2024.08.30:Twin Galliards first time at the Caern

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Twin Galliards first time at the Caern
After they made their Howl of Introduction, the Twin Shadow Lords made their way to meet the Warder and see the Caern for the first time, as they meet some of the local Garou and make some connections.
IC Date August 30th, 2024
IC Time Afternoon/Evening
Players Bruce, Dannica, Demira, Stephen, Ulysses
Location The Caern
Spheres Gaian, Garou

Ulysses sits near one of the mineral water pools, barefeet dangling, pant legs rolled up to his calf. The Glass Walker looks to be reading a dog earred paperback, grumbling to himself as he tries to unstick some pages.

Not very long after the howl, there is the usual hubbub of New People coming in. Food is shuffled around, the Warder prepares to bap someone on the head, there is a general, quiet rush of both excitement and dread that always comes along with a new howl.

Shortly after that, in come Dannica and Demira, arms sort of lazily wrapped through one anothers, not quite clinging to one another for dear life.

Demira looks up at the underground forest that they find themselves in and she takes a deep, slow breath. "Told you it was real," she murmurs to the woman who looks EXACTLY like her, minus fashion choices.

Dannica shakes her head, "It's not that I did not believe you, but something like this can only understood in person. Wow. I'm still processing that we made the leap and are here." She's certainly wide-eyed at this all. See Ulysses there, grumbling a bit, she tilts her head slightly and nudges her sister. "Shall we meet the natives?"

Ulysses sighs and drops the book, holding up both hands in surrender. "You win for now!" he says with a frump. Another frustrated sigh as he flicks a loose finger nail off of his ring finger and washes the blood off in a pool. He stands afterwards and points at the book, "We're not done." and moves to the hub bub. Seeing new faces he waves with a smile, calling "Welcome! New Shadow Lords? Exciting!".

But natives. They're all... not people they know! Demira looks around briefly just in time to see the flung fingernail and her brow arches. "Yup," she says to her twin and extracts herself from Dannica's arm. "Just new today. We still have that new car smell going on." Dannica is TECHNICALLY her elder. BOY that's a sore spot sometimes, so she'll let her do her introduction first

Dannica studies what the man does and she /knows/ there is a story there. "We just arrived. Obviously. I am Dannica Malkovitch, rited Patient Tempest, Cliath of the Shadow Lords. Blessed by Grandfather Thunder to be born during the Waxing Gibbous moon. I have to ask... what did that book do to you? Is it blood thirsty?" She gestures to his book and the blood that he had washed off.

Ulysses eyes widen in a jubilation at the mention of new car smell, "I love that!". He narrows his eyes and nods seriously as Dannica repeats her introduction. He holds out his hands in an offering gesture before he responds, "I am called Broken Glass by the Nation and my tribe, the Glass Walkers. I am a Cliath No moon and Metis born.". The Metis purses his lips a moment while he gives the discarded book an over the shoulder glance. "I shouldn't blame the book." he admits wiggling his fingers, "It's my weak claws that should be blamed.". Sure the cuticles on his fingers are ruby red, the nails on some fingers tilted and about to fall out. "Welcome" he repeats warmly.

"And I'm Demira Malkovich, rited Thunder Clap,, Cliath of the Shadow Lords, blessed by Grandfather Thunder and honored by the Ancestors under the Galliard moon." She waits patiently for Ulysses to respond and her brow arches. "Oh! Weak claws? Oh no. Is it something that happened in battle? Were you wounded by an agent of the Wyrm and can't be healed? Were you born that way? Do you need cuticle oil?" That ... believe it or not that seems to be an honest question, as she's reaching into her back pocket to pull SOMETHING out. Presumably, cuticle oil.

Dannica mmms, "We could try to help with that, but above all, I need to know about your name. Are you only known as Broken Glass? What happened that they gave you that name? Did you get another name to go out amongst the humans? Being a Glass Walker, are you good with computers? Like websites? Point of sales? Or setting up google pay accounts?" All valid questions really.

