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Chocolate Sneezles Mini PrP, Delayed Halloween Special!
Royan investigates a store that sold tainted chocolates
IC Date 26th October, 2019 (Delayed Halloween PrP!)
IC Time -
Players Xenovia as Storyteller, Royan
Location Desert outside of Prospect, CA
Prp/Tp Miniplot!
Spheres Garou, Gaian

Colour Coordination:

  • Lightning Purple for Xenovia The Storyteller
  • Deeeeeep blue black for the raven with the nicest feathers
  • Black for Bob the Magnificent Spiderooo!


Common Raven rolled 6 successes to investigate the Candy Shop downtown after Xen mentioned some of the candy might be tainted or poisoned. The owner received calls from various parents complaining that the jelly beans were making their children sick. Surely, the Health Department will be all over this soon enough. The Every Flavor Beans, were pulled from the shelves, and Xen brought a box to the FB grounds to be further investigated.

There's no trees outside the candy shop, but there is a building across the walkway. The shop sits in an alcove avenue where there are benches and vendors selling things. There are power lines he can perch on or even a window sill across the street in an upper building, where there is a hat shop.

Inside the candy shop he'll see colorful displays of candy in the window. A dumping cauldron spills holographic jellybeans out, like a rainbow of candy into a blue pool, and then they swirl around to make Rainbow Juice. The kids love it, because magic looking frogs dive in and then come out all rainbow colored. You can buy one in the shop for 13.99. It's a steep price, but they sell like hot cakes. Further in the shop is a display glass window, holding chocolate and caramel covered candy apples, crisps and marshmallows dipped in chocolate with peanuts or toffee, wildly topped cupcakes in every color and in the shape of smiling monsters, and in theme for Halloween there are still witches cauldrons, hats, and ghost cookies. The place smells like spun sugar.

The longer Common Raven sits to watch, he'll notice he can see the attendants making the goods inside behind a secondary glass screen. This is so the patrons can watch the candy being made. Apples rolled, cupcakes frosted, and fudge slices cut, or taffy pulled. Everything seems legit, until the shop closes. The closed sign goes in the door, and he'll see this young man no more than in his early 20's go into the back room. He doesn't come out the front door as expected. But he does exit out the back of the shop into the alleyway. The Raven will catch sight once this happens to follow. And oddly enough, he'll see this young man look around to the left and right, before heaving open a manhole with a twist of a piece of metal, used as a lever, that he hid behind the garbage bin.

He doesn't climb down a ladder. He simply, tucks his arms in around his chest and dead drops in like a skinny weight. He falls into the dark. A small thud hits the ground below. A few minutes later, he crawls back up the ladder and pokes his head out, to sniff. He gets the lid back on the manhole, and carries with him a bag of sugar loped under his left arm. It appears, to look like an everyday bag of sugar. But something isn't right. Who the hell stores sugar down in the sewers... And this guy, carries it into the back door of the shop, right before going home for the night.

The Raven marks the manhole cover that the person fell in through for later study. For now, though, the bird needs to know more about the man that got the 'sugar' from the sewers. As a first instance, he will follow the man as he goes home for the night. He will fly above, following him to then sit outside and spy through his window. See if he can find out anything more from the man. He'll do a quick sift through his garbage as well if he can (if the man has garbage that is put out that is), to see if he can find out anything there. Also try to find out his name.


It's night, and dark is closing in fast. The streelights are lit already, marking the setting of the sun. The young man doesn't take a bus home, or a car, as he simply walks a few blocks to a rundown alleyway entrance apartment. He keys in, and disappears inside. Two minutes later, a light turns on for the third floor, two windows in from the left side of the building. The blinds are open, and he can see the man rummaging around in his kitchen, whistling and making dinner.

His dinner, is a box of macaroni and cheese, generic brand. He boils the water, does the pasta rendition of cooking and then adds half a bottle of hot sauce to the golden bowl he eats. It turns it into a red soupy mixture of WHO IN THE HELL WOULD EAT THAT! Whew, it's hot. He sits in his recliner and watches the boob tube.

As for sifting garbage, there's only a community dumpster in the alley, that all the residents use.

