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Skully's Challenge for Adren
Skully Challenged Sergei for the rank of Adren
IC Date December 28th, 2018
Players Ildar, Johanna, Khol, Notch-Ear (NPC), Skully, Sergei ST, Xenovia
Location Caern, Lands passed the bawn
Spheres Gaian Garou

Sergei is found around the Caern almost always, unless he's out on patrol he's coordinating other patrols. Today he's sharpening branches into spikes with a small hatchet as he waits for the next group.

At first it seems like there's a patrol returning, but no; that's just Skully leading his pack to the patrol house, the group trailing along behind him as they cross the inner bawn. The huge Metis knows where he's headed, and when he spots Sergei he makes a beeline for him, bowing his head deeply once he's near. "Howlin'-Wind-rhya, I come to seek you out," he rumbles weightily, crossing his hands at his waist.

Johanna walks just behind Skully, to his right. Always the Beta looking out for him, and supporting him on what is this most important occasion. The rest of the patrol close around them.

Khol comes up in the middle rear, quietly, but alertly following. He doesn't say anything at the moment, simply follows.

Ildar is there as well, of course. Walking with the others as he glances around. He'd take up rear guard, alert for the back naturally to make sure there wasn't going to be trouble there. He'd slow as they approached Sergei and Ildar bows in a greeting to him.

Xen also arrives in tow, the secret Storm Avatar kin from the Shadow Lords. She's in the middle, but she also looks to Johanna for cues as Skully is focusing on his challenge. Her hands hang down loosely by their sides, but she is brimming with energy this evening. A slow glance is made to the wolf in the back, and she grins at Ildar. A private moment, and then she checks on Khol.

Sergei sets aside the stick he was working on but keeps the hatchet as he looks over the pack arrayed behind Skully "And now you've found me. Your shift isn't till much later."

Skully grins at that, laughing silently to himself before he takes a deep breath to do this formally. "Sergei Howlin'-Wind, I come before you Evan James Pridemore II Weathers-the-Storm, Fostern Metis Wanin' Ya'pahe Full Moon'a the Wendigo, Alpha'a Kandula's Hope under mighty Mammoth, an' Den Father'a the Sept'a the Endurin' Spirit under great Bear. As my elder in both tribe an' moon, I submit formally to you my challenge for Adren. I stand ready."

Johanna signals very discreetly to the others to just remain a bit back and respectful, as they are already being. Her toes tap a bit in her shoes as she is anxiously excited for this to happen. A long enough time coming for the man that is their Alpha.

Xen falls in line respectfully and bows her head to the other Wendigo. She nods to Johanna and remains still, as if expecting to watch something unfold that is spectacular. She smiles brightly.

Ildar watches and listens, smiling as Skully offers his challenge and he'd glance to Xen with a small wink. His attention focuses on the exchange between them, watching and waiting, ready to be ordered as his Alpha commands.

Khol takes up his place, his expression neutral, his posture relaxed and his attention focused on the challenge as it is issued.

Sergei nods at Skully and considers "Very well. I..." and as Sergei is about to speak a puff of breath comes out visible in the suddenly cold air and a wet meaty scrap of flesh and fur thump lands on the ground between them. Sergei pauses and leans down taking a sniff and stands there thoughtfully for a moment before speaking.

The cold doesn't bother Skully so much as surprise him, but the sudden hunk of flesh and fur is a problem. "...the Hell?" he grumbles, gritting his teeth as his eye thins and he looks around warily.

Xenovia silently ews. Yep, the Kami looks at what looks like mist barf, and she quirks a brow.

Khol watches this, but his expression barely changes, only a slight lifting of one brow as he observes]

Ildar watches on, blinking in surprise at the meat that suddenly pops up. He glances at the others, then looks to Skully and Sergei, confusion obviously there at what just happen.

Johanna stares at the flesh. "Who did this? What is this?" She blinks, wondering about this here.

Skully kneels down, picking up the hunk of flesh, and giving it a sniff. Then again. He scowls, and says, "That's Notch-Ear. One'a the Three Rivers cubs, from the half-dozen four-legs what joined the Sept. Crescent Moon kid, comin' up on her Rite'a Passage." He looks up at Sergei and says, "Challenge is gonna have to wait, brother. Can't let this sit."

Sergei shakes his head "This is an omen from Great Wendigo and as I now hunt in his service rather than Merlin's it is proper that I accept his asserting a choice of task. Lead your Pack, Find the cub, Bring her home or bring home the heads of they who slew her."

<Kandula's Hope> Xenovia says, "Gaia, that's one of our Garou cubs?"

<Kandula's Hope> Johanna says, "Oh no... we will take care of this."

