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Popular Park Day
Meeting interesting individuals
IC DateApril 11th, 2017
IC TimeLate-Morning/Mid Day
PlayersTavia, Heathen, Amethyst, Thana, Sharpe
LocationMaple Park

Jogging around the outer path, Tavia hums along to a tune that she is listening to with her earbuds. tucked into the edge of her pants her phone is easily spotted as the source of her music, the long black cable going from there to her ears and swinging to and fro as she moves about the large plotted path of her morning jog. Her gaze is mostly upward, taking in her surroundings. The buildings, the trees, the birds flying high in the sky.

Heathen takes his not unusual detour through the park. Where the...not sane, at least freindly ladies seem to hang out. Being looked at like a peice of meat is more fun when it's metaphorical. He looks back as he hears the music and shakes a bag of half eaten trail mix as an Tavia jogs toward him.

Noticing Heath, a smile instantly adorns her face. Her path leads right towards him, so she jogs on up and stops just in front of him. Her breath is a little ragged from the excersion, but it doesn't seem to bother her. "Hey Heath!" She greets him, pulling her earbuds out and rolling them up around two of her fingers. She pulls her phone out and quickly unlocks it, taps the screen, and the muffled music stops. She locks it once more. "How're you today?"

Heathen grins and offers her some of his mix. "Another day, another walk around town. How's your jog? And your house hunt?"

She reaches into the bag of trailmix without hesitation. "Thank you!" She says, surprised by his offer. She gets a small hand full and starts to nit-pick from it which pieces she wants as she continues talking with him. "It's beautiful today. Feels good to get the blood flowing, ya' know?" She then shrugs, looking off toward the north-west. "I am thinking that falcon place. I checked it out yesterday. It reminds me of my last apartment."

Heathen "Yeah, good neighborhood. Glad things are working out for you. I'd offer to jog with you, but I'd probably slow you down."

Tavia had neatly picked out everything except the plain peanuts. She looks down at the small handful of peanuts and then lifts her hand up toward him. "... want these?" She asks, a small smirk on her lips. Casually, she lifts her left leg behind her and takes hold of it, stretching her quadriceps and balancing easily on her right foot, still holding out the offered peanuts. "Do you like jogging?" She asks him.

Heathen takes the peanuts back, and just assumes she's alergic. Or doesn't like them. "For... limited times. Though I probably could work on my stamina....damn you're limber."

Tavia and Heath are casually chatting along one of the outer pathways of the park. Tavia is in the middle of a stretch, pulling her leg back at the knee and stretching out her left quadriceps, smirking at whatever it was Heath had just mentioned. "It has its benifits." She says nonchalantly.

Amethyst neeeeeeds a breaaaaaaak. Her shop is across from Roaster's, and Maple Park is possibly one of her favorite places to snag a cuppa joe and go breathe and just -be-. She's back to wearing a gamer tshirt and jeans, no scandalous dresses today, with a cup of coffee in hand. Flip, flop, flip, flop. Seems she's taken after Steele's habits of wearing flip flops now. Hippie.

Heathen is a guy, and is straight, yeah.... he looks. While he's looking, a little black cannonball shoots out of some nearby bushes and right into Ame's chest.

Seeing the little black streak of -something- go flying by, Tavia turns, dropping her leg back to the pavement and raising her eyebrows. Clearly, Harvey had a friend. "Is that... normal?" She asks, her curiosity tinged with mirth. She smiles at the woman that the cat had just attempted to tackle. Physics, little guy!

Ame -oofs- and catches the ball of fur. For whatever reason, Amethyst is a lot stronger and more graceful than her slim figure lets on. Luck, right? Couldn't be magic, no. Must work out. She giggles quietly and NUZZLES the ball of fur. "Ohmygosh Harvey you almost gave me a heart attack. How are you, my man? Where's your dude, dude?" Blink, blink. She looks up. "Hey Miss! Heath!" Harvey dutifully cuddled up to her chest, coffee in one hand, she meanders closer.

Heathen rolls his eyes at streak coming out of the bushes. "Yeah. He's a little ladies man. He usually has better sense than me really. Hey babe, how's life treten' ya." Harvey gives her a bunch of nuzzle nuzzle purr purr. Look her right in the eye and let her know how much safer he is here than with the crazy human that he's stuck with over there.

With a friendly smile, Tavia waves to Ame with one hand, while the other goes to a hip as it juts out, her stands relaxing and going casual. Tavia's outfit very clearly states she was here to jog. She quietly glances between the two people who clearly know one another.

Heathen gives an exagerated wave toward Ame. "Amethyst, this is Tavia. Tavia, Amethyst. And yes, Harvey is in love."

