2014.11.20:Boathouse Formori

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Boathouse Formori
Sadly a Family of four fell to a bane becoming fish fomori
IC Date November 20th, 2014
IC Time Morning
Players Amy Kerry, Revi, Cricket, Chambers, Aodhan
Location Boat Docks
Spheres Gaian Garou, Kinfolk

Aodhan hangs out, drinking and playing guitar, and generaly being himself when he relaxes.

New moon. Luna's face is hidden from the world. Jake seems a little on edge as he's sitting down by the fire, tending to the low flame. "Double watch these couple nights," he says, "Wyrm's always more active when Luna's not watching."

Alecto is always on edge, but here she comes, more or less relaxed, glancing slowly about her. She has come for a reason, but she's come WITHOUT the reason, if that makes sense. She moves to those who are gathering and she seats herself next to Chambers silently.

Revi is dancing as she walks. no one can hear the music she does through those gigantic mouse ears headphones that are both high tech and retro. She is not a dancer so it mostly looks like spasming to a beat.

Aodhan strums his guitar, the diminutive galliard sings lightly. "A new moon is rising I feel it tonight, my permanent's blown and my nails are a fright, my cloths are all now thirty sizes to tight, oh pity a poor naked werewolf.

         Prowl, run, howl at the full moon, I can't do it right, I don't know why I try. Soon the moon will be rising, oh woe is the life of a werewolf. 
         My werefriends all teas me they think it's a lark, to think of a werewolf that's scared of the dark, but this little werewolf got mugged in the park. Oh pity a poor battered werewolf. 
        Prowl, run, howl at the full moon, I can't do it right, I don't know why I try. Soon the moon will be rising, oh woe is the life of a werewolf. 
         A werewolf should be quite ferocious and mean, and do to it's prey things extremely obscene, but this little werewolf thinks veggies are keen. Oh shame on a veg eating werewolf. 
        Prowl, run, howl at the full moon, I can't do it right, I don't know why I try. Soon the moon will be rising, oh woe is the life of a werewolf. 
         My allergy tablets are making me dry, it's better then sneezing when I'm on the fly, my fur makes my nose run and waters my eyes, oh pity a poor sniffling werewolf. 
        Prowl, run, howl at the full moon, I can't do it right, I don't know why I try. Soon the moon will be rising, oh woe is the life of a werewolf."

Amy Kerry wanders on up to the main social meeting place of the Caern. Only, and this is notable, she's in the form of a large gray wolf. Very well groomed, though a bit ragged from a long run. When she coes up, she stops, does the best wolf impression of thraot clearing, and puts out a by the numbers howl. No sp ecial message, just attracting attention. She then shifts onto two legs, and looks around. Waiting a moment to see she has attention,s he says "So i've been preparing for my gnosis trip, and caern hunting, and I..." She then closes her eyes and signs. "I found something horrible. It's... on a houseboat, on the harbor. A whole family... taken by the Wyrm." She then sniffs, and squints. "It's really bad. There's four of them. And I.. well. They were nice people. I used to see them sometimes when I'd go out and get food. But something needs done. They aren't... them anymore. And I can't do it. I can't kill them."

Alecto has left.

Chambers laughs appropriately at Aodhan's song as he sings it, shaking his head. "Good lord, you should do a Spiral version of that song.." He looks up, though, as Amy rushes in, and raises a brow as he hears her tell her tale. "A whole family? Do we know the source of their corruption? Did you see what's become of them?" He stands up, frowning deeply and looking at the others.

Cricket has connected.

Revi notices the others looking at something so she drops the oversized headphone and turns around. When the headphones break thier seal and are open to the air ear splitting music blasts out almost as well as a speaker. it's mostly noise, not really a conisure of music just good at being loud. with some fiddeling she turns off and stows the musicplayer and headphones that she shouldn't have this close to the bawn anyway. "What I miss?" she asks as she looks around at people being seriouse.

Aodhan slips to his feet and takes a swallow of his whiskey, puts the flask back into his pocket, and doesnt' arm up, instead he sets his guitar to the side. "Alright lass." he says "Show us where you've found the Wyrm." he says gently. "If they are fallen we will take care of it." he says reasuringly. Of course his version of take care of it might just be kill them all and dump the bodies in the water, or he might have a cunning plan. Who knows with the grumpy midget?

