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Meeting at Amberlee's
Enhanced mortals try to organize and laundry gets aired out
IC Date Feb 26th, 2018
IC Time Evening
Players Lori, Silvana, Lilian, Amberlee, Wilder, Silvana, Branton, Jasen, Alexander, Antonio
Location location or locations.
Prp/Tp The prp or tp the log is a part of.
Spheres The spheres involved in the log.
Theme Song A theme song for the log

OOC: Everyone here tonight is assumed to be a Sorcerer/Psychic or POSSIBLY mage. Maybe. If you show up and are something other than that, please page me to work out what's up. There is no security, exactly. Word is spread by word of mouth via NPCs, and there's a posting in Raoster's basement for those who might go there.

Mortal: The back yard is THUMPIN'. The neighbors have been bribed with food and booze to ignore the goings on. There's background music that ranges from old country to acid metal, but quiet enough that it's easily ignored and there's a laptop set up to put in requests the playlist. There's an open bar up against the house, fully stocked with whatever you could want. Pool is open (and heated) Jacuzzi is open and bubbling. The outdoor kitchen is hot and cookin' things up. Hammocks are empty and swaying in the breeze. The garden is beautiful. Tables and chairs have been scattered around everywhere for people to sit and mingle, wait for food, have conversations, etc. etc.

Dreaming: For those who can see it, this is a lively place! Little satyrs and dryads chase each other about over the slightly pink-tinged pool, frolicking, occasionally doing things that no proper chimera would do in mixed company. The grilling area is covered in little fluffy fat piggies who drool over chimerical food being served by a rather hoity toity French-looking gentleman with green skin, pink hair, and a comically large handlebar moustache. The place is alive, active, and the general aura of the place embodies most of the seven deadly sins: Gluttony, Lust, Pride, Envy, with Sloth and Wrath taking a backseat, but not completely missing.

Umbra Shadowlands: The Shadowlands and Umbra are just about what you would expect. Fairly high tech as far as Umbra goes. Nothing out of the ordinary. And the place is a little too new for the Shadowlands to really grab hold.

Lori strolls into the area, looking a little nervous. She tugs at her gloves as if not often used to wearing them.

Amberlee has someone on the door. There's even valet parking this time! People are led around the back, through the tall gated fence. Amberlee has a glass of wine and she's talking quietly on the phone, looking around and making sure that everything's good. As people start to arrive, she clicks off her phone and tucks it into her cleavage and heads over in Lori's direction. "Evening. Welcome. Come in and have a seat."

Lori closes the distance and smiles. "Hello, thank you." her head tilts, and she almost blurts, "I love the ink," seeming to feel awkward.

Amberlee glances down, reaching up to patpat her chest. "Thanks. Come on in. You're one of the first to arrive. Keg isn't here yet, but we've got wine for days." She motions over toward the bar. "Make yourself at home. Soon as more people get here, we'll get going."

Lilian comes in with a look about dressed in worn jeans and a simple T-shirt with some math equation on it. For those in the know it is the sparrow equation. She looks relaxed and happy. She also brought some wine which she moves to hand to the hostess tonight Amberlee, "Evening and thank you for inviting us again." a look over to Lori, "I am Lilian." extending a hand to her.

Wilder can be found already in the backyard, the man having gotten the food ready and finally enjoying that chance to breath and relax. The man's chef jacket rolled up and used as a pillow as he lays back upon the hamock just idly swinging as he puffs on a joint watching the sky above as he waits for things to begin.

Lori says to Amberlee, "Thank you. My name's Lori, by the way. I believe I will try some of the wine." she smiles gratefully and turns to see what is avaialble.

Silvana makes her way in and nods politely to the person at the door. She adjust her hat as she looks around and gives a polite nod as she looks around at those present.

Amberlee smiles at Lilian as she arrives. "Welcome back. Hi Lori, let's go fill up." She leads both ladies over toward the bar, poking Wilder as she passes by the hammock and giving him a wink. "Guests." she says, leaving Lori and Lilian at the bar and heads back to greet more people.

Lilian heads to the bar, then turns to Lori, "Have you ever had some of the german apple wines, really nice, light smooth." with a smile as she moves to get something to drink on the lighter side tonight. "You new here. not sure but did not see you at the party."

