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Mission Possible
Starchaser leads a group out to check on some of the Lupus Kinfolk, and discover that one of the cubs has had her first change.
IC Date October 1st, 2019
Players Aaryn, Hjalmar, Johanna ST, Khol, Rian
Location Outside the bawn
Spheres Gaian, Garou

The Caern - Patrol Depot

We meet up at the Patrol Depot, ready to go out on this mission. We are gathering to go take a census, and check in with the Lupus Kinfolk well before Winter comes, and see how the cubs are coming along and if any are ready to come in for training, and just get a general idea of what we can do to help out. Our Lupus Kinfolk are far and few between, so this is important to keep up with them and do what we can.
We will be traversing the bawn, to a valley not too far. There are a couple of dens there. Once completed, we will go to another set of Caves to check on another couple of families.
We will be traveling in Lupus for Garou.

Waiting at the depot, Starchaser has several wolves around her - all with packs on their backs filled with goods. As the others all approach, she chuffs to them >> Thank you for coming. This should be be a fun time, as I am eager to find some more to help me on my mission to support our Lupus Kinfolk. If you are all ready? Let us go! <<

Khol is there with Starchaser. He is wearing some camouflage combat pants, hiking boots. and a Green t-shirt. He appears ready, despite being just a kin, ready to go with you all.

The wolf that is Hjalmar. Or ShieldBrother has a small pack of his own slung across his back and flank. The faint scent of dried meats and... Honey? Coming from it. <<Heil! I am ready Starchaser-Yuf.>> He dips his head to her in acknowledgement. Something he would do to all present.

Rian bounds in as a wolf, trotting along with snowy head held high and tail raised with good attitude. He waits nearby with as much regalness as he can manage till everyone's ready to go, then trots along with the pack, trying very hard not to get distracted by Smells along the way.

The gray timber wolf pads along behind, head kept low to pick up tracking scent, but ears on the swivel. She slinks between Hjalmar and Rian, quietly.

Leading them out of there, with the other wolves present, Starchaser takes them out along to the bawn, and beyond. She asks along the way, >> Have any of you been out to Cherry Valley? Met with Tranquility and her brood? << She has gone there with a few others, but none present. She keeps an ever watchful eye out, just in case of any danger they should know about. It does not take them too long before they are noticing signs of a valley up ahead.

Khol jogs along, making every effort not to slow the group down, he focus on simply paying attention.

ShieldBrother gives a friendly head butt to Guides-the-Dead and then answers whilst keeping an observing ear, nose and eye out himself as well. <<Nay. have not yet traveled there.. Anything we should know about the place?>>

The Silver Fang fluctuates between appropriately watchful and protective, and oh a flower! Sometimes right there where he should be but occasionally falling behind a little bit due to distraction. Not constantly, but occasionally. >>No, but I did find a swamp, and I'm sure it doesn't have a pretty name.<< he offers, ears folding back. Fucking swamp...

Ryn bops her head just below Hjalmar's muzzle in a wolfish signal of respect as she trots along next to him. She pauses every once in a while, just to make sure that the white wolf doesn't fall too far behind. She yips softly, >>No, Starchaser 'Rhya, I have never been here before<<

Starchaser chuffs, >> The first time I went here was a year ago in June. Poachers came in and tried to take the cubs. It was one nasty battle as they had the wyrm on their side and ended up ripping a hole into another dimension, and Skull Pigs cam flying out. I was just a Cliath then. Thank Gaia that Howling Wind'rhya and Like the Wind'rhya, and Dreams of Stars were there. Ever since, obviously, they are nervous around humans. They know of Khol, but anyone else new needs to remain as lupus or another furry form so as not to scare them. << She is not a galliard to be able to tell this story well, but the point is across.

As they make it to the edge of the valley, Starchaser pauses and howls out of their approach. >> It is I, Starchaser. With friends. Come to see Tranquility. << They still have a down slope to go down and actually enter the valley, so this gives the others time to ask any questions before they get there.

Khol nods "I will take it slow, still, to help." his breathing still steady and his pace not flagging.

