Rokea Gifts

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Common Rokea Gifts

PGttCB 153-154, Rokea 65-68

Level 1

  • Hare's Leap (Breach)
  • Killing Bite

  • Fast
  • Sense Threat
  • Gift of the Porcupine (Teeth of the Skin)

Level 2

  • Gulp
  • Scent of Sight (Restless Waters)

  • Poisoned Flesh
  • Shagreen Shield
  • Strange Waters
  • Unsea's Blessing

Level 3

  • Gift the Ray
  • Shark's Bones

  • Consume Taint
  • Fathom Sight
  • Kun's Warning

Level 4

  • Fenris' Bite (Kun's Maw)
  • Relentless Hunt

  • Inundate
  • Patient Hunter
  • Salmon's Return
  • Set the Mind Adrift

Level 5

  • Song of the Great Beast (Great Summons)
  • Ocean's Peace

  • Mindless Fight
  • Whirlpool's Maw

Rank 1

Breach - Some breeds of shark are better at leaping from the water than others, but this Gift helps. The Rokea propels herself towards the surface and leaps a fantastic distance out. Weresharks use this gift to see for miles across the sea and sometimes to board ships. A Shark or Marlin spirit teaches this Gift.

System: As the Garou Lupus Gift: Hare's Leap. This Gift does work on land, but Sea-born Rokea don't always think to try it, as it feels strange to leap in a bipedal form.

(PGttCB p153, Rokea BB p65)

Fast - Sharks can survive for long periods of time by living off their internal store of oil. Rokea can use this ability on land, as well, to survive without food or water, by consuming their own Gnosis. This Gift is taught by a Shark spirit.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The character need not eat or drink for one week after activating the Gift. If the character wishes to fast for longer than a week, she must reactivate the Gift (which of course costs another point of Gnosis) before the first use of the Gift ends. If she does not, the Gift will not function again until she has eaten.

(Rokea BB p65)

Killing Bite - Fighting Jaws is the preferred form for combat beneath the waves, but sometimes the need to attack swiftly or fighting in a confined area (a Grotto, perhaps), disallows this form. This Gift, taught by a Shark spirit, allows the Rokea to use a powerful bite in any form.

System: The player spends one Rage point to activate the Gift. The character's next bite attack, if successful, inflicts 2 additional health levels (not dice) of damage.

(PGttCB p153, Rokea BB p65)

Sense Threat - A race charged only with survival needs to know how to recognize danger, preferably early in life. The Rokea with this Gift can discern whether she is swimming into a dangerous situation, or to know if a being is a threat to her. This Gift, taught by an avatar of Sea, does not reveal a being's intentions, only whether or not said being is dangerous. (For example, a raging Brightwater might have no reason desire to hurt the user, but is dangerous none the less.)

System: The Rokea focuses for a turn; the player rolls Perception + Primal Urge. The difficulty varies - lower (6) for immediate and palpable threats and higher (8) for subtle, more roundabout threats.

(Rokea BB p65)

Teeth of the Skin - As the Rank Four Garou Metis Gift: Gift of the Porcupine. This Gift comes easily to Rokea, as their skin normally inflicts damage similar to the Garou Gift. The Gift may be used in any form except Homid or Glabrus.

(Rokea BB p65)

Rank 2

Gulp - The Rokea can swallow any object she can fit through her jaws, and regurgitate it later, completely unharmed. Many Rokea use this Gift to transport clothing (so they don't have to steal clothing every time they go ashore). Living beings are not protected by this Gift. This Gift is taught by a Tiger-Shark spirit.

System: The player spends one Gnosis to activate the Gift. Items can be stored in the Rokea's gullet indefinitely; the item is considered part of the Rokea's body like a dedicated item. When the Rokea swallows her "cargo" she must of course be in a form large enough to do so, and she must assume the same form to reclaim the items.

(PGttCB p153, Rokea BB p65)

Poisoned Flesh - As the Rank Three Get of Fenris Gift: Venom Blood. This Gift affects anyone making a successful bite attack against the Rokea.

(Rokea BB p65)

Restless Waters - As the Lupus Gift: Scent of Sight.

(PGttCB p153, Rokea BB p65)

Shagreen Shield - The hide of some sharks is strong enough to repel a harpoon. Rokea with this Gift can strengthen their skin to the point of repelling nearly any attack.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Primal urge (difficulty 7). The Gift lasts for one turn per success. During this time, attacks that score less than three successes on the damage roll do not penetrate the Rokea's skin at all. The player's difficulty to soak all other attacks is 5; although she receives all damage rolled; for example, if an attack inflicts five health levels of damage, the player rolls to soak all five, not just two. Bashing damage is halved before soak is rolled, rounding up (which means that an attacker must score more than six levels of bashing damage to have any chance of damaging the Rokea).

(Rokea BB p65)

Strange Waters - As the Rank Three Red Talon Gift: Trackless Waste, but Strange Waters affects the target's sense of direction at sea or underwater.