Branton pulls up on the early side and is glad to see things already warming up. He's got an expensive looking box in hand when he gets over to the bar "Evening. Brought some Tyrnavou Ouzo, Hundred proof Anise liquer. Even if you're not into licorice flavors its got enough of a kick you won't notice it for long."

The poke to his side from Amberlee has Wilder blinking and sitting up quickly, the man near tumbling out of the hammock before he rights himself and stands from it. The man looking over the backyard noticing the two women near the bar before spotting the newer arrivals. Flickers of recognition showing here and there before he is heading to help with the guests arriving.

Lori says back to Lilian, "That's right, I didn't even know until yesterday that this sort of thing was even... uh, a thing. I thought it was just a few scattered individuals with talent. And an apple wine sounds amazing," she says with relish.

Silvana stands a bit to the side as she watches for now looking from face to face.

Lilian smiles and makes sure they both have some, "The chef here Wilder is awsome, and alightly wild, but his cooking is sublime Lori. And yeah good to meet others, sometimes it is so strange amoung normal people."

Wilder moves towards the bar giving a small smile to Lori and Lilian as he slips behind it to grab down a glass putting a bit of ice in it before filling it with oddly something not alchoholic choosing instead for some coke from the soda gun on the bar. The man chuckling hearing the words from Lilian to Lori as he looks between the two women, "Got to live up to the name now don't I?" The man looking to Lori a moment later, "Welcome."

Lori nods to Wilder, "Back at you. Lori," she greets, introducing herself. She tries the wine and nods approvingly to Lilian, indicating she made a good recommendation

Mitzi comes into the garden terrace. She offers a light smile as she begins looking around. She waves at Lori and Silvana.

And then the bartender arrives back from inside, slipping around and scooching toward Wilder. "Sorry," he mumbles.

In the meantime, Amberlee is making sure every guest is greeted personally with a smile. "Come on in." Branton gets a face-splitting grin. "You give that to Harry over there at the bar and make sure he pours me a big glass. Straight up. You too. Thanks. Welcome." She clears her throat. "Everyone snag something to eat and we'll get started."

Silvana notices Mitzi and gives her a little wave before Amberleen gtsa smile in return. She heads over to the food table to get something to eat so that the party can get started.

Lori waves enthusiastically to Mitzi, "Hey, you made it!" she calls out, delighted.

Alexander is lazy. Completely lazy. Those hammocks? He just lays there, swinging back and forth, letting Amberlee greet people all by herself, just watching as people file in.

Branton does as instructed and hands over the booze before getting himself a drink and some of Wilder's epic noms. And somewhere to sit for the coming chat.

Antonio comes out of the house carrying a tray of sweets, placing them with the other things on the table. Tonight he has on a tailored looking pair of black pants, and shirt, although he still has that gold chain about his waist, and a collar at his throat. His very long hair is left loose, and flows around him as he moves.

Jasen probably got a ride in with Branton, but took his sweet time actually getting into the place. Had to sit on the curb and have a smoke or something, you know how it is. But now that he *is* in, he greets everyone with his hands and cane thrust up in the air as he does his best Ogre impression ala Revenge of the Nerds, "NEEEEEEEEEEEEEERDS!"

The words from the bartender have Wilder lifting his glass to the man, "No worries.. Just don't let the boss find out." Humor showing in his tone as he gives a little wave to Lilian and Lori before he is slipping off to greet others. The man wandering closer to at least one familiar face he hadn't seen in awhile making his way towards Silvana as he sips his drink, the joint in his other hand still going though just barely as he wanders only to offer up as he gets closer to the woman, "So was my food that bad when ya stopped by the RV? Haven't been back once since then." The amusement clear as day as he looks to her before adding, "Didn't know you were the sort to be at one of these."

Mitzi giggles softly and she makes her way over to Lori, she hugs her,"It's Nice to see you, Lori." She catches sight of Amberlee and she waves to her as well. She takes a seat.

Lilian smiles and shrugs, "Food was great, did not know the place was open invite." then to Lori, "The Chef have you met him??" with a wave to Wilder, "Such fun trouble."

Silvana gets her food and goes to find a spot to sit down at.

Amberlee grins at Jasen and waves him toward the food. "We don't bring ATTENTION to it." She grins and looks around briefly to see who else might be coming in the door. No one? Cool. She wanders over toward Lilian with a grin. "Fun trouble, is he? Pretty good cook, too."