ShieldBrother dips his head at what Starchaser tells them. <<Bastards... I hope that this Pack.. Or family. Will not be endangered again.>> But the story does make him watch the surroundings with an even greater intensity. <<What if other Kin would accompany? How would they be accepted to come? By your introduction? Or.. Different way?>>

The white wolf's ears perk up, >>Skull pigs? Really? Wow, that must have been amazing! ..Except not... not the death and carnage and cubnapping, I mean...<< Rian's ears twitch awkwardly as he tries to reign in his exuberance. >>I could see how two legs might make them pretty nervous after that, wolves get PTSD too probably.<<

The timber wolf slinks to the side a bit to tilt her nose to the air, scenting the surroundings. Her ears perk at the other wolves' questions and she looks ahead to Stargazer for her responses. EVen still, her fur pricks with alertness, the idea of poachers putting her a bit on edge.

Starchaser replies as she slowly trots along. >> I would need to go ahead and give them something of their scent. The cubs here, especially the one known as Tumbles, would make sure to defend. Granted they are more bouncy than dangerous, I want to respect them as have them keep up defending their territory. Tranquility's mate is Garou, Lupus born, and has been busy with helping the Warder the last few years. It is hard for him to have time here at home. <<

Those listening will hear faint sounds of scrambling paws, and then an series of young 'awwhooo's coming from the valley. Just as you all make it to the valley floor, literally a pile of floof hits into Starchaser. >> Me first! no me first! Wait I'm coming! I'm the eldest let me! No you are not! yes I am of /my/ litter! Well, My litter is before yours! << And more bickering along like that in lupus.
Finally, the biggest pup somersaults over the smaller ones, and lands on all 3 paws? Oh, the 4th is on top of one of the youngers. >> Starchaser'rhya! Tumbles here, reporting for duty! What business do you have and whom have you come to see today! << Yes, he tries to be all official.

Starchaser replies, >> Tumbles, I have come with friends to deliver some food for you and your mother and siblings. As well as to see how you are all doing. Please escort me and my friends to Tranquility? <<

With that, the young cub kicks the head of the one behind him to make way, and the turns to lead them there. >> This way!! << He literally marches off. Starchaser leads them that direction.

Rian stops a little ways back and sits down to display his total lack of threat or aggression. The Rage might still be an issue, so he doesn't go hurling himself straight into the mix or anything. He pants though with a wolf smile while watching, his white face a perfect target for getting slapped with a tail.

ShieldBrother observes the way down and perks his ears up at the sound of incoming as they head down.. And his eyes go wide as he sees the ocean of Floofs come at Starchaser! This sight.. It makes him incredibly happy.. And maybe even a tad longing?... Whom knows. He cants his head as one Cub comes up.. Tumbling! Tumbles. It must be.. The big wolf wags his tail at the sight of this all and awaits what comes next.

Guides's ears flick a bit at the sound of paws and she clamps her jaws closed a moment, watching as the floof hits Starchaser. She lowers her muzzle and almost prances forward a bit, but stops herself before getting in anyone's way. Her tail slaps Rian in the snoot out of sheer joy.

Starchaser laughs a bit with the tail to the nose but signals with a gesture of her head to follow along. She takes a moment to note the other floofs, younger cubs than Tumbles, and nudges them with her muzzle to come along. Several of them stick close by her, and she nuzzles them along. One little girl, who is black and white patchy like Starchaser gets a lick on the head. >> How are you doing Butterfly Chaser? You have really grown in the last month. <<

As they go along, it seems each of the others gets their own little companion. One little male cub, all white save a black stripe around his middle and on his toes sticks close to Rian, almost afraid to speak. Another that is more black with white polka dots even moves along next to Guides. Shieldbrother - he gets the two talkative ones that you cannot tell the difference between! Both look grey each with one black ear and one white ear. Funny genetics! Almost in unison they start questions of him. >> Who are you? What do you have there? Do we smell honey? We like honey. Can you stay awhile? Can you bring more? What's it like outside the valley? Do you do a lot of different things? What is your favorite color? << And so on like that.
Approaching the den, Tranquility was laying out there, taking in some sun. She sees them approach and begins to sit up as there is another 'awhoo'! >> Mother! Tumbles here! Reporting visitors! Starchaser-rhya and friends! << He stands there at attention - as best a cub can.

Starchaser noses the little ones around her to go to their mom, and she lowers her head to Tranquility. >> My friend, we have come with goods and to see how you and the cubs are doing. We come with respect to you and yours. <<

Khol smiles a little trailing behind the others at the slower pace now. seeming quite comfortable and extremely happy to see the happy cubs Any that might approach him, he will kneel down, so he doesnt tower over them, and extend his hand open palm for them to get a good sniff of him. even if it means he needs to crawl a little bit to stay low and keep up with the others.

