2018.07.16: Enter Night
Enter Night | |
Terminal Velocity and Journey follow up on missing kinfolk reports. | |
IC Date | July 16th, 2018 |
IC Time | Evening |
Players | BrookeST, Dragomir, Halona, Journey, Iris, Sergei, Terminal Velocity |
Location | Training Caves |
Spheres | Gaian Garou |
Theme Song | https://youtu.be/CD-E-LDc384 |
Summertime, and the living is easy... one would think. Vacations, moving for new school years, college, lots of movement going on, especially in the touristy/college towns around SoCal. So when someone goes missing, it may take a few days longer for people to realize foul play is afoot.
This is why when more than one kinfolk have gone missing, quick action is warranted. Brooke was sent the report to follow up on this, as these girls all disappeared from around Prospect County. None were part of the Sept of the Enduring Spirit, but from out of town here temporarily for various reasons. She has a packet of information to go over with Terminal Velocity, as she cannot go with them. Now that she is in her last trimester of her pregnancy, she cannot risk a need to shift. Even without their 'weaver witch', she is sure that the pack can do this.
Hushed Blaze has contacted everyone through the pack link, and asked them to join her tonight where she waits inside the pack den, with a folder filled with papers. This is unusual for her, but seeing as she is not going on this mission and her pack is not technology users, it was best. She will do what she can from a distance, but going along will not be in the cards.
Journey caught the report on the missing Kinfolk because he has a small army of Kinfolk and rumors moving around the area. Given that Brooke was given the report and the last time Terminal Velocity worked a Missing Kin case there was a Marauder and a Cybernetic T-Rex involved, so he shows up at the Packlands edge, howl sent out.
Iris has survived the fail-magic portion of her moon and now zips into the pack house during the AWESOME! time of her auspice! "I brought food!" she says of meeting preparation while carrying a basket full of wild berries (the kind that do NOT make you poop uncontrollably) and cooked rabbit bits! That's about it though, bitch ain't got a kitchen to worry about.
Dragomir swoops down from the sky, landing easily enough near Journey and motions to welcome him in. He takes a moment to turn and look towards the others as he starts to approach, "Once everyone is here, lets review." Then he turns back to look towards Journey and smiles and nods deeply, "Welcome Shaderunner-rhya, we are honored to have you."
Halona has sent Antonia to the kinfolk house for the evening and settled in to wait for people to show up, still working on the knots in her hair from Antonia 'making her pretty' with a comb and a metric fuckton of some natural hairspray that Dragomir's mate assured her was Gaian safe. Looks like Antonia combed her hair with a blender, but whatevs.
Sergei has moved in a well bred lady wolf to the pack den and been spending most of his down time with her but with work getting started Starbreeze pads off to see what Antonia is up to and Sergei takes on his human shape for the meeting.
Journey nods to Dragomir, "I'll be able to help however I can. We'll see what's going on here." He moves to sit and pay attention.
Brooke begins, "I received a message this afternoon from GlassWalker.net about a missing kinfolk. Three, in fact we were able to tie together. I was able to piece together some information, and I need you all to go and confirm my suspicions and investigate."
She opens up the folder and holds up a picture. "This is Louise James. 23 years old, and lives in Lake Elsinore. She attends Mt. San Jacinto College (https://www.msjc.edu/Pages/default.aspx ). She is not the best student, but she is a youtuber. Seems she likes the strange and Goth, supernatural, etc. In her last few postings, she was sent information on a local House of Horrors park that is in Del Mar at the fairgrounds for the month or so before Halloween. She has posted a few times on GlassWalker.net, as she has been learning some things from her father, a Theurge, and had some questions. She was last seen at home in her vlog, and was leaving to go to an interview 3 days ago."
"Next, we have Anne Evans. 24 years old, and lives in Temecula. She is attending Professional Golfers Career College ( http://golfcollege.edu/ ), studying Professional Golf Management. Her family has race horses, the house around Del Mar, and participate in the races there at the fairgrounds racetrack. She was last seen at the horse stables at the racetrack on Saturday. She missed her tee time on Sunday, and this morning she still has not been heard from so a ping was sent to GlassWalker.Net - since we are keeping track of all reports of missing Kinfolk - especially after that Kin Magi."