Lori squeezes Mitzi back happily. She responds to Lilian, "Just now," she admits, with a smile to Wilder. She looks around at the seats, then shrugs and takes one next to Mitzi.

Alexander wiggles a bit in his hammock, getting into a good swinging motion going, enjoying listening to the music and just watching the others interact as they settle.

Wilder chuckles overhearing the words from Lilian about him and then the comments from Amberlee. The man moving in to whisper something in the hostesses ear before he is slipping off to check on the food settings. The man clearly careful about keeping enough set out despite there being someone hired to do just that for the party.

The teenaged boy moves close to Amberlee, looking over all the new faces he sees. Tony nods to those he knows, giving them a grin, nibbling on a sweet, and glances over to Alexander, "Want a plate?" He asks the big blonde.

Branton is sitting off to the side, fussing with his phone and sipping on his drink as he waits for things to get started.

Lilian food wine and people the three things that make Lilian relax some and watch who knows who and all that fun. She sips her drink for now, then samples the food with a smile and look over Wilder as he does his thing.

Jasen blows a raspberry at Amberlee and gimps his way to a drink first and a seat second, stretching out his legs and just chillin with a wave at.. well, everybody at once, pretty much.

Amberlee grins at Wilder and she nods, giving Antonio a quick squeeze of greeting and a pat on the booty and then she wanders over to step onto the raised area near the jacuzzi. "Alright, everyone. If you don't have food, grab some. We'll get started. I see some new faces, so we'll do a quick round of intros. Feel free to reveal as much or little about yourself as you choose. I know there are at least some people here who are MORE than just sorcs or psychics. No one needs to know about that. If you have a sorcerer or psychic power, that's why you're here, and that's what we're going to concentrate on. So I'll start."

She takes a breath, which does marvelous things for that cleavage of hers. "I'm Amberlee Fister. I'm a procurer of occult goods and services. I'm also an enchantress. I make pretty shiny magic toys that anyone can use."

Alexander gives Tony a nod at the suggestion of food. Giving a bit of a sing to his hips, he starts the hammock swining enough to drop out and onto his feet as Amberlee begins and he steps toward the gathering.

Branton frowns at his phone, scowls for a moment before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath and taking a moment to calm himself, letting someone else introduce themselves first.

Wilder waits a moment after Amberlee's greeting to the gathered people for her meeting before he lifts the hand holding a joint giving a small wave as he moves over closer to the woman. "Wilder Lewis, please for the love of whatever the fuck is out there up there..wherever just Wilder though. I made the food.. beyond that, I make stuff like Ambs here but not near as good as what she does. And occasionally fuck with computers if you ever need anything done there..unless you know you can.." His fingers of the hand holding the joint giving a little wiggle near dropping it, the joint quickly tucked between his lips taking a slow draw from it as he falls silent clearly done with his introduction.

"Jasen Flay, Alchemist, linguist, janitor and low life rat guy. That about covers it, I think." Jasen says by way of introducing himself to anyone that wasn't here last time.

Silvana looks around as she waits to see if anyone is going to make an introduction as people begin to speak she waits, as an opening happens she stands up to make her introduction "I'm Silvana" she considers something as she looks over the faces "You can simplify it as a Jack of many trades. " she retakes her seat and bows her head a little bit for a moment before she eats.

Lori gets a burst of apparent courage, or at least impulsiveness. "Hi, I'm Lori, and I have a sorcery problem." she pauses, glancing around hopefully. "Anyway, I'm a student at the university, but recently came to find that I get impressions from inanimate objects. That's about it, so far. So um... hi." she waves and sits down again.

Lilian stands with her wine in hand, "Lilian and well I do focsting and such." with a shrug as she retakes her seat and works some more on her food.

"I'm Antonio Broussard," the boy states quietly, pausing as he is preparing a plate of mostly meats. "Most folks just calls me Tony. I'm an Alchemist, but lookin' to learn more."

Branton chuckles at Lori as he finishes enhancing his calm "I know that problem. I've got an abandoned hermetic library, I've been collecting some of my own books too." Then to introduce himself to the group "Branton Kholer, Kholer Kustom Manufacturing. Wild talent Pyrokinetic, Enchanter, Elementalist, Meta-magician, and Travel Sorcerer."

Alexander lets the round of introductions mostly wind down. "Alexander Ataia. I'm the guy Amberlee here calls when she needs to be called Miss Fister, with a capitol Fist."

