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Quest for Mammoth
Spirit Totem Quest for the pack Kandula's Hope
IC Date Friday, November 2nd
Players Johanna, Skully, XenoviaST
Location Alberta, Canada
Spheres Garou Gaian


The leaves are beginning to fall off the trees up North and the Canadian air has that wet feeling even though it is not raining. It's damp, like the north knows what kind of winter it will be already. The cooler air welcomes them like a warm embrace by the time they arrive to the Kinawtanka Reservation.

Johanna's Grandmother is leading the way, prompting them where to take their first step out of the rental car they have driven way up into the hills and lower mountains. At the gate, they meet one of the Natives here and the softer sound of drums can be heard. It is near evening, with nightfall promising to fall soon.

"We've been expecting you." The spirit network is vast and wide. "Come, they are waiting for you at the meeting hall."

Grandmother's spirit whispers to Johanna - <<These people know Mammoth. They know the past. Respect and listen, and they may share their wisdom with you. I have told them you seek his spirit.>>

Skully is quiet and respectful, having followed the spirit quest this far and finding himself more at home than he expected. He is polite to the Kinawtanka they meet, introducing himself as Los Coyotes Cahuilla and Sihasapa Blackfoot Lakota Sioux, but explains also that it is Johanna's ancestor they are following, not his own. Heart-of-the-Pack, however, is nearby, eager to follow on this spirit quest as well, and though the road has been long, he has been ever-vigilant.

Johanna bows her head with deep respect. "Thank you, oh so much." After her own introductions of course, and then along with Skully and feeling Stardancer at her other side, they proceed as a group - Garou and Ancestors - toward where they are expected to meet.

The gatekeeper walks ahead of them as if no fear from being attacked from behind. He nods to introductions, but he's not quite ready to share his own. "Come. I'm Kentu but I am not the one you are wanting to meet." He half grins, wearing a torn jacket and an old pair of blue jeans. He has moccasins on his feet and takes them down a path to a larger meeting hall. The hall is made of carved logs and the red and golden leaves falling off the trees are everywhere, leaving them a canopy of crunch to walk on by their feet. He swings open the front door to usher them inside. "When done, I will take you back to your car. Welcome, the others inside will see you now." The entire place seems secluded, and they may notice this res is entirely off the map.

Skully gives Kentu a bow, stepping inside the meeting hall wordlessly and waiting for Johanna to follow. This is where the path leads; he will follow it to the end.

Johanna aahs, and bows her head respectfully. She follows Skully on inside, intrigued by where Stardancer has brought them to, and who they may be meeting. Who knows how long this will take, but she will give it and them and this place much respect, as they are due.

Within they are met by another couple sitting on the floor beside a fireplace. They sit crossed legged, and facing outward toward them. The woman looks aboriginal and native to the area here. The male, her counterpart also looks the same. Both are dressed in American clothing, one without shoes and the other is barefoot. The woman wears a long sleeve tee with the logo 'UoA'. She greets them in English. "Please do come in." She speaks it well. Her partner glances to her, as if he speaks the native tongue and takes his time in silence so the others can join them and feel at ease.

Between them on the ground is a black violin case that looks battered and beat up with a handle and several strings coming loose from the leather. "Come," she says again. "Join us and take a seat. We are honored that there are those who still seek the knowledge of our Ancestors, and what once was." She waits for them to settle. "My name is Minoot'a," she looks to the man with her, "And this is Kinow - Red Feather. We are not of the Garou but we know of the Garou." She explains. Her partner speaks in their native tongue, and nods. She translates for them, "He says that he'd like me to tell you the story of our people. One we're only allowed to speak of when ones such as yours, seeks answers and asks the spirits for this knowledge, to know the Mammoth. Which, in this age and time, are extinct."

Skully strides forward and bows a bit, taking a seat on the floor before Minoot'a and Kinow, legs folded beneath him. "I am Evan James Pridemore Weathers-the-Storm, Metis Waning Ya'pahe and Fostern of the Wendigo, son of the Los Coyotes Cahuilla and Sihasapa Blackfoot Lakota Sioux, Den Father of the Sept of the Enduring Spirit. Thank you for your welcome." He bows his head, then looks aside to Johanna, giving her an encouraging smile.