Rian still keeps his distance a bit, but he doesn't shoo his smaller shadow away or anything. Hopefully that pup is as interested in this particular clump of moss as he is, though, because it is a *very* interesting clump of moss! Sniiiiiiiff.

ShieldBrother looks from one floof to the other and would smile if he easily could. Instead he wags his tail a bit faster. << I am ShieldBrother. Born on two legs and an Athro Philodox of the Fianna Tribe. >> He nods his head towards the satchel. << Aye! Dried meats and honey! So aye! You smell honey as well! You two have good noses. And outside the valley? It is a big open world. With many interesting things. Some good. Others dangerous. >> He snarl-grins. The closest he can get to a smile in this form. << And I do a looot of things! I do patrols for the Sept. Protecting Garou and Kinfolk alike. And I fight the Wyrm whenever I can. Or cleanse places or people in need of cleansing. I also help people settle fights and other problems. Punishing those in need of punishment. >> He cants his head at the two floofs. << You two have been good Cub? >> The voice clearly joking as he observes them. << For good Cubs deserve treats! >> He follows along with the rest and looks up to see the one seemingly being the one called Tranquility. He dips his head in respect at this one. And then looks at the floofs. << Go to your mother. We may talk more, later. >>

For her part, Guides remains silent, letting the cublets learn from Hjalmar. She looks at DBD and decides that he's not doing anyone too much harm sniffing moss as it were... And she, instead, settles for nuzzling her little shadow gently with her muzzle. An unusually motherly gesture from the Get.

Tranquility comes toward the others, her belly large and obvious she is not long before another litter will be here. >> Good to see everyone. My cubs will be happy with what you have brought. << A look though to Tumbles. >> You did well. Now go find Breeze Runner? << The youngers all come up and around their mom, still young and glad for mom here. Except for the one. That one. Staring at the moss, sniffing it with Rian. Seems he has found a kindred soul. >> I am glad you are here. I've been having trouble with Breeze Runner again. I think it may be about time. She has too much of her father in her, and I was hoping you all could check her out. <<

Tumbles has already run off and is searching for his sister.

Starchaser replies, >> Of course, Tranquility. She has always been special to me and my pack since they were here last. Is there anything we can do for you all to prepare for Winter? Your new litter will be here soon, so we brought extra provisions so you will not have to hunt as much. <<

Khol looks up at the sound, his attention quickly drawn, scanning around for immediate threat, "Is someone cutting trees?"

That sound... ShieldBrother perks up into the direction it came from. <<Aye... And big ones as well... Or so it sounds!>> He looks back at Tranquility... Curious as to her reaction. But ready to act non the less!

The power of the Moss compels him! Rian's head whips up and turns to zero in on a sound, not exactly on super high major alert, but one should always be wary of tree crashing sounds and be ready to act. Still, with the context he's picked up, he's expecting this Febreeze Wolf whose name he's already forgotten, despite it having been said a gazillion times. He steps over his young Moss Oracle Apprentice though, automatically assuming Form of Meat Shield.

Guides bends her muzzle and locks onto the nape of the cub's neck, tugging it aside, in the opposite direction of the downed tree. She looks back to ShieldBrother and over to DBD, giving a light warning chuff. It's clear that everyone, even Khol, heard the sound. Her eyes moves toward Starchaser, to make note of any motions of guidance she may offer.

Starchaser moves herself in front of Tranquility. Must protect the mother. >> I do not know what that was, but Tumbles went that way. I'm staying here with the youngers and Tranquility. Everyone else - go that way and find out. Find Tumbles. Find Breeze Runner. << She makes that an order right now. The other cubs are startled. Save the moss sniffing one by Rian. Little yips and whimpers are heard.

Khol nods once to Starchaser's instructions, and he takes off at a run.. He isn't as fast or as quiet as the wolves, certainly, but he isn't wasting time, and if someone sees him, they might not be as likey to see the others. Moving as swiftly as he can to the source of the sound.

ShieldBrother dips his head and prepares himself whilst traveling with the others to the location of where the sound originated from, watching out for the two missing floofs.

