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Chocolate is the Greatest of Tastes[1]
Parker treats Jaycob to breakfast and conversation
IC Date November 18th, 2020
IC Time morning
Players Jaycob and Parker
Location WaffleMania

Its early on the 18th of November and Parker is sitting at a table at WaffleMania with a cup of hot chocolate held between her hands. Her phone is laying face down on the table between her and the wall within easy reach for her but where anyone who tried to take it would have to reach across her to make the attempt. She appears to be waiting for someone to join her as the table is clear but for the saucer that accompanied her cup, two menus and two paper wrapped sets of utensils.

This go around, Jaycob -isn't- in his underwear, though the reason for that is anyone's guess. Maybe it's because he is in public, who knows. Either way, he does show up with his courier bag draped over his shoulder as he strides into the WaffleMania. Spying Parker at her table, the artist makes his way towards her, slipping his courier bag off of his shoulder and sliding into the seat across from her. "You look lovely this morning." He offers easily as he claims his seat, securing the menu in front of him. "Thank you for this, by the way."

Parker's dressed a bit more conservatively than normal: an opaque charcoal gray, long sleeved shirt with a Nehru collar and black Capri pants with her dark gray boots. She inclines her head slightly at the compliment and says, "Thank you," and then, regarding the expression of gratitude, she asks, "Have you eaten here before?"

Taking half a second to peer over the menu before he lowers it and sweeps his gaze more towards Parker, Jaycob nods his head softly in response to her question. "Once, with a friend of mine." He informs her, laying the menu back down on the table. "The food here is really good. Especially, oddly enough, after breakfast."

Parker nods. "Its my first time," she says as the waitress approaches and asks if they are ready to order. After a nod from Jaycob when she glanced questioningly to him, she says, "I want a Chocolate Malt Waffle and two sides of bacon," to the server and, "Order what ever you want, Jakov," to her companion.

Jaycob nods softly back at Parker as she speaks, and then sweeps his gaze towards the Waitress, his lips curling into a friendly smile for her. "Can I get an American, please?" He offers, and then adds. "With a cup of coffee as well." He decides, and then turns back towards Parker as the waitress accepts the orders, and then turns to leave. "So, what's up?"

"I feel like I owe you for the way I spoke the last time we saw each other," Parker says before taking another sip of her hot chocolate. Then, thinking back to the menu, she asks, "That's the fried chicken waffle sandwich, right?" as a memory check and explains, "I was considering that also but... Chocolate!" that last word said as if it explains everything.

"You don't owe me anything." Jaycob decides thoughtfully as he leans back into his seat, shaking his head lightly. "Granted I wasn't particularly fond of your view, and I'm rather annoyed at the strange view that somehow my family is more... Aggressive than other families." He informs Parker, peeking back up towards her, and then nodding softly. "That's fair. I just haven't tried this one yet, so I'm fairly interested."

"Did I say they were more aggressive?" Parker asks, risking re-treading on dangerous ground. "Some are more and others are less... just come in different flavors." She lets the comments trail off as the waitress approaches with the ordered dishes. Before the server departs Parker accepts a refill of her hot chocolate.

"No reason to continue that topic unless you want though," she says before starting to cut the first bite of her waffle. "How've you been doing?" she asks before taking the bite with some ice cream and fudge sauce.

"It's the implied interpretation that I've observed." Jaycob concludes, accepting his food as it is delivered with a thankful smile for the Waitress. He carefully cuts into and bites into his meal, and then shrugs lightly at the comment about sparking up the conversation again. Though seeming content enough to allow Parker to brush past the topic, he shrugs lightly again. "Well enough. Just busy painting and selling art lately. Considering maybe giving up the traveling life, and instead opening an art gallery."

After finishing a strip of bacon while listening to Jacob, Parker says, "Sounds like it could be interesting. I've plans to open my own boutique at some point so if you need any tips on finding a place I've research into that that I could share." She picks up another strip of bacon and, after looking at it for a moment, asks, "Do you know a... lets say distant relative... named Bergin?" and then, seemingly full of glee, bites off a third of the strip of rendered pork flesh.

Parker spent a Willpower to overcome her Trouble with Names flaw to get the name correct for the question.