Cricket has begun to make it a habit to bring something to drop off with some of the kin Trekome knows when she comes to trhe Caern. To make broth for the sick Void, with instructions to 'broth the MaskMan'. If they even understand the pre-Change youngling with the scrawny body and big paws. Skeletally, she's full grown, just stunted from starvation and poofy from an unruly coat. Dropping off the dead weasel (those can be brothed, right?! What does she know anyway!) with a kin, she heads for the grey wolf as a fmailiar scent and tries to greet her by belly crawling over - picking up on the serious mood and trying to cheer her.

Amy Kerry nods to Chambers, and looks to everyone, nodding to Revi as well. "They've been twisted. As far as I can tell they caught a tainted fish that was planted by... well, something of the Wyrm. They live.. lived on a houseboat. They didn't have a lot of money." She then closes her eyes tight and sighs. "It's awful, but clearly they shared that dinner and it... got them. All four of them. I just.. I just can't kill them. I never really got to know them but I'd sit back at the harbor and watch them play or fish or whatever while I did my work." She then snifs again, and shakes her head. "I'll take you there, anyone willing to help." She then looks to Cricket and smiles weakly. "Sorry I can't play right now. I... don't know if I should invite you along or not. This could be very dangerous."

Chambers looks rather upset, but then sighs at Amy. "I fear it's more than just the simple fact of a tainted fish. Humans eat tainted food every day. It maybe upsetting to think about, but we may find there was a darkness in their hearts long before their corruption. However, that is neither here nor there. If they have become fomori, then it is our duty to ensure they will not pose a threat to anyone else."

Revi goes to Amy's side with an arm over her shoulder "Oh, I am so sorry." she nods and tries to support and afirm "you did the right thing, coming for help. We can help. We will do all that we can to help. It will all be ok" and she continues to sooth and offer her anything she might need. She nods to Aodhan "Can you sence where the taint came from? so we can prevent this from happening again? Weather it's the food or from them?"

Aodhan shrugs his small shoulders "I can scent the wrym when we are closer, it is hard enough in the city but, we will see what we see lass." he says. The dwarf adjusts his bowler and takes the flask out of his inner pocket holding it out to Amy. "Take a swallow lass, steady up the nerves." he says

SadAmy is unbearable and the runty white wriggles up and flops her head on the girl's foot. <> Cricket offers, trying to be helpful, tail giving a hopeful little wa. She has no diea what might be out there. Or what a fomori is or anything, but if it cheers Amy up, she'll try.

Amy Kerry doesn't hesitate. She takes the offered beverage, andt akes a mouthful. Blinking, eyes really welled up now, she nods "Thank you." Taking a breath, she sighs "Alright. I rented a van we can all take. Cricket, you can jump in with us if you feel you're up to it. If something runs, we may need a tracker. Follow me when you're ready. Thank you everyone." She then nods to each in turn, including Cricket, and then slowly begins the trek back to where she parked way away from here. "Maybe it wasn't a fish they caught, but we have to find out. I know what needs done, and I hate it, but I hate the Wyrm for doing this." she adds, steeling herself a bit, but still very much broken up. It's only when she's a good few hundred yards from the gropuing that she goes ahead and lets herself cry.

Chambers places an arm around Amy's shoulders as he catches up, giving her a soft squeeze. "It's never a good day when we have to do our duty, but it's the only way to set them free. If they were good people, as you say, then we must release them from their torture, before they hurt others."

Revi nods "that's right, it's the Wyrm. and we must defeat it." she is happy to see the blame firmly where it is supposed to be. Revi sets her day things aside and calls in her bow, checking her arrows and the leathers she wears as bracers. other than that she is ready.

Aodhan follows but sheers off to get his bike. He isn't much for letting other people drive. Control freak metis, happy to follow the van tho. The dwarf drinks and drives... but then he drinks and does everything else, regeneration makes you take risks.

Cricket might need a bit of coaxing to egt into the weird box of the van. And she might pee on the upholstery during the drive. Just a little bit. And she may try to hide under legs or the seat, or hide on a lap. Cars are new. And /scary/. But she tries to be brave so she can help Amy get unsad.

Revi has a magic lap of hiding and no problem comforting the wolf in the car. she's a Soft Ahroun

Kings Island Boardwalk - Mid Pier

        Mid Pier of the Kings Walk you find yourself surrounded by shops and small businesses with a fabulous view of the harbor. The largest of these businesses is the Wicked Mystic Bookstore. Just about everything from comic book shops, gaming stores, souvenirs stands, and even the occasional kiosk can be found here. During the day you are surrounded by blue water and at night a thousand twinkling lights decorating the buildings signs and ferris-wheel light the pier in a truly dazzling display.