>>Yes, boss!<< Rian says, and plants a bigass paw on his wee companion, a wordless 'stay'. Just in case. If that kid is anything like him at all, he might go running off in spite of fear just *because*. He then springs off and goes for the gold like an over eager Ahroun! This may or may not be worrying, but he ain't got time for that, he's... like a 12 year old with ADHD.

Guides bumps her wee one, toppling him over into Starchaser's protective shadow and takes off after Rian and Shieldbrother, her smaller frame moving to catch up to the bigger wolves in no time.

Fur sprouting everywhere, claws and teeth forming and a crackling sound coming from under his skin, ShieldBrother becomes a black and brown coated, blue eyed dire wolf

There is a high pitched whine, followed by another tree falling. You can even hear it cracking. This is not normal sounds. This sounds like something big and powerful is knocking it over.

As you get to the edge of the Valley where it leads to a river, you begin your search. Ahead you can see two large trees down, fallen into the river. One though, you see blood splattered on it.

Those listening can hear snarling and ripping. Not sure what it is yet, but it is ahead. There are tiny paw prints on the ground in the dirt. A howl of anger and fear arises. Followed quickly by a high pitched whine that is absolute fear.

Khol will continues to run, heading straight for the sound of the pain , anger and fear. Looking for signs of what is bringing the trees down as he heads for them. He is undoubtedly not the fastest mover here, but he is moving as quickly as he mundanely can.

ShieldBrother spurts on at hearing that sound. Ready to jump in between whatever is endangering the Cub. Or Cubs... His maw contains a dull fiery red glow.

>>I think we might have a first frenzy happening,<< DBD says while rushing onwards, shifting upwards into a heavier dire wolf form and letting his claws dig in and scrape while he runs, sharpening them just in case he's wrong and it's another pack of pigs with a portal gun. Though they're very close and there's only so much he can do right then - choosing battle prep over anything else - he does still begin to lift his nose into the wind to suck in breaths and start the process of trying to smell any evil stank.

Guides is quick, that much is for certain. She makes her way through the forest, noting the little details, from paw prints to snarls. >>ShieldBrother 'Rhya<< She calls out as they make their way in, >>Sounds like that first change might a arrived! I'll follow the prints unless there's something else you'd have me do!<<

ShieldBrother races on. <<Can be! Follow them! Protect the Cubs. From either themselves. Or the enemy.>>

>> RAWR!!! <<< That howl makes no sense. Just pure emotion.

>> No!! No!!!!!!!! << That one makes some sense! It is obviously Tumbles. In total fear right now. Muffled a bit, obviously trying to escape.

Another tree falls, and there she stands. The snarling Crinos. Blood dripping from her teeth and claws. Patches of fur missing. The Dark colored wolf has a crazed look in her eyes, obviously in frenzy.

Scrambling away is Tumbles! He trips over his own paws, falling flat on his nose.

Sickening ripping and stretching sounds are heard as the transformation takes place and ShieldBrother becomes a huge murder machine

ShieldBrother jumps between the Crinos and the Cub. Forming a living shield. And closes his eyes as he wills himself to shift into his own Crinos form.. And readies himself to grapple the young one if needed. <<We need to protect them.>>

Khol will do what people can do that wolves cant. he will scoop up the downed cub in his arms as he runs by, leaving the others, that are better equipped, to handle the frenzied one. While he can get the cub away from it all. He speaks softly and reassuringly as he scoops the cub up, "Its okay, your safe.. is there anyone else down here?"

Death Before Dishonor swings around to one side on his four footed race, attempting to flank the raging cub when Shield Brother goes in to play punching bag and attention getter, gearing up for an attack from behind.

Guides leaps up next to one of the logs, shifting easily into her warform. She crouches low and begins to lift the fallen tree should the need to use it as either a weapon - Or a cell - arise.

>> Sister. Change. Scared. Help! MOMMA!!! << Tumbles can only say so much, and while grateful for the scoop up, the young cub is really worried. Khol will notice he has a cut on his side as well.

The Frenzying Crinos just keep raging. Striking anything in her path right now. Seems like she has no idea what is going on and just keeps hitting. She starts to grab at another tree, her claws going in, but this one is not moving - it is bigger than her and her abilities right now. She bangs her head into it and starts trying to bite it.