Johanna growls quietly. "We must. Lead us, Alpha." Her judgment on this is quick. Time to get to it, and handle this problem.

<Kandula's Hope> Skully says, "That we will."

Ildar stares at the.. bit of flesh, glances between Skully and Johanna, then nods grimly. He shifts on his feet, glancing back, before looking back to the others. "I'm ready to help. We need to find them.."

Skully nods in understanding, replying to Sergei, "My word on it." He looks to his pack, bowing his head once, then shifts into his lupus form to take up the scent and begin the hunt.

Khol nods once and he looks to Skully, he is going to do anything required here. Once Skully takes the lead, he will follow the others.

<Kandula's Hope> Khol says, "I will help with this.. I will follow whatever you want me to do Skully."

Ildar watches as the others shift and he would as well, that white wolf shaking off the shifting as he'd watch, ready to follow where the others lead.

With a crunch of bones and stretch of muscles, fur flies and wind swirls. Johanna becomes a wolf

Starchaser pads closer to what flesh they have of the Garou, and sniffs it. She is trying to get a read on it, using her recently learned gifts that she found necessary to learn when someone else very important was lost.

Starchaser noses in a direction. >> Notch-Ear is in that direction. Beyond our regularly patrolled grounds. Alpha, I can get us to there. It will be a hike. Should we moon bridge part way and then go on foot the rest? << She suggests since it is a ways off.

Weathers-the-Storm considers, then huffs, bowing his head. << Smart. Bridge to territorial edge, then we hunt. Prepare now for a fight; whatever's out there is waiting for us to arrive. >>

Ears going back, Honor's Keeper growls softly at the information given >>Why is a cub off the grounds? That's not good.. Not good at all.<< He bristles slightly, but doesn't otherwise comment, just keeping ready.

Khol pulls a pair of leather gloves on, and nods. He takes a moment to tighten his boots and get ready to move. He doesn't push himself forward on this, but he does step forward and asks "Might I examine the piece?" he asks respectfully "before we go."

Starchaser looks to Skully as it is his call. >> More information may be better. I got the scent of where to go. But if Khol can get more? << She begins to prepare herself for battle since it will be needed and was ordered.

Skully tilts his head toward the chunk of flesh, stepping back out of Khol's way and giving him access to do as he will.

Sergei takes one of his sharpened sticks and picks up the piece by the point. He then offers the dry end to Khol "Take it and work your will away from the Caern. It will go faster."

Khol accepts the stick, nods respectfully "I will do so. Thank you." and he will then move to go, waiting until he is away before he works.

Starchaser feels that new ripple of steel fur on her and chuffs to Skully, >> Ready to moon bridge? << She moves forward and opens it up since she knows the way this time out.

<< We hunt, >> Skully replies, leaping right onto the Moon Bridge as Starchaser opens it and leading the pack onward. As he runs, his fur grows steely and gleams with a silvery light; his claws strike sparks on the Moon Bridge; his muscles tense with the thrill of the battle to come. They will bring the cub home alive, and they will leave no foe survivors.

Khol follows after the others, he won't be able to keep up if they go all out, but he will do his best, moving efficiently and with long practiced strides.

<Kandula's Hope> Weathers-the-Storm says, "Starchaser has the lead when we arrive, with me behind her. Honor's Keeper takes up the rear and guards Xenovia and Khol."

<Kandula's Hope> Starchaser says, "Do we want to stop and let Khol check out the flesh first before we go out?"

<Kandula's Hope> Weathers-the-Storm says, "Of course. But that's the order we move in."

Starchaser enters last into the Moon Bridge and as they all step out, she will wait to lead the way to Notch-Ear so that Khol can do his magic on the flesh. She does nose in one direction. >> We are going that direction. << She will wait in the lead position to get them to their destination while Khol gets the information he can.

Skully flits his tail once to acknowledge Starchaser, turning his golden eye on Khol and pawing the ground meaningfully. A tremor runs through his muscles, and it's easy to see why; despite his supernatural pain tolerance, the silver on his claws must be agonizing.

Khol nods once, he will take a moment, focus and closes his eyes, he makes a series of arcane gestures, touching his third eye, and his heart chakra, then an flowing forward movement of his hands over the piece of flesh. it will take a few moments as he is new at this, and is going to not hurry it yet. To see what is ahead, more than just the location but the state of all around the Cub.