(Rokea BB p66)

Unsea's Blessing - Unsea considers the Rokea to be her nieces and nephews, created as they were by her sister, Sea. As such, she does them the favor of healing their wounds if they but ask. The spirit of a Stingray or other fish that burrows into the earth teaches this Gift.

System: The Rokea must touch Unsea directly, be it the sea bottom or dry land. The player rolls Charisma + Rituals, (difficulty 5). Fo every success, the Rokea heals one health level, regardless of the type of damage. The Rokea can take no other actions in the turn he uses this Gift.

(Rokea BB p66)

Rank 3

Consume Taint - Marine garbage dumps often attract sharks looking for easy meals, but they also attract angry Rokea. With this Gift, the wereshark can eat refuse, be it waste oil, garbage, or even barrels full of chemicals, thus rendering them harmless to Sea. This Gift is taught by a Tiger-Shark spirit.

System: The player rolls Stamina + Survival (difficulty 7). Each success allows the wereshark to eat one pound of waste without harm. It is possible to consume nuclear waste or even Wyrm toxins with this Gift, but the difficulty is increased by two. A botch on this roll inflicts three levels of unsoakable aggravated damage.

(Rokea BB p66)

Fathom Sight - The vast expanse of the ocean taxes even the sensory powers of the Rokea. With this Gift, a Rokea can project all of her senses, not just sight, for great distances. This Gift works in any direction, including straight up (meaning that it is possible to see and hear events above the surface). Fathom Sight does not translate speech for the Rokea however, so eavesdropping on a conversation on board a boat deck does no good unless the Rokea understands whatever langage the humans are using. The spirit of any swift-moving fish teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Alertness (difficulty 7). The Rokea can send her senses out for 1 mile per success in water, and 100' per success on land (this difference is due to the far greater concentration of distractions on land). The Gift lasts for one scene.

(Rokea BB p65)

Gift of the Ray - Stingrays belong to the same family as sharks - elasmobranchs, fish whose skeletons are made of cartilage. This distinction means nothing to the Rokea, but they can and do learn Gifts from any fish spirit, rays included. The Gift allows the Rokea to deliver a venomous sting with its tail or fingertip, often a good defense against an opponent too touch to simply be beaten down.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point for the character to manifest the stinger, either at the end of the tail or at the tip of the index finger. The character can then sting an opponent (this requires a Dexterity + Brawl roll, difficulty 7). The victim must roll Stamina (difficulty 7). Failure indicates the target takes lethal damage equal to the Rokea's rage. One or two successes means the target suffers no damage, but does take a -2 penalty to all rolls for the remainder of the scene due to the extreme pain the wound causes. Three successes negate the effect, as does the Gift: Resist Toxin.

(PGttCB p153)

Kun's Warning - Some islander legends speak of a person born with a shark's mouth between his shoulderblades, who later became a shark and killed and ate other islanders. Likely as not, these tales are garbled stories of the Kun's Warning Gift. Used in modern times mainly by betweeners and their hunters, this Gift causes a shark's maw to appear on the Rokea's back. This allows some early warning for the Rokea, as well as an extra line of defense against multiple opponents. A Shark spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Stamina + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). This Gift is active for one day per success. Unless the Rokea decides to cancel it earlier. The mouth appears between the Rokea's shoulder blades and protrudes only slightly, not enough to give the Rokea a "humped" look. While this Gift is active, the teeth will begin to gnash should anyone try and creep up behind the wereshark. If the stalker is using a supernatural power to remain hidden (such as the Gift: Blur of the Milky Eye), the Storyteller should roll the Rokea's Gnosis (difficulty 8). If the roll succeeds, the mouth "notices" the stalker and reacts accordingly. The jaws can be used to inflict normal bite damage, provided the Rokea can position herself in such a way as to allow this.

(Rokea BB p67)

Shark's Bones - Shark's bones are made of cartilage, and as such sharks are extremely flexible. This Gift allows a Rokea in human form to change her bones into the same sumstance, allowing her to resist damage from blunt objects and squeeze through openings as small as eight inches square. This Gift is taught by a Shark spirit.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The Gift's effects last for one scene. While the Gift is active, halve the damage of any bashing attack made on the wereshark before soak is rolled. This Gift is usable in Homid or Glabrus form only.

(PGttCB p153, Rokea BB p67)

Rank 4

Inundate - As the Rank Four Red Talon Gift: Avalanche, but Inundate concentrates moisture from the air to surround a target. This Gift is taught by an Air spirit and is usable only on land.

System: As Avalanche. The difficulty is determined by the amount of moisture in the air; i.e. this gift is much easier to use near the ocean (difficulty 4) than in a parking lot on a sunny day (difficulty 9).

(Rokea BB p67)

Kun's Maw - As the Rank Five Get of Fenris Gift: Fenris' Bite.