Johanna follows Skully, and once in front of them, she bows like she does to her Master, and then takes a seat next to Skully, facing Minoot'a and Kinow. "I am Johanna Cooper, rite named Starchaser, born on two legs beneath the Half Moon, Adren of the Stargazers. Daughter of Seeks-the Stars, granddaughter of Calls-Down-The-Stars-To-Judge, great granddaughter of Stardancer. Mated to Khol Cooper, kin of the Stargazers. We are honored to be here, and learn from you. The more we have learned of Mammoth on our own, the more we wish to expand our knowledge, and seek out his spirit. He calls to our hearts."

"And our Ancestors sense this about you both," Minoot'a tells them. Her long black hair is braided to the side, and she appears in her thirties. "We are pleased you are here." She reminds them again. "When others remember us, it allows us to stay here longer within your realm." The first clue that where they are might not be entirely a pocket of earthly reality as they know it. "You sought us, and now we can touch our home to yours."

Red Feather speaks in his native tongue to Skully, and like a touch on the air between them they both can suddenly understand him as if the spirit translation were like the air granting them understanding. Spirit is all around them, standing, watching. A drift of movement behind them, and then it disappears. <<In the beginning, when the Creator made all things, there were more of animal kind and beasts that were able to shift and enjoy the the union between spirit, animal, and man. When the planet was new, the Mammoth herds moved and traveled with their kin. And they were not frozen and locked into one shape as they have now. We are the last of their kind, their kin. Sadly, we are no longer able to move as they once did, on the great plains and forests.>>

	 Minoot'a looks to Johanna, "The world changed. And with it came the change of what we once were. But we think we can help you, to call one of our Ancestors to aide you." The camp of Mammoth kinfolk all around them watches the two Garou. "Is this what you are seeking? One of our Ancestors to aide you as a Totem?"

"An' to aid your ancestor, in turn," Skully replies with a bow of his head. "We seek a Totem to formalize our pack. We know Mammoth seeks allies to preserve his memory an' keep him from fallin' out of existence. We feel it's our duty to see to that, an' to serve as we're needed. S'why we come here; not jus' to ask, but to offer."

Johanna agrees with Skully. "We seek to bring unity and understanding between the Garou, Kin, the spirits and Gaia. We see Mammoth as a spirit that needs us as much as we need him. Our Ancestors agreed, and we were led here. Your help would be most appreciated, and should Mammoth accept us, we will share his memory with our Sept and beyond."

Red Feather hears their intentions and nods his head back to his partner sitting beside him. It seems he has consented for Minoot'a to pick up the black case between them and she helps him by arranging it on his lap. They both become quite serious as they are about to reveal a sacred object to the Garou visitors. "And we need the right people to remember."

Red Feather lifts from the case a white bone flute that is carved from the tusk of a Mammoth horn. He holds the revered object in his hands and runs his fingers down its length. He lifts it slightly so they both can see the carvings within the flute by the light of the fire and they will begin to see a story unfold before them. It holds the story of their origin. From the beginning of time and how the Mammoth and it's people lived and hunted, and the longer they stare at the flute it begins to move. The story carved in bone animates.

Man and woman, blend spirit within the Mammoth and in turn it tells the story of the Mammoth as the Great Hunter. The Warrior, and protector and guardian of its people. It tells the tale of Wars, and Famine. And once the story ends, the animated bone ceases to move and becomes quite still.

Minoot'a offers the Alpha the horned flute. "Kintotanka." She'll look to Johanna to explain, "This belongs to one of our Greatest Grandfathers. He lost his horn in war. If you blow on this. He may come. He may aide you. And you may aide him."

Red Feather offers a Native blessing over the flute and upon them.

Skully takes the tusk, handling it carefully. It is huge even in his giant hands, and he places it in his lap, tracing careful fingers lightly along the inscriptions. He reaches aside, taking Johanna's hand, and places it on the tusk as well, holding his own over hers. "This is... beyond sacred," he says in a low rumble, looking up to the pair. "This is a link between our world an' the spirit place; one that keeps Mammoth real, to us an' everyone. This... there ain't words. I'm humbled."