Cutting more into his food and gingerly eating the meal, Jaycob nods his head softly back at Parker as she speaks, considering the offer of aid she provides. "I'll keep that in mind. Of course, I need to have way more money in my pocket than I already have. So, it's just a fantasy of mine that's been brewing in the back of my head." He observes, and then shakes his head at the question. "Nope. Never heard of them."

Parker nods and drops the new subject to return to the other. "Any thoughts about how to get the capital together without selling your soul to a bank?" she asks explaining, "This is why I'm working with Velvet Dreams to sell product and make some money that way," before returning her attention to her chocolate waffle and its accompanying ice cream and fudge.

"Well, I know a few cousins here and there that might be able to help me out." Jaycob observes thoughtfully, and then shrugs a shoulder loosely. "At the very least, they might be able to give me advice on how to get that level of capital." He decides, and then takes a few more bites of his meal, cutting off chunks of the chicken and then chunks of the waffle, stacking them together before consumption.

"Your art is really good," Parker says, "At least in my uneducated eye's perspective." She takes another bite of waffle and a sip of her hot chocolate and then says, "You should pursue your dream," as if it was the most important thing she could say to him.

With a cup of coffee probably also nearby, Jaycob takes a moment away from his meal to bring it to his lips and take a light sip from the beverage. "Well, good as it may or may not be... It needs to be something that earns me enough of an income to be able to do more than just barely support myself as it has thus far." He observes. "I probably just need to learn more about marketing or something like that."

Parker hrms around a mouthful of waffle. After swallowing, she asks, "Have you ever considered teaching?" and explains, "I've heard that schools have been cutting back on the arts and that having a good art program helps children remain receptive to learning. You could do that in addition to your art and thus earn money while staying true to yourself and not have to wedge yourself into a career that might not feel like you," obviously having an opion about him and marketing.

"I have, actually. Pepper mentioned something along those lines, mentioning that I could totally help with teaching some of my younger cousins in learning basic art techniques." Jaycob observes thoughtfully, and then he lightly shakes his head. "I did not, however, consider it as a means of earning some income. I'll have to see about how I might do that, because if I can earn a more steady paycheck, on top of selling off my paintings and taking commissions, I might be able to get the money I need for a gallery."

Parker smiles at the response to her suggestion and then says, "Well, they do pay teachers," and asks, "Right?"

"Well, rarely as much as they are worth, because apparently the educators of our society aren't valuable to the growth and development of our society..." Jaycob comments with an almost bitter touch to his tone, and then he shakes his head lightly. "But yes, they receive some income. More than what I typically make, probably." He mentions, taking a few more sips of his coffee and then digging back into his meal until he's finished a majority of it, and slides the plate away.

Parker finishes her own breakfast and slides her plate close to the outside edge of the table. "So," Parker starts her question as she asks, "Did you have any questions for me at this point?" acknowledging that she's dominated the directions the conversation have followed.

The subject change seems to catch Jaycob off guard as he leans back into his seat with his cup of coffee pulled up in his hands. For half a second, he considers the question, and then lightly shakes his head, bringing the drink to his lips for a light sip. "Nothing in particular sparks to mind." He observes thoughtfully. "Is something up?"

Parker glances upwards and then, as she looks back towards Jacob, says, "Nothing that shouldn't be that I'm aware of. I just believe that its customary to let others choose what to talk about sometimes also isn't it?"

"Eh, we're just chillin' so far as I can tell." Jaycob decides with another shrug of his shoulder as he takes another light sip of his coffee, setting it back down on the table and sliding it away from himself. His gaze does drift upward though, as she looks in that direction, and his attention falls back on her for a moment. "Thank you again for all of this. I do appreciate it."

Parker nods. "You've implied you're often scrounging for a meal, I thought this would be good for you," she says and adds, "You are welcome."

"Well..." Jaycob admits, almost abashed by the reflection, and then nods his head in acceptance. "Generally, my finances aren't very pretty, yeah." He offers, and then smiles gently back at her. "If you'd like though, I can generally cook fairly decent. My father taught me how."

"If the breakfast you fixed the other day is any indication I have to agree that he did a good job of it," Parker says and then asks, "What was he like?"

That earns a content smile from Jaycob, his lips curling with satisfaction at the praise. "Well, thank you." He accepts and nods his head gently. "Oh, he is pretty cool. I talk to him occasionally, him and my mother, sometimes sending samples of art I make back home for them to indulge in. They encouraged me to follow my passion and travel the world, painting."