(PGttCB p154, Rokea BB p67)

Patient Hunter - The Rokea can sink into any solid matter, be it wall, floor or open ground and watch what happens around her. At any time, she may spring forward and attack. This Gift is taught by an Angel-Shark spirit.

System: The player rolls Stamina + Stealth (difficulty 8). Successes indicates the Rokea merges with a wall or floor, which must be thick enough to cover her (i.e. she cant merge with a normal wooden door). She may remain inside the structure as long as she wishes, subject to normal natural requirements (food, for example). While thus concealed, she cannot be detected by casual searches and most supernatural powers (Storyteller's discretion). If she chooses to use this Gift as an ambush, any opponents she attacks receive a -3 to their initiative ratings for the first turn.

(Rokea BB p67)

Relentless Hunt - Sharks are amazingly simple beings, crafted by evolution (or Sea?) to hunt, swim, and spawn. The Rokea, of course, are slightly more complicated beings. Even so, a Rokea with this Gift can choose a course of action and then not be dissuaded from it, come what may. This Gift is taught by a Shark spirit.

System: When the Rokea learns this Gift, she chooses a goal or a course of action ("Protect the Warm Currents Grotto". or "Hunt down Bleeds-Night"). Once set upon her course, nothing can force her to leave it. No form of mind or emotion control will cause her to abandon or act in a manner counter to that goal. The player receives one automatic success on any roll directly involved in accomplishing the goal or following the action. If the Rokea ever wishes to change the focus of this Gift, the player must spend a permanent Wullpower point. If she accomplishes her goal, she may choose another without expenditure. The goal chosen cannot be too vague (for instance "Fight all enemies of the Rokea" or "Survive"); the Storyteller determines what goals are acceptable.

(PGttCB p154, Rokea BB p67)

Salmon's Return - The Rokea blessed with the Gift is never lost. She can always trace her route, in the ocean or on land, and darkness, weather, or deliberate tampering with her trail are insufficient to throw her off course. This Gift is taught by a Salmon spirit.

System: Once learned, this Gift is always active. The Rokea can always retrace her steps on land, and can always find her way back to a familiar place in water. Gifts such as Trackless Waste must score more successes than the Rokea's Willpower to be effective, and even then they only work for a matter of minutes. The Rokea will always recognize a place she has seen before, even if has changed dramatically. Needless to say, the Rokea's sense of direction is also perfect (i.e., she can always find true north).

(Rokea BB p67)

Set the Mind Adrift - Occasionally, a Rokea chooses to incapacitate an enemy (or a frenzied ally) without harming him. This Gift allows the Rokea to force a target into a vivid hallucination, in which he is drifting in the ocean with nothing around for miles. The Rokea may also use this gift as a terror or interrogation technique by making suble changes in the vision. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Oversea.

System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty of the target's Willpower). Success places the target into the hallucination. The target simply sits down or swims in circles, all the while believing that he is lost in the ocean. If the player makes a successfull Manipulation + Expression roll (difficulty 6), the Rokea can add other details to the vision - threatening storm clouds, sharks fins in the water, etc. The target can hear the Rokea's voice, and so can answer any question directed at him. If the target has reason to believe the hallucination false, he may roll Willpower (difficulty 7 ) to resist. He must accumulate at least as many successes on this roll as the Rokea's player did on the Manipulation + Intimidation roll to break free. This Gift lasts for one scene otherwise.

(Rokea BB p67)

Rank 5

Mindless Fight - A brutal frenzy is often an asset in a fight, but the eldest of the Rokea have honed their frenzies until they reap all of the benefits and few of the drawbacks. The Rokea can channel her Rage into not only speed, but endurance and power as well. This Gift is taught by a Shark spirit.

System: Once the Rokea learns this Gift, her use of Rage becomes diversified. First of all, the limits on how much Rage may be spent in a turn are lifted. The player may spend as much of the character's Rage for extra actions as she wishes. Second, in any turn in which Rage is spent, the character ignores wound penalties. Finally, the player recieves two extra dice to soak in any turn in which she spends Rage.

(Rokea BB p68)

Great Summons - As the Garou Lupus Gift: Song of the Great Beast. Obviously, the Rokean version of the Gift calls up aquatic Beasts. Favorites include prehistoric sharks and marine dinosaurs.

(PGttCB p154, Rokea BB p68)

Ocean's Peace - The Rokea's place is the Sea. They are at home there, and if not at peace, then at least secure in the knowledge that they belong there. An elder Rokea carries this self-assurance with her wherever she swims, Sea or Unsea. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Sea.

System: The Rokea with this Gift always adds 30 to her initiative rolls. In addition, if the player succeeds on a Willpower roll (difficulty 7), the Rokea may exert her confidence more forcefully for the remainder of the scene. In game terms, the player may spend a Willpower point to add a success to any roll, but as long as one other success is scored, she does not lose the point. The Willpower point is actually lost only if none of the dice show successes after any ones have subtracted other successes).