Mitzi stands to introduce herself,"I'm Dr. Mitzi de Rosales, psychiatrist, skilled in Telepathy."

Amberlee grins at Lori, clearly approving of the joke and then winks at Alex. She still continues to listen, her eyes roaming from person to person as they speak. Alex gets a big grin and she happily shakes her fist in his direction. Mitzi gets a nod and she glances over to Wilder and then back at Mitzi and then she nods, speaking up again. "Great. So, last time, we all just sort of got to know one another and then there at the end, I pitched the idea of forming a cabal, or maybe more then one, of us, under the House of Many Doors chantry. That's the main purpose of things tonight. Do other people want to do that? If so, do we want a single cabal to start with and divide it up as our numbers and interests grow? DO we want to start off with a couple to prevent any sort of clash? Do we want others, who aren't sorcerers or psychics but have common skills and goals to be allowed in?" Her eyes skim the small crowd as she speaks and she continues.

"My initial thought was two cabals. One that's a general cabal where we learn and teach and grow together. The second for crafters. Enchanters, alchemists, things like that. I wouldn't personally object to having others involved in a crafter's cabal. There are some mages and sebbetu and some others who are QUITE good at making things. But those are just my initial thoughts. Anyone else got an idea?"

Tony listens to Amberlee as he takes the plate over to Alex, along with a tall glass of lemonade.

Lilian looks thoughtful as she sips her drink, "Cabals and thinking purposes to each, like crafters, and exhcanges, but what all goes into such groups, what are our responibilties and privilages? Are there tenets or rules?"

Lori listens attentively, looking around at each person in turn as they speak.

Mitzi looks at Lilian and nods,"I've never even heard of the word cabal. What is a cabal?"

Wilder glances briefly between Amberlee and Alex taking a slow draw from his joint before his gaze follows Amberlee's to Mitzi. The inked man watching the doctor for a few moments before that focus turns to Amberlee. With the questions coming in the man just falls silent letting Amberlee answer them as he chews at the joint in thought causing it to eventually fall apart leading to a bit of cussing and a hand quickly moving down over his shirt.

Alexander takes the food with one hand, and reaches into Tony's pocket for a joint with the other, sticking it behind his ear for later. He does finally sit back down, just a bit off to the side, balancing the food on his knee so he can sip on the drink while he eats and listens to the q&a session.

Branton sips his beverage as he waits to see if anyone else is going to answer then he says to Mitzi "Its like a coven, but without the cultural baggage of witchcraft."

"Textbook definition of a cabal is 'a secret political clique or faction'. In our particular case, it's a group of likeminded individuals beneath a larger faction, which would be a Chantry - the overarching.. mother cabal, I suppose, with us as the offshoots from there, all under the same umbrella." She points to Lilian and takes her question. "Well, for one, as a group, we would have access to things that we wouldn't normally: access to information and things that are ONLY available through the big chantry membership. We would watch each other's backs, protect each other, teach each other, things like that. In addition, we could pool communal resources - like I have a library coming from Greece that's chalk full of shit that no one's seen in generations. It's been locked in a dusty old cellar since 1828. I would share that with cabal members."

Branton is suddenly far more interested in the cabal idea.

Mitzi looks at Amberlee as she answers. She considers this information and nods,"Since we are such a large group, I think it would be smart to split her up in the way that you suggest. We will need names for our cabal, I assume."

Now that he's at least vaguely caught up with the conversation, Seth nods and chimes in as well. "Yeah, it'd start to get unwieldy otherwise."

Lilian nods, "Been on my own a long while, there times a group to assist would help, then again more then willing to try this, and help on the resources. Though I am studying under someoene, so would have to check some things."

Wilder just remains silent watching and listening not really sure what to add as he glances back to Alex briefly. The man's brow creasing slightly as if in thought before he is looking away to take a very slow sip from his drink.

Making a plate of what looks to be mostly sweet items, with just a small hint of actual food with the addition of a finger sandwich, Tony turns back to the group, "Sounds like a plan. Maybe make sure there's some that's more learnt, to be teachers 'n such?"

