can't be a corpse, can it? A reflection? A shadow? A remnant of Family left behind? This can't be. These brothers hunt in groups, so why is this one hollow and left behind?>> A clawed hairless hand points toward the object of interest.

<<Something is dearly wrong here and we cannot let this be, Elders. Tell me, is that not a corpse left behind? What became of our Banekin yonder?>>

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Misty Wolf rolls Perception(4) + Alertness(5) (9 dice) vs 6 for 5 successes. 2 4 4 4 +6 +6 +8 +8 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Russ is both totally distracted and entirely confused by the glyphs on the ground; he is knelt beside one of them without touching it and he waves his hand nearish to it as he mutters, <This thing isn't of this world... I have no idea what they are..> The Ritemaster looks up belatedly as the Keeper begins to speak about corpses on the horizon. <Hm?>

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Russ rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 6 successes. +6 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

There, before their eyes they can see; in washed-out on washed-out things are difficult to see. But with a bit of strain, both Elder's see what the Theurge is talking about. There is a shadow, an afterthought, of a Scrag. Poised mid-stride and frozen like a statue but translucent. Like a shed Cicada skin, stuck in the moment of transition only .. there is no split or crack or tear to indicate that the Scrag emerged renewed let alone at all. Not that Scrags shed. It is alone.. and it is standing on one of those traps.

Russ stands back up and raises a hand to shield his eyes as his gaze narrows and he affixes it sternly on the distance. <Its a Scrag.> His voice is flat and there is an edge to it that is no unsure but maybe a little skeptical all the same. <Seems like its part of the trap.> He gestures to the great divide littered with strange unplaceable glyphs, <We can’t just go over and investigate. But someone might expect us to.>


Eris looks up at Russ and her ears prick before they lay back and she shakes her head. <<That or.. it triggered a trap. But.. they aren't all over. We .. can try to navigate them if you'd like to get closer. I can lead.>> Growls, body language, and guttural noises sound before the wolf stands up straighter and her ears prick as she looks back and forth with a little twitch of her dark nose. The Ragabash takes a light step forward and puts her nose to the ground.

She looks between Azoth and Russ. They're the Theurges and this is their territory.

There is a grim air that overcomes the blind wolf that dampens the perception of his anger boiling underneath his skin. <<Who would seek to pointedly do this in our own back yard?>> asks Azzy in a tone rather quiet and somber. For the moment, at seeing this display down the way, the mad seer is briefly pulled fully into the present. His attention is gotten. <<Part of, or caught by, Brother AnguDa'Staagra? You mean to say it is fake? Or that it is a victim of these traps that made it so? Either way, I agree that it might be expected.>>

Azoth's large ears dip backwards and toxic drool seeps from his muzzle as he bares teeth, <<But we can't just ignore this. Need we call on the horde below to sweep the field? It would be a waste, but still productive. How could these not be meant for us and those that seek haven on our lands from the false and indignantly righteous?>>

<<The longer we let this sit, the more harm comes of it. We have to destroy this poacher's haven by whatever means you feel appropriate. But if one trap is able to do -that- to my Brother, there had best be no mistakes made.>>

Russ snarls in an annoyed manner but he agrees with his Beta, <If you think you can navigate them.. but I still worry its a trap in a trap.> He shuffles his shoulders and defers to the light-footed lead of the Ragabash, asking, <Couldn't we fly over them? Maybe between the two of us we could carry Brother Azzy.> There is an element of humor in the offered idea despite their dire situation, <Because the Keeper is correct, there is no room for mistakes in this one.>

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Misty Wolf rolls Stamina(7) + Primal Urge(5) (12 dice) vs 7 for 4 successes. 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 +7 +9 +10 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Eris' wings flex. <> The wolf flows up into her Crinos form. She rarely takes it and it has grown impressively, especially with the addition of those batlike pale wings, her scars, and tattoos marking her rank even though she is eerily beautiful. Whoever heard of a long white-furred wolf before. The ghostly Pictish-Ragabash turns her feline gaze Azoth's direction and her ears perk. <<An aerial view might be helpful and that wall.." Her head turns the direction of the distant quarry and the imposing featureless flat grey wall. <<We have no idea who it is, Brother. Hopefully, we'll be able to find out... Come on.>> She holds out her arms for Azzy with an almost cruel grin despite the situation.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Azoth rolls Stamina + Primal Urge vs 6 for 4 successes. 2 2 3 4 +6 +7 +7 +8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<> One might contest that Azoth is, in fact, by far the ugliest of the gathered Dancers. All the same, the bastard stands tall and rolls his shoulders back confidently. <<Still, I am not afraid of the air. One day I will take to it myself. But, today -- today I will relent and hope that I will not be dropped.>>

With that, the ever-Crinos Keeper begins to shift through Hispo into Lupus form leaving the bird to flap a bit before taking to the air itself. This smaller version of the ugly Azoth is careful to not move from the spot so stood upon. An ear flicks, then turns the ear toward the more beautiful of those gathered, even if those unseeing eyes are unable to appreciate it in one sense. Still, despite not seeing, the gesture is understood and the absolute unthinkable happens: Fuglydog leaps into those awaiting arms. This is...different.

