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The Demise of Boer
The Den Father leads the charge to deal with an intruder
IC Date December 14th, 2018
Players Ildar, Johanna, Journey, Skully, Typhanie, Kandula's Hope
Location Deep Forest
Spheres Gaian Garou

Deep Forest - Center The cycle of life and death is prevalent here from mother nature's harsh touch. The landscape is more dryer here than other parts of the forest and so too has it been affected more by regular brush fires that have swept through the hot summer months leaving the wide area to rot and decay only to leave the natural process of seeds from various adapted plants into the air and spread again to renew the process once more. Trees and foliage within the area have seemed to adapt to the various fires during certain times of the seasons as they too live and die and return again all year round. The animals as well seem to have no problem with knowing when and what times are best to enter or vacate the area, having lived here for millennia and will thrive here ever more even when man has gone and passed away.

OOC Warning: IC presence in this patrolled area constitutes consent to sniping (See +rules Sniping) and may result in an Escalation request being submitted from large territorial furry creatures with no warning beyond this note.

Colorful swirls of twisted wooden giants tower like massive monoliths reaching high into the umbral skies up above. Their leaf covered, knotched, large arms filling the beautiful night sky overhead and the silvery reflection of Luna. Lunes dance merrily in the skies up above and down below on the moon paths where palescent pools of silver light pierce down from between the thick canopy overhead as they dutifully guard such with their lives from intruders. The woods bristle with the sounds of naturae as Glade Children can be seen off in the distance playing whistfully with the dryads that protect their sacred homes here. Many different types of animal spirits can be seen here as well if one knows where to look for them, their airt prints left in the lush undergrowth for different umbral travelers to follow.

Boer has been wondering around this area from awhile going southwest, he probably just picked a direction and went with it from the look of things, he looks happy though, surrounded by nature.

It is dark, and quiet, and the sky is occluded by clouds and trees. The woods are empty, and then... they are not. There is a brindled wolf the size of a bear, one eye a shining golden-yellow, the other a black, empty abyss of pure darkness. He looks at the wanderer for a few moments, from a distance of less than a half-dozen yards, and his lips pull back in a silent snarl.

A Jackal emerges from the far side of the larger one eyed wolf, head turning and watching. No snarl, no growl, just alert eyes, watching intently.

Starchaser follows behind the huge wolf. Black and White fur, her blue and green eyes solidly watching, quiet, and taking in all her senses and ready for anything as they are on the alert.

Another massive wolf. Bigger than one would normally be thought to be stalks forward on the other side of the one-eyed wolf. Piercing sky blues stare at the traveler, that step quiet as he stares at the man within the woods and all alone.

Boer steps back a few paces looking at the few canines quite curiously, and maybe cautiously, but there's no real -fear- necessarily mostly intrigue.

Shaderunner growls, eyes flashing as the sudden warmth of a Nature Goddess floods through the interloper, <Bring me the head.> And he waits.

The gigantic wolf's head darts forward, snapping at the interloper and tearing a chunk out of his chest. It's not mortal, but it is bloody and painful and fierce.

Starchaser jumps in after Weathers-the-Storm, in for a bite, but the target moves and dodges her bite. Her rage builds as she is getting upset at their inability to end the threat.

Honor's Keeper is right in behind the others. Working off where they attack to intercept the one trying to dodge away and tear a chunk of flesh from the man who's not a man. Either way, the attack is painful!

Once the wolves are done pecking at the intruder, the largest of them leaps forward and snaps his jaws through the man's midsection, biting down on his spine and yanking his head back to spill his viscera and snap him completely in half.

Boer is now dead.

Shaderunner is waiting for that head.

Growling low as Weathers takes down the man.. who.. turns into a thing flying off? Ildar watches it go, then looks between Weather and Shaderunner. <<We claim the head and prepare for that thing to come back?>>

Starchaser goes after Weathers-the-storm rips the thing apart. She slashes the head off with her claws, and then shakes off any residue before picking it up and taking to over to Shaderunner.