ShieldBrother hears Khol grab the Cub.. Hears the Cub's wail... And watches the frenzied Cub rage against the trees. <<We need to protect her from herself. Stand ready to subdue.>>

Khol speaks softly and once well away and safe "I will get you back to momma.. And Starchaser can heal that scratch.. you were very brave" He keeps on moving, working to carry the cub back to the Den and his family.

>>Subdue! Got it!<< Rian blurts, and when his course gives him a good flanking shot, he runs right at the cub and jumps! Like a FALCON! Going for a standard jaw-lock immobilization, and that falcon thing's only partially metaphorical, the gift of his tribe makes things like this MUCH easier to accomplish. Sure, she feels no pain and has crazy on her side right now, but Rian definitely lifts, bro, and he's just as heavy as she is while he's in Hispo, maybe even a little heavier! But don't tell him that or he'll cry and go on an even worse diet.

<<Any of you have anything to Soothe the Savage Beast?>> Guides calls out <<ShieldBrother is right, she should be fine as soon as the rage inside her dissipates. Just have to keep her from hurting herself!>> She lifts her nose, scenting blood, and looks back at Khol, inspecting the kin for injuries. She hears him mentioning a scratch and stands, between the newly changed Cub and Khol, assessing where she may be most immediately needed.

Once DBD jumps onto the frenzied Crinos, he latches on and yet she is not going down. He's bigger, a bit, but like a backpack on the younger cub. She is still up and going at the tree, but is trying to shake him off.

Khol will get back to the end and lays the cub down now, he looks to Starchaser and the cubs mother "He is being very brave.. " he looks down to see how bad the cut is "But he did get hurt a little.. The others are seeking to subdue the cub that is in her first frenzy.. " he explains calmly but succinctly.

>>Wait hang on, lemme try that again!<< DBD wuffs, like he's playing the wolf version of COD or something. Thank goodness that tree is keeping the cub occupied or 'wait hang on' wouldn't really cut it! Not that he realizes she's quite so fixated, or possibly he remembers some of his own first-change pains and knows she could flip on something else at a moment's notice.

As DBD grabs onto her again, he latches on firmly and finally down she goes. Her white furry backpack is now more a weight on her back taking her down from the tree attack and onto the ground. Muzzle first to the ground, she oofs and the wind is blown out of her.

Guides turns back to look at Khol and her expression totally sports the wolf version of "Wha??" That fiesty lil kinfolk done disappeared while she was looking over at Shieldbrother and DBD. Sneaky Sneak, indeed! She chuffs. With there being no one to heal for the time being -Lookin at you, DBD-, her mind's easily made up! She lopes off to circle the front of the grappled New Changer, >>That's it<< She yarwls, >>listen to my voice. Hear me. We're here. We're here. We're here.<< She keeps the words simple, rhythmic. Easy to focus on.

Rian goes full dead weight, like a hippy at a demonstration, except maybe for the iron grip he's got on her scruff. Squiiiiiiiiish, cliiiiiiiing. Oh he's got her now, yes he does!

ShieldBrother nods at how Rian has grappled the Cub. And readies himself to jump in if needed.

Khol spends his time, now that he has the cub away from the fight and with its mother, checking the wound and calming the cub, and his mother. He doesn't use any magic, that would have to be someone else..

The cub lays there, snoot full of dirt and leaves. >> Rawr rawr << She's still fighting it but oof! DBD really has her squished. Hearing the rhythmic sound of Guides the Dead, she begins to start to hear. She snarls and then there is a word, >> What? << She is confused but maybe she is coming out of it.

Guides lays, flat on her wolf tummy, snoot in the direction of the new changer. <<We're here. We're here. It's OK. We're friends. Breathe with me. Breathe in. Breathe out. In... Out...<< The little Get actually chuffs along with the new changer, inching forward, slowly... Carefully... Letting her get Guides' scent, letting it do it's work on an instinctual level. >>We got you.<<

Death Before Dishonor continues to cling! He can hear the cub getting a grip, but he doesn't release the beast just yet. Besides, no one bigger or smarter than him said to, so, jaw lock FOREVER!

ShieldBrother sees the effects of Guides over the Cub and nods whilst keeping silent as not tot interrupt her. Though he will keep his eyes out for any other threat possibly close by.

The Cub is finally starting to come around. >> Brother? Oh no... What happened? Where? Help? << She is definitely just about there but totally confused. She is not fighting DBD anymore, and her eyes are starting to focus. But what does she do now?