Amy Kerry isn't quite drunk but she's slightly impaired by the booze. So she drives a little carefully. Which also give the biker a chance to follow nicely. "Hang on Cricket, don't be scared of the noise and the rumbling. I'm in control of it." she explains. Still tries not to go too fast though. Pulling up to the boardwalk, parking in a gap between two businesses, she backs in so everyone can pile out. Tied to the pier is a houseboat, two floors, not large though, and covered in halloween decorations. "Here we are. I'm going to... stay out here if you guys don't mind."

Aodhan hunts for the wyrm in his usual manner, his nose's internal structure changing along with a bit of a muzzle shape pushing forward. The dwarf does it in the lee of the van and searches for the wyrm.

Revi spends her time in the van, comforting the puppy. she has no problem letting her climb over her and hide around her. Just Don't Pee on Revi! Revi has many lupus kin in her sept back home and is not as boggled by them as some homids. might also be her squirlle brain.... mmmm Squierlle.

Cricket scrambles out of the van on unsteady legs and glares at the boxmonster. GLARES. Then finishes peeing under a bush before hunting up a puddle to roll in. The mud helps hide the bright white of her pelt, see? Then it's nose to the ground and in the air and was that a butt? Sorry butt! Someone got goosed! Back to the ground, chasing the smells and looking at the boat. <<Waterwoodthing smells like dead things. rotten things. Do not smell deadthingrottenthing smell on the ground.>>

Aodhan nods his head "The houseboat is filled with the wyrm." he says his face sliding back into it's usual not terribly attractive but not 'OH GOD A MONSTER' apperance.

It is a cool, humid day today. Below 70, 57 percent humidity. Not a lot of rain but there are puddles here and there from people getting on and off boats, and fishing, and what not. Pretty mild for winter but definitely jacket weatehr for southern Californians. Amy sits in the van, watching them from the driver's seat. Ready to answer questions but not wanting to do this. Not wanting to watch them... end the suffering. There is a sturdy plank for getting on and off the houseboat, askew from being unused in a while. The gang could get on and off the boat with nobody watching directly, thanks to the buildings, and the van, blocking of fthe crowds from this dirty job.

Chambers climbs out of the van, having to unfold his body. "God I hate road trips," he says, then looks over at Cricket and Aodhan, offering a nod. "Great. Wyrm zombies. Or worse." He looks over at the pier and the crowds there. "All right, so silence is golden this time around. How are we going to do this? Fisherman's lure or ballroom blitz?"

Revi says, "I'm not likeing how exposed we are here. not even the cover of night. Any chance of just driving the boat out of the harbor? I don't think house boats go all that fast and I don't really want to be hisbo on something with limited space." she shakes her head "I don't like it at all. my First thought is to give them a viking funeral. but I'm not a tactition. I'm just the mucle.""

Amy Kerry leans her head out of the window. "They... they might have gills. I'm not sure."

Cricket sits back on her butt and scratches at an ear where the drying mud makes it itch. <<No smell on ground. Can they fly? Or swim? What is a fomori?>> Not the best time to be asking thousands of questions, but she is! <<Smell is all on the waterwoodthing.>>

Aodhan takes off his bowler. "I'll scout it." he says "And see if there is something that needs more than a little taking care of." he says and sets his bowler on the handle of his bike, puts his coat over the seat, as those are the two things he hasn't dedicated to himself. "Now, I'll bark once for fomori, twice if all is clear, and I'll howl to terrify the dead if I'm spotted." he says and suddenly with a liquid fluid grace that very few can match he's suddenly a wolf... admittedly he's the size of a large fox, or perhaps a corgi but still.

Revi nods to the plan. and looks enviouse of Aodhan's ease of transistion. She wonders if that is because he is Metis or because he is short. She is Short! yes it must be because he is shrot and she must learn how that is done.

Aodhan sneaks his little furry butt onto the boat to go poking about.

Aodhan is able to get in without being detected easily. The dang gangway doesn't even shift, nothing creaks. It's amazing. He's able to get a look at the lower levfel of the houseboat. It's a mess. chairs and a crib knocked over, a lumpy pile of blankets beside the crib. On one wall is a pair of kiddy Halloween makss (Let it Go girl from Frozen and Buzz Lightyear), beneath each is hanging a full bag of halloween candy. A 30 inch television is at one end of the room, and mounted on the wall above it is a big, beautiful swordfish, on a brand new wooden mount, with a brass plaque iwth eman's name and the date he caught it. Taped to it is a handmade birthday card of red construction paper, written "Happy birthday daddy" in a young kid's handwriting. The kitchen is rotting of dying food. From upstairs there ar ethumping noises now and then. Oh, and the whole room smells like something died in here.

