2014.10.20:The Woman Who Waited III

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The Woman Who Waited III
Regular meetings are boring
IC Date Friday, October 17th, 2014
IC Time Morning-Afternoon
Players Velok (Storyteller), Cig, Gar, Liesl, Zach
Location Manchester, England
Prp/Tp The Woman Who Waited
Spheres Mage


xxxxxIt's pretty easy to not like Harley, the woman who greeted them at the airport. The sudden change of plans throwing the first real wrench into what was otherwise a smooth process. Go in, follow plan, succeed, go out. For four people who have never worked together before, they at least didn't freak out, and let the woman take them towards the dark, seemingly abandoned warehouse under an overpass.
xxxxxSo what does one expect from a Euthanatos chantry headquarters? Certainly the darkness might be a factor, the decaying broken remains of what was once surely a prosperous storage space. As Harley pulls the metal door opens and assures everyone their luggage will be taken care of, she leads them into the small square reception office. The office is otherwise tiny and holds a single desk, as well as a single door that no doubt passes into the main warehouse and a solid bookcase against the wall. "Welcome!" She says in her rather high pitched voice, once everyone is inside and the door closes. Harley skips across the room to the bookcase, reaching out and pulling on one of the books. "I know, I know. Cliche." She says as a section of the floor starts to pull away, revealing a staircase leading down into darkness. Without a single word of instruction, Harley turns and starts to hop down the steps two at a time. "That's what we enjoy here. Nice, smooth, cliche." She says as she disappears into the dark. "Mind your step!" She calls back, her voice far enough away to show that this isn at least a decent sized staircase.

Gar does what come naturally to him, he takes point. After all that is what he was trained to do. He heads in behind Harley, "Well I would go with the term classic ofver cliche' but six of one half dozen of the other."

Zach gives a glance to each of his companions, and after only a brief moment's pause would begin to make his way down the stairs. He was curious, and had every intention of sating that curiosity. He wasn't anxious, but he wasn't being careless either. He chose each step with care but kept the pace set by Gar.

xxxxxLiesl glances to Cig, as the others take the plunge down the dark staircase. She's madly curious as well, and heads down next, letting Cig cover the rear. Not that there should be much to cover from, right? Regardless, she keeps an ear out.

Cig watches Harley bounce and trounce around then hop, skip, and jump down into the darkness. When his companions start to do the same he gives a glance around then follows, taking the rear position. He descends into the depths, carrying his small packsack draped over one shoulder.

xxxxxThere's totally nothing to worry about at all. It's not like they're walking into an admitted den of trained killers with a strange code of ethics and tricky morals. Nothin' wrong with that. The staircase is decently sized and dark, the only light coming from the faint trickle of dim sunlight from the opening. Eventually, that light stops reaching, and the group has to travel through pitch black, surely going slower and slower so that feet can find the correct step. A noise rumbles from above, eyes able to look back and just barely see the floor hatch automatically closing again, sealing them in complete darkness.
xxxxxWithout warning, a new voice rings out. A deep voice, clearly a man, with the same type of accent people have heard from Velok. "Every Euthanatos must descend into the darkness." The voice comes from all around them, even if they continue moving. "All of the Euthanatoi face the same initiation. To join with that darkness, and understand it. To recognize that without darkness, there can be no light. There can be no sunrise without the night. Even now you walk with others within that darkness. You four have accepted a task which many only pretend to understand. It is one thing to believe you are willing to risk yourself to save humanity, it is another to descend down the staircase and face that possible death. Willingly.
xxxxxThe voice continues on, seemingly from every direction. "This is your choice, and not one you can be forced into. Each of you must make it for yourself." Suddenly, behind them, piercing the darkness with a flicker of a light, a torch on the wall erupts in flame. The flicker spreads a faint bit of light, enough that people who turn around and look up can see it. "You will not be blamed for retreating. Go and be at peace, if you choose." The voice says. Without warning, down below them, another torch erupts in light. The bottom of the staircase is clearly seen, as well as a closed door, and Harley has apparently disappeared. The light dances on everyone's face, and it turns out they're directly in the middle of the staircase. "Or continue on," The voice says. "Accepting a task greater than yourself. To offer up your own life for the greater good. Choose."

