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Biker Bangers
Bikers hole Xenovia up in an ice cream shop and she calls Black Stag Forge for backup.
IC Date Tuesday, September 25th
IC Time 14:45:53 2018, PDT.
Players Skully, Lleutrim, Faith, and Xenovia as ST.
Location Ice cream shop in Prospect
Spheres Shifter, Mortal+

It's raining outside. The rain is coming down rather hard this afternoon, and the clouds are dark for a mid afternoon. The air feels damp, however the inside of the Forge has become a refuge to hang out and provide a warmer source for dropping temperatures in the weather.

Ring.... Ring'a'ling. There's a landline phone in the forge. Ancient technology. It still rings, signaling a call coming in.

Skully has been doing detail work on an axe he recently finished, carving glyphs and Norse runes into the blade. He does his work carefully, and at an angle where Lleutrim can see how he's doing it. "It's for Hjalmar," he explains patiently, polishing a bit off of a Wendigo glyph, "but it will have a spirit of frost and wind in it, so that also needs to be acknowledged. When Iris does her summoning, the spirit has to /want/ to be a part of the axe; we're tryin' to convince it to take it on as a body, after all."

And then the phone rings, and the big lug grimaces, turning off his tool and loping over to the wall where the phone is located. "Black Stag Forge," he answers semi-confidently, but fails to stick the landing. "This... umm... is Skully. Pridemore. Speaking."

Rain. It's left Faith drenched from the shoulders down as she knocks lightly at the door before letting herself inside. She's wearing her motorcycle gear - since you know, it's Prospect and rain is totally unheard of. A still gloved hand pushes the visor up from over her face as she tugs the door close behind her with a muffled, "Holy shit, there's wet stuff falling from the sky out there.." her other hand is holding onto a plastic tupperware container specially designed to hold cupcakes. She stops on the mat just inside the door, taking notice of LLeutrim present with the newest resident weapons smith.. "Er.. sorry. I'll just leave these if it's okay?" She's lowered her voice having noted Skully on the phone, and addresses the offer to LLeutrim.

Over the phone, Skully will hear a female voice speak up. "Thank Gaia it is YOU!" She sounds a bit stressed and annoyed all in one go. "It's Xen. I thought Jake might be there, but getting ahold of people without phone's is really tough!" She does talk quite a bit for a girl when push comes to shove. "So anyway, Aleksandr left for Russia. Viktor, can't get ahold of him on the phone. Jake was a last resort, because calling our fearless leader over trouble and some ice-cream, and a stun gun?" She breathes out, "Not so good."

"Anyway! So I went for ice-cream because they make it fresh at this shop called Totally Dragon Ice. And I didn't know this was a bad side of town with biker dudes claiming it for territory. You ever see a patch that says Glorified Fucks?! I mean, what the hell. Anyway, there's four of them outside, and one says I can't leave until I say yes to a date. And he's a real toad. He touched me, I zapped him, and they think I have a secret stun gun on me somewhere. But you know, it's not a stun gun! It's that super super special stun gun, I rarely use." She hints to Skully.

"Anyway, they are pissed now and guarding the ice-cream door. I need a save, save. Win win. Can you come rescue me?" She then says, "Please?"

Lleutrim is here, watching Skully's work closely and trying to learn some smithing, to assist. A slow nod, "Good of you to be making something for Hjalmar. I like him." The Galliard listens with /particular/ interest to the binding of a spirit part. "This is rather fascinating." He turns his head at the phone ringing and lets Skully go to answer it as he turns his attention to Faith coming in - dripping wet.

"No, come on in." Donnachaidh goes over to help Faith with the tray, "You are soaked. Come dry off. Rare as rain is here, it'll probably let up shortly." Lleu eyes her and if she'll let him take the tray from her, he'll find a place to set it down. "I owe you an apology for last night. It's really good news. I ... am just tired of people jerking me around. I am sorry, Faith. Please forgive me."