Weathers-the-Storm spits out what's left of the corpse in his maw, letting Starchaser handle the decapitation as he stares after the departing... whatever-the-fuck-that-was. << Fomori? >> he asks, turning to look toward Shaderunner. << Never seen one like that. Never seen one /do/ that. >>

Shaderunner watches the thing shoot off. <Oh for the sonofa. Change of plans, prepare the entire remains for transport.> He moves a few feet away and looks up. Reaching out with Owls Voice into the Aether.

+++Typhanie....Hear me+++

+++I hear you. What's up?+++

+++We just killed a fucking DEMON in Patrolled lands. Coming to talk to you+++


+++Sorry you're deaf.+++

HK bobs his head then looks over to Shaderunner as he'd change plans. Ears lay back as he growls low after whatever it was, but doesn't interrupt, here to help as it were. He'd follow lead of the others.

The air splits open as a Moon Bridge forms, Journey jumping out and nodding as the rest of the Keystone Garou follow him.

Starchaser follows along, bringing whatever she was directed to - probably the head she removed - and will wait for Shaderunner to direct where to place it.

Typhanie comes hopping outside. She has on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts and she's got one shoe on and she's hopping along TRYING to get the other one on, then gives the hell up. She drops the shoe and jogs out to meet the others as the bridge opens up. There's a bear cub that lets out a startled fart and scampers off into the woods

Journey swiftly changes into a human being.

The creature disappears, and once again, Johanna appears.

Journey looks around, and points to a spot to set the body parts down, held together as it can be. He looks around, pulling the sliced Geode from his satchel, looking over at the house as Redheads stir.

Skully lurks gigantically along with the other new arrivals, shirtless and grimy and grim-faced. Why shirtless? Because they needed a bag, and Skully's shirt is huge, so the ends were tied up and now it's an ersatz sack of dead thing. He sets it down, clearing his throat, and rumbles to Typhanie, "Umm... beautiful grounds, ma'am."

Johanna nods to Journey, and puts the head down neatly, right on top of the shirt filled with pieces, like a cherry on top! A bloody nasty cherry, but yeah, just like that. "Thank you for allowing us to come."

Is Skully talking about her ass? "THANKS," Typhanie says, not yelling, but not much in the mood for nicey nice shit. She moves straight to the body, glancing over at Journey and his geode. "Whatcha got for me?" CRANKY Typhanie. She's unpleasant even when she's NOT mad.

Journey lifts the Sliced Geode, showing the image of an Apocalyptic Form rising from the corpse now ... set out.. behind him. "Got one fucking Demon poking about the Patroled areas, far too near the Bawn. Any ideas who the fuck this was?"

Typhanie takes the Geode and looks it over, then frowns and looks back to the body, then the geode. SHe does this a few times. "FUCKING Erzsebet. I thought she scampered off to some other fucking lala dimension with her little dyke bitch. OH MY GOD." She slides the mirror back to Journey and then she turns and just WHAM kicks the body, right in the ribs. "CUNT!" she all but screams, then .. gathers herself and looks back to Journey.

"What's an urzbutt?" Skully murmurs aside to Johanna, kind of trying to stay out of the way this time around. He does look at the bag, though, and adds, "Umm... it was a guy, ma'am."

Johanna nudges Skully, "I think they can possibly inhabit whatever bodies they want, judging from that thing. Not sure, but possibly gender is... fluid." She otherwise stays quiet and respectful just to the side and slightly behind Skully.

Typhanie turns toward Skully and stares for a moment. Goddamn he's big. Deep breath. "Fallen - this thing." She kicks the body again. "... are neither male nor female. They're Angels, fallen from the Grace of god. Some of them aren't HORRIBLE.. neither good nor bad in the grand scheme of things, but a fucking Ravener just wants to literally watch the world burn and THAT is Erzsebet." She nods to Jo. "In their apocalyptic form, they're neither male nor female. THe body they possess doesn't matter much to them, but it's usually someone that they've carefully cultured to become hosts if they die. So.. bitch is probably bodying up right now."

Journey takes the Mirror back, "Not that." He points at the corpse, then he points at the Mirror and the form inside it, "This. This is a Demon." He points, "That is a host. That is the difference between that and a Formor. Kind of. Thiiiiiiiiissss." He taps on the mirror fast, and looks at Typhanie, "Got away." He shrugs, "So. There's a society." He gestures to the corpse, "This going to become a Problem?" Yeah, that pronouncing Capital Letters.

