โ Nature - Kiki is a country girl and a naturalist, with a love of nature that runs deep enough to almost be called reverence. She can find a sense of wonder and excitement about anything from the mightiest oak to the teeniest tiniest insect, and loves being out in the wild.
โ Flora - She's a skilled herbalist and botanist, with an impressive knowledge of plants of all kinds and an almost unnatural affinity for making things grow and thrive. Her garden and the part of the forest surrounding her cottage are almost certainly one of the lushest and most vibrant patches of nature anywhere near the Prospect area.
โ Fauna - Just as much as she loves plants, Kiki loves animals, and She shares her home with more than a few furry and feathered friends. She knows a lot about both training and caring for all kinds of critters, as well as how to treat them should they get injured or sick.
โ Occult - As Kiki will happily tell you, she's a witch, and it doesn't take much getting to know her to see that it's more than just a casual hobby for the girl. From folklore and mythology to alchemy, astrology, spirits, and fortune-telling, she knows a thing or two and always enjoys talking to like-minded people or those simply interested in or curious about such things.
โ Healer - A prodigiously talented healer, she can work wonders with herbal medicine, and people under her direct care seem to recover much faster from sickness or injury than normally expected.
โ Cooking - If Kiki was to be called any specific kind of witch, she'd be... well ok, she'd be a forest witch, but kitchen witch would be a close second. Probably. Anyway, the point is, she really loves to cook and bake. Pretty good at it, too. Best s'mores-cake this side of the Appalachians.
โ Crafts - Kiki is a creative girl who loves to create, and she almost always has at least a couple of different projects going at any one time. She's a talented carpenter and woodcarver, and pretty nifty with a needle and thread among other things, and when she's not in the garden or the kitchen she likes to keep busy with a variety of different creative outlets. Almost everything she sells in her shop she's either gathered or made herself. Or both.
โ Shop - She runs a little shop out of her cottage, a quirky mix of old-time apothecary, herbalist, and occult shop with a witchy twist. Being located out in the middle of the woods might not exactly be optimal for drawing in customers, but the space really serves as much as a storage area for supplies and a place to put some of all the many things she makes without cluttering up the rest of the home. The shop was really more of a 'Yea, why not?' idea, following her college plans being delayed a year. Here you can find all kinds of potions, ointments, tinctures, and salves, herbalist supplies and ingredients, charms, hand-carved wands, altars, and incense burners, hand-made witch's brooms and hats, tarot cards, crystals, and just about anything else that comes to mind when thinking the words 'witch' or 'occult', as well as hand-crafted jewelry, tchotchkes, perfume oils, and even a small assortment of plushies.
๐บ Garou - Kiki comes from a long line of Verbena mages tracing their lineage all the way back to the Wyck of old, and her family has always had a strong connection to the moon and great and deep respect for Luna's children. They aren't Kinfolk, but they have built some measure of ties and trust with the Garou over more than a millennium, and there are many stories of members of the family coupling with the wolf-folk through the ages, both as offerings and signs of respect and kinship, the latest being Kiki's grandmother.
Kiki herself, young as she is, haven't had much direct interaction with werewolves, but she has friends back home that are kin and she knows the basics about Garou and their history (Lore Garou 2). Any Garou or Kinfolk with knowledge of such things and/or contacts or relations in and around West Virginia might know of her family.
๐ง Kindred - Kiki is positively overflowing with life energy, to the point where it radiates off her and rubs off on everything and everyone around her. Her blood is likewise particularly rich and potent (Vampires gain twice the normal amount of blood points when drinking from her), with an unmistakably sweeter and warmer bouquet than normal.
Exactly how and why, who knows, but it's definitely something that someone with the right knowledge or just a nose for those things could find out.