Skully holds up a hand to Faith, doing that wiggly 'no no wait' gesture before waving in a 'come in' gesture, heedless of the tension between his guests. He's soon back to the phone, however, and when he recognizes the voice he smiles a bit. "Oh, hi Xen. Sorry, Jake's not...." He stops, listening to her tell her tale, and frowns deeply, brows beetling. "Glorified Fucks? No, I don't get around much, an' I don't know any bikers. A date? Umm... yeah, yeah. Totally Dragon Ice? I, umm... I think I know where that is. We'll be right there, really. Jus'... try to stall 'em, I guess? We're on our way." No mention of who 'we' are, but that's Skully for you.

The big brute hangs up the phone and turns to his guests, looking concerned. "Umm... so Xenovia went to check out some new ice cream place called Totally Dragon Ice, an' these four bikers rolled up an' started harrassin' her an' sayin' she can't leave if she ain't go on a date with one of 'em, so's I said we'd go help her out. Umm... anyone got a car? I mean, it ain't far, but she sounds pretty upset."

Lleutrim is handed the container of carrot-cake cupcakes as he reaches for them. "I didn't take it personally Lleu - I just.." The woman looks at her helmet and then up at the other two.. pushing her tongue into her cheek for a moment, "We're gonna commandeer one." Faith reaches into her back pocket and tugs out her phone. "They're like - a mixed race MS-13. I've had a couple run ins, they're into human trafficking, coke, and they don't leave bodies. They leave pieces of bodies." She glances at the pair and asks, "Either of you mind if I tap a local kin to drop us off whatever they've got for transport? Not sure you wanna make this an official police call if Xenovia's already in a bind. Sander quit the force last night and I suck at faking police reports."

"Glorified Fucks? Yeah, we need to be real careful and preserve the veil on this one." Lleutrim frowns, then looks back to Faith to listen. A nod, "A car would be helpful, yes. Or ping Ghost but then we all have to cram into his pickup cab." Skully won't fit! A blink, "Sander quit? Seriously?" Yep, hard to believe. Lleu shuts his mouth and goes to collect his motorcycle jacket - no patches on it though because his personal things were stolen, of course.

"Umm... sure, call in somebody if they're close," Skully replies, running a hand through his hair. The poor ol' softy just looks so /sad/ that trouble has befallen his friend. It takes him a second, but he soon has his game face on, hard-planed features going blank and then brutish when he starts to get mad about it. Brows furrow, and he stands up straight instead of his usual easy posture, and... for a second, he's another person. A /frightening/ person. A seven-foot-tall thug. "Okay, this ain't right at all. She ain't done nuthin' but go for ice cream. /Fuck/ this. They's bad, you say? They ain't know the half."

The big Ahroun cracks the knuckles on his giant right fist, then his left, and bumps the two together with an audible *thud*. "We can handle this ourselves. Ain't no need to call the cops. Ain't gonna be no trouble."

The kinswoman is on the phone after getting permission, and they'll have an unmarked old montecarlo within a three minute window, dropped off by one of the city-kin she's networked with. It helps to have enough police influence to make sure the family get left the hell alone - especially the homeless and those who need to work in the gray. The two kin who drop off the car leave the keys with Faith who offers them to LLeutrim. "They are bad.. Sir," she explains to Skully once the three of them are on the way to the ice cream shop. "You can expect them all to be armed. They're like a god damned hydra too. As soon as we took out one group, they'd have two more trained. More thuggish than paramilitary.. brutal. I don't know if you understand the MS-13 reference Sir, I know LLeu does. They go out of their way to be terrifying.. like the time they turned this old man inside out and left him hanging on his own door because he called us for a noise complaint. They give me the fucking creeps."

The keys are accepted, "Let's go then." Lleu goes on out to take the driver's seat and knows Faith will forgive him for not opening a car door for her. She's capable and time is of the essence. Soon as Skully shoves his mass into the back, the car pulls out from the curb smooth and practiced.

It's a bit of chaos outside the ice-cream shop. Totally Dragon Ice has a blinking sign in neon-blue and green. It looks like a box-shop, four walls, and two windows on the outside to see in. When their car pulls up they will see one of the gangsters dressed in leather jacket and blue jeans putting his backside to the window. He bends over and pulls his pants down to MOON PRESS the window with the backside of his junk. His three buddies are laughing and one pulls out a cell phone to video. "Fucking A- man. I think you left a sweaty imprint."