Khol speaks slowly, and softly "She lives.. she can see a green burning fire.. Two voices.. They are arguing. " he frowns and his face looks disgusted "Rotting corpses smell. And rough cold stone under her.. She is alive at least.. " he shudders a little and opens his eyes "IF I look longer I risk being noticed if they have that ability.. "

Starchaser begins to move then. >> We go. We rescue her. Then destroy those that took her. << Yes, judgment made already. She begins to trot along in the direction she knows the cub is in. Time is not to be wasted any longer. She will slow when they begin the approach to the location and begin to scout it out.

<< Get us there, Starchaser, >> Weathers-the-Storm states, following his Beta as she leads along the trail she's caught. Through the pack bond, he states, ** The cub is what's most important. Xen, you'll retrieve her an' get her to safety as soon as you can. Honor's Keeper, you hang back an' fire arrows, an' you cover Xen's retreat. Starchaser an' I tackle whatever baddies there are head-on, an' Khol keeps his third eye open for supernatural threats. Understood? **

As the group approaches through the woods and makes their plans they move quietly, Starchaser is a ghost which is good because she's on point as they move into hill country and she sees the glow first. Ahead there is a gorge with a bunch of rocks at the bottom that have flickers of a green glow coming from underneath.

Khol is having to push his speed to keep up, even though he is back a bit from the others. So he isn't nearly as quiet as the others. But he isn't just crashing around. Following the others.

<Kandula's Hope> Starchaser says, "I see the glow of the fire. Alpha, let us know how to proceed."

Weathers-the-Storm closes his eye for a moment, the darkness around his empty socket seeming to swirl as he does, and then speaks through the pack bond.

<Kandula's Hope> Skully says, "Them fireflies is bane sentries, keepin' watch. Xen, Ildar, you take 'em out. Can't see inside the cave; means they's shroudin' it somehow. Khol, can you do anythin' 'bout that?"

<Kandula's Hope> Khol says, "I can try. Let's see what I can do."

Khol glances to Weathers and nods, indicating he will try. he slows his movement, not needing to be closer for this, as he will start to prepare himself, this will take more time and he will be prepared for resistance this time. As he looks for what might be suppressing.

Starchaser will keep in ghost mode until given further orders.

Khol stops, taking a long moment and he begins to purge his own mind, he moves slowly and smoothly through a series of movements, closing his eyes and starting to extend his senses out beyond himself. He will push to get more information.

Khol shakes his head, speaking over the pack link. "It's the right place. but I'm only sensing Her in there.. but there is something.. weird.. I can't relax my mind in there.. like its full of fire ants on my mind."

Starchaser replies, >> Your orders Alpha? << She wants in but knows they got to be smart about this. Strategic, if they will succeed.

<Kandula's Hope> Skully says, "Xen and Honor's Keeper to the Umbra, but keep an eye out for your chance to rescue the cub. Starchaser, we're goin' in. Me first, you after I've set off whatever alarms an' traps they set. Khol, hang back, dispel what you can, an' keep the hell outta trouble; you get into any, Ildar gets you, Xen keeps her eye on the cub.

And with that decided, the huge Metis shifts into Hispo and charges directly into the cave, knowing he's drawing fire, with a roar of << HOKA-HEY! >> to announce the enemy's impending doom.

With a war cry echoing as the pack goes down into the gorge the fireflies stop, all at once, and a high pitched vibrating whine starts to fill the air and cacophony of howls and yips starts up in the green glowing....pit?

Weathers-the-Storm feels the pressure of the balefire, but his Rage is high and his will is nigh unbreakable. He sprints directly for the first Spiral, silver claws shining even in the Wyrmlight, and sees fear in his enemy's eyes. << WENDIGO! >> howls the Ya'pahe giant, leaping forward to drive his claws deep into his opponent's shoulders, then tearing them free to stick in the tainted Garou's hide. He snaps with gnashing teeth at a blocking arm, then darts forward to bite down on the Spiral's head, yanking back with his powerful neck and pulling both head and spine free, causing the body to collapse in a ragdoll heap.

Starchaser charges in after Skully, and teeth bared, she POUNCES on the BSD not already under attack! She rips into him and spits out whatever she takes off from him! As he activates his own defenses, she CHOMPS DOWN again! This guy should be dead but damn the rage healing! He goes berserk and might hurt her, but no! She goes for the throat, and DOWN HE GOES!!! DEAD FOR GOOD!

Khol strides down in the wake of the two Garou. His focus isn't on the banes, nor on the Dangers in the cave, His focus is on the wards, and that fire where they are bound. As soon as he confirms that tie, he begins to move in a smooth series of circular movements, drawing in positive energy and letting it flow as he extrudes it into the fire, Negating and depowering the wards that he senses there. It's not completely gone, but almost instantly the flames start to die down, the green tint flickering and struggling, strangling as their energy is disrupted and balanced.

