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Coffee à la Weirdos
Typical Coffee Shop Run-ins
IC DateApril 12th, 2017
IC TimeLate-Morning
PlayersTavia, Wichal, Chandler, Adora
LocationProspect Roasters

Wichal walks in relaxed, breathing a bit heavily as if windered but good.

Tavia sits casually at a small two person table, a tablet is propped up on the table and Tavia is using a stylis to swipe through some website. She is sipping on a dark looking cup of coffee.

Wichal spots the pretty girl and stops a she moves to his usual table, curious. "Something seems rather engaging." He grins and sips his beverage

Glancing up from her tablet, she offers the unfamiliar face a light smile. "Just trying to 'expand my mind'." she says in response.

Wichal says, "Wichal, nice to meet you. Sorry, something about it just made me curious." He grinned, "Nice to meet you"

Tavia smiles a bit further. "It's always nice to meet someone new, isn't it?" she asks, rhetorically. She peers about, then looks back up at him. "I'm Tavia."

Wichal says, "Well...nice to meet you" he grins and is about to move on when, whimsically, he stops, "Mind if I sit?""

Tavia drops her gaze to the empty chair across from her, then back up at him. "I suppose not." She then shuts off her tablet screen and folds it closed, moving it to the side. "Some company could be nice."

Wichal looks her up and down. Very nice. He smiles and says,"New to Prospect?" He slowly sips.

Tavia gives a nod and a half smirk. "Yes. What gives that away?" She asks him curiously.

Wichal says, "Well this is a common hangout and I hadn't seen you before, also girls as nice looking as you are more open to random weirdos sitting down if alone in a new place." He winks"

Tavia gives a light laugh. "Weirdos indeed." She then takes a sip of her coffee, his compliment not going unheard but it doesn't particularly phase her.

Wichal grins, "I'm in security. Classified crap. No really. You?

Tavia raises an eyebrow at him. "Is that so? Who do you work for?" She asks, dodging his question for the moment.

Wichal says, "Really, classified" he smiles, and holds up a badge that simply says,"Internal Directive Agency 6" that has his picture, its an agency she never heard of but damn if it doesnt look official"

Tavia hmmmmms at the badge. "Am I a suspect or something?" She asks, with a smile, teasingly.

Wichal laughs, "No it just impresses some girls." He winks.

Tavia gives Wichal a mock 'ohhhh' look, "Uh huh." She then smirks. "Seems like a risky move. Might scare some of them away, too."

Wichal laughs, "It could. High risk high reward but you're hardly swooning and hardly running." He grins, "An enigma

Tavia puts an elbow on the table and rests her chin in the palm of her hand, leaning foward across the table partially, she lowers her voice and says "Maybe I want to do one of those things, but I have good self control."

Wichal smiles and leans back grinning,"Self control is a good thing, most of the time." He sips his coffee. "We all need it

Tavia gives Wichal a smirk and leans back into her chair now, crossing one leg over the other. Her foot bounces lightly to the tune that is playing in the coffee shop. "You come here often?" She asks him, gesturing vaguely to the shop.

        Tavia and Wichal are sitting at a small table, looking to be engaged in casual chatter.

Wichal smiles at the interesting curviture, "I am starting to, you find all kinds of interesting things here, and its always a pleasant surprise....I love the espresso here. Best I've found out of Miami Tavia gives a very slight raise of her eyebrows at the mention of Miami, but she simply logs that piece of information away. "And weirdos. Don't forget the weirdos." she adds, taking another sip from her dark cup of coffee. "But if I were to be honest, we're all a little weird."

Chandler enters the coffee shop, and stands just inside the door for a moment to take in the view. She notes decor, glances among the crowd, inhales the wondrous fragrances, smirks at the sign mentioning miniature horses. She makes her way to the counter to place an order. "Coffee, please. In the largest mug you have. And..." She peruses the pastries a moment before asking, "What's your favorite?" She chatters with the coffee clerk for a few brief moments before ordering a cranberry scones. She pays her tab, and steps aside to wait for her order to be served up.

Wichal says, "Well I figure as a weirdo makes me just fit right in. And what's the quote from Alice and wonderland, 'we're all mad here;? He slowly sips and does enjoy the sign even if he doesnt see her look at it. "So what do you do? Whence comest thou?"

With a shrug, Tavia reaches into her purse which hung loosely on the back of her chair. She fished around in it then produced an UCP student ID card. She then flashed it at Wichal in the same fashion that he had done in order to impress her with his badge. "I'm a student, but I also work as a teller at a bank." She then slips the card away once more. "Nothing spectacular." She absentmindedly looks about at the other patrons of the shop, brown eyes crossing over Chandler, included. There is a friendly approachable kindness to Tavia's features as she looks about. "You know, Wichal, as some super secret agent of some unknown agency, I thought you would have guessed where I am from by now." her accent has a new-englander tinge to it.

