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Finding a Lost Cub - Anabe Yazzie
Brooke finds a Lost Cub on her way home one day.
IC Date February 27th, 2018
IC Time Evening
Players Anabe Yazzie, Brooke, George, Journey, Nascha, Tormod
Location In the City, Smoke_and_Barley, Forest
Spheres Gaian Garou

It is a colder day in Prospect, but that has not stopped Brooke from going out and seeing a few clients today. Some took longer than others, and even though she is feeling a bit run down from it all, she is satisfied with what she accomplished. Her computer bag is slung over her shoulder, and she walks up the sidewalk to get back to her car.

Anaba Yazzie is slowly stepping down the street with a melancholic look in her eyes. She occasionally looks over at those that are still out and about, who seem to carefully sidestep past her, despite her diminutive size. She lets out a low grunt and slumps back against a wall, before sliding down to sit on the edge of a planter, head dropping into her hands.

Brooke spots Anaba as she is walking, and something tells her to talk to her. She approaches her slowly, on hand on her bag strap, the other palm up to wave to her. "Um, Hi! Are you ok? You look like you lost a friend."

Anaba Yazzie quickly lifts her head from her hands and stares over at Brooke. She ignores the question and simply asks, "Ah, d-...do you know where there's...some kind of shelter? I just got here, and...I dunno, I've just been...having a lot of trouble talking with people." She lowers her gaze to the sidewalk. "I dunno, maybe they know I'm not from here."

Brooke walks a little bit closer. "What sort of trouble?" She sort of recognizes something, but is unsure. "Where are you from? What brings you to Prospect? I may be able to help, if I can understand a bit more. I'm very intelligent, and I have a number of connections."

Anaba Yazzie lifts her head back up to Brooke...and manages a small scoff and a smirk. "That's what you lead with? 'I'm very intelligent, and I have a number of connections?'" She sighs and stares off for a moment. "Sounds like our president," she mumbles aloud. "It's...just personal stuff. Nothing I wanna get into."

Brooke smirks right back, "Well, being a genius does /not/ mean I need to be a social butterfly." She sighs, and pulls out her phone to just..hold it, and feels herself relax. "Well, I'm heading over to get some food at the best Barbeque restaurant in town. You look like you could use someone at least to talk to. If you want, you can come with me. Perhaps then I can help you find what you are looking for. I'm buying. You in? No pressure."

Anaba Yazzie lifts her head again. "...You're buying?" She pauses, then sighs and picks herself up. "Uh, sure then, yeah. Call me, ah, Amanda. Amy for short." She manages a very brief smile to try and hide her lie. "I'd...feel more comfortable walking, though, if...you know, we were...gonna drive. I mean, hey, I dunno how far it is, I'm just...uh, saying." She shrugs. "Probably don't want some homeless rat in your car anyway, right?"

Brooke grins, "Sure, Amanda. After dinner, maybe you can tell me your real name. Seriously, I'm here to help. I am on the good guys team. I'm actually a White Hat Hacker. I bust the bad guys trying to steal your money electronically, and stuff like that. And as for having you in my car - I have a friend with a German Shepherd mix that comes in my car. Ever smell wet dog? I have, repeatedly. No worries."

Anaba Yazzie blinks a few times as she's caught, then huffs. "Just--Amy for now." She folds her arms and stares off for a moment. "I'd just...rather walk. I'm not stupid enough to take a ride from a stranger in a new town I've never been in before, when everyone else has treated me like -crap- so far."

Brooke nods and shrugs. "Fair enough. Then follow me." She leads her to the corner, and off they go.

Anaba Yazzie sighs and drops her arms. "At least I gave you a name. What's yours?" She starts following the redhead down the street.

Brooke smiles, "You are right. My name is Brooke Farman. I'm actually newer to town myself. Came down here from the San Jose area last summer."

Anaba Yazzie nods a bit. "Right. Well, you're, uh...not as new as me..." She eyes the few others out on the street that seem to give the pair a wide berth, before sighing once more. "Are the people here -always- so friendly?" she asks dryly.