Xen is inside sitting in a booth closest to the register. Whoever ran the shop isn't seen at all behind the counter and the place looks empty. And the Kami doesn't look too thrilled to be caged inside, and unable to flee. From within, she raises a fist, smacks it and offers them the invisible bird in return. Her ice-cream sunday looks half melted in front of her as she stopped enjoying it once all this went down.

"Dog!" One of the gangsters moves up to witness Xen's absent middle finger. The Mooner's name is Dog, go figure. The nickname causes Dog to look up and then he pulls his pants back on. "She doesn't look impressed. Try something else to get her to come out! I want it on film. Igor, is going to love this shit for his buyers. Nothing like taunting the merchandise before he breaks it!" He snickers.

"Ain't no thing to me, ma'am. Bullets ain't shit," Skully replies tersely, taking the back seat and scooting sideways so that his knees aren't /quite/ in his face. He stares out the window during the drive, keeping his hate-on going until they arrive.

When the car pulls up, Skully spills out inelegantly -- there's simply no graceful way for a seven-foot-giant to get out of the back seat -- but fortunately he's on the side /away/ from the bikers, so likely all they see is an ogre standing up on the far side of the Monte Carlo and cracking his neck. He turns his eye to the men clowning around, grunting sourly, and slams the car door shut before loping his big black booted feet on over. "Gentlemen, you's blockin' the way for a man to get an ice cream," he says in that deep baritone rumble, looking not at all amused. "An' I believe you're ruinin' my cousin's sundae. No call for rudeness."

"Those are definitely some of Lazerus' boys." Faith offers to the two men as they pull up in time to witness the excitement. She clearly wasn't bothered by getting her own door, but she's also not hopping out to go pick a fight either. "I'm strapped, and I have my badge, LLeu doesn't let me walk around town without them," Faith explains as she turns to look at the massive boy in the back seat, having clearly relinquished any sort of lead over to Skully. She doesn't pop out of the car just yet, instead looking down the side of the building to see if she can detect a way to the back door of the establishment. Look at that, a little bit of self control! But the window does get cracked so she can hear any orders barked from outside, or inside the car.

The cub remains in the car for only a moment. It's just not in his blood to let a situation like this roll without stepping to. His instincts will give him slightly more pause than the large ahroun, time to take in the scene, who's packing, who's leading, what's their ride. Lleutrim is a Marine and a Cop, it's hard to lay down the mantle of either, much less both on a city street.

"Red Jack, get a load of this shit!" Dog looks over at his biker friend holding the cell phone in hand, video recording Skully coming closer now.

Red Jack grins with a snarly lip and eyes Skully as if a challenge were about to come his way. There's no fear in these guys. They LIVE for violence. They LIVE for the chance to escape death, like a rite of passage. Two other goonies, in Glorious Fuck patches come up behind Red Jack to give him silent muscle.

"Oh, that your cousin?" The third patched guy chuckles. "We're going to fuck your cousin. Then we're going to fuck you."

The Fourth Patch looks at the Third, "You are such a homo."

Third Patch glances back, "Loud and Proud."

Dog snickers, and looks right at Faith inside the car when the window comes down. "Never mind these two, boys. A bigger prize just showed up." Yeah, Dog seems to be the Alpha in this group tonight, and he recognizes Faith. "Get the female piggy." Shit is going down fast. He looks at Lleutrim, but he's also ready to dance with death.

Skully shakes his head slowly, never taking his eye off of Red Jack. "Ain't like that," he says quietly, voice a low growl. "Today ain't the day you think it is. Today's the day you decided you was lactose intolerant an' went home. Could be that day, maybe. That's a good day. Could be today's the day someone chisels into your headstone, too. That's a bad day. I ain't sure which calendar you're usin'. I'll check mine after." The big man isn't budging, but he's not pushing yet, either; this is their shot.

The car door opens and Lleutrim stands up to his 6'3" height and 220+ lbs. Not as big as Skully but he's been working hard the past two months and put on more muscle, lean muscle after some of the shit the past few weeks. His nostrils flare and he deliberately steps to intercept and block 'Dog' from getting around the car, "I don't think so, buddy. Today is your 'Free Neuter Day Special' compliments of the Local Humane Society."

Faith takes the opportunity to go over the front seats into the back, and work her way out of the back door of the car as the two garou take up the front line. She'll keep half an eye on Xenovia through the window at the same time, because, you know - they came here to help her get home.