Chandler picks up her coffee and scone with a friendly, "Thanks," as it is set out for her. She seats herself at a small table near Wichal and Tavia, sets her coffee and scone down, and fishes out her phone to check texts and calendars.

Wichal smiles and looks at the ID, "Lovely." He grins and nods, "Well I am not an analyst....but I could likely" he shrugs, "I didnt think to." He smiles and looks at Chandler, "You are from..." he touched his nose and said, "Oklahoma.

Tavia Sips at her coffee, a slow sip as she studies Wichal, with a small upturn to the corner of her lips. When the cup is lowered she shakes her head 'no'. "Upstate new york." She fills in for him. "But I watch so much TV I've picked up the 'hollywood' way of speaking." She gives him a wink, because why not? He seems like he is the kind of guy who likes that sort of thing.

Wichal says, "Oh." He grins, "Well that makes sense. Hollywood is a good place to pick up an accent for," he grins, "Buffalo? Do people there actually shuffle towards it? What's Niagra Falls like?" He grins." Chandler is focused on her phone a moment as she taps away some texts. Then she places a call, and sits her coffee as she waits on hold. The hold music is a electric piano version of Stairway to Heaven that makes Chandler roll her eyes ever so slightly.

Smiling politely at Wichal, she shakes her head. "I don't know about the Buffalo thing." She then sucks in a breath, letting it out slow before adding "Niagra falls is impressive, but... I was over it after about five minutes. I'm not /that/ interested in water. Or 'gods marvelous creation'. Whatever." She flippantly waves a hand to dismiss the subject. She goes quiet a moment, brown eyes studying him once more, then she asks a question that seems to come out of no-where. "Do you know anything about that pawn shop north of here? Glass House Pawn Brokers?"

Wichal nods and looks conspiratorial, "Glass House Pawn Brokers? Can't say that I have though I can learn. Pawn shops are usually pretty low key because contrary to what most folks thinks cops keep an eye on them. They are literally where most low rent criminals try to sell and get their hot goods off at as first as they can. And I have to admit some day I might want to go over th es..." he thinks more about the pawn shop, "What an interesing question. Now you have me curious...

"Hi, thanks," Chandler says into the phone. "I called earlier. Dr. Pagani." She listens for a moment and nods, "Yes. My luggage. Still no word?" Chandler glances at the front of her phone before speaking back into it, "Well, yeah more than a little inconvenient. I have a meeting to go to tomorrow morning and would rather not wear the clothes I flew in with." She sighs, nods, pinches the bridge of her nose. "Fine, sure. You have my number." She hangs up and unceremoniously drops the phone onto the table top with a clatter. She takes a deep breath before sipping from her mug of hot, dark, rich coffee.

"Yeah, well... I'm doing some research for a school project. I am trying to figure out ways to help the lower class citizens..." She trails off and glances over at Chandler, catching the tail end of her phone call, though only the one side of it. Despite that, it was fairly easy to decern what was going on there. Putting up a finger toward Wichal, she tells him "One sec."

Getting up out of her chair, she steps over to the table where Chandler sat. Casually putting her hands on the small table and leaning over it, she tilts her head and smiles at Chandler. Clearly, Tavia doesn't mind getting into peoples business. "You alright?" She asks the woman. The question was posed in such a way to suggest that Tavia had overheard her phone call, and she was unabashed.

Wichal says, "Interesting, I met someone who works at a local shelter..." he nods, "No worries." He looks up and rather htna staying where he is, moves over and looks concerned. But he notices the tendancey to intervene. That's not...just a student. A crusader to help the poor? Maybe. He doesn't offer help directly, because Talia did already but his body language implies it." Chandler looks up at Talia, looking a bit surprised, but not at all offended. "Yes, thanks. First world problems. I flew west. My luggage flew east."

Pulling out one of the seats, Tavia sits down at Chandler's table. "Well, do you have money? A place to stay?" She asks her, being direct. Sometimes when people needed help, they don't come out with it. It requires a direct approach. Wichal says, "I have a slush fund you can use," speaking since heis assuming Chandler can do better than a dorm room, not knowing Talia is ....more than she appears. He sounds genuine not slick or polished."

Chandler looks between Tavia Withal, genuinely surprised at their show of friendliness to strangers. Surely this must be a hustle of some sort! She smiles politely and says, "I have money, yes. All good there. I have a room for a few nights at a hotel near here, but don't check in until 2:00. You know, if my luggage isn't in today, I'll need a suit. Are there any good outlet shops near here?" Serious first world problems, here.