"Last, we have Sarah Watson. 24 years old, and lives in Vista. She is attending Cal State San Marcos, studying Biotechnology, working on her Master's Degree. I've been in touch with her before, as she has some interesting thoughts on drone use. I only knew her through our online handles, but when she popped on the missing report today, I was glad that they asked me to have us look into this. She was last seen at school in the lab Sunday. She said she was going home, and her car is parked in the driveway. But she never made it inside. No one saw her."
Brooke hands the pictures around, as well as paper maps to their homes. "I am not sure why three girls have gone missing, or if they all really are. Louise James is not one to miss posting online for more than a day. It has been 3 days - and with 2 others missing from the area, it is time to send someone in to check it out. I did some checking and around all three homes, I found a black panel van, no plates, driving by a traffic camera within an hour or more of when these kin were supposed to be arriving home. With as busy as SoCal is, it could be nothing. Or it could be something. I would feel better if you all could check it out for me."
Sergei frowns as he looks betwen the pictures "I know its usually a joke to say all the two leggers look a like but these ones really seem to. Is someone hunting a particular sort of prey?"
Dragomir listens, trying to absorb all that, "A youtuber?.. is that like a drug?" he looks around a bit confused by the Weaver Witch's lingo. Then he blinks, "vlog?" He shakes his head, trying to work the lingo out of his head and focus on the problem at hand. "Alright.." he nods towards Sergei, "Three days.. missing kinfolk. Of very similar appearance.. what tribe?" he looks towards Journey, to see what he has heard.
"Gingets." Halona's a smart little cookie! Yes she is! She is absolutely paying attention, but she still has one hank of hair that wants to stick straight out like a floppy ear that's been perked.
Journey looks the pictures over, and sniffs, "She makes videos for other people to see." He says to Dragomir, and frowns. "Somethings taking redhead Kin? Fianna?" He shrugs, looking to Brooke for the Tribal question.
"What the fuck is a 'vlog'?" Iris also wonders out loud, and possibly imagines some kind of vagina centric wood carving, passing the pictures around as they come after getting a look. "Oooooh." she expresses when Journey fills in the blank there. Not at all what she thought that was!
Brooke shakes her head as she attempts to keep within the gravity of the situation, when really she should be on the floor dying of laughter and unable see straight, such as the ST currently was facing - as well as a lack of ability to breate for a few moments. "Two are Glass Walker Kinfolk, One is Children of Gaia Kinfolk." A look to Halona and her word choice. "Yes, there is something to be said about the fact they look similar, and are close in age. Plus so many in a close period. I have maps to each other their homes if you want to check them out."
Dragomir nods carefully and says, "Alright.. well we are a few days behind, so that isn't going to help us." He looks about for a moment and then says, "Lets start with the last to disappear, see if we can get some information from the home. Something personal that we can use for Questing Stone and start tracking." He looks around and offers, "If we are lucky, they all are linked and we can rescue them. We also need to prepare for the worst." He looks towards Brooke and says, "Let the eldest Glass Walker and Child of Gaia in the area know that we are looking into it."
Journey thinks, scratching the back of his head, "Can track these girls, see if I get a sense of them, or something actively blocking direct tracking magics.
Sergei frowns "If they are posting on the glass walker network wouldn't they have to be glasswalkers? What if its a fallen fianna that's taking them though? If it is any sort of enemy action at all."
"Yeah, we should look at their homes and-or the places they were last seen. Like the Watson girl, she either made it home and vanished shortly thereafter, or her kidnapper took her car home. Although that seems off. Do these women live with anyone else?" she asks Brooke, Keeper of Folders, with an agreeing nod at Dragomir. "If we can find something *there*, we can compare it to the other two as well and see if their missing locations and see if we can confirm. Spiritual, physical, whatever. Assuming Elderman can't just be like 'look, they're over there!'" she adds with a grin.
Halona nods just a touch as she listens, finally breaking through the biggest tangle in her hair and finally giving up, sending the comb flying across the den with frustration, then tugs the ponytail holder off her arm and pulls her tangled hair back from her face. "I could go in sneaky and peek around if we needed a scout."