Gar stops moving once the voice starts to speak. When it has finished he looks bacjk to where he thinks the others are but alas he cannot see them. "Well looks like it is time to make a choice." He does nto give an indication of which way he is leaning.

Zach slows to a stop to hear the words, and finds them comforting. Perhaps a place where his zeal would be understood, even while it was being restrained and tamed. He would look to each of the others again, but with a smile on his face. "I'm going, of course." There was no hesitation or doubt in his voice, but he didn't make a move yet as he wanted to hear what they had to say.

xxxxxLiesl looks down the stairs to Gar and Zach, stopping as they had, then back towards Cig. She has a mixed expression on her face, comprised partly of confusion, annoyance, determination. "Are they looking to convert us?" she asks, probably to Zach, since he's the only one who actually "belongs" here.

What Cig does in the dark likely only Morningstar knows, but he's just behind Liesl when the lights come back on. He gives a focussed smile to Liesl when she looks back at him, as though he's playing through different scenarios in his head right now. "We can pretend to join then spike the cool-aid," he says in a half-joking tone... because, you know... cool-aid. He gives a slight forward bob of his chin, indicating that his intent is to press on, but his expression to Liesl also indicates that he's largely part of this group because of her.

Zach shakes his head softly and responds to Liesl. "No, I don't think so. I think he means to say that in this mission you have to see both the dark and the light, and try to focus on the big picture even when it's uncomfortable to you personally." He thinks for a minute, seemingly noticing something slightly off. Senses coming alive, his eyes burn and his nostrils flare. "But there is something else, something wrong." With that he decides it's time to make his way to the bottom of the stairs, moving past Gar only if needed. Whatever came next would require room, and his destination was never in question anyway.

Gar lets Zach pass him, "I think it is more of a test then aan attempts at recruitment, after all I can not be recruited I have already been called tohte path of the spirits."

xxxxxLiesl wasn't being entirely serious about her question, as she was pretty sure that The Voice was well aware of their affiliations. And, the fact that they agreed to this particular task is almost equally known, hence the confusion and annoyance. But, her determination, which is the main part of her mix of expression says that she's going ahead as well. She pauses as Zach speaks up, however, and keeps out of the way. Cig gets another glance, and a smirk for the Kool-aid joke. "Grape," she confirms.

"Smell in the air," Cig mentions before covering up his nose and mouth with the crook of his left arm. Maybe this is part of the initiation but it pays to stay wary. It's one of those moments where being a smoker really isn't a good thing. He glances around with slightly narrowed eyes to see if he can spot the source of the gas.

Zach reaches the bottom of the staircase and checks a wall before putting his back to it and crouching down. He was quiet for a moment and scanned with eyes towards an ambush, nose for gases or fumes based on what Cig said. He doesn't move to open the door but instead speaks to the group still on the stairs. "Hesitation can get you killed, make a choice guys."

xxxxxOnce Cig has mentioned the smell in the air, and that he seems to be the one most affected, and the highest, Liesl starts downwards again, but she takes the step or two upward to take Cig's free arm, and urge him with her. "I think our choice is being made for us. That gas is probably lighter than air, so we need to go /down/."

Gar I choose to go forward, had made that pretty quickly just wanted to give everyone a chance to think it over." he moves to follow Zach down.