Amberlee nods to each in turn. "Names will come when they do. That's probably the LEAST important thing." She nods to Seth. "Right. Once you have more than 10 people or so, it's just.. messy." She nods to Lilian. "Of course. If you already have a teacher, you'd want to talk to them first. I'll be happy to talk to anyone who needs clarification. Just make sure they know this is NEW and I don't much know what I'm doing really EITHER. We'll all be learning together." She nods toward Branton. "He might end up being the Big Papa around here, because he's got experience." She chuckles. "Anyway. The only rule that I would have RIGHT now, that would go for anything I was involved in, is that anything we did as a cabal, we wouldn't talk about that stuff outside of the membership." She nods to Tony. "Yes. We'd put more experienced people 'ahead'" She makes quote marks in the air "until people got more comfortable. Learn and teach each other as we went along."

Silvana nods slowly as she finally speaks up "It's like Fight club, you don't talk about it outside of the place" she nods too "Yes the more we get we will find that we will have to split but it will come as others join in"

Wilder finally speaks up as he looks to Amberlee, "So.. if this is for us, to help people like us and everything. Why is it we need that many doors whatever the fuck? Mean.. Know least one mage is part of that..know I am gonna sound like a fucking moron here but not sure if these chantry things have more.. But that's a bit different than us yeah? So.. why if this is seperate, do we /need/ to be under them?" His brow raising as the question is asked before he motions, "You know, just so we all know what the benefit is of being under them.." The last bit added as after thought.

Alexander lights up the joint as the food on his plate has disappeared, nodding toward Silvana at the Fight Club comment, taking a long drag from smoke, hoooolding it, and slowly letting it back out, listening as Wilder asks his question.

Amberlee grins at Silvana and she nods. "Kinda. Just not illegal and probably not as many broken teeth and I'm not making any fucking soap." She grins then the smile fades just a little as Wilder speaks, but stays, at least partially. "It's a larger pool for us to draw from. There will be SOME of us.." She points a long-nailed finger around the room, skimming over pretty much every person. "... who might actually Awaken and BECOME mages. There is also access to mana sources - mystical power - that we might have to scrape and scrounge for. There's protection against outside forces. If, say, I really piss someone off brokering a deal and he sends a goon after me, I can run screaming to Gwydion, whom I may not know very well, and hide up his ass while he 'talks some sense' into this big bad mage that I sure as fuck can't handle."

Silvana looks at Amberlee as she speaks and grins "Darn, I like soap" she winks as she answers the question her brow does raise just a little bit but she doesn't comment further to what she says.

Branton chuckles at Silvana "There are enough alchemists around here that I'm sure /someone/ knows how to make bitchin soap. I know how to make normal soap, but it won't do anything other than clean and smell pretty."

Wilder catches that shift in smile from Amberlee and there is a shift in his own smile as he listens. The man just giving a small nod in the end as he shuts up and moves to check on the food table.

Tony grins over at Branton, "Bet I could make up some soap that would make you extra special clean before you start doin' rituals. Heardt that was real important, like the way I burn Sage 'n such."

Lilian nods, "I can on some things it might be easier if e worked with one another, not saying the magi are bad at some things, just sometimes so high in their magics they try to teach in leaps into of steps like some of us in the beginning needed." then to Branton, "Rituals vary, and some you paint your body up with mud, or other things."

Silvana smiles at Branton "Smelling pretty is good" she winks before nodding to Tony "Very interesting" she looks towards the new people "See this is kinda how it works if we need something we ask and I'm sure someone could do it or be able to point you to someone that can" she looks to Wilder and smiles.

Mitzi looks around the group,"Who among us are teachers? Perhaps we can start that way to ensure that enough of that advanced information is spread among the canals. We may need more than two."

The smile from Silvana gains a half smile from Wilder as he notices it a small head dipping to her before he is slipping away towards the fringes, The inked man moving in on upon the bar with an eye settled upon the alchohol this time.

Branton nods at Tony and grins "Exactly." Considers for a moment "Also the mages need people like us as much as we'd get use out of being allied with them. Having help that doesn't cause their powers to short out like a normie would is handy sometimes. Plus for my own self some of my best customers are mages"

Amberlee shakes her head at Mitzi. "No one should be designated as 'the teacher' We all have things that we can learn and teach. YOU will be teaching ME and Branton will be teaching YOU and Tony will be teaching Silvana... so on so forth. We have one more issue to discuss... but I'll wait for Branton to finish up answering Wilder's question."

Alexander sets his plate back with the empties and polishes off the glass to put beside it. "I'm sure eveyone here is aware we each have our own thing, and some of those things aren't pretty and clean. As long as we aren't talking truely off the deep end shit, we should be able to handle that. If someone starts to stray down a path that goes off the cliff, having someone at your back to say 'woah, what the fuck are you doing' is another benifit."

