Pooka: Sasha is a pooka, which means she's left a trail of confused and sometimes peeved off people in her wake. She means well, she's just bad at communicating. Has she done you wrong in the past? Did she lend an ear and prize out a secret you shouldn't have let slip? These are the things that pooka do. If you are in need of an ear, or a smile, she's your girl.
Queen of the Odd Job: Sasha has a particular set of skills. These skills afford her a wealth of occupational opportunities. Provided those opportunities require Stealth, Security and Investigational specializations. Is there something you need that you can't acquire through traditional methods? There's a good chance Sasha might be able to help with that.
Guileless: She might be a pooka, but she's a terrible liar. She's also not very good at spotting liars. This means that she can be conned into doing something bad with a good sob story. Sasha is vulnerable to manipulation and deception. She's a people pleaser and this is a very easily exploitable weakness.
I did a bad thing: Sasha has been undergoing something of a self-imposed exile. She's been on the road, drifting and has only recently settled into Prospect. What is she running from? Are you a gossip or a rumor monger? There may be a story hiding behind all that sugary-sparkle and big smiles.
Garou: It would seem that this pooka both knows about and recognizes some of the obvious tells of the Garou people. She also appears to have procured herself a necklace with a Glyph marking her as a Friend or Ally.
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Full name:
Starshine Calliope Fynn
Odd Jobs
Seelie Legacy:
Unseelie Legacy:
Animal Affinity:
Apparent Age:
Early 20's
Severe Phobia:

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- Depth Charge - There is something about you that calls to the darkest part of me. Which one of us will pull the other?
- Favorite Perch - So friendly! So sweet. I had a feeling and I followed my heart. You're gonna give me cavities. I want to show you something as amazing as you are. Are you Ready?
- Nooooo Kitty! - Oooooh, you're gonna get me in trouble. Or is that the other way around? Either way, gotta keep you happy. It's eat or be eaten!
- So Tall - I don't know what it is about you... oh, it's your adorable face and that DOG! I love dogs.
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