Brooke shrugs, "You'd be surprised. I was hanging out in a coffee shop one day, and within a few minutes, I met my long lost father and the many that recently became my husband." She waves her left hand to show off her ring. "Of course, that doesn't happen to just anyone. The stars may just have aligned. Overall, around here you can meet some good friendly people...some hands down crazy ones...and a few you wish you had not. It is a big enough city, you will get a mix."

Anaba Yazzie sighs and slouches. "Maybe it's just the time of day, I dunno. Congratulations, though, I...I guess." She shakes her head. "Sorry, I've just--I haven't...really been in the best of moods. Really, congratulations."

Brooke looks up at the moon. "Yeah, it is a Waxing Gibbous Moon. Good for me..." she pauses and adds, "...um..I was born under the Waxing Gibbous Moon. I have a thing where I pay attention to it. Really find it ... um ... can predict my moods. How about we go inside?" She gestures to the building they stop in front of, "Smoke and Barley."

Anaba Yazzie tilts her head at the sudden shift in topic, then looks up to the moon, herself. She slows to a stop, and begins to stare for a moment. "Yeah, it's..." She trails off for a few seconds, then shakes her head and follows Brooke in. Anaba Yazzie enters Smoke and Barley through an ornate wooden door.

Brooke enters Smoke and Barley through an ornate wooden door.

**Smoke and Barley - Main Room**

Brooke looks about at the inside and gestures for Ana to join her at a table here. "They know me here. Let's take a seat, and you can pick out something to eat and drink. Then we can talk some more and I can see what I can do to help you find a place to stay." Brooke sits down at a small table closest to the fire. Table 1.

Anaba Yazzie sits down at an intimate table closest to the fire. Table 1.

At your table, Brooke says "So where are you from, 'Amy'? It seems like you went through something big before I stumbled upon you."

Anaba Yazzie rattles her head again and shakes her head. "Right, right, ah..." She clears her throat. "I'm not picky, just...whatever. I mean, I guess I'm hungry, I just...don't have the appetite." She hesitates as Brooke asks her question, then stares away, obviously avoiding eye contact. "...I-I lost someone close. That's all I wanna say," she says bluntly.

At your table, Brooke looks concerned. "You lost someone close? My condolences. That is a difficult thing. I can empathize. I do not want to make you say more than you want to share. I have this feeling like I may know what you are going through, but it is hard to tell. I'm still a bit new to this sort of helping myself."

At your table, Anaba Yazzie shuffles a bit in her booth, still avoiding eye contact. "I...really think you don't," she grumbles. "You really, really don't."

At your table, Brooke shakes her head, "You have no idea about me. My mom gave me up at birth and I spent my life bouncing around foster homes until I went to college at 16. Without my intelligence, I would have been a drug addict, or worse." She takes in a breath and lets it out. "After my 18th birthday, I was attacked by some guys on the street. Something happened. Terrible happened. I do not talk about it to just anyone. I've told my husband, and those that found me afterwards and helped me calm down and start to understand and process it all. Depending on what happened, I probably can have some advice."

Anaba Yazzie shakes her head lightly as Brooke speaks and wipes her eyes with her hands, but still listens. She sighs, then finally turns her focus over to Brooke. "...Why'd you mention the moon when we got here? I-I didn't bring it up. I mean...sure, it's pretty, but...why?"

At your table, Brooke raises an eyebrow, intrigued but this question. "Some people are more sensitive to the moon. I figured it was a topic of conversation. Some get more angry during certain phases of the moon. There is so much to learn about how the lunar cycle can affect others." Pausing for a moment she moves a little closer and speaks softer. "Have you noticed something like that for you or others?"

At your table, Anaba Yazzie narrows her brow and leans in closer. Her tone gets much more serious. "What the hell are you talking about? What are you implying?"

At your table, Brooke refrains from antagonizing and rolling her eyes as she so wants to do. But she is wiser now than she was a few years ago. "Hey, it was only a question. I was not saying anything specifically about you. There have been numerous scientific studies showing the effect of the lunar cycle on human and animal behavior and physiology. Also referred to as circadian rhythms. It can even affect hormonal changes. Not saying it is worse in you over others. I'm just talking. Like I said - I'm a genius, but not a social butterfly. No offense meant."

