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Tabia's Rite of Passage
A cub no more
IC Date November 27, 2016
IC Time Night
Players George, Tabia, Journey, Monica, Andy, Yuri, Pearl, Rahne, Halle, Kevin, Justine, Muir
Location The forrest Caern
Spheres Gaian
Theme Song Vixy & Tony - Wicked Girls [1]

Journey is showing off a paper hardcopy of a picture taken to.. well whoever will look at it really. Vestas fine, and she's at home as Stephen is too little to travel at the moment, even for a Strider. http://tinyurl.com/j2dkrbb

George is grinning broadly as Journey shows off the picture of the littlest strider and may or may not have made a crack about how Tabia isn't that any more. He looks around as people start filtering in and seems rather pleased.

Muir enters and looks to the various people. "Must be a special holiday." He says as he looks to the people present and waits for someone to spill the beans. For now the shark remains silent and enjoying the garou festivities

George would have howled out a general announcement to the garou so anyone could answer Muir's question really

Tabia takes her opportunity to gush over cute baby pictures before things get underway, complete with offers to babysit once the kiddo is a little older.

Andy gushes too. Kinda. Journey gets a clap on the back and Andy makes sure he brags to his wife that he got to see pictures first

Justine arrives in the caern along with Yuri. She wears a simple pale blue cotton summer dress and her locks are loose about her slender shoulders. She tries to peek at the baby pictures, smiling in responses. "Oh, congrats." She says warmly to Journey, before stepping back by Yuri's side.

Journey keeps showing around the picture, nodding and making sure everyone who wants to see Stephens cuteness can bask approperately. Yes, turns out Stephen will be Garou when he's older, yes, he's already promised the Baptism of fire to be performed by Charlene., everyones very happy about it. Theurge, actually, yes. He's all kinds of smiles. Babysitting offers will be processed in the order they are recieved, current wait time is 2-3 years.

Yuri stands with Justine, and places an arm around her, watching the scene unfold. He remains quiet, holding his mate against him

George is standing near the totem pole at the center of the clearing, bare foot and bare chested with glyphs and sigils painted in pale grey all over his arms and torso. His eyes are line with khol in the old Egyptian fashion and the crowd (the npcs at least) grow hushed and settle down when he comes to attention after lighting the campfire to signal the begining of the rite.

Word spreads quickly! And while Monica's fashionably late, as always, she's here, all the same, jogging out from the direction of the winding cave entrance and coming alongside Journey, the Theurge afforded a nudge, a smile, and a thumbs up before she spots the lighting of the fire.

Journey smiles, nodding around and folds the picture, putting it away as the Rite begins, and he smiles, moving to observe silent for the moment, this is on George for the moment.

Rahne quietly walks in, occasionally skipping but more often strolling. Things happening, the tiny blond remains quiet while coming closer to see what is what.

Andy is listening quietly, standing back a bit, arms crossed. Normally very laid back and casual, he knows that a rite of passage is a big deal and he has a rather serious expression on his face, arms crossed, watching

Tabia falls silent along with the rest of the crowd, turning to look back toward George. While she may know why she's here, that doesn't mean she's quite sure what to expect as far as the specifics go, so she takes a deep breath and awaits further instructions.

Muir remains silent and when the crowd hushes and George is all dressed up, Muir just reaches into his sack for a bottle of rum and sips it. He remains quiet to observe the ritual that is taking place.

George takes a breath and begins "I am George Andrews, rited 'Mocks the Dark' from my taunting of the Specters in my Rite of Passage, 'Trains the Weak' for my service in teaching the kin of this sept how to hide and protect themselves, 'Kills in Silence' for ending of four war twisted Fomor and leaving no clue or sign for the Wyrm loyal handlers to know why, 'Render-of-Shadow' for driving out the Specters who were plaguing the halls of the sept's honored dead and 'Finder-of-Ways' for the insights to secret paths that my attunement to Gaia brings. Homid born Elder Ragabash of the Silent Striders Called Harmerti and Speaker to the Dead for the Remembrance and special blessings of my tribe. Scout, Thief and sniper for my skills. Wielder of the Fang of Anubis. Member of the Council of Elders for the Sept of Enduring Spirit." He manages to keep the bemusement off his face even though he's damned sure everyone knows who he is. "A Lost Cub was found. A Lost Cub was trained. A Lost Cub had a Trial set before her when the spirits signaled that she was ready through both omen and acclaim." He beckons to Tabia "Tabia Rosalyn Winters, step forward before those gathered in three worlds and speak of your Trial and your Deeds."