Amethyst just grins, rubbing her chin on Harvey's head. Who doesn't love kittehs? "Tavia? Cool! You look /so/ much like one of my friends, sorry if I, like, stare weird. I'm good, Heath, how's life in Prospect treatin' ya so far? I been stuck hitting the books hard."

"If staring bothered me, I wouldn't be here with Heath." She says, calling him out, having noticed his looks earlier. She can be perceptive. She smiles sweetly, none the less, going quiet once more and begins a post run stretch routine, listening as they talk.

Heathen coughs a little as she calls him out, and has the decency to blush a little. "Amethyst here is the unofficial welcoming party of Prospect. Really helped me get settled and good with directions. And with cats." Harvey gives Heathen smug look and just wiggles in and gets comfy.

Slurrrrrrp. Mmm coffee. Harvey's new position is clevage cat. "Oh totally, I mean, good people are rare to find, gotta help kindred spirits when we find 'em." The colorful-haired woman tilts her head curiously. "You look like you're a longer term resident than I am, though, there, Miss Tavia. Or settling in well. If you need anything, I mean, it sounds weird, but I'll totally help." Amethyst is mellow today. Perhaps having a shop above the city's biggest medical cannabis shop helps.

Tavia, Heath, and Ame are clustered together along one of the outer paths of the park. Tavia is stretching, while the other two are chatting. Tavia's polite attempts at allowing them to talk between the two of them fails, as they are too friendly for that. She smiles and continues with her stretching, dropping to the pavement in a sitting position. Her legs are close together as she reaches for her toes. "I actually just arrived." She says, answering Ame. "It's a pleasure to meet another friendly face, though. Heath keeps good company, it seems."

Heathen offers Ame some of his trail mix now that introductions are done and Harvey is comfortably cleavaged. "Well, for the most part, or at least on good behavior when I'm around."

Amethyst has no hands! She politely declines, with a grin, lifting her coffee cup. "Well, welcome to Prospect. Prospect is weird. But. We're a huge melting pot of people from around the world. There's assholes. There's friendly people. Anyone on Heath's good side's on my good side, so.. yeah. I own Raven's Treasure Box. Just come say hi, drop me a line, whatever and stuff. I got a lotta projects going, but always got time for friends and friends friends." Mellow. Yep. Amethyst is probably medicated. It'd seem Heath is right. Amethyst is a fun welcoming committee. Hippies, right?

Heathen laughs. "Maybe I should take a bandolier and sew together a kitty sling form the little hairball."

... Amethyst totally drags Harvey off, for some cuddles and to finish her coffee, chattering up a storm to him. Popular cat.

Heathen laughs as the cat heads off with Ame, shaking his head. "She has to work with catnip..."

Watching curiously as the woman walks off with the cat, she laughs at heath's words. "Don't underestimate the power of a woman's chest." Tavia then holds out a hand, waving him closer to help her back up to her feet.

Heathen reaches out to take the hand and help her up... and power of suggestion, that's where he looks. "Never..."

With an outstretched hand, Tavia attempts to put a finger to Heath's forehead to push it upwards a bit. "You need to get that under control. Someone with less patience might get offended."

Heathen shrugs, grins, and keeps his eyes up. "Hey, if I were smoother, I wouldn't be out here with my cat."

Tavia laughs. "I guess you have a point." She gazes off toward Ame who was now a good distance away. She leans in with a smirk and whispers to Heath.

       "She's cute..."

Heathen grins and licks his lips. He knows this is a trap. "Erm... yes." Geeze. he can be easy and vocal one moment, but then get flustered with two words.

With a friendly pat on his back, she smiles up at him. "Need help with that?" She offers, watching him curiously, noting his flustered state.

Heathen raises en eyebrow at her. "Being tongue tied?" He tries to get his fluster back under control a bit.

Tavia didn't mean /that/, and she thinks he knew that. He was probably trying to shift the subject. She shrugged. "Normally, being tongue tied isn't too hard to overcome. But Mr Gene Simmons wanna-be over here... it might be more difficult."

Heathen leans in a little closer. "What did you have in mind?" Heathen isn't that dense, but just seems to choose odd moments to sabotage himself.

"I don't know. Seems out of my area of expertise." Tavia says in response.

Heathen looks a little abashed. "I'm sorry. I'm a bit of a wet blanket. Last time I thought I was getting anywhere, I ehh... bit off more than I could chew."

Smiles at Heath. "Oh, don't worry about it. My tongue gets me into trouble. Not sure which is worse." She gives his arm a playful 'punch'. "Don't worry about it so much. Just be yourself, hmm?"

Heathen "Ow! .... okay, just kidding. I'm not that pathetic. As far as being myself.... we all have masks." he thinks about it. "I have several actually, just finished painting a Leopard mask."

Amethyst totally doesn't smell like cherry-scented cannabis, no siree. She returns, empty coffee cup in hand, with Harvey on her shoulder. "Shoulder cat, shoulder cat, where's your coooooool human at..." she sings to herself, as she meanders back. Totally weird, mostly harmless.