Johanna just stares and takes in the tusk. The animated story just fascinates her, as her eye's widen and cannot look away. As the tusk is given to Skully and he puts her hand on it with his own, she shakes her head. "This is more than we could have hoped for. I feel him. He calls to my soul. I can feel all of you through his tusk." Her mouth hangs open just a bit as she is in total awe right now.

Minoot'a explains, "We will not always be remembered in time. We know some of our bones are in your museums. Bones are deep within the ground lost in memory. But we are not simply bones, or have Ancestors buried in your snow. We are alive, in the Deep Umbra. We will go on, but in your world our story is near ended. You and your pack will be some of the last Garou to carry us onward, in your stories."

Red Feather bows his head to them both, very pleased that Skully has joined Johanna in receiving the bone flute. "The memory of Mammoth is extensive. He remembers all. He provides strength. He guards and protects the pack. Go now, and summon the one you seek. It's time."

Minoot'a smiles by the fireside. "What is good for you, is good for us. Remember, in the beginning we were all One, in spirit."

Skully rises, legs unfolding under him, hands holding the flute steady as he gives a deep bow. "Wakan Takan kici un," he says in his deep rumble -- Gaia bless you -- before looking to Johanna and bowing his head. "I will hold the flute for you, Starchaser, if you will play," he says softly, giving her a shaky smile. "Come join me outside." He heads to the door, but steps aside for her to open in first.

Johanna rises, lifting up so gracefully like a delicate ballerina. She bows again to the two, very solemn and awed by the overwhelming responsibility they have given them. "We will honor your Ancestors. Thank you." She nods to Skully and as they approach the door, she opens it and steps out and then holds it open for him. "Let's find the right place to call him."

The others rise but stay within the hall as if they were ghosts that need to stay behind. "We'll be watching from afar." Minoot'a ushers them forward, as if with some mixed excitement of her own. Red Feather also offers a rare grin.

They are met at the outer door by their first guide, the one they met by the gate. He nods to them as he stares at the bone flute. The cold autumn fall air greets them once outside when ready.

Skully steps outside, carefully carrying the ancient tusk with its worked glyphs and beautiful artistry, stepping into the chill air and shivering once as if stepping back into reality. He takes a deep, heavy breath, looking over to Johanna, and says quietly, "Not at all what I was expectin', sister."

Johanna places a hand on Skully's arm. "I was not sure what to expect. This is simply... moving." She nods to the guide they met, and says, "We have been blessed. Where can we best go so we can play this magnificent flute and call upon the Ancestors?"

The softer drumming of a gathering by a fire is taking place farther away through the trees to the south. They can't see the natives gathered, but they can hear and feel them. As if the spirits were all around them and everything were thin enough to move through membranes within the veil, they are warned by Skully's Ancestor to take caution.

Their guide gestures a dirt path through the trees to a clearing large enough to receive one of their Ancestor spirits. "Go down the path between the two sycamore. We can not go with you, but we will be watching." As he utters forth the advice, he turns to walk away and disappears in front of them, as if he were once there like a ghost, and then gone.

Skully bows his head to the departed spirit and offers his thanks to Heart-of-the-Pack, squaring his shoulders and heading toward the destination between the two sycamores. He keeps a moderate pace, making sure Johanna can easily walk beside him with his long stride.

The guide disappearing catches her attention, realizing her suspicions are seeming more correct. Johanna takes 3 steps to Skully's one once they begin the walk, but she is used to floating along practically with him. She remains very respectful, as they follow along the path. Once they are close to entering through the Sycamores, she pauses a moment. She feels her heart beginning to race with anticipation. Taking a deep breath, she then continues on through. Once Skully is beside her, she will look over the flute one more time before she attempts to play it. "Should we say some words first?"

They move upon sacred ground where the gauntlet feels quite thin here. The drumming continues, with one of the natives chanting in the background. The kinfolk gather elsewhere to attend the spirits within this place. It is a meeting ground of parted spirits, and remembrance.

Leaves slowly fall off the trees whenever the wind blows, which causes a cascade of spiraling golden yellow, amber, and bright red maple.

Skully considers quietly once they've reached their destination, looking at the mammoth tusk in his hands. He feels the heft of the talisman, the history of it, and closes his eye. "Mammoth, we come to you to seal a pact," he begins, choosing his words carefully. "To unite us in service, to Gaia, the Nation, the Sept, to each other, an' to you. We keep our purpose simple, in that we set out to strengthen the things what need it most, to help wherever and whenever we can, but most of all to offer hope to those what need it most, yourself included. An' we'll hold that dearest to us, Mammoth; first an' always."