Journey smiles as he listens, and when the attention is put upon Tabia, he looks that way, giving her the respectful attention that the Passage demands.

Monica does similar, the Fury standing at attention with her hands clasped behind her back, her own expression decidedly sober, and attentive.

Rahne ohhhhhs very softly and bounces on the balls of her feet several times in excitement at George's words! Her gaze turns to watch the about to be Cub-No-Longer and one leg begins to shift side to side in as close as she can come to wagging her tail. Obviously joy filled for this to be what is going on.

Tabia takes another deep breath and steps forward, drawing a feather out of her jacket pocket as she first nods in acknowledgement to George, then turns to address the group. "By now all of you should know that we've got a pack of Garou in town that don't much care for the way the Nation handles its business an' haven't bothered t'present themselves. I was the first person t'come across 'em. Thought at first they were members of the sept I just hadn't met yet, but learned otherwise pretty quick when they started a recruitment spiel on me. So I gave 'em a location where they could find me if they wanted t'get back in touch, an' then I went an' told Jake, Journey, and others what had happened. After that, an' Owl leavin' me a present, George assigned me t'track down useful info on the group t'prove I was ready t'be Cliath."

Justine watches the ceremony in polite silence while standing close to Yuri. a smile is given over to Rahne as her excitement is hard to miss. She then peeks between Tabia and George, her blue eyes warm.

Journey watches, listening quietly, taking in the story. Sure he's heard it before, but that's not the point.

George nods and gestures for Tabia to continue. He's heard it all too but this is time for /everyone/ to hear it.

<UMBRA> There are spirits gathered to witness the rite. Even the Caern Totem can be seen watching from the Heart.

<WRAITH> There are Ancestors come along the shadowed roads, of other tribes of course but the Striders have station amongst all the Dead.

Tabia continues, "So I hit the streets after that, an' then set up shop in the spot where I'd suggested they look me up. Finally ran into the Shadow Lord Ahroun I'd met before. Had hoped t'be able t'get more info on his pack the easy way, but he wasn't talkin' -- wanted me t'commit t'his group without knowin' much of anything in the way of specifics, an' he made it clear that their Philodox was gonna question me with Truth of Gaia, too, so my chances of pretendin' t'join 'em weren't lookin' good. So I improvised. We'd both been drinkin', an' I offered t'buy one last round before we went our separate ways. I had a talen that Journey had made, an' he'd warned me t'use in lupus if I had to, 'cause it purged toxins from your system, but was kinda messy in the process. Slipped that into one of the beers -- was meant t'be his, but he was watchin' close enough t'see what I'd done, so I drank it myself. Used pukin' my guts up as cover t'scratch him pretty good as I was fallin' over an' grabbin' for support. Downside, I made a damn fool of myself in front of him an' everyone else there. Upside, I got some skin an' blood that we could use as a sample. An' I didn't have t'worry about a hangover." A bit of a sheepish smile. "Won't say it went the way I'd hoped, but we took the sample I got t'Kevin for a look, an' were able t'learn more about where the group was operatin', got a picture of one more of their members, an' a name for the one who's probably their leader."

Journey smiles slightly as he listens to the story, holding his silence for the moment, just taking in the tale of Gastronomical combat.

Rahne grins at the tale, impressed with the planning and more so the improvisation when that went bad. Raising hands she golf claps into the air but keeps it silent to show appreciation but not interrupt.... And Justine gets a tongue stuck out at her before a grin.

George nods at Tabia and then addresses the crowd again "And while not the solution I expected when I set her to bringing back something we could use.....We all know how well expectations and those born under the dark moon mix." He briefly pauses to chuckle before he continues "We have heard the acclaim of the Spirits. We have heard the tale from Tabia's own lips. Who among the Nation have words about her to offer? Of her trial or other ways she has distinguished herself during her cub time."

Journey moves forward, hand lifting, "I am Journey Farshi, Shaderunner of the Silent Striders. Athro Theurge of Homid birth, Alpha of the Zephyrs Hand pack. Tabia came to my attention and I have taken a hand in her training. All through her learning, Tabia has learned with a mind to take in new knowledge, learn the truth of the greater Tellurain, and the Traditions of her people. Her promise has shown exceptional and her progress has been swift with the potential she shows." He says, then nodding to Tabia, he moves back into the crowd.