The bird would most likely eat it. It is food, and thus is can be eater. If it can be eaten, it shall be eaten. The large raven is nothing if not patient, sitting up on that roof and peering in through the window. Watching the man go through his evening routine. His head tilts this way and that and, as he does, he directs his trusty little Spider Friend to head into the ventilation system. He wants Bob to get in there, to watch the man so that he himself can go into the alley and the garbage.

Bob gets inside and is able to perform his spider ops with his multiple eyes, as instructed. The man in the recliner doesn't suspect a thing. The tv flashes over into Netflix as his uses the remote control, and selects Horror as a genre. The Dead starts to play on the screen, and it opens with a zombie shuffling along in the African desert, with one rotten leg and one good.

The man continues to shovel in his macaroni into his mouth and doesn't even require milk to eat that red orange goo. He doesn't even drink water. It appears he lives alone, in one bedroom apartment. It's messy, but not a disaster zone.

Arriving down by the alley, the bird comes to a landing on the actual ground. He looks around a bit. Paranoia, it is a habit! Making sure that no one can see him, hiding behind the dumpster itself, the bird.. shifts. Morphs. Turns! It grows HUGE for a few moments as it shoots up into its Rara Avis form before shrinking once more into a.. human. He takes a breath, muttering to himself, "Bloody uncivilised shape." And then? Then he goes for the dumpster.

Meanwhile, Bob is not just asked to go into the apartment. He's asked to hide and seek! Hide from the man, and seek anything usable! So, from the ventilation the spider goes, lowering himself down on to the floor with webbing. Keeping quiet, the black arachnid begins to skitter into the nearest room.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Royan rolls Perception(5) + Investigation(2) (7 dice) vs 6 for 4 successes.
3 4 5 +6 +7 +8 +9

Royan manages to rummage through several bags of garbage, until he finds one that contains quite a few boxes of empty macaroni and cheese boxes, as well as hot sauce bottles. These are all empty. It may seem he's hit the jackpot, going through the man's garbage. He'll find ripped up pieces of junk mail, and one of them has the name Michael Flynn on it. The address is 505 Trinity Apartments. He'll also find another assortment of junk, advertisements for credit card opportunities, fast food coupons, and a rancid bunch of bananas. He'll search further, but doesn't find anything other than average kitchen garbage.

Bob on the other hand, plays hide, when the young man gets up from his recliner chair and moseys over to the fridge to get out a watermelong cut in half. He takes the rind back to his chair, sits down, and face plants right into it to mange it like he's not even human. When he comes up again, the pink melon is all over his chin, face, and nose. He chews, still watching the movie.

Bob does manage to hide behind one of the kitchen chairs, to avoid being noticed, but seeking is another matter. Bob looks around and finds a wallet, keys and some balled up receipts.

Bob finger-legs the ball of receipts and begins to spin a bit of webbing around them to bunch them up tight, into a spider ball of fun to carry alongside his back. Mission accomplished, he jitters back out to meet the Raven with his packed treasure once ready.

Having found none of what he wanted from the garbage, the man that once was a raven gets out of the garbage. He sighs, "So very, very uncivilised." he mutters. He takes a breath, spreading his wings to then shrink effortlessly into his corvid form. His birth form. He looks around, letting out a light kraa before he takes flight.

Before Bob could get out, he directed his spider friend to get to the roof with is loot. So up to the roof the raven flies, to meet his friend. He lets out a light kraa, ~Bob, my amazing little friend. We will play a trick on this man. Secure the receipt up under the tiles then go back to the ventilation. Wait there.~

The Spider's fore-legs easily tucks the white ball under the tiles and spindles around it to make sure it is secure. It now looks like a golf ball sized spider egg, tucked in for a nap to sleep. He can be quick when needed, and his eight legs scurry back down the building to the ventilation shaft outside the apartment of 505, Trinity Avenue.

Bob waits, peeking through the slats of the vent in the kitchen.

Meanwhile, the raven that was Royan takes off from the roof to sail across the gap to the building opposite, so that he once more can see his quarry. So that he can see this Flynn person. He locks his eyes on to him, to then let out a low.. eerie sounding kraaaa. His feathers fluff up, his wings bulging just a bit from his body as he pours his anger and his malice into a single cohesive thought aimed at the man in the window: 'Someones watching you'.