Down it is. Cig is already stepping downwards when Liesl grabs his arm. He moves down the stairs at an even pace, sticking close to Liesl but giving her enough room to maneuver should she have need to.

xxxxxThere's an eerie sense in the air, certainly, and by the time the remaining three on the staircase start moving, everyone can start to sense that something is different in the air. Just a smell, but enough to know that something's not Kosher. Once everyone nears the bottom of the staircase, the door opens automatically. It would be completely reasonable to think that this is simply a recording, perhaps even a ritual to get into the chantry that everyone must take. The voice continues on immediately after the door is opened, revealing a corner that opens up into a large, circular room with no doors. The walls of the room are made of brick, and a casual glance to the floor would show a rather large etching of the Yin and Yang symbol.
xxxxx"I will not say you chose wisely." The voice says, still around them, though from an unknown source. The moment anyone steps from the hallway into the circular room, torches burst to life equidistant from each other around the circle. The light flickers around them, playing dancing flames on otherwise innocent skin. "That is not for me to say. Rarely are we able to determine the consequences of our choices. Perhaps fate chose for you all to continue down. Perhaps you are breaking with fate when you should have retreated. Touch the strings of destiny the wrong way, the world ends. Another way, the world continues. You must live with those choices, and their consequences."
xxxxxThe voice pauses for a moment, waiting for everyone to be within the circle. "You must face those consequences, and your fears." Directly opposite of the hallway they entered from, the bricks of the wall start to shift, as if they were liquid. Out of the wall steps a man in a black suit, crisp white dress shirt underneath. Cufflinks adorn his wrists and, despite being underground with torches the only light, circular sunglasses hang on his eyes. Out of the wall steps the very man they were all warned of, shown pictures of, carefully reaching up and fixing his collar.
xxxxxSimon. "So, this is who he sends to kill me." The man says, a thick smile painting his lips and revealing his white teeth.

Zach enters the room and stands silently to listen. He hears nothing unusual, and then he sees Simon. His eyes narrowed and he chose not to speak. Body language hadn't changed, he was casual but a bit tense. His eyes dart from thing to thing in the room, and without thinking he crouched as they did. He wasn't sure of anything yet, and he wasn't about to make a stupid mistake for his own ignorance.

Gar looks and sees Simon and then he says to the otheres, "There is something magical in the air." he looks ot the man and says ot them, "He starts doing anything funny...."

xxxxxLiesl rolls her eyes. Maybe not entirely a good move, but still, she's got a feeling that the Lie is continuing. She studies 'Simon' for a moment. "Mr. Hastings, I presume?"

Cig wanders forwards, keeping his eyes on Simon. "Who says that we were sent to kill you?" he asks. "Maybe we want to get to know you better?" he suggests. He puts a bit of distance between himself and the others, presenting himself as an easy target should their 'host' wish to do ill to the group.

xxxxxSimon's head turns and regards each of the people in turn. Zach first, then Gar, then Liesl, then Cig. It's Liesl that he returns his attention to first. "I believe the phrase is Doctor Livingston, not Mr. Hastings." He says rather calmly as he reaches a hand down into his pocket. The tilt of Simon's head shows he's looking back to Cig now. "I'm touched. So very touched. Here, allow me to better explain who I am."
xxxxxOut comes his hand, and a glint of silver flashes in his hand. With one broad swipe of the arm, he sends four spinning shuriken out towards the group. Each one travels directly towards the person at remarkable speed, though each one misses and sails past everyone's head. Oddly enough, there's no sound of clinking against the wall when the shurikens go past. With the other hand, Simon pulls out a knife and starts advancing on Cig. The advance is slow, towards Cig, dagger in hand. "I am you, Cig! Can't you see!?"

Zach doesn't quite believe what he is seeing, as it seems completely stupid for a target to attack in this manner. That alone - as a hunter - gives him pause. He withdraws his blade with his right hand and reaches into his pocket for a single rune with the left. Remaining in a half-crouch he moves to be somewhat behind Cig, far enough to retain his distance but close enough to close in on Cig (or Simon) in the next turn. The rune is clenched tightly but the blade is not.

