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2018.12.08:Retribution part one

Retribution part one
Oleksiy captures the one who Betrayed his Sire
IC Date December 8th, 2018
IC Time Night
Players Oleksiy
Location Abandoned resort in Mexico
Prp/Tp none
Spheres Vampire Camarilla

Okay its fairly straight forward, he used Aubrey's contacts to establish that something was going to be transported into Tijuana for one of the merchants. and to have the Traitor (I can’t remember what name I gave you now, sorry) be the one to pick it up. The exchange is supposed to happen in no man's land north east of Tijuana, outside of any extant realm of power. Olek is going to be airborne in mist form (so all but invisible) and is simply going to use Way of earth to pin him in place, drop down and resume solid form, and stab a stake through his back Grab him, and carry him back to the cells.... where he can interrogate him. He does have zip ties, and is ready for other opposition, he will be making sure that he is alone first of course. if there are others, he will be using fast kill methods for them...

The place chosen is some old resort that is scheduled to be leveled and redone a bit back from the ocean. It looks like it was built in the fifties and is a bit well over grown now giving allot of places to hide if needed. As to Yuri, one he came early, two he is not alone, there is three others you can see with him as he drives up and gets out, they look to each other and two of them spread out to check the area, you are pretty sure the two are Gangrel, then again both are armed but there is something Bestial in their movements. As to the one near him, she is well something, amazing to look at, a presence too her that has you drawn to her a bit, her poise and beauty.

Oleksiy hovers like a wisp of smoke over the top of everything, his shark eyes examining each of those that have come, he frowns a bit, and the first thing he looks for is communication devices, if they have them or not. He will draw out his blade, though its still smoke in itself at the moment. his brow furrowed and a bit of anger in his eyes. "A Pack" he whispers to himself

AS you look you think you see on the Gangrel and Yuri, some curled wire thing from the backs of their ears, you cannot see thru the other's lovely hair, that woman has great hair, so touchable.

Oleksiy considers this all for a few minutes, giving them time to become comfortable. Most likely they will be looking for vantage points. But he will continue to drift on the dark winds, in no hurry, he is patient, and has no problem waiting while they look about, he makes sure he is shrouded in other clouds and if any of them look up, he will allow the wind to move him with the clouds behind him.

Then Yuri touches his ear and nods to something, then speaks oh so softly to the woman who nods as well, and then Yuri whispers something not to the woman looks more like he is mumbling to himself and the two Gangrel seem to be moving to higher ground and over watch on him and the woman. Oh she is amazing, perfect blue eyes, pale skin that almost shines in the moonlight, blood red lips and hair like the ravan's wing. The woman once the gangrel are in place motions Yuri, "Get the drop, and make sure it is all there." with another look about and some real puzzlement and a glance up, then to the side. "I am feeling like we are being watched hurry your ass up Razor.”

The woman makes Yuri fetch and she stays by the car with the Gangrel over watching her, and well Yuri is all "Yes Mari." more than besotted by her hell you are having a hard time not wanting her too, or to meet her, something about that woman.

Oleksiy waits for the two going to overwatch to settle in, he will look for if they have view of each other as well as the 'drop point' or not. He looks about and considers the current weather, to see what it is right now.. hot, cold, clear, or overcast. It may make a difference. home was always overcast, and colder, but here is a bit different.

Yuri also known as Razor scurries to where the drop is supposed to be not in full sight of his pack mates, there is some looks about and he is not liking this so much, but it is his job. He looks for the package in the area with some Care, then moves to hit the com again, "Still looking."

Oleksiy watches until Razor is out of sight, he knows where the drop should be happening as well. and can then simply come in, away from the 'vip' lady, to grab Razor. Clearly this lady is likely to be someone he should mark, but she isn’t the target. He will seep down through the cracks of the drop zone's surroundings. and with his cloak drawn up over his face, a wraith of shadow and mist, he will act on his plan, He will drop in behind Yuri, even as he commands the earth to rise up and engulf him. He doesn’t use words right now. there will be time for that... instead he ready's the stake, and will seek to stake him immediately, before he can even say anything.

Yuri looks about then spots the package, he uses his com again, "Really a pinata, what sort of messed up joke is this..." trailing off, "Coming out and well this place is giving me the creeps." not sure what it is he senses, just something is making him feel well a bit creeped out and he grabs the pinata, with a look ugg, "ugly thing."

The earth rises up encasing Yuri to almost his waist and he starts freaking out, he drops the Pinata, and start screaming, "Help he is ...then switching to his native tongue more then freaked out on the com, something about your sire, and I got them all." there is some movement out there you got a little until the other three get her, but not long, as his com goes off, "Speak english or spainish you fool, then Hose Jesus fetch." is called out you hear that clearly. Yuri is desperate to get out, "Promised me all are dead, promised me."

Oleksiy solidifies right behind him, and wordlessly he drives the stake in between ribs from the back and deep into him, straight into his heart. He doesn’t make a noise nor a sound, no gloating, the hard part is to come.. getting out.

The com is going off, and Oleksiy can hear the orders, they are to get Yuri, she will get the package. He can hear them coming no one is quiet about it. Time is running short, time to move.

Oleksiy grabs the immobile Yuri, and he calls forth the wind, which springs up, blasting gout from where he is, it should buy him both times, and obscurement as he makes his way away from where the incoming is. He is going to move with all speed he can, grabbing and dropping the com device in the process.

The group coming for Yuri and the package are having to fight the wind, and Debris to get there, one of the two Gangrel is the smart one and he moves to leap to higher ground, just above the winds and moves to shoot Oleksiy with the rifle in spite of the winds and shit all blowing about the area. The woman just stops and stares squinting a bit to look at him.

That woman is everything you ever wanted Oleksiy, the urge to go to her and serve her is over whelming. Her Beauty, is like nothing you have ever seen, to hunt and share the blood with her, to make her happy is all to you.

The bullet the winds blow back into the one Gangrel that tried to shoot is well not even noticed compared to the woman waiting at the edges for Oleksiy, she is a goddess.

Oleksiy continues to run; it’s a struggle and he has to force himself to resist it. But he keeps moving as fast as he can. Letting threw wind and cold cover his back. a short distance away he will have a vehicle waiting, something beat up that he can drop off in the middle of nowhere. and he will throw Yuri in the trunk and drive off north and east, actually away from Prospect for an hour. then he will Change directions going half way back to Prospect, before he drops the car, and switches to another vehicle. Also, one prepared. vehicle will drive north a half hour, before he switches back again and takes it to the edge of Prospect. to leave it there. He will then take a last vehicle, likely something he borrowed from one of the other kindred (Martha, Arya or Amelie most likely) to get the prisoner into the cell.