"Monica Turner," the Fury says, stepping forward herself. "Keres of the Black Furies. Fostern Ragabash of Homid birth. Tabia assisted both myself and Felix T. Sinclaire, Lets-Them-Eat-Cake, a Bone Gnawer Galliard, in purging two fomori that would have easily torn lesser Cubs in half. She showed resilience, attention to detail, and great resourcefulness in the face of formidable odds, showing herself to be both a clever combatant, and," she affords the younger woman a wry smile, "quite the smooth-talker. She had all the traits of a Garou worthy of rank even then, and it wasn't the least bit surprising to hear that she completed the task leading up to this moment with flying colors." To Tabia, then, she says, "If I'd had the authority to put your name in to be Rited after that fight, I would have. Either way-- you've more than earned the new title."

Halle has been here as well, sitting by Kevin's side quietly and watching. She smiles over at Tabia during the proceedings, eyes full of pride for her.

Justine is still at Yuri's side, watching the proceedings in polite silence.

Yuri remains quiet and watches the ceremony.

The wereshark is quiet as he watches the goings on. He remains silent as the others speak. He had nothing to add so he remains silent.

Journey listens to Monicas testimonial and nods slightly, keeping quiet having said his peace.

Pearl arrives and looks around a little bit. She notices most people seem to be watching something so she moves in closer to see what is going on, but tries not to disrupt whatever it is.

Halle rises from where she's sitting and moves forward once the person before her is finished. "I'm known as Halle Kim. Mate of Kevin Kim of the Glass Walkers. Awakened by the touch of Gaia, and bonded to Helios. Made Kin and sent to the Garou by His hand," she says, introducing herself with a formality she rarely has ever shown before. "I watched as Tabia joined in an assault on the Wyrm in the valley where the nuclear bomb was detonated. She and her companions faced down a pack of war wolves. She was struck a grievous blow. One that might have felled a lesser warrior entirely. But she survived the blow, and after being healed, she fell upon the enemy again, killing one of them. She showed Glory in battle and bares still the scars, and Honor in fighting alongside her companions while still wounded. And Wisdom in avoiding a fight with a great Wyrm creature until the war wolves were identified as enemies, preventing them from ambushing the group. I believe the Nation should be proud to have Tabia at our side." Halle smiles to Tabia and then backs up and sits down by Kevin again.

There is a sense of warmth in Kevin's eyes as Halle recites the things Tabia has done. He humbly bows his head to Tabia as his wife speaks of her and once Halle steps back resumes holding her hand.

Tabia gives a look to George, first, to make sure that it's all right for her to speak. Once it's clear that it won't be disruptive to what he has in mind, she looks to those that spoke. "Thanks to all of you. When I came t'Prospect, I was takin' a long shot at findin' family I never met. Didn't find the family I went lookin' for, maybe...but I found a lot more, instead. An' I'm proud t'fight alongside all of you, and t'keep doin' so from here on out." Then, grinning faintly, she adds, "Assumin' my ego hasn't inflated so much from alla this that I can't fit through the exit, anyway."

Journey smiles as Halle speaks and Tabia takes a turn speaking, smile widening and he breaks into a grin, then schooling his expression, still smiling slightly.

Rahne listens attentively as each person speaks up in turn, grinning as each is more praise and no one has a single bad thing to say. A happy Cearn on a good occasion, this has the tiny Ahroun so very much enjoying herself. "Well yeash, sounds like you are a great new addition to the ranked. Congrats!"

Monica purses her lips to avoid a smirk, herself, brows lifting subtly, the bulk of her attention on the soon-to-be Strider Cliath, though Rahne is afforded an amused look at the offered congratulations.

George would have nodded for Tabia to speak and then when she was done and then he grins at her for a moment before raising his his hands to the sky "Wise Owl hear me! I present to you your new Daughter Scratch, with quick and clever claws she will find a way!" And ever so briefly an ephemeral owl appears and flies into Tabia. Swiftly followed by a spirit raccoon (not bronwyn), waddling over to Tabia to pat her on the leg. And last comes a greyish shadow of warrior woman in a kilt who leans in and whispers something to Tabia. After the spirit processional is complete George lowers his hands and says "Go out among our people Scratch and be welcomed." Signaling the end of the rite.

Journey applauds and moves forward, lifting a hand and reaching into his jacket, "When Scratch was still a Cub, in the battle Halle spoke of in the valley of the Wyrm, she faced the evils of the Skull Pig, a beast with monstrous tusks. In preperation of this occasion I harvested a Tusk off the beast she killed, and used it to craft, this." He pulls out a curved dagger in its hilt. Drawing the dagger, he shows the blade, inscribed with Runes into the hardened Ivory blade, displaying it to the crowd, "Fang Dagger." Laying the blade upon the hilt he presents the weapon to Tabia. "Go forth and use this weapon in service of Gaia and the Nations."