Aodhan investigates the lumpy blankets, gota check everything, the good, the bad, the why do I always have to look at that when I investigate the wyrm's lairs.

Sorry. In the blankets is a dead baby. Dead a few weeks. with a giant bite taken out of the girl's shoulder.

Revi is just out waiting for the barks or howl. ready to charge in or get a report.

Aodhan nods his wolfish head and turns to start sneaking up the stairs. To investigate the bumps.

Upstairs are the bedrooms, but the thin walls have been battered down. Two child bedrooms are up here, along with a master bedroom. The family of four is here, wandering. They are deformed horribly. Skin covered in fishy scales. eyes shifted to the sides of their head, and clouded over. They can't see, and they wander aimlessly. Bumping into walls, and furniture, and each other, hands out, pawing at anything in front of them. They don't detect Aodhan... yet.

Aodhan nods his head again and heads back down once he catches sight of Revi from the boat he doesn't bark, instead the dwarf is suddenly standing next to her in her mind. "Four, two adult, two children, dead infant. They are fomori certainly, we could try to steal the boat, they seem to be blind, but I think there will be a fight either way lass."

Revi looks between the 'aodhan on the boat' and the aodhan next to her... And scowls at the aodhan on the boat for not warning her. She nods, relays the info to Chambers and asks "how are we clensing this?" She has a dedicated bow and simply hides that in her pocket as she crosses the road towards the boat "Alright. lets go in and clean up. I think we should take care of the fomri, drive the boat out, clence it, burn it, sink it and hit the umbra to get back to shore." maybe she is a tactition?

Aodhan shakes his head in Revi's mind. "Only if you're looking to swimfight your way through whatever wyrm is in the water." he says "Perhaps we should clense it, burn it, but maybe we should steal a smaller boat to leave in lass."

Amy Kerry invites Cricket to join her in the van, opening it up again to bring her in. She did her job, helped out and found information, and now wants to get away from the smell of death.

Revi says, "does anyone know how to steal a boat or convince some one to lend us one? Or has a Kin contact that can come out to meet us?"

Chambers was looking to comfort Amy but when it's time to fight, he's ready with whatever plan. The scout can see better than he can. "Sounds reasonable." He then informs Amy of the plan as he physically prepares himself for a fight, his Gifted armor protecting him, and any hint of fear drained from him.

Aodhan hrrms "Look if she can't steal a boat, have her call Peter at *insert phone number* and tell him that uncle Aodhan needs him to borrow a boat and meet us here."

Amy Kerry gets out of the van and uses what she's willing to use to kill the nice family across the way: money. She rents a tour boat, and has it brought over.

Amy Kerry climbs out of the boat, having not wanted to bring anothe rperson over here. and grunts as she gets back into the van. "If it's wrecked I'l cover it, no big deal."

Aodhan shrugs "Well then lets go, they're on the top floor, not a lot of room to run, or fight so be careful." then he's suddenly NOT in Revi's head.

Revi nods and wmile to amy giving her a pat on the back. "We will take it from here." she looks like typical south calli fruit cake so she has no problem crossing the way. playing like the little corggie wolf is hers and she ushering her puppy into the house. but once inside her mood changes and her bow comes to her hand. not that she will use it, it is just a security blanket really. she assesses the room and desides to go galabro, but not the full crinos. Heck she's short, Galabro is just going to be normal size person anyway.

Aodhan wolfish Aodhan makes his sneakily way up the stairs ready to get this party started leading Revi and Chambers.

They never saw it coming. When daddy is thwacked with an arrow in the chest, he goes down hard, a faint moan coming from his chest, his physiology grasdcually shifting from air-based to water-based. Momma lets out an unearthly shriek in pain at the attack.

Aodhan bites momma in the hamstring, bleh taste of fomori is never plesant. He bounces back, in and out fast slashing attacks are the dwarf's usual fighting style.

Revi takes a deep breath allowing herself a moment of pitty for the family as she travels through the boat, gudied by the adorable galliard. the halloween candy and daddy's birthday banner is heartbreaking. she notes the lumpy blanket but... will spare herself the sight of the baby. She Fallows Aodhan up and into the second floor where the family meanders but she has already shed a tear for the family that was. These are the creatures that killed them, These are the creatures she must kill to avenge them. She draws an arrow and looses an arrow but the tightness of the area isn't all that archer friendly and she gets a chest hit but not a critical one. time to get hand to hand.

