2024.10.01: RottenFleshBucket

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Dannica and Demira head out from the Forge to go pick up dinner for the forge workers. Along the way, the stumble upon something definitely of the Wyrm.
IC Date 2024.10.01
IC Time Evening
Players Dannica, Demira
Location Downtown Prospect
Spheres Garou, Gaian

It's a dark and stormy...wait - this is SoCal. It's evening in Prospect, and as the sun is going down earlier and earlier, the twins will start seeing more nightlife in the city coming out as they make their rounds around the Forge, going to Smoke and Barley, and of course out to the Caern (far... far... faaaaarr out). Taking new paths every few days so they get a better lay of the land, you never know what you are going to find as you do that. A new alleyway, tossed dumpster, or perhaps they run across a lost dog. Tonight - it's time to head out to Smoke and Barley to bring back an order for the crew here to celebrate their first month here - and start off October with RIBS!

Dannica asks Demira, "Let's go together. I ordered twice as much as last time, since everyone will be here and the families."

Exploration has always been something Demira enjoyed. Even back home, she was always finding little out of the way places inside of places they had been a million times. A new shop, or new people in town that she'd never seen before or any other thing really. So going out for things like this is always on the list. "Let's go, yes. I got the PERFECT shoes for it too."

Dannica laughs! "Of course you do! Let's go!" She has her purse over her shoulder, and is all ready to leave. "I thought we could head South, past that old church, and then hang a right. Not sure we've gone that way before." She has her walking shoes on today - with a little sparkle on the swish on them.

Demira has her own walking shoes. These aren't quite designer. They probably came from a place like TJ Maxx but they LOOK designer for sure. "I was going to go that way the other day, but I ended up getting distracted and just drove because |I was running out of time. So South sounds like exactly the plan!"

Dannica will link arms with Demira as they take their walk out of the Forge. The sun is just going down, and the streetlights have not quite gone on yet. As they make it down the street, they pass various people - most of which steer clear of the sisters. Finally the sun sets, and it is dark. The streetlights are all on, although a few are out here and there. This is Downtown, but not the best part of town on some blocks.

As they get closer to the church, it is obvious that the place is no longer in service - so to speak. There is a for sale sign for some commercial realtor company, and the gates are locked. Cobwebs are starting to form, and the landscaping is obviously not been touched in months. "It's so sad when people lose interest in places of worship. Some are quite beautiful."

Demira doesn't worry about stranger danger, needless to say. She walks along, arm in arm with her twin and best friend. Men glance their way -- and then regret it -- and Demira is just the kind of jerk to smile and wave or blow a kiss. She even catcalls one guy who looks like he's about to do the same to them. Cause, ya know, hot twins.

"It is. But there's also some kind of beauty in this too, when nature starts to take it back over."

Dannica mmms, "Yes, that is true. Nature.. it is the most power..." she's interrupted and stops in her tracks as a light comes on in a window in the church and then goes out and the crash of glass can be heard. "That was... strange." Another second later and they can both hear a long hissssssssss and then what sounds like a muffled scream.

Demira glances up as the light comes on, catching it just out of her peripheral vision. Her brow arches and then collapses on itself and she frowns rather deeply. "Oh, that's not good. Are we going in or are we calling for backup?" She reaches up and pulls her hair out of the ponytail it's in.

Dannica looks around, "Who are we going to call? It could just be a squatter? Or... I don't know. I feel like we should check it out. If it gets too much, then we call. We were trained to handle things... we just haven't done too much of it yet."

Demira wrinkles her nose a little, but she nods. "I know. Just.. new place and all that. Let's go." She tucks the ponytail holder in her pocket. She learned the hard way what happens when you put it around your wrist and shift. It doesn't ALWAYS break. "Let's go. All the way around, see if there's sneakier way in or see if we can see something."

Dannica nods and walks with Demira around the perimeter. As they get toward the back, the gate back there is open. There /was/ a chain around it with a lock, but the chain is on the ground now. There is a door cracked open, and glass obviously broken. "Well, looks like this is how they got in. No one else is probably walking back here."