Lilian smiles, "Sharing helps, just knowing about a power and brainstorming because every pyshcic is slightly different in mind set can help with control. Meditation is also a great tool if more of the mind over spelling, and rituals. We all know things about the supernatural, and I bet each one of us knows something slightly different."

Branton adds "Really we don't /need/ them in the strictest sense. But its an available connection and resource it'd be a shame not to make use of."

There is the faintest shift in his movements as Wilder hears Alexander's words, the inked man tensing visibly as he nears the bar quickly slipping behind it to fix himself a drink as he finally looks to Branton. "I see, And when it isn't in their interest to give two shits about us? Or when another has more sway with them for whatever reason and uses it against us?"

Mitzi shakes her head,"No. I can't teach anyone. I've barely become used to these abilities. I wouldn't even know where to start. I can't be the only one." She adds quietly,"I'm not entirely sure sometimes of how to use my own ability."

"I ain't a teacher," Tony admits with a little lift of his thin shoulders, "But be willin' to trade stuff, or show whatever I might know to help others that's willin' to help me."

Seth looks to Mitzi and shrugs. "Maybe not now, but a year from now? Who knows where you'll be." As for Wilder's question, he shakes his head a little. "You could say that about literally anyone, ever. Too general. Now if there's a specific reason to /expect/ one of them to turn on us, that'd be different."

Amberlee nods. "Exactly. And who says that all the things you teach have to be magical? What if I have a mental breakdown - that totally fucking happens - and I just need someone to talk to. Like REALLY talk to? You're a shrink. That's useful." She smiles at Tony. "You've taught me a lot since we've been working together, Tony." Her attention shifts back to Wilder and she shrugs. "Then I guess you don't have anything to do with that person and you go talk to someone else." She sits down on the edge of the hot tub, glancing down and rubbing one of the tats on her arm.

Branton frowns at Wilder and scowls before commenting to Seth and Amberlee "He's just cross because he got caught reading the mind of one of their associates without permission after dosing her with pot laced bake goods without her knowledge. So he knows he's in trouble because someone probably already told Eloise."

Silvana looks to Branton and gives a little wince "Ouch no bueno"

The answer from Seth has Wilder giving a small nod, "I know, but this isn't anyone we are talking about. This is a group of people with a good bit more power the way I understand it than we do.." The words from Branton have Wilder's jaw tensing as he looks to the man, "And yet another fucking cock sucker that doesn't fucking get the entire god damn story. And hint, Dosed? Fucking hardly.. Ask Ambs, half the shit I make is infused with THC you prick." The man pissed now as he just tosses his hand up abandoning the plans of the drink to begin wandering towards the house. "She tell you she fucking called me out on seeing shit you self righteous.." the words becoming just a muttering of pissed off Wilder.

Alexander looks toward Amerlee a moment...

Tony glances over to Wilder then, his eyes widening, then darts a look at Amberlee.

Lilian blinks, "What I am eating pot with Wilder's food?" a shrug, "Interesting. Though what all is the issue and who was reading who why?" trying to peice stuff together from out bursts.

Amberlee lifts her head and her eyes skim from Wilder to Branton and back again and she takes a long, slow breath, closes her eyes and counts to ten. One mississippi... two mississippi. When she gets to ten, her eyes slide open and she rises. With an amazing calm, she clears her throat, adjusting her boobs - because they are her only TRUE friends and she needs the support (har har. Support) - she speaks. "Enough. No more. One more topic." She moves toward the bar and holds out her glass and Harry just dumps something into it and she drinks the whole thing down.. Chug. Chug. Chug. She sets the glass down and Harry refills it and she turns to face the others. "Other, similar-minded folks who aren't specifically sorcerers or psychics? Other people who are crafters.. or healers.. or telepaths, for example? Opinions?"

Seth glances toward Wilder, biting his lip-- yeah, clearly he's got /some/ opinion on his mind. But he nods to Amberlee, keeping it to himself and addressing the other question instead. Sorta. "I'd need to know what the difference was before I could answer that."

Mitzi smiles at Seth when he mentions that to her and she nods. She looks at Amberlee,"That's a good point. I would be more than willing to help anyone here....and they can be free with their speech." She blinks at the mention of Wilder putting pot in half his food. When Amberlee calms down and asks them a question, Mitzi speaks up,"I think we need to make sure we have access to a secured location. I mean....I'm hoping this place is secure."