Dog steps up to face off with Lleu. He gets right up into his chest like he ain't scared of shit. He chest bumps him with his leather jacket and has to look UP at all 6'3" of him. "She your old lady, shit bag?!" Yeah, things are about to get dicey now. Dog flicks his wrist and a blade comes out from the wrist of his jacket. The stealth knife fight is about to begin.

Red JACK suddenly flings out both hands up in Skully's face with the flat of his palms. It looks absolutely insane, and silly, as nothing happens. Red Jack flicks his hands a second time at Skully, as if he were about to pull a weapon or do a magic trick. It fizzles on him. "FUCK." Yeah. Yeah. He reaches down into his left pocket as if to pull a weapon, but there's gunna be time for Skully to react, long before he gets his fingers into the jean pocket.

Patch #3 pulls out a set of brass knuckles and slides them on. He looks right at Skully to back up Red Jack.

Patch #4 looks intimidated by Skully's size. He looks to his other two mates and backs up a step.

Xenovia gets up from her seat in the ice-cream shop and looks alarmed once everyone starts moving. She hesitates if she should run outside or not and help.

"You better have kryptonite, motherfucker," Skully growls as the man sticks his hand in his pocket, hamhock fists balling up angrily. He lashes out with his right, sending a solid uppercut into the man's chin with the force of a mule kick. Red Jack's teeth clack together with a loud *crack*, sending the biker sprawling to the ground like a marionette with cut strings. The behemoth is still moving, however, his left arm swinging in a wide haymaker to Brass Knuckle's eye that knocks the hoodlum back into the wall of the ice cream shop, shaking the windows with a loud *thrum*. For his part, Skully looks /pissed/, all grim determination and barely-checked anger.

Faith's eyes cut from Xenovia to Jack.. and she's gonna raise an alarm, "Jack's a Magician!" Not a veil rending statement by any means, but perhaps enough to get through to the men who are doing the fighting as she tries to signal Xenovia to come hither. A split team is almost always a bad idea - especially when there be hinky shit going down!

The /only/ real concern Lleu has is preserving the veil. He can get stuck with the knife if he has to and it'll hurt like a mother fucker, but he'd much rather avoid it. So faster than Dog can stick him with it, Donnachaidh coolly smacks the blade right out of Dog's hand as if slapping a boy child who's been bad and picked up something filthy his mother doesn't want him putting into his mouth. Otherwise, Lleu's eye to eye with the biker, aware that Xenovia or somebody is blocking the fella who just tried to cast some Magery at them. There's no time for distraction. The Galliard stays focused on dealing with Dog.

It's a real shit show. Patch #3 attempts to back up Red Jack who is now sprawling on the ground outside the ice-cream shop door. These guys LOVE pain. They worship it. And now Patch #3 with a bruised face, whiplashes back like the little monster he is and SLAMS his brass knuckles into Skully's gut with all his force. Oomph! Air sucks into his mouth as he nearly spittles with glee at making contact.

Patch #4 pulls a pistol out of his back pocket once he sees Red Jack go down. He's been called out, and the Piggy Lady just ratted his super power out. He backs off from Skully and plans to go for Faith.

Meanwhile, Xenovia tries to get out of the shope. She bangs the door against Red Jack's body when he tries to roll up. She slams it hard! The big lump is in her way, and she's trying to get outside. She clearly hasn't seen the Patch #4 going for a gun.

Dog and Lleu are eye to eye. Dog loses the blade and instead he swings to punch Lleutrim right in the neck. A real sucker neck punch!

Dog slams his fist into Lleu's neck and FUCK that hurts! Donnachaidh doesn't even try to dodge it, he soaks it like a man even if it'll leave him a hell of a bruise - briefly. Hitting him in the neck managed not to stun him. That fucker had more brains he'd have punched Lleu in the FRONT of his throat and tried to crush his larnex, but no. Too bad for the Pooch. The Galliard Marine snarls at the pain and rage is used to fuel his followup attack which is simply to GRAB DOG's CROTCH! While still eye to eye, Lleutrim /crushes/ the fuck out of Dog's private parts as promised!

There is a horrible and sudden SCREAM ad Dog loses his manhood in a most crushing disappointment! The man goes down to his knees the instant he's released and Lleu shoves him out of his face, "Next!"