Demira nods, chewing on her lip. She looks around slowly, squinting just a little in the darkness. "HOw you want to go in? Two legs, four legs or big legs?" She is already moving ahead though, preparing to squeeze herself through if it's too narrow. She doesn't want anything to squeak or alert anyone

Dannica closes her eyes as she thinks about it. "This would be so much simpler in the forest. Four legs leaves the question as to why in the city. Two legs gives us less of any advantage. Big legs... more questions. Maybe four will be better as we can run faster and well.. teeth. Just need to get to a safe place to do it."

Demira nods, taking a deep breath. "Alright. Yeah. Let's do it." She looks around again and makes a little grumbly sound. "Fucking... clothes." And she quietly, but quickly starts to strip down. Because.. it's that or she's going to be running home nakie.

Dannica is sure glad she learned how to dedicate her clothing! Ducking behind whatever she can here, she disappears and then reemerges in her wolf form. She grins and waits for Demira to finish up.

Demira doesn't take long. All her clothes come off easily. For... absolutely legit reasons, thank you very much! She tosses those clothes up a tree that she hid behind so that they aren't just laying on the ground and then she comes back to meet her sister, in wolf form. Hey! They're identical like THAT too

As the twins carefully stalk their way - on all fours - silent as death into the back of this church. It's eerie in there and their nose will pick up the scent of death. Rotting flesh makes their noses twitch and the smell of metallic. With each step they get closer to what was the old chapel - no longer a church with all the crosses visibly missing, and any other Holy decorations.

In the middle of the chapel, they'll see two huddled bodies. One that is shuddering in fear, the other passed out in the other's arms. The one awake is staring at something that neither of the twins can see just yet.

Demira moves along quietly. They're super sneaky, these two! At least for the little babies they are. When they pause within sight of the two figures, Demira gives her head a shake. It's a wolfy 'fuuuuck' sort of gesture. She glances over at her sister and then back to the bodies, leaning forward just a little bit and tipping her head to the side, as if she might maybe hear something.

Listening ever so carefully as only a Shadow Lord tends to do - Demira will pick up on the awake of the two huddled figures saying a prayer to God - it is the Lord's Prayer she is repeating over and over again. Her ears will prick up to the sound of someone else - on the other side of the room where they see nothing. It's chanting something in words she does not understand at all.

Dannica waits to see how much more they can figure out here, and her eyes are scanning to see what exits they have besides the way they came. Is there anyone else here? Should they advance?

Looks around - the twins will see there is a glimmer of something where there is a thick curtain. But soon, it materializes. It is an ugly-ass monster of a humanshape. Pointy ears, all skin that is hanging in the wrong places, and teeth. Needle teeth. The eyes are inset and dark void holes. It's covered in a thick dark cape, but appears to be rather scrawny otherwise. This is what the bad rotting smell is coming from! What is it? If /this/ is not an agent of the Wyrm, then what is? This should /not/ be a thing at all! And these two huddle humans. You can smell the urine from fear and sweat. This is a BAD situation, and who knows what is going to come if you do nothing.

Yup. Humans are some of her favorite people, as she's fond of saying. She freezes in place and looks at her sister. She gives her the faintest shoulder nudge. Let's do it, that nudge clearly says. NO one but a twin would know what that meant

Demira launches herself into the fray immediately, no hesitation. Hesitation is how you get killed. She takes a huge swipe at the thing, ripping it open and spilling guts everywhere. But it doesn't go down

Dannica follows right behind Demira - flying wolves for the win? But she is just behind her sister, and with that spray of blood and guts, she misses the target completely, landing to the side.

The RottingFleshBucket stands there, dark ichor of bowels and guts spilling out, and it is certainly hurt - but not down. It reaches out with it's hands that now you see are claws themselves. Demira being the closest to it, it slashes at her and rrrriipppppsss into her fur and skin on her side from shoulder to hip.

Perhaps it was a bad idea launching in like they did, but Demira has committed to the action. She rips the thing open and, in turn, gets ripped open as well. Just not quite as bad. She lets out a wail of a howl and half-spins around to catch the thing in the exact same way -- except higher. The head comes clean off as she launches herself that way and the wolf pivots, landing herself in a good deal of the grossness as the body falls.