Branton takes another swig of his beverage and calls after Wilder "Sas léo deiló." Otherwise abiding by Amberlee's change of topic "That gets a little problematic, I'm all for people like us that are at least mostly people but like Seth said."

Wilder hehs hearing the words from Mitzi murmuring something beneath his breath before he vanishes into the house.

Silvana looks from one person to the next and decides now it's not the time to speak. She looks from one person to the next.

Lilian hmms, "no clue on that. What else is really out there, and crafters like relic makers?"

Tony moves quietly up next to Amberlee, leaning against the bar as he listens. He turns his head a moment to watch Wilder, and hopes he doesn't have to clean up anything broken.

Alexander makes his own way slowly toward the bar. Subtle.. not his thing. He's intentionally placing himself between Amberlee and Wilder, arms crossed, eyes closed, at least until the closing of the door, looking up and toward the house, just shaking his head.

Amberlee nods. "This place is secure. And I'm prepared to purchase a place for communal use. If people want to pitch in, great. If not, I'll foot the bill." She casts a glance toward Branton, then over toward Wilder once more and then briefly back down at the floor as she just tries to remain focused. She brings her fingers up to pinch the bridge of her nose. "There are mages, of course, but they're already likely in the Chantry. There are the Sebbetu who are occasionally crafters. I'd probably have to just outright nix vampires.. not that they're horrible people, I just can't really seem them being useful to us. There are some fae who can craft and heal and things like that. That's something that we can work out later on." She looks like she's got a pretty nasty headache, but she keeps her voice more or less level, just eyes closed, bridge of her nose pinched, the other arm across her belly, hand clenched at her hip. "Does everyone have my number?"

Seth nods to Amberlee, looking like he at least vaguely gets the idea. "Well, I haven't met any of those that I know of, so..." A shrug. "What are Sebbetu? I can at least vaguely guess on the others."

Silvana looks thoughful "I think it should be a case by case and depending on how the others feel about it. Actually anyone can be helpful if you know how to use them and utilize them. " she looks from face to face "So in what way will the other's be helping exactly? I mean it's great and all that we let them in but what will be their focus" she adds that in "Something to think about and I can help with securing a place"

Amberlee takes a breath. "Sebbetu. I might be saying that wrong. I don't have a strong knoweldge. "Angels. Fallen from Grace umpteen million years ago. Locked in some version of hell, just recently as of a couple of decades ago managed to find their way out." Her voice, normally full of emotion is a little flat, kind of droning, like she's REALLY struggling to keep with the topic. ".. just vestiges of their former glory, struggling to combine their new bodies with their former great selves." When Silvana speaks, she nods. "Case by case, yes. I like that. I keep ..." She sighs and lifts her head, unpinching her nose and forces her arms to drape more or less naturally at her sides. Doesn't take an empath to see that she's REALLY upset. She takes a breath and continues. "I keep mentioning crafters because I am one. So a Seb who can craft, we may not work the same, but we can bounce ideas off one another, enhance the other's work, possibly, help our friends, clients, whatever works for us." She motions toward Mitzi. "Maybe one of her clients who is a little kid has really, REALLY bad anxiety. Maybe someone could make a little rag doll or something that when you snuggle with it, it eases that anxiety almost instantly. Does it matter who made it?"

Alexander takes a step toward the group then, away from the bar and waves around the expansive yard. "Keeping in mind, that what this really is, is an opprotunity to build something. Something that's /yours/. Not on an individual level, but as a unit. A cabal,a team, a family if your lucky. I would suggest the priority not be about who does what, but on who will add to that, make it stronger, and help build something. While Amberlee is offering to help fund it and start you off someplace /nice/, her best contribtuion is there. She built this up from nothing, and her expertise and insight there will be your most valuable asset."

Branton shrugs at Amberlee "If its the one I think you might mean I already know them. I'm okay with them as an individual but that class of entity gives me the heebie jeebies in general. So yeah. Case by case. They made me a self defense baton that doesn't detect as enchanted."

Lilian hmms, "So many things out there."

Rubbing his head against Amberlee's arm, he looks to Seth, before his eyes drift over to Silvana. He gives the woman a smile. When Branton speaks, he nods to the man, "Never met one, least that I know of, but the whole thing makes me nervous. But... gotta admit I love the thought of wings." The boy turns around then, asking Harry for a 'little' bit of red wine.