Ulysses tilts his head at Demira as a smile creeps into the corner of his mouth, "Oh I was just born in sin. Gaia's first gift after the blessing of life.". He takes a moment to examine his hands as if for the first time. "Comes up surprisingly often outside of combat. I go through keyboards like a sonofabitch.". The Metis looks a little embarrassed at Dannica's follow up, "Oh of course! Human name! Ulysses...Ulysses Isaman.". He waits a moment implying that he thinks he just made a punchline to a joke. "Sure. Yeah. I can do all of that. Or know people who can. I assume that place you are taking over." he pauses to point up, indicating the howl that preceded them. "Is a business in the city?".

Bruce travels down the path leading from the warder station, striding with a long legged gait. He looks up at the sound of voices and heads over to meet the others. He raises a hand to wave in greeting once he gets to a few paces away. "Hello, all. What's this about taking over business in the city? It almost sounds like you're talking about me, but that would be a bit weird, wouldn't it?"

Demira nods here and there to what Dannica asks. She seems to be asking the questions that Demira's about to ask. They haven't YET overlapped, but it's coming. IT has to, right? "Ulysses.. Isaman.. Oh my god.." NOT in a disrespectful tone, but she gets it. Totally gets it. "That's.. the best made up surname I've ever heard. That's delightful." SHe looks back over her shoulder and spots Bruce and she includes him in what she's saying to Ulysses. "A fellow tribe mate used to run the place, but he and his mate have left and they didn't want the place to go untended, so we were sent here to oversee things, along with a few kinfolk to make sure that the place stays in the black instead of the red." She eyes Ulysses' hands again and seriously contemplates that cuticle oil. HER nails are done up rather nicely

Dannica tries not to laugh at it. "Could be worse. Could be Latrine." If you know, you know. She nods with Demira's details she shared, and adds, "Yes, it's called the Black Stag Forge. A place to get weapons created, as well as other items including glass items. We will head over there after we meet people here and get the lay of the land. Our kinfolk with use are going to be a huge help with that all." As Bruce arrives, she waves and gives her introduction to him as well. "The Forge is in Downtown, north end and on the East side. Maple and G Street. I am Dannica Malkovitch, rited Patient Tempest, Cliath of the Shadow Lords. Blessed by Grandfather Thunder to be born during the Waxing Gibbous moon." This is going to be repeated often.

Ulysses offers Bruce a little two fingered salute, "Hello friend!". The Metis beams a little at Demira's approval of his joke. "It would be my pleasure to help. For the city and for the nation. I'll make sure you get my number before we part.". Another big smile to reassure the Shadow Lords giving them both a thumbs up. He blurts out for Bruce's benefit, "Broken Glass, cliath, No Moon, Glass Walker Metis. Ulysses if you're nasty.".

Demira rolls her eyes at Dannica, but in a good natured sort of way. "We're very excited. It IS open to the people people, though, so there are some places that aren't veil-safe. But we'll get that all figured out. WE..." She motions between herself and Dannica. ".. aren't necessarily the ones making the things. We're still learning and really, the last time I got a spark in my eye I almost destroyed our cousin's forge back home." Tempers and all. "So we tend to stay out of the working areas during business hours."

"Also, I'm Demira Malkovich, rited Thunder Clap,, Cliath of the Shadow Lords, blessed by Grandfather Thunder and honored by the Ancestors under the Galliard moon

Bruce straightens up and squares his shoulders for the formal introductions, nodding slowly as he acknowledges theirs before delivering his own. "I am Bruce Wilson, named Jinx by rite. Born of man under the full moon, and a cliath of the Glass Walkers. Nice to meet you all, I'm actually new here myself. I only arrived a couple of weeks ago. And it seems we're on similar paths, too. I'm taking over the Green Building downtown, and setting up shop in the offices there."

Stephen ducks his head a little unnecessarily when he enters the far end of the huge cavern, craning his head around at the echo of voices before he can narrow in on the conversation at hand. Spying the group of familiar and unfamiliar faces, he approaches the group at a casual walk, offering a small bow of his head to any looks he gets, trying not to interrupt the conversation, "Greetings. We have visitors, or are these the ones we heard howling earlier?"

Ulysses tilts his head to the approaching, and more importantly ranking Garou. The Metis holds up two fingers in response to the Adren's question. Looking to his tribe mate he exclaims, "Man that's awesome! So good to see more of the tribe!". Jumping to the Shadow Lords, "And yeah if I don't know something I'm I know someone who does. I'll give all the help I can.". He takes stock of his fellow cliath and sagely waggles a finger, "We should pack up! Seeing our relative youth and ties to the city.".