Dannica barely has the chance to react herself. She's ready to avenge her sister - but her sister is ALL BUSINESS. It's at that point she watches the head roll off that she chuffs to Demira >> Nice move! Are you ok? << She's concerned for her sister and looks her over.

There is a scream from one of the huddled figures - it's a female that is for sure. "What is that! What are you! Don't EAT US!!!"

>>Fucking hurt<< But she's okay, it seems. She had honestly forgotten that the PEOPLE where there. Huh. Demira looks around in her wolfy form and looks directly at the people and then to her sister. >>Let's go. They can get out on their own. There shouldn't be any cameras here.<< Of course, it just sounds like a lot of snarling and growling

Dannica cannot help but be concerned about them. >> We'll need to come back and cleanse later. I can teach you. << She leads the way to leave here, and nudges Demira. >> We can get you to a Theurge to get healed first. You were amazing. << Making sure doors are wide open so the people can get out of here.

>>Yes, but we can't do anything about THEM right now. We can come back later. Let's go find a theurge.<< She glances over at one of the people as she's 'talking' which sounds like she's snarling at them and it's just as well. >>Got to protect my little sister,<< she teases and it turns into a bit of a chuff, which she just about immediately regrets. She's bleeding pretty badly. She shoulder checks the door of the room they're leaving, pushing the door wider open.

Dannica tries not to roll her eyes at the comment. >> You need to shift. Do you want to stay here while I go get some towels or something and the car? << This is new territory for them - hurt in the city and all.

>>Yes, please. I'll stay just like this and out of the way, make sure no one else comes in or see if they get out so we know what we're looking at when we come back.<< She goes to that same tree she threw her clothes up into and flops herself down. SHe isn't THAT hurt, but it's still a pretty nasty wound. >>God, we need to rank up.<<

Dannica gets behind a bush and shifts back to her homid form. Clothes are back and she comes back out. "I'll run back and come with the car. Yes, we really do need to." It will take her about 10 minutes, but soon enough she will return.

While Demira is flopped behind the tree, she'll hear the female that was inside come out with her friend that is now waking up. "We gotta get out of here before.. whatever that was puts itself back together! We gotta run!!"

Dannica is coming back and ducks around another bush when she hears the the people leaving. Once the coast is clear, she rushes over to Demira. "Here, put this towel over the wounds. The car is around the front. I asked John to call one of the local Theurges and they'll meet us at the Kinfolk house. I'll get you over there."

Demira, as a wolf, is much easier to hide behind things. She does just that, not moving an inch while the people come out and do their thing. When the coast is finally clear, she shifts back to homid and slaps the towel over herself. She's bleeding, but it's already getting at least a little better. "Did you hear what she said? Before it puts itself back together. What the fuck does that mean?"

Dannica replies to Dannica, "I don't know. That thing was a monster of some sort. Certainly of the Wyrm. But we need to talk to Mocks-the-Dark'rhya. He'd know. We need to deal with this thing - at least cleanse it. I can teach you, you got to learn it. But first, let's get you healed. Then we can come back." She'll offer a hand to her big sister to help her to the car. "I'll grab your clothes."

"Let's go," Demira agrees. She lets Dannica help her along. She just gets in the car all nakey with a towel more or less around her, but not all the way. She doesn't care enough. She flops back into the car seat, ruining whatever material it's made of -- "They're gonna be so pissed when they have to clean this up.." she mutters quietly

Dannica thought ahead and laid a blanket at least on the seat for her. Dropping the clothes into the car, she shuts the door for her and gets the car going. Driving at a fast - but just over the limit speed - she replies, "Yeah, well, they'll have to deal with it. It will not be the last time and probably isn't the first time. Point is - you did good. Now, we learn to do better. No one saw what we really are. Mortals are safe and not eaten."

It takes about ten minutes or maybe fifteen to get out to the kinfolk house, and when they arrive, there is an older woman waiting there. Dannica gets out of the car after parking it and opens the door for Demira and helps her out. The older woman looks at them and says, "Now what did you get yourself into?" She looks at them both assessing the damage. "Come here." She opens her arms for Demira, and takes her into a big hug. It's like a grandmother, giving her caring to a child. Demira will feel her body knitting back together, the warmth spreading through as she is healed. "You two. You need to seek out bear, and learn how to heal. Before you go out there again, do you hear me?"

