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Jeanette Williams, MD

"One day when I was a junior medical student, a very important Boston surgeon visited the school and delivered a great treatise on a large number of patients who had undergone successful operations for vascular reconstruction. At the end of the lecture, a young student at the back of the room timidly asked, 'Do you have any controls?' Well, the great surgeon drew himself up to his full height, hit the desk, and said, 'Do you mean did I not operate on half the patients?' The hall grew very quiet then. The voice at the back of the room very hesitantly replied, 'Yes, that’s what I had in mind.' Then the visitor’s fist really came down as he thundered, 'Of course not. That would have doomed half of them to their death.'

God, it was quiet then, and one could scarcely hear the small voice ask, 'Which half?'"

Dr E. E. Peacock, Jr

Date of Birth: December 4, 1980
Apparent Age: 29?
Occupation: OB/GYN
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Demeanor: Caregiver

Medical Professional: Something profound here.

Unethical: Something creepy here.

Broodmother: Something disgusting here.


Test Subjects

VampireCainites "An interesting distraction, but unsuitable for my line of research. They seem best left to their own devices."

MortalHumans "Plentiful and diverse. Easily captured and controlled; excellent incubators."

fomoriFomori "A fascinating next step of human evolution. Occasionally unstable, but still useful as fodder. Now, the more intelligent ones, on the other hand... they are the future."

rouGarou "Dangerous. They might have their uses, though. I will have to run some tests."

Figments of my Imagination

Name goes here quote goes here