At your table, Anaba Yazzie squeezes her eyes shut and shakes her head, obviously getting frustrated. "Okay, first, stop stroking your own ego and calling yourself a genius every two minutes. Christ." She lets out a huff of air and runs a hand through her hair. "Tell me...what you're implying. You -are- implying something. And I wanna know...what you're implying."

At your table, Brooke sort of comes out to say something then, "Hey, just speaking the truth. Trying to put 2 and 2 together to help you. It seems to me like you went through something that others I know have gone through. If I'm right, then I have a whole society of people that can help you. If I'm wrong and say too much, then I'm in trouble. You know, secret club sort of stuff." She shakes her head and tries to word things right. "Did something happen to you, perhaps on the full moon? Did you...umm...seem to change in some way?"

At your table, Anaba Yazzie closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Let's...assume you're totally correct in whatever...-genius- theory you've come up with. Totally not crack-pot, pulp fiction nonsense." She opens her eyes, just so she can roll them. "How the hell do I know I can even -trust- you, huh?"

At your table, Brooke shrugs, "I guess you do not. If perhaps you are a potential member of this secret club I know of, then I know that they can help you. You just have to take a leap of faith. I can then take you somewhere close that is safe and we can talk freely. If that goes well, I can take you to the safest place around and show you my proof of membership."

Anaba Yazzie stares at Brooke for a few long moments, then closes her eyes and sighs. "I-I'm not hungry," she mutters. "Let's just...go somewhere we can talk. I need to know if you're telling the truth."

Waving off a waiter, Brooke stands up from the table and leads Anaba back outside. "I'll grab dinner later then. Let's go, and I'll take you to a quiet spot. As long as you are not afraid of being alone with me somewhere away from public eyes? We only just met."

Anaba Yazzie scoffs. "Better just you than you and all your friends, if we...don't end up getting along." She steps out of the booth and simply stomps outside. Anaba Yazzie leaves Smoke and Barley through an ornate wooden door.

Brooke leaves Smoke and Barley through an ornate wooden door.

**Deep Forest**

Leading Anaba again around the city, Brooke walks her into the forest. "I swear I'm just bringing you in to show you a few things." Once they get a fair distance in, Brooke stops and gestures to some rocks around to take a seat. "It has been a long day, and my energy is a bit sapped. Let's sit here and we can talk more freely."

Anaba Yazzie shakes her head a few times and opts to simply stand a dozen feet or so away from Brooke. "I'm fine standing." She folds her arms again, that scowl still on her face. "Show me. Not your 'secret club' or whatever. You know what I mean. I need to know that I'm not in any danger, and...you're not someone that's here to hunt me down."

Brooke shakes her head, "I'll show you, but you need to tell me first what happened to you. Tell me if you went through some sort of change. If I show you and you are lying to me or I am wrong, then I get in trouble. Like life or death trouble. I cannot afford that. Not now." She places a hand on her stomach, "I'm two months pregnant. I cannot risk my unborn child without you giving me a little bit of something." The thought occurs to her. "Here, I have a test." She pulls out her phone, and pulls up something on the web browser. "Here are a set of pictures. Point to whichever one is what happened to you." On the phone is a picture of a sad girl crying in one corner, a girl screaming in the next corner, a cat curled up next to a fireplace, and the final picture is that of a snarling wolf.

Anaba Yazzie 's gaze flits back and forth between the pictures on her phone, and the woman herself. She does this for an almost comically long time, before finally fixating on Brooke. "You think I'm fucking -five-?" She tosses her head back with a dramatic huff and paces for a moment. "Christ almighty. Maybe you just think you're a genius 'cause you expect everyone else to be a moron." She shakes her head. "Fine. I-I...I got...mad, and...I think I turned into...a w-werewolf. Happy?" She lifts her arms in a wide gesture of indifference, before dropping them again with a heavy pat at her sides. "I was pissed off because of something stupid, a-and..." Tears start forming in her eyes. Her voice cracks. "And now she's dead. Is that what you wanted to hear? Now are you with the cops, an insane asylum, o-or...or some goddamn werewolf hunter with silver bullets, huh?"