Brooke nods, "I will let them know." To Sergei, she replies, "Anne Evans is not a Glass Walker kin, but our tribe has started making sure to post about any missing kin now, since we can spread the word so far. All a precaution. Who or what has them - if they are already taken - that is what we need to find out." A nod to Journey, "I was hoping you all could find something and track them or at least get some sense if they are alive or in trouble." She holds the folder out for whomever wants to hang onto it. "I'll be at my computer at home, and available over the pack link. Ready to assist as I can."
Journey blinks as he looks at the picture and stiffens, "OH whoa I got something." He nods, and looks northwards, "Yeah heading north, but got a positive lock, yeah."
"Nice job!" Iris encourages Journey's new info with a grin, and hands him some cooked rabbit! He is a very good boy. "Do you lose the trail of one if you try to find another?" This ain't a gift she knows, so she has questions.
Dragomir nods towards Journey's assertion of North. In that moment he turns and the faint silhouette of Falcon's wings emerge from his back and he moves to take off. "Let's go." That seems to be enough information to start for him. The Silver Fang's compulsion to save kinfolk kicking into full gear, as he rushes to flight.
No? Okay. Halona is immediately on her feet and ready to follow.
Brooke waves as they start to take off. "Good luck!" She sighs, wishing she was going along, but she will back them from here. Have fun storming the castle y'all! "Let me know if I can send you any information or look something up."
Sergei gets up and shrugs, falling in step along side Halona, its not time for stabbing yet.
Journey watches Dragomir taking off, and sighs, "Well, I really dislike openly flying in human form on this side of the Gauntlet, so if you don't mind.." He moves after Dragomir, jumps and poofs into a peregrine falcon. Flutter, and flaplfap.
Iris lags a little bit when it's time to go, so that she can split up the rabbit. She hands Brooke the basket with half the rabbit and the rest of the berries, bags up some bunny and stuffs it in her big purse. Road snacks! "YOU'RE SO FLOOFY!" she beams at Falcon-Journey, "But also like, totally regal." But mostly floofy. Her dove wing tattoos explode outward from her back and give an excited flutter as well, ready to rock! Onwards and upwards, she follows along!
Dragomir hears Journey's words, cause.. we always listen to our Elders. He coils around mid-flight, drops his wings back and dives into the pool of water, across the gauntlet and into the penumbra.
Sergei jumps after his Alpha, through the water and the gauntlet, reaching the other side with the water turning to his icy sky surfing slab.
Journey/bird banks and pops across the gauntlet, flapping to pick up the altitude, Zephyr coming to him and wings ruffling with the supported winds of his Pack Totem, turning north and flying to bank and let the Terminal Velocity Pack assemble. He'll change back later, this is just fun. Flap Flap.
For the record, Iris does not go through the water to get to the umbra. Because if she gets NEAR that fucking pool, suddenly Dragomir's going to 'accidentally' drown her. No no, she just side steps from over HERE away from the pool, thank you.
Halona divebombs into the water to head to the other side
Behind the Racetrack, in a back parking lot that is not far from the train tracks, is the setup for this seasonal attraction. They host Haunted Hayrides where Zombies attack you, and a KarnEvil, as well as your expected other attractions like a House of Horrors. This is the off season, so there is not much movement around, and most decorations are put away in the warehouse that the attractions are all in front of. The gates are shut, but obviously not locked, as the chain that loops around hangs down. There is a sign posted on the door about interviews for seasonal employment, stating where to apply online, and days they will be holding open casting calls in late August.
Dragomir flies to the area, looking for a reasonable place to cross back over and lands - then starts to step across. It takes him a moment, obviously less 'natural' than before. A moment he peers around with his blue eyes, getting a lay of the land and sniffing at the air. At first, the sight of disembodied arms and legs has him alert, but then he tips his head to the side and says, "Fake body parts?.. " and he says, "This place is strange."
Iris takes her sweets time in following through to the mortal plane. She'll claim she was just easing through and enjoying the scenery, but really she was just slogging through the gauntlet web and probably cursing and cussing the whole damned time. Wings are retracted by the time she squirts out into the real world. "UGH. Refreshing." she says in a lame cover up of her sluggishness. "JESUS Drago, we're here less than five seconds and you've already hacked up a bunch of-- Wait, are those fake body parts?"