(PGttCB p154, Rokea BB p68)

Whirlpool's Maw - The Rokea opens her mouth, and anything not firmly fixed to the ground is swept into it. She does not actually consume the materials (or beings) thus captured, but they are never seen again. It is believed that Sea takes them, and they are forever lost in the pelagic depths. A spirit servant of Sea teaches this Gift.

System: This gift only works in Gladius or Chasmus forms. The player spends a Rage point and rolls Rage (difficulty 7). The Gift functions for one turn per success. During that time, anything that the Rokea could lift is sucked toward and into her gullet. For example, if the Rokea has a Strength rating of 6 in Gladius form, anything (or anyone) weighing up to 800 pounds that isn't securely fastened down flies toward her mouth and is swallowed. Even objects too large to fit into the Rokea's maw dissapear into the gaping pit. A living being attempting to resist this suction must grab something sturdy and roll Strength, (difficulty 8). This Gift functions only in the water.

(Rokea BB p68)


PGttCB 154-155, Rokea 68-71

Level 1

  • Eyes of the Wound
  • Restraint

  • Unseen Attack

Level 2

  • Narke's Gift
  • Undertow

  • First Feeling

Level 3

  • Bends
  • Might of Thor (Strength of the Crashing Waves)

  • School's Fear
  • Wriggling Teeth

Level 4

  • No Walls

  • Best Policy
  • Oversea's Cycle

Level 5

  • Halo of the Sun (Blood of Darkness)
  • Pain of the Wound

  • Scuttle
  • Sea's Winds

Rank 1

Eyes of the Wound - All sharks' eyes reflect light in much the same way as a cat's, allowing them to see in dim water. A Rokea with this Gift, however, can see in much darker areas. Also, the Rokea's eyes are protected from glaring light and sudden flashes of light. This Gift is taught by a Shark spirit.

System: Once learned, this Gift is always active. The character can see in the dark subject to normal rules for Rokea sight as long as some light is present, no matter how dim. Also, his eyes immediately compensate for bright light and sudden glare: Walking from a dark room into the sunlight, for example. He receives no penalty on initiative and the like from such occurances.

(PGttCB p154, Rokea BB p68)

Restraint - A common problem among Rokea (and especially the fierce Brightwaters) is attacking one's allies in frenzy, particularly when in Kunmind. This Gift allows the Rokea to be selective, even when lost in Rage. A spirit servant of Sea teaches this Gift.

System: The Rokea must activate this Gift before entering frenzy. To do so, the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Willpower (difficulty 6). For each success, the player chooses one character present. If the Rokea frenzies during the scene, she will ignore the characters so named, not attacking or even acknowledging them (which means that slew tactics cannot be used, either). Keep in mind, however, that Rokea cannot use Rage and Gnosis in the same turn. That, plus the fact that the Gift must be activated before the Rokea enters frenzy, means that a wereshark wishing to reap the benefits of this Gift must think ahead.

(PGttCB p154, Rokea BB p68)

Unseen Attack - If the Brightwater can approach her target without being seen, she may attack without fear of retaliation. All her victim will feel is a stirring in the waters behind him... and then teeth. This Gift is taught by a Shark spirit.

System: The Rokea must approach her prey undetected - this requires the player to succeed in a Wits + Stealth roll (difficulty varies by how perceptive the target is; Storyteller's discretion). She then attacks first, no matter how high her opponents initiative. The opponent cannot attempt to dodge this attack. Once the Rokea has attacked with this Gift, she may not normally do so again in the same scene (unless she can somehoe get out of sight and sneak up on the target again).

(PGttCB p154, Rokea BB p69)

Rank 2

First Feeling - The ocean may be majestic and beautiful when humans see it from the shore, but when they actually set foot in the water, most humans know fear. The Brightwaters can turn that primeval dread of drowning (or being swept away) or being eaten, etc.) to their advantage, causing an air-breather to run in fear from any body of water, even a puddle. A spirit servant of Sea teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Charisma + Intimidation. The difficulty varies based on how large a body of water the target can see (difficulty 4 for the ocean, 5 for a large lake, 7 for a pond, 8 for a swimming pool, 10 for a puddle). If the target cannot see a body of water, this gift has no effect. If the roll is successful, the target is overcome with fear and runs in terror for the highest ground he can find. This terror lasts for one turn per success. First Feeling has no affect on Rokea or any other creature that can naturally breathe water (including shapeshifters who know Gifts that allow them to do so).

(Rokea BB p69)

Narke's Gift - The electric ray - cakked narke by the Greeks - is capable of producing a powerful electric shock that can stun a human being. The Brightwaters long ago learned this secret though their jolt can do much more than stun a target. This Gift is, obviously, taught by an Electric-Ray spirit.