"Just some crazy-ass wolves who could have totally ripped their faces off and didn't for some reason. Maybe because the one was hurt. That would make sense." She is mostly quiet the rest of the ride, pushing herself to keep quiet and bite through the pain, become one with it -- and not cry. She's tough. She really is. But this is her first REAL REAL REAL REAL world injury. When they finally get out of the car, she's slightly startled at the woman hugging her but then.. she just kind of melts and sags against the woman. "Oh... that's nice. Yes -rhya. We will. Immediately."

The elder Theurge woman steps back and looks them both in the eyes - and they can feel it. The wisdom, the knowledge, the power. "Good. Now, get over there and cleanse the place. I'll send the kinfolk crew to get rid of any flesh or evidence left behind. And whatever blood you spilled getting out of there. That was dangerous, but if you did destroy a servant of the Wyrm? Then you are well on your way to bringing honor and glory to your tribe. Now, get going. Talk to one of your betters to find out more about what that thing was. I /could/ tell you, but they need the practice more than I do right now." With that, she walks off back to the kinfolk house.

Dannica looks to Demira, "Better we got that over with and no one died.. well, no one on our side. Feeling better?"

"Yes ma'am. We couldn't NOT check it out when we heard the screaming and by the time we saw what was going on, we couldn't just leave it. Maybe not the wisest thing two cliaths could ever do, but it was with the intent to do the right thing, regardless." She nod to Dannica and grins. "Much better. Right as rain and fine as frog's hair."

Dannica scrunches her face a bit, "I never understood that saying. I can get behind right as rain, but when did frog's have any hair to be fine at all?" She thinks literally sometimes. "Come on, put your clothes on. Let's get back and do the cleansing before any of the kin crew show up."

"Trichobatrachus robustus has hair-like structures on its legs when during breeding season, so really frogs have hair when they're horny." She gets dressed, but leaves her shoes off. She got blood on them and she doesn't want to make it any worse. "You driving or me?"

Dannica replies, "I'll drive. I've got a spare pair of shoes in the back too. Just in case. Not as nice as those ones of yours from TJ Maxx." She has to tease. "Ready to learn how to cleanse, big sister?"

"Not MY fault that I know how to shop cheaply." BUt she nods and flops herself down in the car. "I'm ready. I've needed to learn this for a minute already."

Dannica drives them back to where they were before. When they arrive, she gets out a pair of plain sneakers for Demira - good thing they are the same size! Taking out another bag, she leads them back around to where they entered before. "Ok, here are the things we need." She takes out the implements and explains them to Demira. She explains how they need to dance around the room where this thing is rotting still, and gooey. "We also need to shift. We have to howl to be able to rid the Wyrm if it is here... and I'm sure it is." Even if she has not learned that yet. She explains how they must give some Gnosis as well, and when Demira is ready, she will start the ritual to cleanse.

+lose gnosis
You lose one Gnosis
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dannica rolls Charisma(3) + Rituals(4) (7 dice) vs 7 for 2 successes.
1 3 5 6 +7 +10 10

Demira slides into the shoes, minus socks. HAH! Stinky shoes. SHe has seen this from afar of course and may actualy know at least some of the basics, but she's never had anyone actually work through it with her. She isn't much of a rite person. NOt that she doesn't want to learn or is lazy, there are just other things that take up her time. Learning from her sister though is actually an enjoyable process. "Ready," she says once verything's been explained, and she sets herself to following

Together, they dance together, and howl. It may take Demira a moment - but only a moment as she is usually easily in step with her sister. Slowly they make their way around and Dannica is actually a great teacher for this! While she is used to Demira teaching her, this is one of those occasions when she can take the lead. After at least 10 minutes, they finally complete the dance and they can sorta feel like things are better - if not still ugly. Shifting back from crinos to homid, Dannica gathers their implements together back into the bag JUST as the kinfolk cleanup crew arrives. They were putting on hazmat suits as they got there and tell them that they got this.

It is at this point that Dannica realizes. "The food! Come on! We need to still bring dinner back to the forge!" She grabs Demira's hand and drags her out to the car.