And as the fire weakens Ildar is able to come through the gauntlet past the evil cave's umbral defenses and help get Notch-ear free of her bonds as the young Theurge cub answers the howl of >>Wendigo!!!!!<< then she turns to look at Weathers-the-Storm >>I prayed and prayed and prayed and howled and fought and prayed and you came!!!<<

The swarm of bane-fireflies that was gathering scattered when they saw the spirals go down.

When the Spirals are both dead and Ildar and Xenovia step through the Gauntlet, Weathers-the-Storm hacks the gore from his mouth and shudders, letting his Rage grow quiet. He walks over to Notch-Ear and leans in to lick her mane over her ears in comfort, nuzzling the cub gently. << It's all right, cub. We have you. It's over now. >>.

<Kandula's Hope> Skully says, "We need to deal with that bane fire an' cleans this whole area. Anyone hurt?"

Khol continues his smoothly flowing dance, his hands and body continuing to focus the prime energy's that will finish the destruction of the warding balefire. he is starting to sweat slightly, this is new to him and he isn't used to this much prolonged effort, but he will focus, not hurrying or answering at this moment, his full focus on finishing the arcane side of this threat... before there can be any hidden surprises.

Breaking through that gauntlet with Xen, he looks around, bow at the ready.. just in case. Lowering it as it seems the danger is past, his attention shifts first to the fire, then to Skully with a dip of his head.

<Kandula's Hope> Skully says, "I am willing to start working on cleansing, Alpha. If needed."

Starchaser comes closer to the cub as well.

<Kandula's Hope> Starchaser says, "I'm good. Do you need me to heal her while you all cleanse? I can cleanse her as well first? Give me the orders."

Skully shifts up to his Homid form, looking around distastefully and running fingers through Notch-Ear's fur comfortingly before rising to his feet. "Starchaser, please see to her injuries an' make sure she's Cleansed thoroughly. Honor's Keeper, you an' I are gonna start with this cave an' work our way outward. Mark the spot in your memory; we're brinin' Ouray out here later. Xen, keep an eye out for any surprises, here an' Umbra. Khol, you got that balefire handled?". He's already getting his components ready to begin the Rite, directing Ildar to start in one corner of the cave while he moves to the other.

Khol Finishes with a final centering move, coming to his full height, and hands in line of his chest and forehead, a final exhale of breath and he opens his eyes finally "It is done.. the wards are done.. the fire is just a normal fire now. " he runs a hand over his forehead as he relaxes.

The creature disappears, and once again, Johanna appears.

Johanna makes sure that Notch-Ear is all untied and looks her over. "I'm going to cleanse you and then heal you up. Just sit tight. We'll have you out of here as soon as we can." She gets the materials she needs and begins her ritual to first cleanse her.

Ildar would shift to that human form as Skully directs, bow quiver and headband vanishing with it as he'd shift to that standard human. A small nod is given. "There were quite a few demonic insects on the umbral.. Xen and I were able to end them. I hope that it helped over here.." Taking out his own stuff for the ritual, he'd move to the corner as directed, setting himself up mentally, before beginning that ritual.

Notch-Ear is quiet and watching all the rituals curiously, though when Johanna needs her to settle down she does so.

Skully begins his cleansing with a quiet chant to himself in Lakota, but finds his concentration... lacking. He sighs. closing his eye, and can be heard to mutter, "Great father Heart-of-the-Pack, I pray for your guidance."

Khol stays back and quiet now. Not interrupting your other things.

Johanna sits down next to Notch-Ear, takes her hand with one of hers, and then puts her other arm around her. "It's ok now Sister. We got you." She closes her eyes, hugging the cub, and heals her with her gifts. More than anything, trying to impart a caring sort of love to her. "If allowed by the Den Father, you can come back home with Khol and I. We have plenty of food, warmth, and protection there. You've had quite a scare. Then we can get back to training when you are ready." Ok, maybe a bit of coddling, but this was a lot for anyone, especially a cub. She looks to Khol to see if he wants to come help with the Cub?

Ildar tries to center himself when going through that ritual, but something about the place is just throwing him off his rhythm. A faint growl, low in his chest and he'd shift on his feet. A light huff given, Ildar shakes his head and moves back to start. "Come on.. I can do this.." Closing his eyes a moment, he'd regain that balance and then try again.

Khol nods to Johanna, he will approach and kneel to extend his hand to the cub "You are safe and among family now." he will allow her to scent him before he will come any closer. so she will know him.