System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Rage (difficulty 6). Each success inflicts one level of lethal damage to anyone within 20' (in the water) or to one target (on land). Using this Gift on land requires that the target be grounded somehow, unless the Rokes touches the target directly. Damage from this Gift may be soaked as per lethal damage. After using this Gift, the Rokea must wait three turns to use it again, as she builds up enough energy for another charge.

(PGttCB p154, Rokea BB p69)

Undertow - The Brightwater calls up a vicious current that sweeps a target in a direction of the Rokea's choice. This Gift can be used to drag a human out to sea, to force a (small) ship to run aground, or even to sweep a foe - or meal - towards the Brightwater's waiting maw. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Sea.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Strength + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). The number of successes determines the strength of the undertow; anyone caught in the current must roll Strength + Athletics (difficulty 8) and exceed the Rokea's successes to escape it.

(PGttCB p154, Rokea BB p69)

Rank 3

Bends - Air-breathing creatures have, in recent years, been able to reach great depths. Some Rokea have noticed that if they surface too quickly, Sea becomes angry and causes them great pain and possibly death (humans know this phenomenon as "decompression sickness" or "the bends"). This Gift allows the Brightwater to inflict such agony on a target, whether or not she normally breathes air, or whether she is currently in the water. A spirit servant of Sea teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Strength + Medicine (difficulty 7). Each success inflicts one level of lethal damage. On land, any target may attempt tp soak this damage. Underwater, however, only water-breathers may do so. The wounds caused by this Gift are extremely painful; as such, all wound penalties are increased by one (for example, a character dropped to Hurt level by this Gift subtracts 2 dice from all actions, not one).

(PGttCB p154, Rokea BB p69)

School's Fear - The brightwater can cause a group of being - be it a school of fish, a crowd of people, or even a pack of Garou - to be seized with the fear that something is coming to eat them. Those gripped with the fear will panic and run (or swim) for their lives. This Gift is taught by the spirit of any small, schooling fish.

System: The targets need not actually see the Rokea for the Gift to work. The player simply rolls Charisma + Intimidation. The difficulty depends on the targets. Used against a school of normal fish or a group of humans, the difficulty is 6. Against active predators - a school of sharks or a pack of wolves, or even a group of soldiers or policemen - the difficulty rises to 8. Used against any group that includes supernatural beings, the difficulty is 9. If the roll succeeds, the group panics and runs for one turn per success (humans and fish usually keep fleeing until they reach safety).

(Rokea BB p69)

Strength of Crashing Waves - As the Garou Get of Fenris Gift: Might of Thor

(PGttCB p154)

Wriggling Teeth - Sharks have many rows of teeth, and commonly lose several in a single bite. A Brightwater blessed with this Gift, however, can cause his teeth to burrow into his victim's flesh even after he releases the bite. The teeth continue to drive themselves deeper until removed, at which point they become inert. A Shark spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The Rokea must first successfully bite a target. Then, the player spends a Willpower point and rolls Strength (difficulty 8). One tooth detaches for each success and continues driving itself into the victim's body. This has several effects. First, the victim adds a die to wound penalties for every two teeth (a wounded victim with two teeth stuck in him would lose 3 dice from his dice pools, not two. Second, the wounds from the bite cannot be healed, naturally or magically, until the teeth are removed (a bloody process which will likely inflict further wounds). Finally, the teeth will continue to injure the target. One tooth will infliect an unsoakable aggravated health level of damage every five turns. Two teeth inflift the same damage every four turns, and so on, to a maximum of one health level per turn (with five or more teeth).

(Rokea BB p69)

Rank 4

Best Policy - Honesty is the best policy", or so the human proverb goes. Rokea are not known for duplicity, but even Brightwater betweeners who lead double lives of sorts, are not well suited to lies of any kind. With this Gift, an honest comment, no matter how inflammatory, is taken in stride and accepted. This Gift is taught by a Remora spirit.

System: The player rolls Charisma + Expression (difficulty 6). The Gift lasts for one scene. Listeners take anything the Rokea says at Face value, as long as it is true. Also, if the truth requires the Rokea to reveal herself to a human being, the Veil covers her words later. For exampe, the Brightwater might explain to a security guard at a Pentex facility that she and her slew need to get by the gate to stop a load of toxic chemicals from being dumped into the Sea, because they live there and don't wish to be poisoned. The security guard agrees (he wouldn't want his living space poisoned either) and lets them pass. Later, he might remember that someone came through the gates, and even what they looked like, but he'll be certain they had the proper clearance.

(Rokea BB p70)

No Walls - In Sea, nothing is confined. There are no walls or doors, and for the ever moving Rokea, this is perfect. On land, however, things are different. With this gift, the brightwater can batter his way through any wall or door, no matter what the material. This Gift does not prevent alarms or traps from being triggered, however. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Kun.