<Perfect.> Russ snorts at the sight of Azoth running into Eris' waiting arms, <Let's try to stay aerial until I give the order to land, I want to get closer and get a better look at that thing trapped out there in the... what is this? A wasteland? It reminds me of the desert but.. with less to it.> He rears up and leaps into the air with a powerful flap of his large blackish brown-red wing span, the high powered flaps send a rush of wind and dust outward in a circle. The Theurge attemps to maintain a distance of about 10-15 feet about the ground where he can still get a good look at the glyphs, at least at first. <Wonder what we'll see if we fly any higher.>

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> DevilDolly rolls Strength(9) + Athletics(5) (14 dice) vs 6 for 4 successes. 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 +6 +7 +7 +8 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Russ rolls Strength + Athletics vs 6 for 2 successes. 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 +7 +7 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> DevilDolly rolls Perception(4) + Alertness(5) (9 dice) vs 6 for 5 successes. 1 4 4 +7 +8 +9 +9 +10 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Eris's large wings flex and stretch before pulling back in as she catches Azoth, despite the more graceful appearance he hits her like she's a brick wall. She doesn't move. Deceptively willowy steel strong arms hold the Metis in his lupus form. Head off to the side to avoid the dribble of drool from the creature’s muzzle. She's still fastidious. Eris takes a few steps and then launches herself into the air with a few strong flaps she gets herself airborne gracefully and her wings flex and flow as she bobs a bit. The area has no real breeze so they're stuck generating their own lift. This is definitely the safer route through Eris does note to them both as they fly. She maneuvers her way along carefully if a bit slowly to make sure they don't run into anything nasty.

At this angle they can already see that the wall spans about twenty miles in both directions and appears, currently, to be at a slope on both ends. Tapering.. as if it's still being constructed. Above they can also see the great scar that the spiral quarry has made in the Umbra. A giant concentric circular steppe that.. is also riddled with more of those weird whisps. Memories of Spirits. Banes. Wyld. Gaian. Neutral.. Even a large Weaver Spider seems to have fallen to the fate of these many traps that seem to grow thicker the closer they come to the wall.

Along with it, the feeling gets grosser. Like sour stomach and sitting through C-Span with a hangover. Like being stuck in an elevator that reeks of hobo pee and is playing Christmas music in July. Farther in colors wash out more and it seems to get colder the closer they get to the Medusa-like collection of spirit husks...

<Atramentous Union> DevilDolly says, "Follow me, there are traps in the air as well. But I can navigate."

The warehouses and construction crew quarter buildings are in disrepair though they seem to have had some sort of reinforcement lately. And there can be seen the umbral shadows of trucks parked along with a lot and workers going about the business of reestablishing the Quarry.

<Atramentous Union> Russ says, "Because of course, they are..(something thought muttered) following."

A Lupus wolf is not some toy dog to play with, yet in comparison to the pants-shittingly large size of a Crinos, a Lupus is certainly as easy to carry as one might a dog. Hindlegs are tucked in, seeking contact with his bearer, while Azoth's forepaws hook onto where he might for a sense of sturdiness. Flying is easier when your cargo isn't wobbling about, after all.

On the plus side, the quadrupedal Azzy has no need to look about every which way while airborne. His large ears do that for him. Given, were the matter of seriousness not something so greatly at hand, there would be a lot more exhilaration felt by him in this moment as his Elder leaves the ground. For a moment, for the briefest reverie, there is a calm satisfaction and great joy that washes over Azoth, but it is blanketed by the sight of the group granted from the whippoorwill following behind. That's when the greater realization sinks in and Azoth lets out a mournful whine before a quick yip. For him -- and Azoth can only imagine that Russ feels the same way as would any of their moon (and especially due to their own existentially spiritual ties) -- this is horrifying. Angering, yes, but it's as Azoth said at first before the group knew any better: the life of the area feels nonexistent and the wanton destruction of the essences, the spirits of the area, confirms that. Each destruction so wrought demands payment tenfold in return. Blood will be shed over this.

<Atramentous Union> DevilDolly says, "Well it's not a shock. One of the places I went to in mid-October had wards against me..well.. maybe not me but certainly against things like me. Pax had to go do his thing to fetch me something that they were holding for a private Auction. turns out it was a dormant Fetish."

<Atramentous Union> Russ says, "Not a shock? Still, certainly unnatural. Something or someone meddling is with things it hardly understands.."

<Atramentous Union> DevilDolly says, "I mean that they're trying to keep things out. They understand that much.."