<<OOC>> Common Raven says, "Using a Gift. Sky's Shadow. Costs a rage and a roll"

<<OOC>> Common Raven says, "The effect will make someone feel as if something was watching. Constantly. Designed to put people on edge.. to have them do rash deeds and make mistakes"

You lose one Willpower

You lose one Rage

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Common Raven rolls Manipulation(1) + Intimidation(2) (3 dice) vs 7 for 2 successes.
6 +7 +8

The man now known as Michael Flynn, looks up suddenly as he stops eating his water melon like it was a pig's trough. He gets up from his recliner by pulling the lever to close the footrest. The big heavy green rind gets tossed into the garbage, and he looks all around his place, walking room to room and flicking all the lights on.

In the bedroom, he opens closet doors, and at one point lays down on the floor to check under the bed. He growls, in a rumble of complaint and itches at his ass before moving around the apartment to begin, watching apartment shadows on the walls. He actually stands still for 10 minutes, and does nothing but watch his shadow on the kitchen wall.

Bob ducks down behind the ventilation slats, so he can't be seen.

Flynn turns around again, and looks at the vent, but moves on a few seconds later to peer out the kitchen window, and down to the street below.

And this is where the Raven lets his mindlink to Bob go active, ~Now Bob. Use my Gift, use my power. Make it sound like boots. Heavy boots. Walking slowly. You know the sound I mean. You've heard it before.~

Bob, the Spider hiding in the vent, rubs two legs together and then scurries around inside the vent, as he taps two legs in unison on the top part of the vent.

Booted footsteps slowly mimic inside the apartment, from the foyer in to the kitchen. Except, there's no one visibly there! Flynn quickly turns around to see behind him and frowns deeply. He picks up a swiffer mop, and starts to fence at the air. "Who's there!!!" No one.

The boots get heavier, slowly moving closer to him. And Flynn freaks out. He starts swinging the mop wildly, until he breaks out into a beaded sweat. And suddenly Flynn leans over and pukes up watermelon goop all over his kitchen floor, heaving. Bleeeeeeecht...

The raven watches the spectacle up on the roof, watching the man lose his mind a bit. He clicks his beak in the air a bit, ~Bob. You can leave now. Go secure the receipts. I will come for you later. Keep them safe for now.~ He then settles in to just watch Flynn for a while.

Trunctuated Information: He will see him sweat profusely. Itch like he has a rash, and then he'll witness him eating more food. A lot more food than before. He may also notice the more agitated he gets, that he's breaking out on his face with hives. And two new spots, look like weeping boils on the back of his neck. In general, he looks like a sick human."

The raven, sitting there for a long time to watch the man, finally decides to change things up. He takes off from the roof and flies over to his Spider friend to retrieve the receipts, ~Bob, my bestest spider. Will you remain here a while, watch the man. Build a little web outside, sit and watch. If he leaves, you tell me and try to follow him. But be careful!~ To this, the raven will then take the receipts in his claw and fly off; heading for the chocolate store.

Bob agrees to continue hiding. He builds a little nest as instructed inside the vent, and will continue to watch Flynn's madness growing.

Back at the Chocolate Sneezles, the area is lit with street lamps and the store is CLOSED for the evening. The grate out back is still marked, and there doesn't seem to be any immediate human activity.

Sailing down and down until he reaches the dark alley, the black raven lands on the street once more. Taking another look around to make sure that noone sees him, he again takes human form. He sighs, shaking his head, "Two times in one night. I am losing my mind." he mutters. He then starts to move out of the alley and towards the manhole cover.

The manhole cover has several indentations where it could be lifted and removed. It is extremely heavy, but not impossible to move if desired. There's faint lighting in this back alley coming from the ambient street lamps throughout the glow of the city.

Royan comes to a stop by the manhole cover. He looks at it a few moments, ponders.. then shrugs. He crouches down and grabs a hold of it. And once he grabs a hold of something, he does not let it go. He then puuuulls on it, go get it out of place. He peers down into the hole before fishing into his pocket. He pulls out his Silver of Helios, creating a sudden illumination of sunlight around him before he simply.. leaps into the hole.