Journey flapflapflaps, moving to duck in with Dragomir, to cross in a blink and change back, having gotten an eyeful while flying he looks around, making a face, "A place where people go to get scared. Deliberately." He shakes his head, and looks around to gather before taking up the trail.
Sergei is not doing much better than Iris in speed to cross back over, he looks around and frowns "For....Training?"
Dragomir turns to look back towards the others as they start to cross over, and then says to Journey, "Please never create a business like this.. I would not want to imagine what kinds of things you could come up with." He motions towards Sergei, "Get a look at the perimeter.. " then he waits for Halona and says, "Do some scouting around, see what kinds of scents you can find." He turns to look towards Iris and says, "Take an aerial view around unseen, see what you can see."
"Sure thing!" Iris chirps, and give Dragomir a big, fruity thumbs up before going all Predator camouflage mode and vanishing. There's a woosh of air as she gets a little lift off, rockin the Hermes style wings rather than the Iris wings as she heads up into the air to have a looksee. Purse slung crosswise, she unlimbers her bow and knocks a plain wooden arrow, just in case, while she goes off for a bird's eye view of things.
Journey looks at Dragomir and nods, "Hmm. Never seek out the nature of fear and terror from someone who knows the ways of the Wyrm better than you." He nods, and looks around, then points in a direction, "We're going that way." He says, but is prepared to wait for the rest of the class to get settled.
Howling-Wind nods at his Alpha and looks around briefly before slipping down into wolf form to do some checking around as he was assigned.
Halona becomes The Wolf. Like all of it. None left for anyone else.
Journey's senses will tell him that they need to head toward the storage warehouse that can be reached at the back of the horror park. You pass by the various attractions, until you find the fence that has a sign that says, "EMPLOYEES ONLY".
Halona calls out over her pack link: Van. Gonna go stealth sniffing
Howling-Wind moves to cover Halona's scouting approach
Iris tends to agree with Journey's chosen direction and reports over the pack link, >Everything looks pretty quiet and deserted from up here, y'all, although I see a warehouse looking thingie up uh.. Yeah, like straight ahead where you guys are walking. There's a vehicle down there parked by it. Stay up, or go down?< There's a distinct, jokey brow wiggling vibe to her mental thinking. Pun totally intended.
Journey walks over in that direction looking at the fence, looking for a fence and something actually preventing them from going that way. The sign is glanced at and ignored.
Dragomir looks up towards the skies, getting Iris' question and offers, ~Come down and join us.. we're going to the warehouse. Hushed Blaze, what can you tell us about a haunted park by the name of The Scream Zone? Howling Wind, Like the Wind, how's the perimeter looking?~ He turns to look towards Journey, following the man inside and says, "The area is clear so far.. "
Iris returns to the ground in a whoosh of air and settles, returning to visibility and stepping out of the shadows of some nearby building pertaining to one of the attractions, and joins up with alpha and elder. Bow and arrow still in hand, ready to be used, just in case.
Over the link, ~The humans were in here, but it's clear out here now. Nothing I can detect anyway. Circling in.~
Sending over the pack link, Brooke replies, ~The Scream Zone - it is open from the end of September until Halloween. They are generally closed right now it seems. Checking any satellite photage - and it seems the only movement the last few days has been a... black panel van. I cannot get more on it. No regular employees, and looks like just security vehicles will drive by from the fairgrounds once a day or so. It is pretty dead around there now.~
Howling-Wind follows along once Windy's done, and moved past him he keeps watching for potential danger.
Dragomir says, ~Get back together.. we'll breach the front entrance. Check for signs of the Wyrm.. lets get inside.~
Journey walks up, approaching where his senses tell him where to go. He looks to Dragomir and shrugs, "We'll see what's in here, but this is a serious prime body dump spot."
Howling-Wind stays in lupus form for the moment as he gets back in formation. Sniffing at the air occasionally.