Gar hangs back a bit, knowing something must be up after all it makes no sence to send them all the way to london to kill them.

xxxxxSimon's pace increases, even as everyone starts to move to position themselves. He brings his arm up to stab down towards where Cig was as Cig moves deftly out of the way. As he does, right when the knife is about to make contact with where Cig would have been standing, Simon dissolves into a cloud of smoke that sinks down to the ground. The smoke breaks upon the stone floor and spreads out, expanding into a momentary puddle of fog before sinking down into the cracks on the floor.
xxxxxWhen the smoke disperses into the cracks, a sudden sharp pain rings out through Liesl, Gar, and Zach's body. If anyone has heard of diabetic neuropathy, this would be rather similar. The pain feels distinctly, for only a second, like Liesl, Gar, and Zach have all been stabbed in the heart, the searing pain having little chance to spread before it completely disappears, and the three feel just as they did before the sudden burst of pain. The deep voice heard in the staircase comes back, surrounding the group. "Your enemy. The reason you are ultimately here, appears before you with a threat. He attacks one of your own, and you all hesitate. Waiting, for what? To see if it's a test? An illusion?" The voice sounds fairly distinctly disappointed. "If your enemy was real, Cig would be dead. You only have each other to rely on. Waiting around and hoping you're not next will not help you survive. This is not a GAME."
xxxxxThe wall where Simon appeared shifts again, though this time with less of a seeming illusion. The brick wall sinks down into the ground, revealing a lighted path deeper into wherever they are. Only this time, the light is not made from torches, but from genuine modern technology. "Harley will lead you the rest of thw way."

Zach puts his things away, and his eyes narrow a bit as he stands. "Strange guy." was the only response he had to that. He now had two subjects to broach. He looks to his companions and a longer look towards Cig accompanied by a slight nod, sort of waiting for a reply. He wasn't moving just yet as he would rather go with the group.

Gar was starting to move atfer the atttempt as a stab and he nods to Zach, "Lovely folks." he then starts to move after Harley.

xxxxxLiesl is going to stay with the group as well, but she moves towards Cig, to stick by him. She's very silent, too silent, perhaps.

Cig doesn't respond to the voice. He relaxes slightly when the image of Simon vanishes in a cloud of smoke but stays loose and watchful. He gives Zach a nod back and doesn't appear to have any hard feelings about people staying where they were while he 'drew fire'. He waits for the others to catch up before starting to move again. He lifts his right hand and gives Liesl's back a rub. "I'm okay," he tells her.

xxxxxHarley steps back into view through the exit, dressed exactly as she was not too long ago. She's not smiling, however, merely remaing neutral. She waits for everyone and turns, remaining quiet. Slowly she starts to walk through, leading them into a rather large, artificially lighted room. Not torches this time, just regular lights. Good looks around can see various people lounging around in different ways. Black is a pretty big theme amongst them, as well as purple, between the few women and few men in meditation. Harley remains quiet as she leads the group towards a private room, opening the door.
xxxxxInside is the man whose picture they were shown, who was supposed to meet them at the airport. Mr. Hastings stands behind the desk, his head completely bald, a dark black goatee very carefully trimmed as his eyes survey the four inside. Harley's voice is quiet once she shuffles everyone in. "All here. The rooms upstairs are prepared for them, and their luggage is inside." Before she closes the door. The room itself is Spartan. A desk, a chair behind the desk, and four chairs in front of the desk."Why did none of you attack?" He asks, the voice matching up with the voice they've been hearing since they arrived.

Zach wastes no time addressing this man directly, in his deep gruff voice - but at a pace considerably faster than normal. "You lecture us on the consequences of Fate, present us with an obvious illusion, and punish us for not letting our guard down in it's face. Why?"

Gar nods, "I could feel magic in the air.' he answers, "I deduced correctly it was some kind of illusion." he then says, "And had you not ended it I would have grabbed the man with the knife." He hten says, "I do not fight lightly and when I do I do not pull things so like to be sure before I act."

xxxxxLiesl gives Cig a tight smile and a nod. Following Harley to the Spartan office, she breathes slowly, releasing built up tension, because she's pretty sure she'll be building it up again. No point in getting wound up to the point of breaking. And, sure enough, here is this man, the man that was /supposed/ to meet them, who was /supposed/ to not be in disguise, berating them for not attacking their 'enemy'. "Because, that was /not/ our enemy. That was not Simon. He likes his games, and he would not have attacked in that way. He would be taunting us, belittling us, and just plain being an ass. He also doesn't attack directly." She rubs a little at her chest, over her heart. "Then again, maybe you're a little too much like him for my tastes."