Dannica nudges Demira, they have one arm linked with the other side by side. "Oh look sister! We've attracted a crowd! Our first performance!" She is all smiles at this. "Where is the Green Office Building? Maybe we can find some synergy with our businesses?" She looks between the Glass Walkers, "Is this the first time you two are meeting? Wow! This will be a great anecdote to add to our tales." With Stephen arrive she realizes she needs to introduce herself again, to which she does (OOC: But not repeating again to save us all time).

Demira is nudged. She grins over at her twin. Yes, they're twins. Alike in everything except fashion choices. Demira is definitely the bolder of the two for clothing. "I'm so shy though," the clearly not shy Cliath says to her sister and then she opens her mouth to speak -- but Dannica asks the question instead. That happens a LOT. She glances over at Stephen and stands up straighter and also offers her introduction.

Bruce's eyes tilt up as he works out the mental mapping. He steps to the side to make room for the other new arrival. "The Green Building is at Ash and F Street, not far from the Forge if I recall correctly. I still have some setup to do myself, but I hope to have a solar power company up and running soon. It's what I had been doing up north before I moved down here."

Turns more toward Ulysses to respond to him as well. "Pack up? That's definitely something I was hoping to do at some point, but I hadn't really gotten the lay of the land there yet. I do plan to be staying in the city most of the time though, yes. From what I've heard, we may even have a caern in the heart of the city sometime in the near future?"

Stephen offers a slower bow of his head to Bruce and Dannica when they more formally introduce themselves, "My apologies for not coming out here earlier then. I am Stephen of the White Mountain, Rited Broken Fang. Four-legged Adren Theurge of the Wendigo. There aren't many of us left around here, but if you find yourself needing the Tribe's assistance, do let myself or my elder Sergei know and we will do what we can."

Dannica ooos, "What an honor to meet you, Broken Fang! We've only met the Elder Warder so far. We are new and ready to learn. Especially our rites, that is one thing we have neglected and do aim to change. If we can be of any help with the Forge for you and your tribe, do let us know." A look up toward Bruce, "A city caern? Then we are just in time."

Ulysses nods at Bruce acknowledging what he said. "I have heard rumours. No doubt only Hushed Blaze-rhya can really confirm. I'm usually at the tech haven when I'm not doing my chores here.". He perks about to ask something of Stephen but seems caught off guard a little hearing Dannica. "Um actually..Broken Fang-rhya if you found my chiminage acceptable I did need to ask you for some assistance?".

Bruce nods at Dannica, his smile growing. "That's what I heard, anyway. From Hushed Blaze, actually. In fact, if you're new here, maybe we should drive back into town and stop in at the Tech Haven. She has some upgrades for your phone that keep it secure, so you'll want to stop in there sooner or later."

Stephen smiles a little, "If you find yourself needing to learn Rites, that is definitely one thing I can assist you with. One of the Glass Walker elders, Hushed Blaze, or Brooke, which I think you've met, has been very giving with teaching what she knows, so I have a bit of a duty to pass that on to anyone that asks. The only thing I cannot help with are my tribes own Rites. I might also be able to point you to a younger wolf who could use the practice teaching, depending on which Rite you need to learn. (OOC AKA Stephen is maxed out in Honor so he tries to spread the love around)." He pauses to tilt his head slightly at Ulysses' question and gently shakes his head in the negative, "I doubt chiminage is really needed unless this is a sizable favor you have in mind. What can I do to help you?"

Dannica ohs, "That sounds like a good idea! I'm excited to hear all the stories from.. well everything. I've heard of the Glass Walker Elder, and some of her tales she has shared. I wish I could have heard the one she told about the T-Rex. Maybe we can get her to retell it one day." Fan girling Galliard... Gaia help us! "Oh certainly, any younger wolf that can teach us, that would be great. My sister and I both need to learn. More than anything, we do want to know? Are there other Shadow Lords around? We were unable to get much information from family, aside from tidbits about the family we are taking over the Forge from."

Ulysses shoots finger guns at Bruce when he mentions the phone upgrades. The Metis seems a little taken aback at the offer being rebuffed by the Adren, but he's obviously not offended just caught off guard. "I wanted to learn how to summon spirits? Please?". He nods at Dannica in agreement though a small frown passes his lips when she asks about her family. "Bummer."