As Skully's Ancestor takes a hand the chanting increases in clarity, and he makes practiced, deft gestures as the clear water is spread and the taint of the Wyrm is driven back. Before long he and Ildar have managed to cleanse the cave, and he nods, satisfied. "All right, that's enough time here. We'll bring the cub back to the Caern to be seen to directly, an' she can stay with you two for a week while she recovers. You'll have to keep a close watch on 'er; she's like to take a little time gettin' steady. For now, we take 'er back to Howlin'-Wind an' declare it done, an' Honor's Keeper an' I'll bring Ouray out later on an' scout the whole damn area. Too damn close to patrolled lands for my likin'." He grimaces, shaking his head, and then kneels down to wrap gentle, powerful arms around Notch-Ear, picking her up and cradling her close. "We gotcha now, darlin'; no need to worry. We're goin' home. Starchaser, if'n you'd light the way?"

Johanna rises and leads them out of the cave, and once clear, she opens the Moon Bridge back to the Bawn. "Precious Cargo first." She gestures for Skully to take Notch-Ear in first, and then the rest will follow. Once they are all in, she will step through and close the Moon Bridge when they are all out.

Khol smiles to Johanna, and will follow Skully, nodding to Ildar and Xen as well, assuming she is still quietly following.

Skully marches on back with the cub nestled safely in his arms, following the Moon Bridge all the way back to the Caern and tromping in long-legged strides to the Patrol House to find Sergei. He calls out a deep-lunged, "Patrol returning!" to announce them, leading his entourage behind him.

Johanna is proud but humble behind her Alpha. Grateful they could return successfully and not a scratch on them!! Notch-Ear notwithstanding. No swagger, just satisfied they stopped this.

Sergei is sitting where the group left him, the only difference is the addition of more sharpened sticks to his pile. He looks over at Skully and nods "Home so quick and with the detskaya ved'ma still mostly whole. Good work."

Khol stops a respectful distance away, and simply waits quietly

Skully bows his head and sets the cub down to her feet easily, with a softly-rumbled, "Don't run off, now," and a gentle stroke to her neck before facing Sergei. "Was a pair'a Black Spirals, doin' what Black Spirals do. Ain't nuthin' there now but bodies, an' soon not even that. I'm sendin' Notch-Ear with the Coopers for a week to relax somewhere safe an' quiet. I'll take the rest'a my pack back to the site an' see what we can learn, finish what needs finishin'."

The goliath sighs, shaking his head, and says not-unkindly to Notch-Ear, "An' that's why you never, ever leave the Caern alone, cub. World's awful dangerous. You remember that an' take it to heart, now." To Sergei, he frowns and says, "Now that's taken care'a, Howlin'-Wind-rhya, I'll await your response to my challenge in your own time."

Johanna steps up next to Notch-Ear, giving her that warm look that she's got her back and will protect her. She nods in t agreement with what Skully says to Sergei, and awaits his words.

Sergei nods and gives a grin as Skully speaks to Notch-Ear (the cub has the good sense to keep her mouth shut for the moment). Sergei looks over the group and nods "You are a Father in truth not just in title. And you have met well the task Great Wendigo set you to prove it. More than just an Ahroun you've proven you understand your obligations to greater service for the Nation."

Skully bows his head deeply at that, keeping it lowered, and rumbles, "I'm honored Great Wendigo selected me for the task, brother, an' grateful I was able to answer with the assistance'a my pack. All in service to Gaia an' Sept."

Khol smiles just a bit at that, proud of Skully.

Johanna watches Skully, her eyes that of a proud sister, beta, and friend. She whole heartedly agrees.

Sergei nods at Skully and gestures off in the direction of the howling hill "You have enough time to go howl and relax a bit with your pack before its time for your shift."

Skully laughs tiredly, bowing his head, and says, "Thank you, Howlin'-Wind-rhya," and giving the senior Wendigo a bow before turning back to his pack and saying, "Y'all made me proud today. We're stronger together, now an' always. I couldn't'a come this far without you. We'll keep on marchin' forward together. But for now... I suppose I got a howl to make." And the behemoth Ahroun sets off toward the howling hill, shifting to his birth form as he does so.

Khol smiles to Skully "I'm so very proud of you Skully.. " he then looks to Johanna "Shall we take the cub home, get her in a safe warm place.. and get her fed.. "

Johanna nods to Khol. "Yes, let's do that. Alpha, come on over whenever you are free. I'm sure you have much still to do tonight and will want to go see Tinlin first. We shall plan a celebration and a Rite of Accomplishment, since you deserve it." She leans her head back and howls for him as he starts off, and then walks bit over from the cub and her mate and opens a Moon Bridge home. "Good Night, Howling-Wind'rhya." She gestures to the Moon Bridge for Notch-Ear and Khol to enter, before doing so herself.