Brooke shakes her head, putting her phone back in her bag. "No, I had to be sure. There are rules about these things. Obviously, you had no idea what was going on. I can help you. I can bring you to friends and they will teach you what you need to know. Now, let me show you my proof."

A swirl of dust and fur flies, the sounds of bones and muscles breaking and changing - and with a small cry, Brooke is no more, and Hushed Blaze has appeared. Hushed Blaze shakes her coat and sits back on her haunches. You can understand her as she speaks in lupus, <<I am now Hushed Blaze, that is my rite name I earned after I learned the ways of the Garou, or Werewolves. This is my lupus form. We can all change into different forms beside Crinos or what society calls Werewolf. You will learn about this and much more once you join the Sept. We are family and will take care of you.>>

A sudden breeze sweeps through the forest, rustling trees and bushes and sending old leaves floating to the ground.

Anaba Yazzie stares as she watches the woman shift and change, until she's a small wolf. She's silent, tear-stained eyes staring blankly at the reddish-furred wolf before her. As the wolf speaks to her, her knees suddenly go weak and she slumps down to the grassy floor, before tossing her head into her hands and sobbing.

A swirl of dust and fur flies, the sounds of bones and muscles breaking and changing - and with a small cry, Hushed Blaze is gone, and Brooke has reappeared. Brooke stands back up and steps back as she shifts back to Homid form. Once completed, she walks over to Anaba and tries to console her. "I know how hard this is. The first change, I couldn't shift back for a few days. It was scary and terrible and awful. Once you are amongst our kind, they will help and it will get easier. There is a world of unknowns right now for you, I get that. Let me take you to the Caern. It is safe for you there."

Anaba Yazzie slowly nods and, after a few more seconds, slowly pushes herself up, though she still seems a little shaky and unsure.

<<Hushed Blaze>> lets a howl out: Hushed Blaze has found a lost cub! Help!

Brooke stands with Anaba, as she is shaky and unsure. "I've called for help. It will be alright."

Anaba Yazzie stiffens up at the sudden howl, then nods. "R-...Right." She takes a deep breath. "I...uh, didn't think I'd find m-more of...me. I'm not even too far from home."

George steps out from behind a tree, not there one minute and there the next "Well. That's a thing that just happened isn't it?"

Brooke smiles as she sees George, "Mocks-the-Dark'rhya. I'm glad you are here. This is who I howled about. She recently went through her first change and had no idea what she was."

Sometimes living out in bumb fuck nowhere had its advantages, Such as when carrying supplies back towards the bawn and the land you lived on brought you in close proximity to a howl. The sound brings Tormod to adjust the large duffel across his back before the large man takes off running through the woods towards the source. The man not seeming to make much mind of making noise as he works his way through the underbrush using his forearm to cover his face from some of the not so low hanging branches that smack against him as he moves to begin making his way towards where the sound had come from.

Anaba Yazzie blinks and rapidly turns around as she hears another voice. "Wh-How long were you there?" The short woman's eyes are watery, as if she's been crying. She looks to Brooke as she explains, then nods.

George shrugs at Anaba "Not very long, I was passing through when I heard the howl." Nods at Brooke "Is there any clean up we need to have done?"

Brooke nods, "Possibly. From what she said, a friend of hers may have been killed by accident. I found her on the streets in town. I'm not quite sure the right protocol for this, thus my howl."

It's about that time that Tormod comes through a stand of trees not far down from where the little group seems to be gathering, The large man's right hand moving to adjust the strap of the duffel across his shoulder as he begins to make his way closer to the group. The man's nostrils flaring slightly as he approaches the group. A respectful dip of his head given to George before his gaze is flitting between Brooke and Anaba.

Anaba Yazzie glances over to Tormod, eyes still tear-stained. "...Christ, how many of you -were- there?" She sniffs and wipes at her nose with the back of her hand. "S-So...what now?"

