Tom Harley/Contacts
Liam-The man can cook, hack, and out do me at every turn... I bow to his Afrosamariness.
Klem-Klem well me and her go way back, she tends to like throwing me across the room against the wall quite a few times in private... I love it and feel kinky every time.
Aodhan MacBhaird-My midget!!!! lol, I love Aodhan tells great stories though I think he has an inferior complex perhaps one day I will get him to see the light of day.
Waneta-Honors-the-Fallen my brother we bonded over whip cream pie....
Addison-My rival and brother, watched him get his first battlescar and stole his girlfriend but he found someone better. I'm happy for this man completely.
Blaze-What an ass, What a man, What a Wolf, I have deep respect for him...
Kasumi-This Foxy Lady is a bit mean with a sword she doesn't know how much I was sweating when I approached her to take it away from her.
Kitty-Kitty and I get along like Brother and Sister perhaps we are a bit too much like it.
Yorik-He thinks he is a god in his own right, hey I happen to agree to some extent...
Silvana-Man what a woman...Tough, fearless, and cool...
Luna-She scares me! all bears do but that's because I have much respect for them. We talk with our snorts which grants us our own language.
Sharon Certus-The woman can't talk but she is the closest I have to a friend I can trust...