"He was nosin' 'round the Bawn for some Gaia-knows reason," Skully rumbles with a shake of his head, taking in the new information and frowning. "Wait... there's /demons/? Since when is there demons?" He rolls his eye, looking aside to Journey, and says, "Shaderunner-rhya, any other weird shit in the world I should know about? 'Cause since I come to this city I met a dragon, like five kinds'a willworker, fairies, a real actual ghost, an' a bird what turnt human. Do I maybe need to read a book or somethin' an' find out what I'm missin' on my list?"

Johanna slowly blinks, and then nods as she hears more and more and then even more about demons. "Well, I learn something new every day. Yeah, we need to know what we are missing on this and how further to deal with them so if this happens again, we can be more prepared. Is this common for them to come into the bawn?"

"Since 1999." Typhanie takes a deep breath. "Okay. The bible? Genesis? That was a thing. God created these perfect beings, then he created humans. The angels got pissed and some of them rebelled. God then got pissed and locked them into the Pit. In 1999, there was a big event that spanned all the different layers of reality and they started escaping. Most of them inhabit human hosts that are either severely fucked up or right there at the moment of death."

Journey gestures to Typhanie as she explains some of the background.

"You know, I read the Bible, an' it reads like a crazy person writin' down a cartoon plot," Skully grumbles in annoyance, shaking his head. "Right, so God's real, an' so are demons, but so is Gaia, an' also wizards. Forgive me if I question the architects'a our universe on their life choices."

Johanna takes in a deep breath and just sighs. "Well then. That will be something to talk over the ancestors with." Her mind is full and she is just taking it all in.

Typhanie nods to Skully. "And fairies and trolls and goblins and mummies and vampires and ghosts. And werewolves, if you can believe it." She pats her butt, then sighs. "Let me get a picture of that. Come inside. It's fucking cold out here."

Journey hefts the Mirror, nodding, "Alright." He follows, "This is the thing, We got reports.." He looks at Skully, "The report, where WAS he?"

"Wait, fuckin' /mummies/?" Skully objects, because that is the /last fucking straw/. The big Metis throws up his arms, looking to the heavens, and says, "Fuckin'... what's next, Slender Man?"

But then Journey's speaking with him, and he reins in his temper, taking a deep breath. "Got me a text from Amethyst that he was lurkin' round her place, would I mind takin' a look? Tracked 'im from there to the point'a death. Smelt'a Wyrm, didn't hesitate."

Johanna nods, "I do not doubt anything, any myth, or nothing anymore."

"Mummies. But.. like... they're the actual good guys. Balance and life.. like.. they EMBODY that shit." She heads inside, kicking her other shoe half way across the room. It makes a thud. The single most adorable little red headed child peeks out from the hallway. "Mama... Why's Journey here?" Typhanie hurries over and scoops her up, giving her a kiss on the face. "Mage stuff, baby girl. Go back to bed, okay?" She nods to Journey. "Amethyst, huh? How long has she been back and ALREADY getting into HOW many bullshit things? Go give Journey a hug and get your little butt in bed." Willow is put down and she STARES at Skully. "You're almost as big as my daddy."

Journey turns the mirror away from Willow, rounds on Skully, and SHOVES it into his chest, "Hold this and calm down." He says evenly, before turning and moving to Willow, crouching, brightening his features and scooping Willow up into a hug.

"Then your daddy's a very tall man, pumpkin," Skully replies with a broad smile, going down on one knee with the mirror against his chest to get his eye more on Willow's level. "Reckon you'll be tall some day, too? It's kind'a nice. You get to talk with birds an' clouds, an' pick oranges ain't no one else can reach. Plus you can see everybody's bald spots when they're walkin' by." But then she's scooped up, and he just shrugs.

Johanna watches Willow come out and just watches the little girl, and her hands go around her belly. What a night it has been. She smiles watching Skully talk to the girl, and Journey hug the girl as well.