Still fueling his speed with his rage, Lleutrim leaps for the guy who's drawn the gun! No way he's going to let that son of a bitch shoot anyone if he can help it. The cub is able to knock the gun clean out of the bastard's hand - the gun goes skittering off down the sidewalk, unfired!

When Red Jack gets back to his feet, Skully shakes his head and rumbles, "No you don't," cocking his right fist back for a cross. Bad choice of punches, as it turns out; Red Jack spots that coming and jukes away, the punch whiffing right by his face and just making the big bad brawler angrier.

Red Jack ducks the hammered fists coming at him and attempts to slam both hands onto Skully's belly. He growls loud and yells in a warcry! It's fucking loud, and if the man had rage it certainly would be pouring out right now. NOTHING, happens. No flames. No magic. No nothing. He pours all his will into jacking him up, just like his name, and absolute nada. "God fucking dammit!"

As he cusses, Patch #3 who is looking bruised gangs up on Skully and swings his knuckled fist back into the giant's right kidney. Slam!

Dog is unconscious on the edge of the sidewalk, but his chest does slowly rise and fall. He's still breathing. A bloody patch soaks through his jeans around his crotch.

Patch #3 has gone to war with Lleutrim. He's missing his gun and he's got his fists raised, boxing style. He makes a jab at Lleutrim in the throat, where Dog missed.

In this mess, Xenovia manages to get the ice-cream shop door open. She slides out to the side where Skully is distracting his two and she beeline rushes it for the car!

When Red Jack dodges Skully and attempts his hadouken or kamehameha wave or whatever, the gigantic Ahroun just looks more pissed off, and he slugs the man with a mean right hook that probably costs thousands in dental bills and reconstructive surgery. Red Jack hits the ground for good this time, and Skully steps over him like a goddamn Titan and cracks the probie in the jaw with a left jab that sends the rookie biker to his knees with 3/4 of the teeth he had waking up. The implacable Pridemore stands over the man, fists still clenched and red with blood, and growls, "You boys leave your shit an' /go/. Empty your pockets, take off them jackets, an' WALK the FUCK HOME. This ain't your turf no more! If'n I see your shadow roun' here again, they's gonna need a fuckin' SNOW SHOVEL to take you outta here!"

The guy he disarmed who'd had the gun goes for a throat punch right and direct! Lleu manages to take it at an angle so that it grazes him and he soaks it, landing his own blows. Two hits in quick succession to the guy's ribs and gut put Jizz down. Soon as that's done, Lleutrim checks and Skully's finished off the last guy. There's a look to Faith then Xenovia, "You gals all right?"

Red Jack and his Alpha Dog are unconscious. But Jizz and the Probie are somewhat still alive enough to limp the walk of shame. They remove jackets, the loss of a patch meaning death when they drop them to the pavement. Both spit blood, unhappy about the whole thing, and Jizz snarls. They start to pick up their buddies and lead off to split before the cops come rolling in.

Faith remains standing at the back of the car as she watches Pridemore and Donnachaidh take on, and take out, the thugs that had blockaded Miss Xenovia in the ice cream shop. Other than the one short, and rather pointed outburst, she's been quietly in the background - watching the situation unfold without interference. When the Shadowlord kin reaches the car, she'll offer Xenovia the keys, and even open the driver door for the other woman. "Don't leave those on the street, please," is her quiet response to LLeutrim as she gestures to the gun and the knife. She's then looking about for any sort of security cameras or other source of tattle-tale material. Because you know.. veil.

Evan James looks down on the ground and spies Red Jack's cell phone, still on Record. The burly brute kneels down to pick it up, looking the probie in the eye and using both huge hands to snap it in half. He drops the pieces on the man, adding, "/That/ you can /keep/."

The huge Wendigo looks over at Red Jack, scowling deeply at the unconscious man, and says, "This'n has... venom... all through 'im. Might ought'a do somethin' 'bout that. May'a gotten some on you, little brother."