Johanna smiles up to Skully, she could not have said it any better. He spoke from his heart and was wise and eloquent. She reaches to touch the flute as Skully holds it, adjusting it just a bit for her. She closes her eyes and whispers something to Stardancer, and then moves in to play the flute. At first a soft, then with a bigger breath she blows into the flute, giving it a voice and life itself. She can feel the power of it throughout her, shuddering just a bit feeling it from head to toe.

ROAR! The sound of the Mammoth hasn't been heard in over nearly 10,000 years. It bellows in a low belly like ruffle that fills the cold air around them with a trumpet like blowing! It is exhilarating in that it sounds triumphant, glorious, and the woolly beast stamps out at a full run toward them! Only those who have sought them out, as they have, are fortunate to hear the sound of the thunderous run the ancient Mammoth now makes as it moves through the trees.

When it finally appears, pushing through the membrane of a thinned veiled gauntlet, it shimmers with light in its spirit form. The Mammoth stands tall at nearly 11 feet in height and it lifts its head to turn slightly when it comes to a halt within the mixed autumn leaves. The beast is missing one curved horn, lost in war from many thousands of millennia past. It stamps out its front legs and rises tall. It takes all the air with it, and whooshes back down again to stamp HARD upon the ground. The earth beneath their feet trembles, like a small earthquake, sending a cascade of more leaves rushing down in a rainfall around them.

And that is how the spirit greets them. It eyes them for their worth. <<Children of Wolf. I see my own children have given you my horn.>> It snorts. <<Are you to take me with you to the First World of our Awakening?>>

The sound rumbles through Skully like electricity, and then he's awed by the majesty of Mammoth, feeling the power of the great spirit in every movement and driven to his knees as it shakes the very earth. He keeps his grip on the tusk, but stays on one knee. bowing his head. "Great Mammoth, we are indeed," he rumbles deeply, nodding. "We intend to bring hope even to those who think themselves hopeless. We ask your blessin' to unite us in that task."

Johanna holds onto Skully with the great rumble. Never losing her footing, but it was much more than she was expecting. When Skully takes a knee, she is still at first only. A wave of a motion, and she is down on both knees, humbled before Mammoth, hands now on the ground, head down in a bow. When Skully speaks, she rises up to look upon Mammoth. "Awesome Mammoth, we want to share of you and your ancestors. Keep your memory alive in the hearts and minds of the Garou and kin, and the spirits. You are wise and just, and we offer ourselves in your service. We do not seek Glory, we wish to provide you honor and respect."

The Mammoth swings his trunk and begins to walk forward in between the leaves with giving them an honorable crunch beneath its heavy feet. The two Garou must have touched the Spirit as it is now approaching them. It moves forward to snuffle Skully full on in the face and then it turns to nudge its trunk against the side of Johanna's head. <<Children of Wolf. You honor my memory and in making this offering you will help keep my own kin alive and well.>>

The Ancient Mammoth spirit accepts by bowing its head before them. <<As long as you share the stories handed down by my people and play our song, then I will aide you. The ego of the spirit for self gain is corruption, and the reason why my people can no longer join us, or transform. It is a slow growing seed that separates us from what we once were. Remember, or you will experience the tragedy of my own people as you slowly lose yourselves. Forgotten.>>

"So long as our story continues to be told, yours will, as well; that I can promise, Great Mammoth," Skully intones deeply, shifting the tusk to the crook of his arm so he can rest a hand on the spirit's trunk. "That you an' your children once walked the earth an' helped to shape the world into what it is now. We ain't gonna forget. Our children ain't gonna forget." He looks to Johanna's belly, then to her eyes, nodding once. "Our word."

Johanna rests her hand on her belly, while the other touches the huge trunk of the spirit. "It is my great honor that my first child is here, within me, to experience meeting you. It will be a story I tell him the rest of his life, and he can share with his own children. We will not forget and do all we can to spread word of you. We will play your song on our moons, and help others including the spirits only for gaining more to know of you." She bows her head again, with the most respect she can pay to the great beast.