Brooke stands next to Anaba, trying to show her some comfort as she has been shaken by all of this, "Can you tell us your name. Not the fake one you gave me earlier? There is no need to hide anymore. The ones coming here are Elders, and are only here to help you."

Anaba Yazzie chews on her lower lip for a moment, then stares down at the ground. "A-Anaba Yazzie. I'm sorry, I j-...I thought someone would be after me. Cops, werewolf hunters..."

Journey and Nascha are both moving through the woods, quietly. Nights like this, it's easy enough to simply see where you're going, and that's exactly what they're doing, moving through the woods, in the full moons light, pausing and changing direction as they begin approaching, stopping the Ghost Recon act and Journey flicks a stick ahead of them and as they approach he STEPS on it. KRAK Yep. That was a stick snapping. Journey smiles slightly at Nascha's side, and says blandly, "Hello."

The mention of cops and hunters has Tormod's brow raising as he unslings the large duffel from his shoulder lowering it to the ground as he stops a few yards short of the group glancing back when Journey and Nascha come up before he is turning his focus back to Anaba and Brooke, "Know where the person might be? Can go take and see if things need to be cleaned up..or if I can get them well.. cleaned."

Anaba Yazzie shakes her head. "No, no, I-I...I thought Brooke was, uh, th-the cops. Or something. I don't know."

Nascha comes along with Journey quietly, moving with near silence. She looks on curiously and spotting Anaba, she hesitates a step just enough to get Journey a little ahead of her.

Anaba Yazzie gulps and just turns around in place, eyeing the half a dozen people that seemed to just been suddenly -birthed- by the forest around them. "S-...So what now?"

George nods in greeting to Journey, Tormod, and Nascha. Then to Anaba "From the beginning please, as much detail as you can recall. Where and when especially."

Journey looks around and nods around pleasantly, and.. doesn't speak. George is handling it and he's not getting in the way with more voices making things complicated. He just stands there next to Nascha and watches.

Brooke gives Anaba a smile and tries to encourage her. "Tell them what happened, and they can help clean up what happened, and will do so with respect. I know it is overwhelming. Just breath and take your time with the details as best you can."

Tormod's hands move to tuck into his pockets as he shuts up and just listens for the moment watching the cub.

Nascha remains silent as well, tucking her hands behind her back and lowering her eyes toward the ground. She looks perfectly comfortable, though she seems just as likely to leave if told to do so

Anaba Yazzie gulps again, then clears her throat. Her gaze falls to the grass beneath her feet. "I, uh...I-I remember wanting to step out to go for a jog, and...my mom started...getting mad at me, telling me I--" She sighs and shakes her head. "I don't know, I had...something to do. It's...It was stupid, anyway." The woman pauses for a moment, briefly looks up at the others before dropping her head again. "And...then...I-it's just a series of...like, still images and noises. Nothing concrete. Lots of blood. Screaming. I-I remember a knife somewhere in there, but...i-it wasn't me." She shakes her head again. "I killed her," she mumbles.

Journey nods, listening and doesn't gasp in horror or anything just watching the distraught young woman.

Anaba Yazzie sucks on her lower lip for a moment. She looks between the others with a worried gaze. "...What? What now?"

George nods at Anaba and glances over to Journey "I've got someone I can call, and there's that new Wendigo kinfolk. We should be able to find out what the mundane's think happened and tidying up afterwards."

Nascha doesn't even blink at it, just frowns slightly. "You're safe now. Among people who understand and have likely been through something similar to what you just went through," she says softly, her voice raised just enough to be heard clearly. She isn't SHY, mind you. Just quiet. "Is there anything I can do to help, George?"

Anaba Yazzie closes her eyes again and lets out a low, shaky breath. "Th-...This all--" She stops herself for a second to gather her thoughts, then, "I'm from Pine Valley, east of here. I-I don't remember...leaving the house. I just...I w-was already running in this direction when I...c-came to, and...kept...going. I don't know if anyone saw me."