Demira is just listening mostly, taking everything in. There's a little nod here and there as people talk and her eyes slide back and forth between people as they speak. "Phone upgrades. The spirit imbued ones? Are they really real? Are they actually like that?" Stories get told, passed along, changed. Telephone, on a huge scale that crosses even countries and oceans.

Bruce blinks a few times at the outpouring from the twins. After a moment to re-order his thoughts he gives a small shrug. "There's no spirits in these that I know of, but maybe they were involved somewhere along the production line? There's plenty of things I don't know. I haven't heard anything about dinosaurs, either."

Stephen thinks for a moment before answering Dannica, "There was a small group of Lords that came in a while ago but we, ah, I think 'butted heads' is a good way of phrasing it. Mistakes were made and I made an apology to the tribe. Abril, or 'Strikes Twice' is the last one I know of - she's part of Hammer Tooth's pack, but I have not seen her in months. You may be it for now until word gets around that some of the tribe is back, and lures them back out of the shadows." At Ulysses's ask, Stephen thinks about it for a moment then slowly nods, "Of course. Spirit Summoning is a basic rite everyone should know, but then I am a Theurge and a little biased on that..." He actually grins for a moment, then adds, "It should not take more than a day or two to cover it then just needs a little practice. Whenever you are settled, let me know. I can be found at the Get camp in Stonecreek Valley, usually." To bruce, he murmurs, "We brought home some tyrannosaur steaks, if I remember correctly. Not that they lasted long. Good eating."

Ulysses looks concerned and confused at the Wendigo's response, "Will I be pissing off Fenrir by calling on you in their territory? I'm pretty settled so I guess I'll hit you up directly." he trails off listening to others more interesting business with the Shadow Lord's news and the talk of dino meat.

Dannica looks to Demira, "We could check it out." The words from Stephen though have her attention. "Strikes Twice. I'd love to hear that story. Hopefully we can find her. If we run into this Hammer Tooth, then we'll ask as well." She has to ask, "You are Wendigo. How are you living with.." but Ulysses beats her to it a bit. "... good question. How do you manage such a treaty?"

Demira nods that tiny little bit to Dannica to let her know she heard her. "I think we almost NEED to hear the story so we can know better what we might be up against." She opens her mouth and actually asks, "How are you----" in perfect tandem with Dannica, but Ulysses is asking the same question. TWINZIES!! She gives Dannica's arm a light squeeze and once more looks back to Stephen.. "I think if at all possible, we might ask to take up an afternoon of your time to fill us in on all the very interesting stories."

Bruce's eyebrows go up at the mention of T-Rex steaks, and his stomach immediately grumbles in response. He puts a hand over it to quiet it at the more somber subject of treaties with the Fenrir. "I wouldn't mind hearing some of that myself. It'll probably help it feel more like home around here to get more familiar with the local history."

Stephen chuckles softly at the responses, "The Wendigo are very small in number, not just here, but HERE, there are only two of us left. We serve the Nation no good being isolationists. A few years ago, the Get had a Kinfolk that was being hunted by a BSD. I volunteered to be her shadow for several months until they eliminated the problem, since I had no family to look after. I am...loosely...considered one of the family. If you come to Stonecreek to look for me, just state your business and be respectful and none of the Get will give you a hard time. Well, no more than just being Get. Just be prepared to be mobbed by little ones. The Get of this Sept, ahem, believe in prolific matings."

Dannica mmms, "That is quite a story there. On many fronts. One we should like to hear more about for sure. What happened to that kinfolk? Why were they hunted by a BSD? And little ones? The homid baby sort, the pup wolf sort, or mixture there in? It helps to know more so if we do venture there we know what treats to bring."

Demira holds herself still. Dannica might be getting her arm squeezed off, but Demira outwardly keeps her cool. "Oh, tell me it's a mixture of all those. Please? And yes, please. Please tell us all about the kinfolk being hunted." PLEEEEEEASE Gaia give her something to make her heart beat faster. Pretty please!