System: The player rolls Strength + Athletics (difficulty 7). The Rokea can smash through any man-made barrier in a number of turns equal to (8 minus the number of successes on the roll). This Gift does not function on barriers that do not impede the Rokea. For example, the Rokea could not use No Walls to batter his way through a ship's hull, as he could simply swim around the ship.

(PGttCB p154, Rokea BB p70)

Oversea's Cycle - The Brightwaters are born in the time of Oversea's greatest pain. As such, they enjoy a strange connection to him, and can use this connection in several ways. When the moon is full or the sun is shining, he may draw upon his anger. When the Wound is covered - the sun is clouded over or the new moon rises - the Brightwater may heal his own pain. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Oversea.

System: When the sun or the full or gibbouls moon shines, the player may roll Willpower (difficulty 6). The Rokea regains a point of Rage for each success, with no danger of frenzy. If the Wound is not visible, the Rokea may regain lost health levels or Willpower points in the same way.

(Rokea BB p70)

Rank 5

Blood of Darkness - As the Garou Children of Gaia Gift: Halo of the Sun. (To Rokea, the blood of darkness is light.)

(PGttCB p155, Rokea BB p70)

Pain of the Wound - The Brightwater can inflict the blood of Oversea in its most damaging form - fire - on her foes. With but a wave of the hand (or tail) the wereshark conjurs up a mystical flame that burns even in the sunless depths, and doesn't end until the target is consumed. A spirit servant of Helios teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends two Rage points and rolls Strength + Rituals (difficulty of the opponent's Stamina). Success means that the wereshark's target bursts into flames, and receives three health levels of aggravated damage per turn until dead, until the fire is somehow mystically negated, or until the Rokea chooses to terminate the Gift. This place burns underwater, or in the absence of oxygen. The target may choose to smend a permanent Willpower to avoid the damage for one turn.

(PGttCB p155, Rokea BB p70)

Scuttle - The mightiest of the Brightwaters can sink any vessel afloat, simply by biting a chunk from the hull. The few Rokea who do know this Gift use it sparingly, as it exhausts the user. Even so, not all the ships sunk in the world's naval battles were sunk by enemy fire. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Kun herself.

System: The player spends one permanent Rage point and rolls Strength + Brawl. The difficulty varries on the size and durability of the craft. A wooden sailboat would be difficulty 5, while a cruise liner or battleship would be difficulty 9. A single success is enough to cause the ship to begin taking on water, and the vessel will sink unless she can reach port in a few scant hours. After using this Gift, the Brightwater automatically shifts into breed form and is too weak to do anything but swim very slowly for one hour.

(Rokea BB p70)

Sea's Winds - The Rokea surrounds herself with a blazing nimbus of light and battering winds (or violent waters, if used in the ocean). No one may approach her unbidden, and any that do risk being tossed aside or, in the case of Wyrl's minions, burned by the light.

System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Willpower (difficulty 7). For the remainder of the scene, anyone wishing to apprach the Rokea unbidden must accumilate 15 successes on an extended Strength + Athletics roll (difficulty 8). Anyone attempting this must also attempt to soak 3 levels of bashing per turn: against Qyrl tainted intruders, this damage becomes aggravated as the light burns their flesh. If the intruder manages to reach the Rokea, they have only one action to attack or reason with the Rokea before they are swept away again.

(Rokea BB p70)


PGttCB 155-156, Rokea 71-73

Level 1

  • King Fish
  • Beast Speech (Sea's Voice)

  • Strange Blood
  • True Intentions

Level 2

  • Crushing Depths
  • Spit Teeth

  • Know Oversea's Mind

Level 3

  • Drown
  • Sea's Wisdom

  • Lure

Level 4

  • Living Sea
  • Strike the Air (Quick Currents)

  • Oversea's Wrath
  • Swim Undersea's Bloodstream

Level 5

  • Common Foe
  • Leviathan

  • Wound Undersea

Rank 1

King Fish - Almost all coastal and island cultures have developed myths about sharks, refering to them as gods of some kind. Sharks are indeed at the top of their food chain, and with this Gift - taught by a Shark spirit - allows them to command respect.

System: The player rolls Charisma + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). Successes subtract one from the difficulties of any rolls the player myst make in that scene involving Leadership or Intimidation. This Gift does not inspire fear or loyalty so much as respect for a powerful being.

(PGttCB p155, Rokea BB p71)

Sea's Voice - As the Garou Galliard Gift: Beast Speech.

(PGttCB p155, Rokea BB p71)

Strange Blood - The Rokea can smell the blood of a target and identify them as a supernatural being. Rokea often use this Gift to identify other Rokea at a distance, which helps to prevent embarrassing mishaps (like eating a fellow wereshark). A Shark spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player rolls perception + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). Success identifies the target as either a Rokea, a mundane being (be it fish, human, or whatever) or a supernatural being. The Rokea doesn't automatically know what the being is - that is, the Storyteller should not say "He's a vampire" rather, she should describe what the Rokea smells ("His blood smells thick and clotted, as though all clumped together instead of flowing") The Rokea can learn to recognize different beings by their scents.