Journey nods to George, "Yeah, see if she can get a handle on it. Or if we need to do something she can tell us what exactly." He says to George and gets into his satchel, pulling out a peanut butter Cliff bar and tears it open, palming the wrapper and approaching, holding the granola peanut butter LUMP out. "Here, eat. It'll get you out of your headspace." He says, "Don't worry about pursuit."

George glances over at Nascha before leaning closer to Anaba and taking a deep breath in through his nose. Straightening back up he says "Uktena. Ish. Other than the Ritemistress you're it Nascha. You'll need a Garou around to help you with her intake but she'll be on standard cub's restrictions till she learns control." Then he turns back to Anaba "Welcome to the Nation. Being newly changed can be rough, you'll have a lot to learn but you'll have a lot of teachers. We'll get you a meeting with the den father, he's in charge of intake and education but you'll learn about tribe specific stuff from Nascha here."

Anaba Yazzie 's eyes dart across Journey as he approaches, but, after just a moment's hesitation, she grabs the offered bar and bites into it hungrily, chewing as George speaks. After gulping the mouthful down, she simply nods quietly and takes another bite.

Nascha's gaze flicks up toward Anaba and she offers a smile. "Welcome, sister," she murmurs, stepping forward just a little bit. She unslings her pack and pulls out a bag full of dried meats and fish, jerky-like and gives the bag a little shake, offering the open end toward the girl. "I'm Nascha Smith, Uktena kinfolk. I will help you settle in."

The large strider stands back and just watches, The man glancing around slowly before he is looking between Nascha and Anaba. Seeing the others having things handled and being the next youngest buck at the party Tormod slowly begins to back up towards his duffel.

George grins at Nascha "And lesson one is going to be explaining what kinfolk means. Full lost cub treatment. Man, last one of those I did was Trek."

Brooke looks so relieved that Anaba has shared and the others are here to help.

Anaba Yazzie 's eyes dart up to Nascha as she steps closer, before shifting down to the sack of dried meats. "Ah, n-...no, I'm...really not, uh..." Her voice gets dry as she speaks, so she clears her throat and simply states, "I c-can't...right now. But thanks." She manages the faintest ghost of a smile, but it's quickly gone. George speaks next, so she looks back to him. "Why...a-am I a werewolf, though? I was never bitten, right? And my, uh...parents--I mean, I really don't think either of them...were one..." She's -really- out of it, if she's using pop culture as her basis for how Garou--or werewolves, as she's calling them--work.

The words from Anaba have Tormod stopping and the man just chuckles shaking his head, "If that was the case the Fianna would have fallen into the ocean long ago how they get to partying.."

Journey sees Anaba eating and gets back into his satchel, pulling out a palm sized pack, then looks to Nascha, then Anaba, lifting the packet, "She's got me beat, all I got left right now is graham crackers." He listens to Anaba and considers, looking to George, nodding, "I feel you."

Anaba Yazzie turns to Tormod and just blinks. "Wh-...What?" Anaba Yazzie turns back to Journey. "No, no, I-I'm--" She sighs. "I'm really...not in the mood for food. I mean, I know I probably -need- it, I j-...I just...really can't." A pause, then, "But thank you."

Nascha nods to George and she pulls the offer of meat back and offers a water instead. "It's a spirit thing, Miss Anaba," Nascha says politely. "You're born with the gene or you aren't. Like having blonde hair or blue eyes, just much, much more rare. It could be that it's been laying dormant in your blood line for generations. Somewhere along the line, there was a werewolf -- or the proper name is a Garou -- and that has been passed down and your gene was fully activated and you've gone through your first change, blessed by Gaia."

Tormod lets Nascha answer the cub before he asks her, "What was your address? Ya remember that right?" The man asking as he looks to her curiously.

George nods at Anaba "As soon as you can, gnaw on something. I've been there, I was a lost cub too." Then he turns to Nascha "I'm going to go let Elder Bane-breaker know she has a little cousin."

Journey nods to George, "Okay see you later." He says, and looks to Anaba, nodding to Tormod's question. Not commenting on the food thing yet.