The brave Raven, now man, may find himself dropping down into that hole about eight feet until he hits the cement floor. There is a ladder he could have climbed down on, but dropping is faster. The light in hand illuminates a smaller cooridor that curves around a bend. He can't quite see what is around that curved tunnel, but there is a dampness and trickling of water in the near distance. There's also a graveled, and startling 'Harmph'. A grumbled, and throated gurgle, of something alive is in here with him.

Aaaand out comes the six-shooter. 's right. Royan is packin'! He's got a revolver. A small one. But it would still hurt if he hits something! He looks around the place, "If I meet a Ratkin, I swear I will shoot his tail off." he mutters. He then slowly begins to make his way forward. To then stop. And let his senses flow outwards..

<<OOC>> Royan says, "Enemy Ways: Perception+Stealth. Pick up number and type of opponent with successes. 5+ successes gives more info."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Royan rolls Perception(5) + Stealth(2) (7 dice) vs 6 for 5 successes.
2 3 +6 +8 +9 +9 +10

"Rarp!" Another grunt of some type of beast sounds ahead.

Royan senses one opponent ahead. He smells something sugary sweet, like the bakery smells like, but also something foul like an infected wound, after it oozes with pus. It's sickly sweet. And whatever that -THING- is ahead, he may guess the gift clues him in that it's most likely an infected Fomori.

"Well, Rarp on you too." Royan mutters as he peers ahead, "Bloody menace." he looks at his gun, "Well, its you and me. Could get the Frostbite but.. its just this one tiny thing." he looks ahead again, "We can do this." he mutters, "Suure we can do this. I've survived worse." he grins a bit, then starts to move forward once more.

The helios light illuminates in front of him like a glowing bubble. The sickly sweet scent grows stronger, and then when Royan rounds the bend, he'll see the oddest set up down in this dank sewer. There's an old vetinary's table, in steel bolted to the floor. Upon it, he'll find the 'Rarping' Fomori, strapped and welded down by metal bands from neck to hips, and lower legs. He's alive and stretched out as if condemned to be a makeshift fixture of the hell's kitchen down below.

The bulbous belly, pustulating with ulcers is sprinkled with sticky sweet sugar where it's now dripping down his sides, as if previously used as a mixing bowl for an unsavory treat. On one shelf sits twelve bags of granulary sugar unopened. And on another rolling trolley is a sweeping hand broom, with a bucket for collecting the tainted sugar.

The Fomori gnashes his teeth in the direction of Royan and his light. And it begins to fidget, with excitement, as if it wanted to get loose and EAT him.

Royan blinks a bit as he stares at the creature on the table, "This is new." he comments, to no one else since he finds himself alone. He looks around, "Hm. Should have brought the Frostbite." he mutters. He starts to move closer, "This can't stay though. This has to go. Can't let this live here." he moves closer still, "Sorry, little sugar monster. But you have to .. not exist."

Royan will spot the glittering rolling pin resting on the side of the creature. It's completely covered with sparkling red and green sugar dusting. The wooden pin used recently, more than likely in the last 24 hours.

The fomori 'Glarps' in complaint, wiggling inside the restraints that have him tied down to the table as a kitchen appliance. He only adds that 'special' kind of flavor, of Wyrm taint.

"Terribly wretched creature, you are." Royan says as he comes to a stop by the head of the table. He looks at the thing a few moments, "Rest well, sugar daddy." he lifts the gun up slowly and aims the muzzle at the creatures temple. To then simply pull the trigger to end its misery. That was the easy part, though. The hard part will be Flynn. And to find enough kindling to set this thing on fire. And then cleanse the area. And so much to do!

Bang! It's never as clean as it is in the movies. The Fomori's brain was already rotting from the inside out, and it splatters in equal proportion to the momentum of the bullet. Half the skull is missing and splattered over the back half of the hell's kitchen shelves. Oozing blood and sugar bits glint all over the floor now in blood sprays. The beast is dead.

As a final act after euthenizing the Fomori, Royan performs a rite of Cleansing on the corpse before he burns it.


You lose one Willpower

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Royan rolls Charisma(3) + Rituals(2) (5 dice) vs 6 for 4 successes.
4 +6 +6 +7 +8