Mercedes is originally from Los Angeles, here to attend college starting in the fall. Mexican-American in heritage, she is very socially active, already involved in a number of extracurricular activities, including some that are outside of school entirely. Outgoing, gregarious and easy with a laugh, Mercedes seems to take most things in stride.
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"Do you know why we're called Changelings? No, that has nothing to do with coins, diapers or Obama. It's because in the old days the Fae would snatch people away and replaced them with these fake Fetches. When these poor souls escape the Fae and come back they became known as the Lost... wait, what? I didn't say the Lost. Who said that?"
"Werewolves? Yup. They're just like Pooka. Cute, furry, fun-loving, puppy eyes. If you really want them to like you, poke them with a sharp stick."
"Romantic, mopey, sparkly immortals. Bring them to your parties to really liven things up."
"These guys all graduated from Hogwarts, where they fly around on broomsticks and learn to brew potions. You know Harry Potter, right?"
"Did you know the classical image of a devil was based on that of Pan? You know, goat horns, goat legs, all of that. Judging from that alone, you can bet they're all good people."
"Without them, we're nothing. Their dreams fuel Glamour, so you should nurture and protect them. No, I'm serious!"
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- Rodrigo - First Changeling I ran into in Prospect, and what an affectionate guy! Friendly and helpful, and yeah, I knew that wasn't a hypnotist.
- Dyson - One of the sidhe nobles in town. He's like, gorgeous! He's also nice enough to offer me a job, but something about him gives me the willies. No, I don't mean in my loins, perv.
- Alala - The bosslady. A bit standoffish, sometimes fiery. Don't really know her that well otherwise.
- Tabitha - Not quite sure what her deal is. Is she one of us? Don't think so. She's nice enough, and her furry schtick is kinda amusing.
- Kelly Bradley - Pretty surfer boy, potential roomie to share rent. He is a surfer dude, so he's pretty laid back and stuff; I think it'll work out just fine.
- Elizabeth Grey - Regular and 'Guardian'... don't ask me what she's guarding. Friendly enough, good tipper.
- Khaldun - Her husband? Lover? Boyfriend? Whatever their relationship is. Far be it for me to pry!
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- Student - Yup, Mercedes is set to start university in Prospect this fall. Are you a fellow student? Professor? Something-something?
- Art/Theater Scene - She's already making her way through the local art/theater scene, auditioning for various bit parts and getting to know people.
- Community Volunteer - Mercedes does a lot of volunteer work, especially but not necessarily limited to those run by the Catholic Church. Are you a fellow volunteer? Church-goer?
- Waitressing - She has a part-time job at The Sideshow as a waitress/kitchen-helper and rarely performer.
- Cheerleading - She was a cheerleader in highschool. Will she do it again in college? Only time will tell.
- Streets - Mercedes is from Los Angeles: the working class neighborhoods of East L.A. specifically. She's learned the way of the streets since childhood; after L.A., surviving Prospect is cakewalk.
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Full Name:
Teresa Mercedes Montez Ortega
Fae Name:
College Student, Part-time Waitress/Performer at The Sideshow.
5' 2"
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