"Ha! I didn't peg you as one of /those/..." Tavia trails off, smiling at Ame's return. She didn't bother to expain what 'one of those' she was talking about. "You know, if I didn't know any better I'd say Harvey was /your/ cat, not his."

"Totally agree," Amethyst peers behind Tavia, as if looking for someone, "I love Harvey, but, I could /never/ take him from his dude. Critters just know I'm a critter person. Ag major, I got that -vibe-. Totally afraid the coyotes would eat any cats at my place, soooooo I get my fix lovin' on Harvey, here." Scritch, scritch.

Heathen nods sagely. "Oh, that's just like visiting the cool aunt. Home is still home, even if it's noisy and crowded."

"Seems nice to have a companion like that, though." Tavia admits, her words giving away that she didn't have a pet of her own. "Can't say I am a fan of litter boxes though. In fact, that's my number one gripe with cats." She gives the cat a wink as if it could understand her. (!)

Harvey peers at the woman at the litterbox comment.

Amethyst brightens up as if remembering something. "Hey. You two doing anything this evening? You should visit Secrets. Tell the 'tenders a little birdie sent you, and they give your first round of drinks free." The colorful-haired girl grins mischievously. "I kinda like the facelift. Should check it out, maybe after or before dinner or something. I'll Harvey-sit if you like." Heh. Amethyst's got a motive!

Heathen "Oh, he's definately good to have around. Especially in the rat trap I'm staying in. Also, steers me clear of doing foolish things."

Tavia rubs the back of her neck, brown eyes flicking over to Amethyst. The girl can play. That made things more fun. "You know, free drinks do sound tempting. But I'm not sure Heath would want to have me in tow." Tavia then pulls out her phone and checks the time, doing some thought-work. "And to be honest, I'm not sure I'll have the time today."

Heathen looks a bit hurt at that. "Hey, I'm the wet blanket around here...."

Amethyst half-shrugs. "Of course he would. Question is, are you all work and no play?" By Amethyst's grin, as she carefully sets Harvey back down, it's pretty clear she knows that can be taken in all the wrong ways. "I /guess/ we all got day jobs, and stuff." Heathen thinks about it a moment. "Hey, if it's got your recomendation, got to be someplace to ket the hair down."

In lack of better things to do, and an adventerous spirit, young Thana is out exploring. That special thing inside her head that tells her stuff, and makes her do irrational things tells her the park may just be the thing today. Thana has a little skip to her sneakers as she makes her way into the park, obvlivious to the dangers that lurks in this world of darkness. Heck its light out so how bad can it be.

A slow smile creeps across Tavia's face, "You know, if you wanted to find out, we can arrange something, Amethyst." She then gives the woman a suggestive wink. "But it would have to be either in a public place or your place, because I still need to find myself an apartment." Tavia sounds as if she's joking, but she's also surprisingly convincing. So which is it?

Heathen collects his cat, who seems to mope a bit at the change in grip, but he does grin as Tavia turns her attention to Amethyst. "I'll see both of you around, maybe at Secrets. If I don't, I'm sure Harvey will." Harvey gives Ame a very human looking wink when Heathen heads for his own home...

Amethyst taps her nose, and points briefly at Tavia. "See? Totally, this is why I said, y'gotta tell me if there's stuff you need. Coral Reef's where most of my friends live, it's really nice by the water. Falcon Square's also pretty cool. If you're really livin' it up, Avante Seaside.. or, y'know, the Continental if you're in the know." Is that a place not on the books? Yes, yes it is. Amethyst just grins. "My house is... probably not fit for company. 'kay, dude. You be safe, lemme know what's up, alright? Psh, kittehs can't club." USUALLY. She meaaaaanders back towards her shop, waving at Thana. "Hey, hey. Stop by my shop before today's end. Groceries." Groceries? Weird girl.

Big blue eyes blinks as Thana sees the world for what it is, or basically just people in the park she recognizes. "Oh.." she murmurs as she clutches her satchel tightly. "Groceries...uhuh...sure...Afghan spices?" she tilts her head and furrows her eyebrows. "Hosue, home..ooh...Christ Thana you need to lay off the good stuff." she murmurs.

Heathen waves at Thana on the way out.

Laughs at the odity of Amethyst, but its a friendly sort of 'we are laughing together' sort of laugh. Or at least, that's how Tavia feels about it. She had waved goodbye to Heath and Harvey, then shifted her brown eyes to Thana with a curious expression evident across her visage. "You alright?" She asks, witnessing the petite girl mumbling to herself after a brief exchange with Ame.