Xenovia doesn't like seeing firearms come out. She has a look of worry that is slowly starting to ease now that the gangsters have walked away. "Gaia! That was scary. I kept thinking veil, veil, veil. Don't blow it." She looks from Faith, to Lleu as she takes the keys. Her gaze lifts to tall Skully and she smiles, "Thank you. I was scared but not anymore. Are you guys okay? I was trying not to be the baby in there, but didn't they look rough?" She doens't know what kind of gang they were.

Quick as can be, Lleu works to gather stuff up, "Him? Put him in the trunk. We can't ... let that one walk away. Cops are bound to show up. We need to get out of here or we'll have a lot of explaining to do." A glance to Faith and a grimace, not wanting to touch the gun and knife but he'll use the cloth of one of their cuts to wrap them up so he doesn't get /his/ finger prints on them, but not leave them behind either. Scooping up the keys, he starts to head for the motorcycles. "I could seriously use a new bike."

Remembering belatedly that Skully outranks him, Lleu stops a second to look back.

Faith levels a 'look' at Lleutrim as he goes for the bike. She's not exactly barking any orders regarding 'spoils of war' but she does clear her throat. Feet shift the weight onto the balls of her feet and she glances back toward Skully. Her opinion, after all, is not really as important as the Cliath's.

Skully stops scowling and turns a friendly smile on Xenovia, shutting off Scary Skully just like /that/. He pats her on the shoulder, nodding his head. "You did good, Miss Xen," he agrees, tone reassuring. "They was bad folks jus' lookin' to hurt somebody an' picked the wrong somebody. It's okay now, though, I promise." He sounds almost like he's trying to soothe a frightened child, though he obviously knows Xenovia can take care of herself if dimes turn to dollars.

The gargantuan beast looks to Faith, eyebrow quirking over his eyepatch, and asks, "We gonna be in trouble with the police, ma'am? Sounds like we gotta take this fella with us. Need ya to pop the trunk for me." He kneels down and scoops under the unconscious biker's arms, dragging him effortlessly to the back of the Monte Carlo.

When he catches Lleu's mention of 'new bike', however, the jolly mean giant laughs aloud, shoulders shaking in mirth. "Oh, good idea. Umm... Miss Xen, can you drive a car? Might be Miss Faith needs to drive one'a them off. Gonna have to figure out where these rats nest for later, I imagine, an' we'll need all the clues we got; they're bad news, an' I ain't one to leave bad news to someone else t'handle."

While the boys get the tainted body in the trunk of the car, Faith will get on the ball gathering up everything emptied onto the street. She's good at cleaning shit up, and she's perceptive as fuck - finding even the dime that rolled under the edge of the door with a spot of blood on it. This doesn't mean she can't multi-task. "If you're going to steal one of the bikes, at least make sure it's the one that belongs with the body.. and don't leave fuel in the other three."

"We don't have time to mess with fuel. I'm taking /this/ bike. I have no way of knowing which bike belonged to which guy, Faith. Hurry up and climb on board - we have got to split pronto." She can fuss at him once they get to her hangar. But right now? Lleu's cranking that bike and backing it up, about to take the hell off, more worried about running out of time.

"It's the one with the Jack'a diamonds on it," Skully replies, pulling the keys out of his burden's pocket and tossing them in Lleu's direction. "I'm'a go with Miss Xen an' take this burden off somewhere's safe. Lleu, you do the same with that bike. Umm... I suppose I'm'a need a cell phone, this sort'a thing keeps up."

The biker is deposited in the trunk wrapped in a cargo blanket sealed by duct tape, taking Skully only a minute or so to handle. He slams the trunk down, moving over to the passenger seat and scooting it /all the way/ back before hopping into the borrowed conveyance.

Faith will do as she's been /ordered/ but on the way she's going to yank on the other three fuel lines to let them leak onto the ground. "This is going to kill a couple birds for later - one, the hazmat team will have to come clean up and trample all the evidence, and two, there's a sellable story of the fourth biker getting into it with the other three then taking off out of town with all the drugs for himself..." she explains to Donnachaidh as she's getting on the bike behind him. She wasn't just fussing for the fun of it.

Lleutrim grimaces, "Good thinking." Yeah, he gives her credit where credit is due, because she thought that though differently than he had, "But unless you want to be explaining to the Department what happened here, we gotta scoot. Somebody is bound to have called." Soon as the others are ready to go, and Faith climbs on the back of the bike with him, they are gone.