<The land looks? Its not sickly, its not like an illness... No, it looks undead. Zombified. Hollowed out.> Russ is careful to follow Eris lead and he keeps an eye on the shadows of things moving across the Gauntlet. "We should get someone to check out those Warehouses another night... either in person or through some other means-" His big muscular bat wings continue to flap at steady pace and he stays in the air but with less grace than his Beta, bobbing and weaving in her wake attempting to navigate anything that comes their way.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> DevilDolly rolls Gnosis(9) (9 dice) vs 6 for 6 successes. 2 3 3 +6 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> DevilDolly rolls Strength(9) + Athletics(5) (14 dice) vs 6 for 7 successes. 2 2 2 2 4 5 5 +6 +6 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Azoth rolls Gnosis vs 6 for 1 successes. 1 2 2 3 +7 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Azoth loses one Magical Essence Azoth loses one Magical Essence Azoth loses one Magical Essence Azoth loses one Magical Essence

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Russ rolls Gnosis vs 6 for 1 successe s. 1 1 3 3 4 5 5 +6 9 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Russ loses one Magical Essence Russ loses one Magical Essence Russ loses one Magical Essence Russ loses one Magical Essence

Nothing moves across. The wall though.. now that they're closer they can see that there are darker spots contained within it. Larger spirits caught up in the construction and frozen in time, some sticking out at strange angles from the colorless, shadowless expanse of the wall. They can fly around the Quarry so long as they are careful. They can even fly around the wall and will notice that the wall is only about 500 yards from the edge of the quarry. Eris doesn't flag, she's used to being the muscle these days. But she comes up just short of moving over the center of the Quarry, pulling up short and almost wretching as she back-flaps and thankfully manages to keep Azzy and the Whipporwil with her and not running into any of the traps, clutching Azzy with an audible snarl that ..doesn't go anywhere. The air is too dead for that.

Those poor spiritually sensitive Theurges. It sucks to be not only spiritually connected but you know..PART Bane. They feel their most primal essence drawn from them.. just gone like in a vacuum. It leaves them feeling nauseous and vaguely disoriented…

Thoughts of blood and revenge over the atrocities witnessed are suddenly undone by the feeling of the very essence of his spiritual being leave him. Even held as he is, he groans deeply, becomes faint for a moment, and then yaps a warning directly in the language of the spirits. No! Whippoorwill! Don't- Don't- Don't leave me! Apparently, Azoth isn't the only one that is suffering the effects of the drain: Azoth's companion flutters with a half-whistle of alarm before turning and leaving the way it came. It's far too vulnerable to help Azoth in this place and needs to recover.

Azoth, therein, literally feels the effects twice over. The graceful and dangerous form of Eris so carrying the beast can no doubt feel, through the contact, just how shaken this makes the Lupus. Tail tucked in, curled as tightly as it can, Azoth clutches on, albeit more weakly than before.

Russ issues a sharp intake of air but its too late! His wings miss a beat and he falls a few feet only to recover at the last second with a very hard flap and a weary grimace, flapping harder still to regain altitude, He glances off as Whipporwill departs in an act of self-preservation, <That's a bad sign.> The very existence of this place brings him pain and causes an anger to bubble up inside of him, snarling he insists, <That wall needs to be taken out. If not today, soon.>

Eris whines her agreement but refuses to go anywhere, even with Azzy in her arms, until Russ has recovered and seems steady enough to fly himself out of the area. <<At least we have an idea of what's going on there.>> Her large ears are flat back and she leads Russ back through the field of traps that they'd maneuvered through. Carefully she returns them to their original spot as that had been the route she'd kept in mind to get in and out safely before she swoops down to land carefully and sets Azzy down. She looks towards her Alpha. "Tell me how I can help.." She says as she shifts down to homid. The wings make her look quite like a succubus along with those cat-slitted demonic eyes of hers. Her and Russ make an oddball pair. "Azzy.. you too. All right?"

Azoth is incredibly unsteady on his feet even as he is returned to the ground once more. Shaken, visibly shaking, Azoth doesn't even bother shifting back to Crinos. He lies upon the ground and pants hotly from exhaustion and nausea. He's listening, of course, but isn't sure what to respond with. He'll need time to consult his Totem in prayer. He may be the Keeper of the Land, but those duties are usually quite mundane, especially when compared to a place where there seems to be no spiritual energy allowed whatsoever. The Cosmic forces that be won't be happy about such a place -- something will be have to be done.

There will have to be research on the glyphs reportedly seen; there simply has to be a correlation between them and the state of the quarry and that wall. However, Azoth did not see the glyphs and his grace-granted ability to see anything through the eyes of his companion is temporarily severed. That alone isn't exactly crippling for the blind-from-birth Metis, but it prevents him from being able to relate much information to those that may understand.

Azzy knows that his duties don't necessarily entail grounds security, only grooming the physical world and appeasing the spiritual world; however, not being able to give an immediate answer on how to destroy this threat makes him feel like a failure anyway. Green drool puddles on the ground underneath the Bane-dog's muzzle as he continues to loudly pant.