Shopping trip??? Tavia smiles openly at Chandler. "There's a mall not to far from here." She considers what she remembers of her visit there. "I'm fairly certain you can find what you need. They don't call it Fashion Valley for nothing."

"It'll be something conservative," Chandler says. "I have a meeting at UCP tomorrow morning. Then another meeting at the Hospital. But I may need some other clothes to hold me over for a day or two." She smiles suddenly and proffers her hand, "I'm Chandler, by the way."

Taking Chandler's hand and giving it a shake, Tavia's smile widens. "Tavia. I'm a student at UCP." She shares, her curiousity over Chandler's meeting seeming apparent, but she doesn't ask. "It's nice to meet you, mi amiga."

Chandler and Tavia are sitting at a small table, with Witchal sitting at the next table over, seemingly engaged in the conversation, too. "Igualmente. And sorry, my Spanish is deplorable. What's your major?" Chandler asks with interest.

Bouncy bouncy bounce! A petite blonde bit of energy enters through the doors and crosses over into the line for coffee. Purse on one elbow, it seems she's peering at a smartphone and muttering dubiously. Uh oh. An intangible air of excitement and ADVENTURE surrounds her. Whatever it is about her, she looks like she's seen some exciting places.

Smiles at Chandler, not at all worried about her spanish. "Cultural Studies." She answers her, then elaborates "I have always been interested in how Cultures evolve and shape society. From the big picture all the way down to the individual level." She can't help her gaze being drawn to the high-energy output of another patron as they entered. Curious brown eyes study the spunky blonde with a slight interest, but her focus returns to Chandler. "What brings you to UCP?" she asks, now.

Chandler's eyes also glance over at the bundle of blond bounciness that strides into the cafe. But she's soon brought back into the conversation with Tavia, "I'll be teaching there. Pre med, med an post grad stuff. Also research. And working at Prospect Memorial. A new start from my work over from UNM in Albuquerque." She shifts subjects and asks, "By the way, do you happen to know Eloise? She works here, or owns the place or something? A friend of mine said I should meet her if end up in Prospect."

Adora is blissfully oblivious of looks her way, but the name 'Eloise' sure catches her attention. She perks up, looking around the crowd and room for just who said it. "I do say.. Eloise is a peach, and she does -indeed- own the shop. Ask Nina for her number if you're in need of it." Just a hint of a British accent there. "Not met her in my years here, /awfully/ busy woman, but worth a try." Adora's still not too sure who said it, but, it's her turn to order, and she falls silent for a few moments. Wichal listens and smiles, "Med? Neat stuff. Wasn't there a weird Al song about that city? I'm afraid I personally don't know the owner. I do hear that you shouldnt be ...um...stupid...in general in the place."

Chandler's eyes go a little wide when Adora announces to the room about Eloise. She looks over Adora's way, but the woman is back in line and placing her order. Chandler is torn between getting the woman's attention, and worried if she does so, she will be engulfed in an avalanche of enrgybouncemadness. Chandler is definitely not the energybouncemadness type. Far more of the 'preserve my energy because I work 18-20 hours most days' type. She look back at Tavia with a quirked eyebrow and says, "Is this a normal thing, here? If feel like I am being... Punk'd, or whatever that show is." She starts looking around for cameras.

Tavia shakes her head, "I'm sorry, I don't know the owner. This is my first time in the shop, and I've only just arrived here a couple days ago, myself." She shares, before then addressing the teaching aspect of Chandler's words. "That's great. The world needs more doctors. Seems we as a species can't seem to keep ourselves in one piece." She then looks up at Adora and gestures toward her, "There you go! She seems to know some things." Smiling softly, Tavia rises from her chair and goes back to her original table. Picking up her purse and tablet, she returns but doesn't sit. "In my brief time here, it seems people are quite friendly. I know my motivations, but I can't speak for everyone." Then she smiles between both Chandler and Wichal. "It was nice meeting you two, but I need to take care of some things." Then, as if it were an after thought, she pulls out her stylis and twists it, a pen appearing. On a napkin she writes down her number and slides it to Chandler. "If you ever need help, I'm around."

Mmmm. Coffee. As if Adora needs -any- more caffinating. Phone in hand, the woman seeks out a seat by the bookcases and whatnot, settling in carefully. No more strange outbursts from the woman, it'd seem. Adora sits down at Bookshelves and Chairs. Chandler takes the number with a, "Thanks. I'll do that. Nice to meet you, Tavia." She looks over at Wichal than and says, "And you, too. Though... I didn't catch your name."

With a friendly wave, Tavia exits the coffee shop.,,,,