Metal Collective is an artist and metal working cooperative located on the south side of Prospect, west of the UC Prospect Area.
Cooperative - shared space and utilities for those of a similar interest.
This one has a focus on space, expensive metal working tools and machines for artists but is not limited simply to their ilk. Fabricators are welcome, those hobbyists that work on cars, enjoy welding for furniture or other purposes, and anyone with interest in working with metal.
There is a yard to store projects under covering and tarps, and a focus to keep the shared space inside clean. Those who have been around metal/wood shops before know this can be a futile effort, but so far, the internal space is maintaining its integrity as a work space.
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== Currently under New Ownership ==
Dr Jolene Addison has recently acquired ownership of the Metal Collective. If you have any questions or would like to work with the Metal Collective. Please feel free to reach out and I would be more than willing to consider reasonable request.
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Art Co-Op
Metal Collective
New Owner
Jolene Addison
Sept 19, 2015
Comet St & Fourth Ave
2,500 Sq Ft of shared space, 1,000 Sq Ft for personal studios
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Creator ~ Want to create something, don't have the space, this is the place to come and do it. Monthly fees for shared utilities as well as personal studio space if needed.
Need Something ~ They can certainly find someone to meet any metal needs you have - car parts, fancy wrought iron fences and gates, lamp posts, art, nearly anything that can be fabricated by hands through the medium of metal.
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