Ulysses furrows his brow as if just realizing something. The Metis jumps to his feet addressing Stephen first, "Broken-Fang-rhya I'll see you at Stonecreek then. Thank you.". Turning to his fellow cliath, "I hope to see you guys in the city. My deets are public at the Tech Haven, hit me up. I'm serious about the pack thing. Better together, as Gaia intended and whatnot." punctuates by flashing a peace sign. "I have tribes duties to wrap up before sundown. Thanks again!" and starts to head out.

Bruce looks left to right at the continuing rapid fire questions. Ones he doesn't even have answers for. He swivels around towards Stephen, letting him fill in the blanks.

Stephen taps his nose and points at Dannica, apparently having learned that gesture a bit ago so not ENTIRELY accurate with it, "Both, actually. There's even a little metis kid they are taking care of as well. Last time the full mob was around there was something like 9 children under their own power, about half of them on four legs? I try to help with the lupus kids, considering they will listen to me barking at them for a little while at least. The Kinfolk in question had a small child of her own so the communal babysitting helped her...what is the phrase? De-stress? Yes, de-stress a lot. Sadly after a few more years here, she found a place to move on to where she fit in better, and I think a wolf she really liked was waiting for her. The BSD in question had stalked her from her hometown, intent on dragging her and her purebred baby back to his hive. I was not there for the kill but I am of the understanding it was not a pretty scene." As Ulysses makes his farewells, Stephen offers the man a short bow of his head and rumbles, "Travel well and safe then, Broken Glass, my friend."

Dannica sees Ulysses leave and looks to Bruce and then to Stephen, "Is it normal around here to be greeted and get the impression you are being looked at to be in a pack right away?" She just got that feeling. "That is quite a story though about the kinfolk. My sister and I, we want to help take the fight to the Wyrm. It is not just our duty, but our passion. That and sharing tales we have learned or experienced to teach others our ways."

Bruce hands tighten at his sides, a faint growl escaping his throat at the mention of the BSD and the delivery of his much needed retribution. He takes a deep breath to shake it off, and focus on the idea of packs instead. "I was surprised by the mention of the pack, myself. But I'm also very new here. I hadn't thought anything like that might happen for... months maybe?"

Stephen tilts his head a little at Dannica's question, "Well, for a wolf, not having a pack is, mostly an unpleasant feeling and one that most wolves try to fix sooner rather than later. Lone wolves are almost always not very happy, so when you mention you do not have a pack, I would say most assume that goes with the unspoken '...but Im trying to fix that'. If that makes sense? It might not be quite so pressing for a Homid that is used to being on their own as a human before their Change, but for lupus, this feeling is ingrained even as a pup. The Pack is home. You feel something lacking if you do not have one."

Dannica holds tigher onto her sister. "I can understand that. Being without my sister would be like... losing my very breath. But a pack, a family that is so close, doing Gaia's work. A girl can dream." She looks to Bruce, "We definitely are interested in a pack, but something that serious? I got to know someone better first. Fight beside them. Scheme. Tell Stories." All the things. "Perhaps we can talk more about it as we build our businesses up? We are not rushing into anything but taking care of the Forge, and doing everything we can for our tribe. If Gaia intends us to pack, it will be clear to us when the time is right."

Bruce nods at Dannica solemnly. "I was thinking much the same thing myself. It's important to be in a pack, but just as import to not rush in and join with the wrong people. Or rather, the people who are not right together. Uhhh, so maybe it's best to say that the urge is not that desperate, yet. I was born human myself, so as he said, that can make it easier."

Stephen bows his head at Dannica's comments, "You absolutely SHOULD be careful about considering who to pack up with, and I would agree that when you find the right group, it SHOULD feel like a new home for you. Sometimes packs are formed out of necessity, such as War Packs, in which case such considerations are secondary - specific skills are needed and nothing else is quite as important, but this...is more long term. You are looking for a family, and it should be reverent to that. And just because you are NOT officially a pack does not mean you cannot all go out as a group to Do Things and see how it comes to you." He pauses, then adds, "It took me a year and a half of trying before I found my current pack. We are...abnormal but we work together well."

Dannica smiles, "A year and a half? I'm glad to hear you found something. If I may ask though? What was the issue that happened with the Shadow Lords here? You mentioned an apology was needed?" Her curiosity may get the better of her some day.

Bruce looks away from the twins to Broken Fang, deferentially. He folds his hands in front of himself, listening quietly.