Guides belly-crawls even closer, pausing to give a comforting lick to the eyeball. >>It's OK. Your Brother is OK. You've changed, that's all. We can help you, but you need to remember your breathing, right?<< At that, Guides pops her head up to Look!? at DBD. >>Because... First changes are... Special and... << She barely remembers hers through all the chaos that was. How to get this kid pack zip-loc size was escaping her at the moment.....

Rian hangs on! But once he gets some kinda sign that he doesn't need to any more, he slowly and cautiously releases the cub's scruff and licks the top of her head. He doesn't get his big ass off her yet though, but he does sit up, giving her enough leeway to move and prove to him that she's not gonna suddenly go Tasmanian Devil out of the blue. THEN he'll get up.

Khol smiles to the cub and nods "It's not bad" he grins "That's going to be a scar to be proud of." he looks over his shoulder "Your sibling is going to be just fine.. Calming down right now.. Its all going to be good."

The cub asks >> How? How do I.. be me again? Wolf? << She is so scared now. She sees her paw. >> What have I done?? << She has no idea where the blood is from.

>>Hey, hey, hey<< Guides nuzzles in further, hoping that the scent of herself in her wolf form might help the new changer. >>It's OK. Look. Look at me, now. Look at my eyes. Yeah?<< Guides lifts her muzzle and gives the cub a bit of a lick, >>Let's just remember what it /feels/ like to be wolf, OK<< Guides slowly lifts herself to her feet, >>Get on all fours like me, OK... Remember your feet? Remember what it felt like to run? To nuzzle your litter mates? Let the feelings run through your fur...<< Guides slides up along the cub a bit, leaning in a wolfish signal of comfort.

Rian sits up and does a great impression of a wolf statue while Aaryn handles the new cub, not confusing things with any sort of interjections or actions. Instead, he just lets the poor kid focus without distraction.

The now kinda gangly cub is unsure of these claws and what she has become and her breathing is getting more rapid. But she makes it onto her paws as they are, taller still than the others. >> Wolf. Yes. Wolf. << She closes her eyes. Still breathing hard. But the two wolves next to her - she feels them. Her heart rate slowing, and she begins to shift. Back down to her breed form. The lupus that she was born. She is still a mess, but at least, back to more normal size. Smaller than the other two.

Rian wuffs an encouraging and congratulatory sound at the cub, panting with that 'canine smile' thing going on.

Woo! Guides is sure glad that worked! She leans against the wolf and tosses her muzzle over the cub's back, an act of comfort in dominance. >>Lemme look atcha<< she says, >>I can get ya healed right up, M'K?<< She nuzzles her muzzle across the cub, searching for wounds, scenting for injury... Her gnosis activates and flows through her and into the other wolf with a tingle through fur. >>Hold still<< she encourages.

That cub holds still as she can, although the pain from her wounds - self inflicted really - are beginning to get to her but ah!! Relief! >> Thank you! I feel more.. me! << She looks to DBD and then to Guides the Dead. >> What do I do now? I have to leave Momma and the cubs? << She is not sure what all is going on. What her life is going to be.

>>Try not to worry too much, we all go through it when we have our first change.<< Rian says while Ryn gets her healed up. >>You're a Garou, like your dad, but the worst part is out of the way. You get to take a trip to come stay at the Caern for a little while, while you get control over your body, but you'll be back with your mom and siblings before you know it.<<

>>What Uncle Death-Before-Dishonor said!<< Guides agrees with a wolfish grin. She begins to move the wolf along, pressing her between she and DBD as the make their way back to the others.

DBD, Guides, and SB all help Breeze Runner return home to her mother and siblings. Tumbles has been healed and while nervous at first, ends up going head first into his sister once he knew she was ok. The group has unpacked and secured the goods that they brought for them, and while the rest of the wolves that came along to on to the next set of caves to finish their task, Starchaser and the others help Breeze Runner gather a few things and say good bye to her family for now. Tranquility is a bit sad, but understanding. She promises to visit when they can, but it will be after the new litter arrives and is grown a bit more. Starchaser promises to bring Tumbles by as well as some of the other siblings as they show they are responsible enough.

Making their way back to the Caern, Breeze Runner is nervous but excited. >> I'll get to see Father more? << She is assured that she will, but she has a lot of training ahead. The young Galliard keeps up with them, and with all of the help of her new friends, she finds something positive in this whole experience of her first change.