(Rokea BB p71)

True Intentions - Similar to the Philodox Gift: Truth of Gaia, this Gift allows the Dimwater to determine a target's goal during any given action. For example, if used on a human wading after young sharks in the shallows, the Gift shows the Rokea what the human plans to do with them. True Intentions does not work on spoken words, only on actions, and is taught by a spirit servant of Sea.

System: The player rolls Intelligence + Empathy (difficulty of the target's Manipulation + Subterfuge). Multiple successes grant slightly greater understanding of the target's motivations behind his actions (e.g., whether he's being coerced).

(Rokea BB p71)

Rank 2

Crushing Depths - This Gift allows the Rokea to inflict the pressure of the deeps on a target. The wereshark must lock eyes with this target, after which the target cannot move and can only stand still and fight to breathe. The weresharm, meanwhile, usually slowly closes the distance between herself and the target. This Gift is taught by a deep-sea fish spirit

System: The Rokea must make eye contact with her victim. The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty of the target's Willpower). The target, on the other hand, can do nothing at all. The only way to escape the effects of this Gift is to Frenzy, if the target is capable of doing so.

(PGttCB p155, Rokea BB p72)

Know Oversea's Mind - By surfacing and conversing with Air spirits, the Rokea may predict the weather for the region with near-perfect accuracy. This Gift is taught by an Air spirit.

System: The player rolls Intelligence + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). The Rokea knows the weather of the area for a number of days equal to the successes rolled. For example, if the player rolls three successes, the Rokea knows what to expect for the next three days.

(Rokea BB p72)

Spit Teeth - The Rokea can, as the Gift's name suggests, spit teeth at an opponent from a distance. This Gift is typically used on land, as it can be used in any form (Homid included) byt can also be used in the water. A Shark spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player rolls Stamina + Primal Urge (difficulty 6) to loosen the teeth (one tooth per success), and Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 6) to strike with them collectively. The Rokea may fire the teeth up to 25 feet away. Each tooth inflicts one health level of Damage, provided that the roll to hit was successful. This damage is aggravated, and may be soaked, provided that the target is normally capable of soaking aggravated damage.

(PGttCB p155, Rokea BB p72)

Rank 3

Drown - The Rokea can cause an air-breather to grow gills to breathe, so that she must take oxygen from the water like a fish. While this Gift can be used to allow air-breathers to more comfortably visit Sea, the Dimwaters rarely use it for this purpose. Rather, they use it as the name implies, to drown enemies or worse yet, force them to seal their own fates by leaping into the waters with the waiting Rokea. Rokea may learn this Gift from any fish spirit.

System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Willpower (difficulty of the opponent's Stamina + 4). Success forces the target to breathe water (salt and fresh are both viable) to survive, but in no other way protects him from the ocean (temperature and pressure still have their normal effects). The effects last for one hour.

(PGttCB p155, Rokea BB p72)

Lure - The Dimwater creates an illusory replica of herself, which can act somewhat autonomously. It can perform simple, repetitive actions (swimming or walking, commonly). The illusion looks, sounds, and smells exactly like the Rokea. it has no tactile component, but by the time an attacker realizes this, she has already revealed herself to the lurking wereshark. Angler-Fish spirits teach this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The duplicate can appear anywhere within the Rokea's line of sight, and lasts until the Rokea breaks concentration or wills the duplicate to vanish. The duplicate may take any action the Rokea wishes, but it has no physical form, it cannot pick up objects or attack.

(Rokea BB p72)

Sea's Wisdom - The Dimwater swims in frenzied circles, creating a small whirlpool. In the swiftly moving water she can hear the voice of her spiritual mother, Sea, and ask her advice. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Sea.

System: The player rolls Intelligence + Rituals (difficulty 7). The more successes the player achieves, the more useful and direct the advice Sea grants will be. Sea has not, as of yet, given an opinion on betweeners to any Dimwater using this Gift.

(PGttCB p155, Rokea BB p72)

Rank 4

Living Sea - The Rokea causes the sea (or any body of water) to come to life around a target. The water becomes semi-solid, and can hold a target in place, propel the Rokea along at great speeds, or even strangle a victim. If the Rokea is on land, she may cause a nearby body of water (a fountain of water, for example) to extend a tendril of living water to accomplish the same effects. A spirit servent of Sea teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 6). The Rokea may command a body of water equal to 5 cubic feet per success. If the Rokea wishes the water to inflict damage on a living target (by strangling a water-breather or drown an air-breather), the water inflicts the Rokea's Gnosis in lethal damage dice each turn.