"It's the good stuff, but not Afghan, that's downstairs. Actual groceries, grass fed beefs and some veggies and stuff. From my farm. You gonna be okay? ... /are/ you okay?" Amethyst pauses, at Thana's less than coherent reply. Her carefree millenial attitude drops to that of a trained professional, visible in body language and tone. There's always a possibility that Thana got into /stuff/, and Ame gives her a good looking-over. She glances with concern to Tavia, and nods briefly--she heard her, but worried for her friend, here. The colorful-haired woman doesn't look like someone who'd take laughter the wrong way.

Thana comes to a halt and looks between Amethyst and Tavia and tilts her head. "Ohh..huh.." she presses a finger to her lips and seems to consider her options. "Food..heh.." another moment of confusion as she looks at Amethyst. "Why would I, isnt the super mart.." she trails off and decides to go for the safe card she smiles warmly in a very friendly inviting fashion. "Hey cat lady."

Canting her head to the side, Tavia peers upwards briefly at the mid-day sun's location, then back toward Thana and Ame. She wondered how involved she wanted to get with whatever was going on with Thana. Her feet brought her curiously closer, and perhaps decided for her. She wasn't sure she'd be of any help, really, but she could wait to see how the interaction played out.

"Hey, painting lady," Amethyst grins quietly. "You okay? Hungry?" She reaches out towards Thana gently as she draws closer. It should be noted, Amethyst is a weirdo millenial with flashy LED bracelets. They're set in a shifting rainbow pattern, and generally are.

Thana licks her lips and nods her head. "Uh...yeah, food.." she blinks a few times and looks over towards Tavia and beams a smile. "I don't know you do I?" she looks back at Amethyst. "Ya know..I'd kill for a hershey bar."

With a quick shake of her head, 'no' was the answer. Tavia was new here and was fairly certain she never met this woman before. Her feet brought her closer still, and it wasn't difficult for Tavia to spot the signs of someone on a bit of a head trip. "Maybe we should get you indoors, out of the sun. Get's some water in you..." Tavia trails off, looking to Ame for back up.

"You /know/... she's right." Amethyst nods at Tavia, eyes grateful. "Let's go relax in Roaster's for a bit. Tavia.. Google me, Raven's Treasure Box. My realtor can show you around town if needed. I got this. C'mon, girlie.. let's go get you some delicious chocolate bars, and water, and whatever you wanna eat, kay?" Ame loops an arm around Thana, and drags Thana's arm over her shoulder companionably, like a dance side by side.

Thana is about to interject and decline the offer but she is pulled along. "No..wait..I wanna....ohh chocolate bars..." she licks her lips once again and holds up a finger in warning. "I need to be invited, I'll melt!" she looks at Tavia and grins. "I'm a witch..muhahaha..The Eastern..no northern one."

Sharpe has decided that today was a good day to go jogging. It finally gets him out of those damn buisness suits. He's got on a pair of sneakers and running shorts today, topped off with a sleevless shirt. Because who needs sleeves in the California sun? Not this guy.

With a small smile and a nod, Tavia goes along with Thana's claim. "Of course you are, dear!" She then gives Ame a nod, thankfulness evident in her eyes. Tavia was new here and wouldn't know what to do with the woman tripping on drugs.

Deciding it was best she got back to her workout, she pulled out her phone and began to walk around the wide path that circled the park, swipping through songs, looking for just the right one.

Amethyst winks at Tavia, and is slooooowly dragging Thana off in the direction of Roaster's. "Yep, chocolate bars! I know where Eloise's /super secret/ stash of chocolates is. And then there's mine, from Down the Rabbit Hole..." Tempt, tempt, tempt. They aren't far from Tavia. Motion catches her eye, though... and all forward movement stops. Hot damn.. Amethyst is totally caught staring, with a Thana all snuggled beside her and half-draped over her shoulder to keep her from going anywhere. She clears her throat. "/Well/ then..." wheew.. "Yes.. Roaster's? Where else ya been, girlie? Hanging out at Club Ex?"

Thana is about to reply to Amethyst, the whole chocolate discussion is very tempting. Her eyes glazed and she has an almost to friendly and inviting smile on her face. Amethyst may just know how inviting and dangerous it can be if left unchecked. "You know wh..." she trails off as she is pulled along and her eyes comes to rest on that running hopefully if not already, then soon sweating man. "Fuck me.." she murmurs. "I don't want chocolate!"

Sharpe's brow lifts as he spots Amethyst, it's soon replaced by a smile and he jogs on over "Hey, afternoon!" He doesn't think he's traffic stopping good looking, but hey why not. His gaze darts between Ame and Thana "Doing fine?" his asks, that brow perking right back up

Completely missing the new face, Tavia sticks in her earbuds and begins jogging once more, moving away from the group and around the parimeter of the large park. She had found the right song, and all was right in the world when she was jogging and had the perfect song to softly sing along to.,,,,,