The kids are still wrapped in thier plastic cape costumes. They were a simple family, and those cheap costumes gave the kids a lot of pleasure. They didn't hear the fighting, since they can't really hear very well int he air anymore. So they're easy pickings or Aodhan and Revi to come upon them, in Hispo and Glabro tearing at the dieased, fishy flesh. They to go down, flopping and moaning. Their suffering gone now at least, thanks to the overwhelming strength of the Garou here.

Chambers didn't really get a chance to attack, as the place is confined as it is, and the other two went ahead. He comes up,bringing the card, the masks, and a photo of the family. Seting them around appropriately, and bringing up the bundle, he begins the rite to cleanse the family, freeing them from the effects of the banes, here at the very end.

Aodhan tears through momma fomori in a flash of claw and fang, moving through in almost the same heartbeat to put the little girl out of her misery as well. Then he starts hunting to see what might have pushed them over the edge, normaly it takes a pretty hollow soul to be taken by the fomori, but he'll shift to homid and unlash from the peir starting the houseboat. "Revi lass, take the other boat follow us." he says "I'll get us out to sea and then we'll take care of the evidence."

Revi does her best to snap necks and make things fast for the poor family. claws go through necks pretty easily and indeed makes things fast. She and her little hispo friend will need some cleaning and clencing. she nods to chanbers sollomly as he sets about the work. she is quiet as the work is done which is unlike her. Finally after she offers. "alright, a crash corse in driving should be fun. Chambers, do you want to hunt for back up fule, or send amy out for a few cans of gas, or some other excellerant that isn't as smokey."

Chambers is diligent in performing the rite as the ship is taken out to sea, focusing on the family, but also giving some attention to the two Garou who had to touch the formori. When it's done he does as asked, and finds some kerosene, which the family used for lighting. He spreads it ritualistically on the bodies, and hands the rest to Revi to use as she needs.

Revi rips a strip of t-shirt and soaks it in the karoseen. While that gets good and saturated she gathers furniture and papers and other flamable things into a pile on the deck. She builds another pyrimid of flamables in the living room as well. She covers both piles in the Kerosene and leaves a trail of the flamable liquid between them. The bit of t shirt gets wrapped around the shaft of her arrow, just behind the head. "We can Go, get a safe distance, Hang out long enough to makes sure it all goes down."

Aodhan nods his head and takes the boathouse out where they can get rid of it.

Chambers finishes his part, but asks that he be the one to light the blaze, sot hat he can do so as a finishing moment of the rite. Revi can fire it, but he should light it. And he does for her, from the safety of the rented boat, a few miles out into the ocean out of sight of casual onlookers, where they took it so they could do this with no problem.

Revi Actualy does a costume shift once on Aodhan's Rented Boat. Instead of the day to day sports clothing in the cartoon theme she shifts to the Rainbow stripped toga with the gold trimmed cream colored under dress and gold cuffs and loural. it's still her style but more ceremonial. her unique way of showing respect to the fallen family. Once Aodhan pulls them to a safe distance she stands on the rim of the boat, knocks the arrow and tilts it towards the dwarf. He smokes so she is assuming he has a light.

Aodhan does light the arrow to let Revi start the viking funeral. The dwarf isn't one to argue with cerimony.

Chambers does his part to cleanse the arrow and the flame, so that combined with the rite, this will be a cleansing fire.

Revi is a rather colorful vissage of Diana as she looses the arrow. The arrow doesn't arch down the way she would like to get the fire close to the base, But the excellerant makes it a moot point as the fire pile catches and transfers the flame to the second pile in the core of the boat. Once it catches there is little to be done to stop the process of the boat going down. They stay long enough to ensure its done properly but not long enough to be caught by the shore patrol that might be atracted by the smoke.

It's not the best build houseboat ever. It debatably wasn't entirely seaworthy at this point. But the Martinezes called it home, and freed from the Banes, they go down with it. It caches fire quickly, Burning rapidly , and going down before anyone can have any trouble, so the crew can take the rented boat back to the shore at their leisure.

Aodhan does head back easily with the boat and rides his bike away from the docks looking sad but determined.

Revi walks back, or does till she is done walking and catches a bus, but a time to contemplate the sad is taken. She does feel acomplished. like some good was done, but sad that more couldn't be done for the family.

Chambers rides back with Amy and Cricket, to inform her of just how it was, how the cleansing happened, and so she has someone else to talk to.