Iris takes a hot minute to do some sensing. No sniffing or anything, just sort of zoning out and feeling with her soul feely bits. "Yep.. Yep there's definitely something nasty around here somewhere, that's for sure. Couldn't say *where* exactly, aside from 'here somewhere' but like. Yeah. Thar be stank in these parts."
Howling-Wind sniffs again yipping aloud >>Inside the warehouse more than anywhere else that I can tell.<<
Dragomir nods and growls lowly, "So be it.. lets get inside." he extends his hands out to either side, and a crystal javelin appears in his left hand and a fang dagger appears in his right. He starts to move towards the entrance. ~Like the Wind, open the door for us.~
Journey flexes his hand, blade of Worlds dropping into it as he looks to Windy, and back, "Let's see if they have any redheads."
Halona does her mojo on the door
Iris draws her bow but keeps the arrow head pointed downwards for the moment. Just in case. No need to accidentally shoot Dragomir right in the ass. Right now, anyways. It'll happen later, after his next scheduled waxing.
Sergei slips back to his human shape and gets his fang dagger ready. When in position to boot down the door as soon as Dragomir gives the nod he looks over for the signal.
When Halona opens the door, you can hear voices inside: "Avem trei zile până când Vladimir va fi aici și trebuie să ne dăm seama care este cel potrivit. Barbara, trebuie să-ți dai seama acum." from a male voice, deep and rough. You see the guy talking to a woman.
In response, the woman says, "They are all too close to what description we got. I have the devices on them, and as soon as the fetish is complete tonight, I will be able to determine which one is Gina's kid." Her voice is higher pitched, with a touch of what some might call crazy.
Off to the side sitting around are two other guys:

Iris notes over the pack link as the door is opened and they hear people chattering, >The woman is Garou, and that man she's speaking to is undead, vampire, be aware.<
Dragomir snarls lightly at the sounds, the crystal javelin begins to glow with a vibrant luminescence as he starts to make his way inside. "First priority, find the women. Second, destroy the Wyrm." The javelin is flourished as he starts down the hallway, and the fang dagger is gripped tightly. "Let's do this."
Journey lets out a breath as he moves, focusing as he moves quietly.
Halona throws on that blur and do her sneakity sneak, edging her way a little closer
Iris takes a quick second to swap her arrow for a different one, knock it and draw. Hanging to the back, she sprouts little wings from her ankles to hover her upwards towards the ceiling where she can fire over her packmates's heads, hovering along after them more or less silently since she's not stepping on the ground. >Arrow readied for a vampire.< she updates.
Dragomir snarls violently, shifting and growing swiftly in size and shape - taking a horrifying war form
Eye of the Storm moves swiftly forward, Javelin pointed forward and fang dagger behind his back as he charges forward to confront the Wyrm. Because - you know.. Garou and stuff.
Sensing danger, the man speaking to the woman shouts, "Intruși! Atac!". With that, the two other guys look up and jump to their feet.
Shaderunner explodes upward into a massive Egyptian horror. (Delerium effect +rules The Delirium) Transforming into Crinos, the Strider.. Vanishes..
In front of Barbara a sudden wall of fur as she tries to flee and the Crinos shoots out his hand and strikes Barbara, knuckle striking into her throat, causing her to shudder and stiffen and keel over. Thud. Sort her out later. The Strider looks around, reassessing the situation.
Like the Wind launches herself out from where she was and pounces upon the little man's head. SHe BITES, most of the top of his head just .. exploding like a tomato under pressure.
Eye of the Storm leaps forward, raking the tip of the javelin across the ground as streaks of Luna's light shimmers all around him. The gesture is a distraction, as the fang dagger comes from behind his back and gets thrust into the chest of the ghoul. The blade cuts cleanly through the chest of the man, and straight through as though he never existed at all - from groin to face splits him open and the Garou steps 'through' what is left as it bleeds to either side.
Howling-Wind leaps into motion howling as he hurls himself at the weilder of the assault rifle in crinos form, leading the way with his dagger >>WWWEEEENNNNNDDDIGOOOOOOOOO!!!!!<< The colision sends blood, bone, and bullets spraying everywhere as the spasming gunner dies in horror and pain.
The blood settles on the ground, the vampire begins to ash. The ghouls just bleed on the floor, and Barbara is just out. But your mission is still active.