Willow HUUUUUUUUUGS Journey's whole entire neck off and smooches him on the face. "Night, Journey." The little girl nods to Skully. "He's pretty darn big. Yes, sir." Zero fear in this one. She studies Skully for a long second. No judgement. "Oranges make my poop green," she tells him VERY seriously and then squirms to get down. "When Journey comes over with friends, it's usually woof stuff, mama." Little shit. She gives Typhanie a kiss and then heads off to bed, skipping. "Come on, Bonzo!" A bear cub wanders out from where it was sleeping in the kitchen and trudges on after Willow. Typhanie waits for her to be gone, then clears her throat. "Will. Don't forget Tibbers." Willow turns and RUNS back into the living room and scoops up the teddy bear she dropped and heads back to bed. "

Journey rises slowly as Willow gets situated for bed, "Yep, you're right. Woof stuff, sweetie, night night." He waves.

Skully extends the mirror back to Journey, rising up to his feet and taking a deep breath. "Okay, all calm," he says reassuringly, looking aside at the Theurge. "What's next?"

Johanna just waits for instructions.

Typhanie shakes her head. "Nothing necessary. I'll pass it along. No one in their leadership will question it. THE leader takes no bullshit. It was in your territory. I can't promise it won't happen again, but if it does, you do exactly what you did tonight. Word will be passed along."

Typhanie also grabs her phone and takes a picture

Journey takes the mirror back and puts it on the closest surface, and nods, "Okay take a picture, take the head and the situation. Message is, What the Fuck?" He nods, "We'll spread the word." He looks to Skully, "Den Father. see to it that this is spread to all, you have that voice." He takes his phone and pops a copy for himself too. "Call for alertness and if anyone else has seen him."

"Done," Skully replies with a nod, putting a hand on Johanna's shoulder. "Gonna need help with that. We'll take care of it." He bows his head to Typhanie and adds, "Thank you for your hospitality, ma'am."

Johanna nods, "Of course. It will be done." She bows her head as well to Typhanie. "I hope next time we meet it is under better circumstances." She has seen a lot tonight, and so much else is going on, there just are not words.

"I can deal with the body. It's JUST a human now. Has it been cleansed? The fucking storm crows have cows if something comes through her all tainty and shit." She's so eloquent. She nods to Skully and gives him a smile. "You're very welcome. Sorry about all the cussing and the five year old interruption." Jo gets a smile. "I'm sure. Ya'll are welcome any time. Pretty much always."

Journey shakes his head, "Nope, we'll cleanse it right now.." He looks at Skully and Johanna, "And I'll cleanse you two as well." He sighs, "Biting, always cleanse after biting."

"Children ain't no interruption, ma'am. She's a lil' darlin', that'n." Skully smiles at Typhanie, then nods to Journey and says, "Was very high on my list, sir. I appreciate you takin' the time for us. I'll make sure you're cleansed as well, jus' for the sake'a completeness; we been handlin' that thing a bit now."

Johanna will await the cleansing, but is just getting really really quiet now. The adrenaline is going down and soon, so will she. It has been one of those days.. nights... fuck, what is it now?

"She's a sassy little brat," she says, but absolutely with adoration. "I'm not a sassy little brat! YOU'RE A SASSY LITTLE BRAT!!!" comes a voice, along with a giggle, from the other room. "WILLOW GRACE YOU GO TO BED YOUNG LADY!!!" Typhanie's grinning, though. "You're not the boss of me, mama!" calls out the little girl, but then goes silent. Typhanie takes a breath and lets it out sloooowly, then looks toward the outside. "Let's do this before the bears get it."

Journey nods, and moves, shooing the Garou outside, pulling his cleansing kit from his satchel like a fast draw cowboy lighting the sage and starting the dance around the group, lceansing them in ten minutes of chanting and dancing and a howl, yeah that's subtle.

Skully follows suit once Journey is done, using the same materials but employing a bit more tribal tradition, chanting to himself in Lakota as he works and accomplishing the same damn goal.

Johanna stands there, taking in the cleansing, and breathes in and breathes out. She closes her eyes and meditates there, trying to find her center and calm the crazy thoughts in her mind.

Journey rises as the Cleansing happens and rubs his face, "Okay. Thank you." He nods, "We'll stay in touch if anyone gets any information."