(PGttCB p155, Rokea BB p72)

Oversea's Wrath - The Dimwater can call down violent storms upon his foes, capsizing small fessels and churning the waters. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Oversea.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Rituals. The difficulty varies based on existing weather conditions; summoning a storm on a clear, still day obviously carries a much higher difficulty than doing so when the skies are already dark. Using the Gift: Know Oversea's Mind ahead of time obviously allows the Rokea to plan for the best time to call a storm. Successful use of this Gift summons a thunderstorm and churns the waters into huge waves. One success will topple small crafts, three successes will capsize mid-sized fishing fessels, and five or more successes are need t sink ocean liners or oil rigs (Rokea don't usually target oil rigs, anyway - the oil has to go somewhere, after all).

(Rokea BB p72)

Quick Currents - As the Garou Child of Gaia Gift: Strike the Air.

(PGttCB p155)

Swim Undersea's Bloodstream - The Rokea can enter Undersea's bloodstream, the series of mystical tunnels that connects Grottoes - at any Grotto and emerge at another nearly anywhere else in the world. The Rokea must obtain permission from the spirits of both Grottoes, or else she will be shunted off to a totally random and possibly dangerous place somewhere inbetween the two Grottoes. This Gift is taught by any Grotto spirit.

System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 4 + the Grotto's level). The player must make this roll twice; once when the Rokea enters Undersea's bloodstream and once when she reaches her destination. The Rokea can normally only travel to Grottoes she has visited before, but the Grottoes can be anywhere in the world.

(Rokea BB p73)

Rank 5

Common Foe - When battle lines are drawn, Dimwaters see two sides: theirs and the enemy's. The eldest Dimwaters remember when the most common enemies were the servants and children of Qyrl, and can call other beings into service against such creatures, no matter their usual allegiance. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Kun.

System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty 6). The character emits either a sending or a low growl. For the remainder of the scene, any non-corrupted supernatural beings (changing breeds, most mages, even changelings) cannot attack one another so long as a common threat is present (usually a monstrous Wyrm-beast of some kind). Anyone who tries such an attack immediately suffers wound and movement penalties as though Crippled. The Gift: Resist Pain provides no relief against this agony. Common Foe lasts until the end of the scene or until the threat is vanquished. It only works to rally non-Wyrmish beings against minions of the Wyrm. It does not work to force a betweener's non-Rokea allies (should any exist) to attack him.

(PGttCB p155, Rokea BB p73)

Leviathan - While the Gift: Great Summons allows any elder wereshark to call up aid from the unseen depths, the Dimwaters dislike the disruption in Sea's harmony that such beasts cause. This Gift allows them to take matters into their own jaws, becoming such a beast rather than summoning one. A spirit servant of Kun teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends two Willpower points and two Rage points the character changes into a monstrous shark, nearly 80 feet long. This grants +5 to all physical Attributes after Fighting Jaws modifiers (so a Rokea with Strength 3 in Homid form would have Strength 12 as a Leviathan). Also, the Rokea regains at least one Rage point per turn. This Gift lasts until the end of the scene.

(PGttCB p156, Rokea BB p73)

Wound Undersea - This very dangerous Gift is used only in times of truly dire need. The Dimwaters boast that theirs is the only auspice responsible enough to hold the knowledge. With this Gift, the wereshark can open a vent in the sea floor, calling lava from it. This boils the water in the immediate area, as well as causing small earthquakes throughout the region. This Gift is taught, ableit very rarely, by an avatar of Unsea herself.

System: The Rokea slashes herself with her own claws and bleeds near the sea floor (in the process enduring at least one health level of aggravated damage). The player spends one Rage point and one Willpower Point, and then rolls Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 8). Success opens a crack in the sea floor. Lava will boil up in three turns, which is how long the Rokea has to get to a safe distance. The lava boils the water in the area, inflicting at least three health levels of damage (aggravated) each turn. Any additional effects - earthquakes, whirlpools at the surface and so forth, are up to the Storyteller.

(Rokea BB p73)


PGttCB 156-157, Rokea 73-76

Level 1

  • Blood of the Deeps
  • Silent Sending

  • Chill
  • Shroud (Qyrl's Blood)

Level 2

  • Enter Sea's Soul
  • Piercing Shriek

  • Voice of the Depths

Level 3

  • Direct the Storm (Scent of Blood)
  • Swim Through the School

  • No Blood
  • Summon Scuttlers

Level 4

  • Shock Wave
  • Wave's Passage

  • Sea's Breath

Level 5

  • Madness
  • Oversea's Gift

  • Hunger of the Trench
  • Pall
  • C'et's Shell

Rank 1

Rank 2

Rank 3

Rank 4

Rank 5


Rokea 77

Level 1

  • Find Sea
  • Spirit Speech

Level 2

  • Enter Sea's Soul (Enter Unsea's Soul)

Level 3

  • C'et's Mysteries

Level 4

  • Form of Sea

Level 5

  • Wall of Granite

Rank 1

Rank 2

Rank 3

Rank 4

Rank 5