Anaba Yazzie turns back to Nascha and pauses for a moment. "My, uh...M-My mother would...tell me stories about how the Navajo lived. And sh--Huh?" She turns to face Tormod. "Y-Yeah, uh, 88 Elm Road. Pine Valley, l-like I said. Just, uh, east of here...a ways." Back to Nascha. "My mom used to joke about one of my ancestors back before the, uh, Mexican-American War, was shunned for being a werewolf. I-I mean, it...was a story passed down, but...it was, like...an in-joke in the family. Not...-real-, you know?"

The words from Anaba and her answer has Tormod giving a small nod, The man glancing between George and Journey, "I'll go check and make sure things are cleaned up." The large man turning and beginning to head for his bag calling out over his shoulder, "Can someone let Maria know our supplies are here." The man not really waiting for an answer perfectly fine picking it up on the way back if need be as he heads out to check the home.

Nascha nods. "Navajo. Me too. We're sisters in more ways than one then." She motions toward a fallen log that rests more or less straight horizontally. "Those stories run rampant in the Navajo lands. Most of us are kinfolk, some more aware than others. Do you remember the story? Would telling it help you some?"

Brooke takes in a deep breath and lets it out. "Anaba, a whole new world is opening up here for you. Things you thought were just stories are suddenly going to have some truth." She settles back to listen.

Anaba Yazzie looks back over to Brooke and nods. "Right. Um, sorry for...ah, being rude and...bitchy, I guess. I've had a tough...past couple of weeks." She chuckles uncomfortably.

Journey moves to settle into an Australian squat nearby, "Bitchy.." He says, "Is about to become the least of your problems." He nods to Tormod as the man heads out to check on the family, or lack thereof.

Nascha nods her agreement with Journey. "Garou automatically get a pass for being JUST bitchy, miss Anaba."

Anaba Yazzie chuckles again and shakes her head. "I mean, I should...still apologize. I dunno, maybe you -are- a genius. Just don't...be a -dick- about it." She sighs and runs a hand through her hair. "Whatever, it's...That's small beans now." She turns back toward Nascha. "What, uh...what now? What do I...learn? When do we start? I've...already got a few questions."

Nascha nods to Anaba. "Let's start with your questions. That might be easier than a long, droning lesson about the history and biology and spirit of Garou." She offers a tiny smile. "You'll still get that, but let's start with your own questions first."

Journey looks slightly confused, but then shrugs and nods to what Nascha says, "Yeah, go ahead and ask anything."

Anaba Yazzie pauses for a few seconds, then shrugs. "Well...why? I-I mean, that's...my first question. Why are...werewolves...a-a thing? Like, I thought they were just...fiction. Like vampires and mummies and zombies and stuff."

Brooke smirks, "Yeah, bitchy, snarky, kind runs around here. Rage gets real. It's all good." She waits then for the questions to all come and be answered.

Anaba Yazzie chuckles again, slowly regaining some humor, and looks to Brooke. "Conceited?"

"All of those are real too. Well, I don't know about the zombies. But there are vampires and mummies, yes. I was fortunate to have been raised in the Nation. It's been a part of me since literally before my birth. Gaia, the great spirit, brought us about to fight the war between the Wyrm, Weaver, and Wyld. That's a very long and complicated story, but essentially, we are all warriors."

Journey listens to Nascha and looks at Anaba, letting her soak in the information presented to her.

Anaba Yazzie turns back to Nascha. Her smile slowly fades. "You're f-...You're kidding. Right?" She looks around for confirmation for a moment, before simply changing topics. "Okay, uh, wh-...what are...those? The worm, weaver, and wild? I mean, the 'wild' is...probably, uh, wilderness, but...ah..." She shrugs.

Journey shakes his head, "No she's very serious. All of Reality balances between three cosmic forces, The Wyld, which is chaos, raw, primal essence, formless motion. The Weaver, which is refined matter, physical reality, solidity, in many aspects, technology and refined material are of the Weaver. Stagnation and stillness are things that are of the weaver, which is often holding arachnid characteristics. Weaver spins webs to hold things together. Finally, the Wyrm. Once the Cosmic force of decay and rot, breaking down the Weavers works back into the Wyld, it has gone off true and become the force of Corruption. Not destroying completely but partly, rotting someone from the inside out in one way or another, creating what you have come to know as, Evil."