Shaderunner looks around, noticing the ashing Vampire, <<A Leech? We have Leeches? Is this bitch a Leech?>> He points at Barbara, then looks around, because NOW is when reinforcements show up. No? Paranoid.
Iris lifts her bow to fire--! But oh, never mind. Bow lowered. Pure silver is hard to find, so while the pack is regrouping after their lightning fast murder spree, Iris opens her Big Purse on the ground and kicks the two silver knives into it with her shoe. Ugh. But on the other hand, you make sacrifices to bring a boy a nice present. Courtship is taxing, y'all, and she keeps her distance from the gang. During this, she's got her ears open for whatever else might be lurking, and says, "I hear something, in there." she says, and points towards a door off to the left, and moves to check it out and test the knob, standing a bit aside so she can throw herself out of the way if it turns out to be like... A zombie with a mini gun or something. For the record though, she awaits the attention of the pack before actually opening the door though, because to do otherwise would be dumb and not pack tactic-y!
Eye of the Storm walks forward towards the Barbara and shakes his head, "He was Vampire.. they were men.. she.. is Garou." he growls lowly, and uses the blunt edge of the javelin to poke at her side and snarls, ".. and has a lot to answer for. Starting with who she is." He looks towards the others and says, "Howling Wind, Like the Wind.. help Mercy's Messenger find the kinfolk."
Howling-Wind moves to follow his alpha's direction and back up Iris at the door. Staying in war form with his knife out.
Like the Wind makes a snarly sound and drops herself back to her lupus form and sniffs the air.
Shaderunner moves, leaving Barbara to.. SIT THERE PARALYZED! As He moves to Cover Iris, <Wait.> He turns, lifting a hand and sending out a spinning stick of wood rising into the air and bursting forth into sunlight, filling the room and then nodding, <<Okay.>>
Like the Wind sniffs at the air and heads over toward the door with Iris. She looks up at Iris, looks at the door, iris, door. Cause no thumbs and Iris is there already
Like the Wind says over the pack link, <<Girls in there.>>
When the door is opened, inside there is a set of smaller jail cells. Each one with a red headed girl in it. Remembering the photos from earlier - 3 of the girls are the ones you are looking for. There are 2 more:

Two of them are sitting, kind of slumped over in the cell. Another two are shaking the bars, trying to force them open, which is not working. The last one is reaching out through the bars, crying, "Help! Get us out of here!"
Everyone - BUT DRAGOMIR - notices that they all are wearing a band on their wrist. Those bands are all duplicates.
Shaderunner tilts his head slightly, <<Wearing shapeshifting Inhibitors.>> He points at the bands they're wearing. Moving to the Girls, his voice comes from him, a human voice. "Okay, you're saved, what can you tell us about what's happening here?" He says as the Crinos moves to release the prisoners.
Eye of the Storm brings the crystalline javelin around so the blade of it is under Barbara's throat and he lowers down to growl into her face. "You are going to begin by telling me exactly who you are.. and what you were doing here." He leans in forward, snarling with bright blue eyes, predatorily and says, "I am Eye of the Storm, Adren Philodox of the Silver Fangs. Lie to me, and I will pass my judgement without your testimony."
Howling-Wind goes down the line ripping the doors off cages and popping the bracelets off if they're still on by the time he gets to that prisoner. He stays in war form, this is still unsecure territory >>We'll need to call for a driver, Like-the-wind lets get them outside and wait for pick up.<<
Iris puts her arrow back into her quiver and sings her bow onto her back to free up her hands in order to help with freeing the ladies. "They're looking for which of them is someone's Gina's child," she says to Journey, "Might be one of our kin is a late bloomer." She gives the poor ladies her kindest smile, "Don't worry, you're gonna be just fine." Her color string also attempts to help by being adorable to the prisoner that has the most DOOOOOOOOMED! demeanor of the bunch. Since she can't lock pick or anything, she works on gathering up those that Journey releases and passes out comforting rescue hugs.