Halle rises from her seat again, this to time to give a warm smile and a soft clap for Scratch as she becomes a Cliath. "Well-deserved, Scratch-rhya," Halle says, and lowers her head respectfully before the new Garou Cliath. Halle gives a huge smile as Journey presents Tabia with the fang dagger. A smile, and widened eyes, for it is a truly magnificent gift to give.

"Wonderful," says Kevin as he applauds, "I am so glad I got to be here to see this, Scratch-rhya. I am sure you are going to continue to be a Garou... a person worth looking to."

Tabia's eyes likewise widen at the presentation of the sacred relic, forged by Journey's own hands. She's speechless for a long moment, staring at the bone knife that now rests across her palms. When she finally does manage to speak, she asks, "Does...does it have a name yet?"

Rahne applauds aloud this time after George's words and the spirits come through. Though at the name 'Scratch' she head-tilts, looking confused. "Ohh was thinking not a Bone Gnawer, still, yay!" ... Because yeah, ofcourse only Gnawers have names like Itchy and Scratchy... To the socially blind anyway. Ohhhing at the Fang Dagger presented and she applauds again.

"Congratulations," Monica chimes in, smiling broadly, her stance loosening to something a bit more relaxed. "Seems to me, it'll only be a matter of time before you're looking at another promotion." The smile turns more wry, then, and she amends, "Just try not to let it get to your head," her tone warm and well-meaning despite the ribbing. "Though," she nods to the dagger, "at least you've got a way of deflating it if you need to." She hushes, of course, when the question is posed regarding whether or not there's a name attached to the item.

Journey smiles to Tabia as he passes over the Fetish, "It does not, that will be between you and the Spirit within it." He says, smiling. He seems pleased with the new Cliaths inquiry, and is willing to leave such things to her.

Justine smiles over to Tabia, her dimples briefly appearing.

George found himself a place to sit and someone passed him a waterskin, he's letting someone else be the center of attention for a bit.

Muir makes his way to Tabia and smiles. "This was different then how our initiated are. We may be different but I am proud of you. May you serve unsea loyally and strike down the enemies of your people." He says with a friendly smile.

Quinn stays back and practises her silent loitering lean. still there is a soft smile as she looks over the family getting just a bit larger and the mirth shared between warriors.

Tabia nods slowly, wrapping her right hand around the hilt and closing her eyes for a moment, her attention directed toward the bone dagger. When she opens them again, she tells Journey solemnly, "Thank you." Only then does she begin replying to the others. "And thanks t'the rest of you, as well." To Monica, a laugh. "Let's hope it doesn't come t'that." To Muir, she replies, "I'll do my best." And a smile to Kevin and Halle, though it's the latter she address, "Looks like I'll end up takin' you up on that offer sooner rather than later, too. Gotta keep improvin' if I'm gonna carry somethin' like this."

Rahne looks about as various people give encouraging and some amusing words. And in dividing her attention catches one scent out of the rest, causing her to begin looking about for a moment. Annnd then she is bounding/running over to try tackle/hugging Quinn. "Thunderkin!"

Journey smiles, fading back from Tabia as she gets to answer the others who are offering congratulations, leaving her in the center of attention and moving off to watch.

Halle grins back to Tabia. "You bet, we can start up as soon as you like," Halle tells the Silent Strider warmly. "I think Jake has some practice weapons we can use. If not, I know a Kin who probably does," she says.

Quinn laughs and laughs and hugs her long lost friend "Rahne!... I havn't been called Thunder Kin.... in ... well since I last saw you."

George sits back up and offers to Tabia and Halle "You can raid the first floor closet in the Clubhouse and practice on the beach any time if you want."

Chuckling Kevin says "If you don't mind high tech... I have a few ways we can hone and practive your skills. Otherwise... I can get ahold of some practice weapons for you in a pinch myself, certainly." He squeezes Halle around the waist as he gives Tabia a smile.

Rahne hugs back fiercely. "Yes yes, has been too long!" She nods after pausing to think about it a moment. "No? You stopped shooting things?" Never really got the whole Thunderkin thing not being more wide spread than it was. Then she looks back at the others. "Many people here I have not met, seems very happy here." She motions to Tabia, Andy, Monica, and Kevin while taking a breath. "And congrats to you George-Rhya on becoming an Elder." Many new people, and ones known have grown well.

Tabia replies to George and Halle, "Perfect. Tomorrow, then, if you're free?" And then, to Kevin's offer, "Depends on what type of tech you mean. If you're talkin' danger room type of setup, that would be pretty awesome t'use some of the time. If you use nano-stuff injections like Furio, I'm not so keen on that."