Amberlee's eyeball twitches. Like for real. She peers at Branton and shrugs. "I don't know any of them, actually. Not here in Prospect, though I've had clients over the years who were and I never had any negative dealings. But then I don't generally have negative dealings with my clients. But that's my personal opinion." She drapes lightly against Tony, tucking her arm through his while she sips her drink.

Silvana takes a breath as she looks at Amber with a thoughtful expression "It doesn't matter, who makes it no as long as the cabal all agrees to bring someone in for that, but" she guestures to Branton "Not everyone can get along or feels right with others, not saying we shouldn't utilize the help if we need it and it's there, but let us first look within us to figure it out before we bring others in just cuz they are cool" she winks and smiles back to the boy. She nods "Just like anyone there are those that are easy to work with and some not so nice. " she stands "As for building, if we are building from scratch a place I have the people for it, we can talk about it further at another time, unfortunately I have a meeting to get to" She takes out a card and offers it to Amber.

Amberlee reaches into her boobages and hands a card right back to SIlvana and tucks Silvana's in the other side.

Mitzi smiles at the mention of a low anxiety doll. She whispers something to those that are sitting with her.

Silvana takes the card from Amber and nods as she looks around to the others "A pleasure to have met you all and I look forward to the next meeting" and with that she makes her way towards the exit.

Tony smiled and winked right back at Silvana, showing that odd look of innocent sexuality he seems to have. He then watches closely as Amberlee's fingers produce that card, and arches his head to take a quick peek at a better angle before he turns to get his wine.

Branton shrugs at Amberlee "I know one. And other than their Husband being a worthless shitstain I like them pretty much. Deals fair, does good work, is great about coming up with reasons for me not to set fuckers on fire. If we were going to reach out to other spheres of influence that'd be one of the first calls I'd make."

Amberlee lifts her head as Silvana departs and looks slowly around the place. "Anyone else have any more questions?" She nods to Branton. "Sounds like a plan. We'll keep that in mind. How about everyone call me in the next week or so or come over for lunch or dinner or whatever and we'll figure out where you fit best, then here in a week or two, we'll all meet again, same bat time, same bat channel, and figure things out. Hopefully with less drama." She STILL hasn't lost her shit, but man, that headache must be a bad one

Mitzi takes out her cell phone and appears to be exchanging numbers. She continues to speak quietly with those sitting with her. She shakes her head at the question that Amberlee asks. "Not right now."

Tony takes out a tiny snack baggie with some powder in it, and shakes it out into the wine. He swirls the wine, and hands the glass to Amberlee, whispering, "Here, drink this, it'll make you feel better."

Branton shrugs and gestures over at the bar "I did think you might need that Ouzo. I'm good for the moment, very interested in that library from Greece though. In particular. And Jasen's a book nerd too."

THAT doesn't look suspicious Tony. NOT AT ALL! "Which one is this?" she asks, then glances around. "One of Tony's amazing Alchemical potions. He does great work." Then she nods to Branton. "I appreciate it. And the library should be here in the next couple of weeks. I'll make sure you two get a first peek."

Lilian does exchange numbers with Mizti, and smiles to her and with a look to them, "It is good to meet more people, but oddly scary sometimes too." then looking to the one called Tony. That has has her pause, "Eastern or western alchemy?"

Tony giggles, "It is merely headache powders with a little somethin' to help you settle. You've had it before in tea." The boy looks to Lilian, "I couldn't really tell you, ma-am, just home remedy type a stuff I've picked up here 'n there, 'n added too as I learnt more."

Amberlee nods, taking the wine... after she slugs back whatever Harry's been dosing her with. She has a much more reasonable sip of the dosed wine and lets out a little breath. Already, she's chilling out JUSt a touch

Jasen has totally been here and paying attention this whole damned time, I swear! It's only at this point that he animates aside from drinking. "Oh, you, Alchemy guy." he says to Tony, digging into his pocket and offering forward a small bottle of slightly glowy gold liquid. "Here, thought this might help with your studying."

Jasen does that while getting up to leave, swearsies.

Mitzi waves goodbye to others, and heads out of the garden.

Lilian gets up, "See you soon Mitzi." then stops by Amberlee. "Thank you again for having us all." and heads out.