"That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry." - Bruce Banner / The Hulk
He's come to Prospect alongside his two packmates and a pack of Talon kinwolves.
Their goal?
To help spread Talon blood and ease some of the cramped space of their home sept. He really hates being this close to a city and doesn't see this as a good home one bit, but it's not his decision. So he abides.
Rumor is his deed name is attributed both to the fiery fetish claws he bears but also the lasting impact of his anger. He has a human name, though seeing him in Homid let alone using it are a 'white Christmas in Hawaii' level chance. It happens, but rarely. As for the human name of Raze? Well, some dumb Homid tried to work out a battle plan with him, got frustrated, and just blurted out, "Raze it all to the ground, for all I care!" The Talon figured that'd do just as well.
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