The girls huddle together as they are released. One says, "I do not know what is going on. They just grabbed me out of my car. Knocked me out and I woke up here. They kept questioning me if I knew who my mom is. If her name is Gina." She just starts crying more. Another one speaks out, "I just want to go home!" The others just cry, and hug each other, not scared anymore, just relieved. They all follow out whomever is leading them outside.
Barbara is now awake and at Eye of the Storm's mercy. She looks up to him, and while defeated just has a crazy look in her eyes. She smirks a bit and says, "I am Barbara Spencer, rited TechnoBlaze, Fostern Theurge Glass Walker. I know who you are... I've heard ALL about you!" She laughs and laughs. "Tell me? Which of the girls is it? Which one did you come for? I've been trying to find Gina's kid, and I know she is one of yours."
Shaderunner works to conduct the girls out, changing to Homid and calling in the Kinfolk to come and handle trama counseling and whatnot. Leaving crazyface to Dragomir.
Journey swiftly changes into a human being.
<Terminal Velocity> Eye of the Storm says, "Hushed Blaze... who is Barbara Spencer?"
<Terminal Velocity> Eye of the Storm says, "Is she related to you?"
Like the Wind asks over the pack link, <<Why do all these girls look like Brooke?>>
<Terminal Velocity> Brooke says, "Barbara Spencer? I do not know. I only know that my Dad is Carmen Montana. My mom is Gina Spencer."
<Terminal Velocity> Eye of the Storm says, "Fuck."
<Terminal Velocity> Brooke says, "I never met my mom. Montana gave me a picture of her, and she looks just like me, if that helps."
<Terminal Velocity> Eye of the Storm says, "Find out what you can about TechnoBlaze, Fostern Theurge Glass Walker, real name Barbara Spencer."
Iris puts one of the techno-fetish bracelets into her Big Purse also. For study and stuff. She also helps the ladies get on out of here!
Eye of the Storm takes a step back, and keeps the tip of the crstyalline javelin at Barbara's throat and says, "Stand up, very carefully. Then you may explain why you are looking for Gina's kinfolk, and why you are here doing so. Tread carefully TechnoBlaze."
<Terminal Velocity> Brooke says, "I'm checking GlassWalker.Net on her. Sounds like she is not involved in any particular Sept, and she has been trailing me online for the last few months... doing more searches now..."
Barbara stands up, that smirk still on her face. She is obviously a bit looney tunes here, "Gina's kid. I was hired to find her for Vladimir. He and Gina have some need for her. All the details they had was an age, and guess as to what she looked like. I found some tidbits on GlassWalker.net on your beta, from all the stories she has shared there. The guys picked up the likely candidates. Been trying to figure out which one is your beta so I can hand her over to Vladimir." Another laugh. "Which one is she? We got 5 of them - and you are here." Signalling over to a table in the corner she adds, "They have a picture of Gina and Vladimir over there. We figured she had to look a lot like Gina."
<Terminal Velocity> Iris says, "Kill her."
<Terminal Velocity> Like the Wind says, "Yes"
Like the Wind comes back in now that she's pretty sure things are secure and looms in the doorway in lupus. Well, not looms. Hard to do in lupus
<Terminal Velocity> Iris says, "She's clearly fallen, this could very well be her entry mission to dance the spiral."
Those that go to look at the picture on the table see this:
Eye of the Storm reaches down into his pack, and pulls a Clear Water out of nowhere and motions it towards Barbara simply. The Javelin blade remains rather neatly against the side of her throat as he orders, "Drink it... all of it." As he stands there, listening to the words of his pack in his head.
<Terminal Velocity> Eye of the Storm says, "Hushed Blaze.. She is Gina's kid. She has been looking for you."
<Terminal Velocity> Brooke says, "Gina. Gina is looking for me??? Now?"
<Terminal Velocity> Eye of the Storm says, "Someone named, Vladimir is."
<Terminal Velocity> Eye of the Storm says, "She carries taint, but she has not fully given herself to the Wyrm."
Barbara really does not have a choice in the matter and drinks it all down. She still has a crazy kind of look in her eye, but she is cleansed now. She blinks a few times, and stops at least laughing, "Um...Can I meet her? Hushed Blaze is so good with the weaver. I can teach her so much more and together we can do great things!"
At this point you all can decide what you want to do with her in downtime.