Stephen mms softly at Dannica's question and winces a little, but takes a deep breath, "When the other Shadow Lords arrived, there was also a lone Shadow lord Kinfolk that came to down. She ended up spending more time with myself and another wolf than with her own tribe and after several months, I ended up claiming her as my Mate. I, unfortunately, did NOT ask the Shadow Lords before doing that. You can see the overstep there, yes? I spend months creating significant chiminage to apologize for my taking something I had not asked for, so the Shadow lords of this Sept now have a very powerful fetish at their disposal that has Golden Eagle bound into it. I had to travel to Carpathia with several other theurges to be able to call down the energy needed to convince him to serve in the torc."

Dannica blinks, and looks to Demira at that, and then back to Stephen. "That... yes, that..." she's nearly at a loss for words. "My Auntie would have had your hide, but that fetish probably would have satisfied her. It's hard to tell with her sometimes." Her eyes show her brain is still soaking it in. "You must be a powerful Theurge."

Bruce gives a good hard exhale, pressing his jaw closed while he considers those ramifications. "That does sound like a difficult situation to navigate. I take it the gift satisfied them though? No hard feelings left over?"

Stephen mmms, "Strikes Twice was satisfied with the chiminage. Some of her tribemates were not and seemed wanting to hold a grudge. Which would have done none of us any good, so I am, perhaps, fortunate that calmer heads held out. Such a wolf would do well as a leader of her tribe, so I hope to see more of her."

Dannica smiles as Stephen shares this. "Well, leave it to my sister and I. We are quite.. adept within our tribe of knowing how to help in some of these issues. Twin magic, so to speak." She touches her head. "We have stories to teach and hopefully convince to see things in other ways, while making them think it was their ideas."

Bruce nods at Stephen in a slow motion. "She sounds impressive, I hope to meet her myself some day. I'm afraid I'm not likely to be as helpful in smoothing over that kind of issue though. No twin magic for me."

Stephen chuckles at Dannica and nods, "I would expect no less from a member of your Tribe. The Lords are well known for being skilled at convincing others of what they want, whereas the Fangs take the more direct intimidation route. I think the Shadow Lord way tends to be a little more popular." He pauses, "BUT, I am hoping there will not be such future issues that NEED smoothing over. Needless to say, I am much more careful with the impact of my decisions."

Dannica mmms, "We can hope there is not such issues in the future here. But these skills can work elsewhere. Especially in our fact finding missions in the city." She looks to Bruce, "What are your skills? You said you are opening some offices?"

Bruce nods as his thoughts are recalled back to more familiar grounds. "Yes, that I am. I'm going to launch a new solar power company for starters. The paperwork for incorporation is already in process, one of the local kinfolk is already helping me with that part. I've already got contacts with suppliers, so I hope to be doing installs within a month or two. And besides that, I'm also an Ahroun. So I can handle myself on the battlefield without embarrassing myself as well."

Dannica listens and nods. "Solar Power. Like the fields filled with them? Or more city based things like put it on roof tops? Or parking lots? Perhaps we can make some deal to put some on the roof at the forge. Assuming that would work out with the setup there."

Bruce turns back to the twins at the others clear out. "Both, actually. Both solar farming solutions as well as locally installed options. Local storage for off grid is limited to batteries which have their limitations, but the tech for that is improving year by year. What sorts of draw do you have at the forge? I'm guessing the kilns and forges aren't electrically powered themselves?"

Dannica shrugs, "I'm not entirely sure yet. Our kinfolk have already been there, but my sister and I still need to move in. There is living facilities there as well for us. We'll be getting up to speed on it tomorrow. I know that I was told that they have some special filter so that it does not pollute the environment. But beyond that, I am not sure yet. Perhaps we can meet in the next week, can walk you through, and see what can be offered. The more we can do to not only save money, but make money, and work with another Gaian, I'm all for."

Bruce nods at her, even as his eyes unfocus for a moment as he maths out possibilities in his head. "You're speaking my language there. The business only exists to help Gaia, and helping each other is part of that. I've love to help out as much as I can. And at the very least we can turn all of the lighting and cooling usage more green. There might even be such a thing as electric forges and kilns, I'm just not familiar with them. And if the draw is really heavy, we can offset that with square footage. And as a user in the family, we might even be able to to get the sort of help from spirits that we can't entrust to regular humans."

