Full Name:
Maxwell Fairbairn
Skin Color:
Eye Color:
Periwinkle Blue
Hair Color:
Jet Black
One-hundred Fourty pounds
Five foot, Four inches
Apparent Age:
Early Twenties
Edinburgh, Scotland
Influence (Finance):
Languages Known:
English, Scottish, Irish, French, Latin
- New Arrival: Hailing from the far away Kingdom of Edinburgh, Scotland, Maxwell has only recently arrived in Prospect.
- Scottish: Edinburgh, Scotland is in that Scottish part of the world. It's not hard to tell he is from Scottish decent, judging from his accent and skin tone.
- Goth: One of the social circles he seems to enjoy being around, on those rare nights when he is feeling social, is the Gothic/Industrial Gothic. Frequently, he can be seen in those style of nightclubs, along with his wife.
- Vintage: Perhaps it's the historian in him, but Maxwell is well known to be fond of Victorian era clothing, culture, architecture, artwork, and so on. Mention it in a casual conversation, perhaps?
- Fetish: While he may be hard pressed to actually admit it, especially in mixed company, Maxwell has been known to visit Fetish styled Nightclubs, usually accompanied by his wife.
- Intellectual: Books! He likes big books and he can not lie! It's something of a hobby... Or, rather... Obsession of his. He likes collecting them, reading them and talking about them. He even seems to draw a degree of comfort from them.
- Shy: For anyone who has spent any time socializing with him, Maxwell is rather timid and when paired with his more outgoing wife, has been seen on more than one occasion with a blush on his cheeks.
- Physique
Medium-long, wavy black hair tops the head of this boyish figure, possessing high cheek bones and full lips. Intense, periwinkle blue eyes hide within the shadow of those jet black waves, which are often combed away from those eyes. Leading down from there, a soft, angular nose stands proportionate above those lips. Smooth and soft cheeks are supported by a thin, dagger jaw line. All of these features come together in a youthful display, this male appearing to be in his early twenties. The youthful visage is further indulged by a lithe body, roughly one-hundred forty pounds in weight and about five foot four in height.
- Attire
Typically sharply dressed, Maxwell most often wears either a combination of two different styles, or one or the other. Usually, he wears the first style, business casual with collared, long sleeve shirts, dress slacks and shoes. Otherwise, he is seen wearing a more gothic take on business casual, with chains dangling from a pair of black jeans with thick, black leather boots.
- Family
- Belinda: "Years of love have been forgot, In the hatred of a minute." - Edgar Allan Poe
- Friends
- Calevaro: He has been an excellent support and friend. Strip away the emotional foundation of our friendship, and you are still an amazing asset.
- Kaati: Belinda and I have run into Kaati on a few different occasions. She seems to have my penchant for reservations during social situations. Once you get past that, she is kind and endearing, and I have come to enjoy her company.
- Associates