Anaba Yazzie turns again toward Journey, taking the opportunity to finish up her Cliff bar as she listens. "Right, um. So, like...we're, uh...all...nature's...fighting monsters against the forces of evil. That's...what I-I'm being told, right? That, and vampires and mummies and maybe zombies--fuck, maybe the Loch Ness Monster, too, are all real things, as well. Right? That's--That's...what I'm being told?"

Brooke nods, "I haven't personally met mummies or zombies, but Vampires, oh yeah, they are real. There are some terrible things out there, but we can protect others from them. We can do so much more than you would every think is possible."

Journey nods, "Yeah, it's kinda.." He trails off, and then sighs, "Yeah, it's.. um.. all there."

Anaba Yazzie pauses for a few seconds, then lets out a heavy sigh. "Right. Yeah, uhm...th-that'll...take some getting used to. Ah, hey, where am I...sleeping tonight? I'm...well, I-I'm...kinda homeless now..."

Brooke looks to Journey, not sure the protocol herself. "Where can we take her?"

Journey looks at Brooke, "Weeeeeell let's see. We've got a couple of options. We've got from the Kin House to a place I have in town if Nascha doesn't want to bring her to meet Rocky. Then there's always the Sept. That IS dropping her off the face of the earth as humanity knows. That means Iron Flail." He looks to Anaba, and then the others, "Think she's up for it?"

"She's welcome to stay with me," Nascha says quietly. "For tonight. We can talk. She can get cleaned up." She addresses Anaba directly. "You will be safe with me and my guardian."

Anaba Yazzie blinks to Journey. "...What, like...space? Do we have some kind of werewolf space station?" She chuckles quietly. "I-I'd rather just...sleep here for n--" As Nascha speaks up, Ana nods toward her. "Yeah, uh, not...space, please."

Nascha shakes her head, offering a pleasant smile. "No, miss Anaba. I have a home. It's not a conventional home, but it's a home. It's warm and there's running water, and it's very firmly attached to the earth."

Journey nods, "Very firmly, yeah. That'll be good. You can relax some, get sleep, eat, all that, and kinda get yourself together.

Brooke nods, "I think she needs more time and more answers before going to meet Iron Flail. At least another day." She looks at Anaba, "Many of us live in conventional homes, especially those of us born in Homid form."

Anaba Yazzie takes a deep breath and nods. She looks up at Nascha. "Right, um...I-I'm ready when you are. I just want a -bed- for once..."

Nascha nods, rising up to her feet. "I'm ready now, if it's okay for us to go, Shaderunner-rhya."

Journey nods, "Of course." He rises and stretches his legs, "Send me word if you need me, ten seconds, tops." He looks at Nascha, nodding, "Okay?"

Anaba Yazzie suddenly speaks up. "Uh, w-wait, what if...I turn again? I don't know what caused it the first time, other than just...being mad..."

"I can calm you," Nascha says without hesitation. "And if need be, my guardian can keep me safe and subdue you and Journey will be here in seconds. There's nothing to fear. No reason for you to be stressed with me. I am your ally and I can be your friend if you will allow it." She offers an honest, but small smile and motions along. "Come on. I think I have some comfortable clothes for you."

Nascha adds to Journey, "Of course, Shaderunner-rhya. I won't hesitate."

Journey nods as Nascha explains and says, reassuringly, somehow, "Yeah, don't worry. You're not going to hurt anyone."

Brooke sighs, "What a night. Thank you Shaderunner'rhya. Thank you Nascha." She moves to pick up her bag. After slinging it on her shoulder she speaks again to Anaba, "You are in good hands. I will see you around I'm sure."

Anaba Yazzie lets out a sigh, then nods. "Right, right. I...guess that's it, then." She looks back up at Nascha. "I'll be right behind you, then."

Journey sighs, "Okay then we're all good. Let me know in the morning how things are, Nascha, I'll stop by and brief Iron Flail about this so he'll have some warning."