Demira didn't wander off. Swear. She's been paying attention this whole time. Finally, she pipes up. "I'm VERY interested in learning about HOW it isn't throwing out all sorts of smog, how they're passing the EPA stuff. But I'm sure there's a story there too." She smiles at Bruce. "There ARE electric forges. THey pollute just almost as much, but in a different way."

Dannica looks quite pleased. "Well, even though we had to trek all the way out deep into the forest and underground, it sounds like we have the start of a wonderful business relationship here. So much to get in order, not just business, but our duty to this new Sept."

Bruce looks around the area, taking a moment to absorb in the sight and smell of the trees. "Yes, it's been the same for me. As excited as I am to get the business up and running I didn't want to neglect my other duties. I've already been put on the patrol schedule. I imagine you'll probably want to do the same, once you have your feet under you."

Demira nods and gives Bruce a friendly enough smile. "Hit the ground running, so the saying goes. We'll be actively looking for people to put us to work. We might be city slickers at heart, but we're still Garou."

Dannica nods with Demira, in sync even! "Exactly. We need to learn our basic rites, and then can go from there with more training. I'm looking forward to the Moots, and being able to share the stories we know, and learn new ones as well. Getting on Patrols, that will help us to know the lay of the land better as well."

Bruce's lips part in a wide grin showing a lot of teeth. "That sounds like something I would say! And also for the rituals. It wasn't pushed as hard where I came from, so I have some catching up to do. Luckily for me, Boots is helping me to fill in the gaps in my education. And the moots should be great too, I'm looking forward to that. By the way, did you drive out here, or do you need a ride back into the city?"

Demira motions outward. "We were told to Get to Galliarding and we could learn our rites when we got settled someplace. It isn't that they weren't important, just that wasn't THE most important. Especially when you're twins and the younger one goes and fucks everything up." She winks at Dannica. She TOTALLY knows what she did. "We have a car out.... like..." She points out, up, to the north, a little to the west. "There. We just have to get to it. Nice little run never killed anyone. It was nice to meet you."

Bruce tilts forward into a semi-formal bow. "It was nice to meet you both as well. It's comforting to know that I'm not the only new blood in the Sept, at the very least. I'll make plans to stop by the Black Stag soon, maybe even this weekend. I can make some rough estimates if I can eyeball it a bit. I'd give you my number, but none of us have our phones with us here and how likely are we to actually remember all the digits by the time we get out? I'll give it to you when I come by. And maybe I should get some paper cards made up to give out here, like it's the last millennium?"

Dannica laughs! "You know where we are, so just stop by there. Maybe we'll even get on the same patrol some time?" She elbows her sister a bit. "Yes, dear sister. Just remember which one of us Gaia blessed with having first change first."

Demira grins at Bruce and she reaches into the cleavage of her dress. "You act like I'm not PREPARED for the apocalypse," she says with a dramatic sigh. Out comes a little business card holder so it doesn't get sweaty and she opens it up and offers over a business card. Dannica and Demira Malkovich. Phone number. That's all. She baps Dannica lightly on the nose and then tucks the card holder back in its place. "He who laughs last laughs loudest, LITTLE sister," she says and makes a sudden chompy gesture toward Dannica's nose. No intention to actually bite her She comes a good six inches too far.

Bruce chuckles as he takes the card and glances over it. He slides it into a suit jacket pocket while the non-chomping happens. "I think that if the apocalypse overtakes us, we'll have far more things to be concerned with than phone numbers. It might be hard to get a call through anyway. Anyway, see you both around soon. Have a good night."

Dannica rolls her eyes at Demira. "One day... one day." She is quite pleased her sister is so thoughtful to have a card. "You too, Bruce. I look forward to what adventures we can all get up to."

Demira grins at Bruce and she waves, then winks at her sister. "One day you'll be as awesome as me? Maybe." She laughs and hooks her arm through Dannica's. "Let's go. Last one to the car has to drive." She gives Dannica a little push, though it's entirely possible that Dannica will be expecting that, and she darts out on two legs around Bruce, toward the exit. If the KIDS can do it, so can the cliaths, right? She makes sure to not get in the way