Cig follows Harley to where she leads the group. He lets Liesl step in first, then follows after. He regards Zach, Gar, then Liesl as each of them states their reasons for not fighting the illusion that tried to knife them. He doesn't offer his reasons to the man before them, prefering to remain quiet and just watch for now. Liesl's final observation about their 'host' draws his attention back to her. He touches her back again, trying to ease the tension from her body by giving her spine another gentle rub. He continues to remain loose and watchful.

xxxxxHastings folds his arms behind his back, holding his hands together. His eyes are rather beady and dark as they slip over to Zach. "What does it matter if it was an illusion? It was your enemy." Hastings takes a look around the group, letting each explain in turn as he slowly shakes his head. "If it was an illusion, and you were correct, attacking it would have had no consequences, and Cig would take no pain from being attacked. If you were wrong, Cig would be dead." He looks back towards Gar. "If we are going under the assumption that Simon is awakened, then he has abilities that he has already shown to be impressive. Transporting people across the world. Raising a squad of undead. Surviving death in a manner of which we are not yet sure of." He takes a pause. Despite what he's saying, he seems to be explaining more than berating, even if it pretty much is berating. "Have you not had to fight an awakened that was prepared? You do not get the luxury of waiting and seeing." To Liesl, he returns his eyes. "Are you so sure?" The man asks, pulling out his seat and sitting down. "Why couldn't it have been Simon? What do you actually know about him, so far? Wasn't it not one of you that suggested that Simon could take the form of anyone?"

Zach had a quick response to that. "My enemy is not an illusion." Standing silent then and waiting for the conversation to continue. He wasn't ashamed of his decision, and quite the opposite he feared perhaps this man was blind to rage. For now he would watch, and think, and he would chose his words carefully.

Gar looks at the man, "Would Cig be dead? It is not an easy thing to kill instantly and I know three of us can heal if it is needed, you are making assumptions with no real evidence. You keep saying it was our enemy when it was not unless you are claiming to be our enemy? It was an image, I have yet ot reach the point where I consider an image, a trick of light na emeny, most when they get to that point are in need ot therapyor to be put down."

xxxxxLiesl has retreated back into silence, that too silent of a silence. Cig's touch seems to keep her from another outburst, which is probably a good thing right now. Silence. Yes.

Cig listens and watches, watches and listens. His lips move upwards a touch then resume their previously neutral position at something that he hears. He listens some more, gives Liesl's back another soft rub, then steps forwards and extends his hand to Hastings. "What would you have done?" he asks the man. It may seem like the question has already been answered based on the comments that their 'host' has been making but it doesn't cost anything to ask.

xxxxxHastings shakes his head again. "Your enemy creates illusions. As Liesl has pointed out, your enemy doesn't like to attack directly. An illusion can be just as much of a threat as anything. The drug the torches gave off that you smelled could be your enemy. Your enemy may not be an illusion, but an illusion can be a tool to kill you." He looks back to Gar and nods his head. "It is an easy thing to kill instantly, when you have time to prepare. And Simon has a significant amount of time to prepare. I train assassins, Gar. Men and women who are designed to kill without warning or recourse. To plan and maneuver in such a way that there is no chance to defend." His eyes look back to Liesl, even though she says nothing. "You understand. He told me you helped him with his preperation. To clear the mind in such a way to act faster than the senses allow. To make the single arrow all that's needed. To Rip apart the body with only a moderate knowledge of Life." Hastings sits forward in the chair, leaning against the desk. "It is an easy thing to kill instantly, Gar. But I don't want you four to die. I don't want you four to face Simon and be at that risk. I recommended you four not come on this path, but Velok insisted. Said you were all smart. All had the morality needed to know right from wrong, but you aren't trained in combat, and I will not fault you for it." His attention turns to Cig and the extended hand. Slowly, Hastings reaches out and takes the hand, shaking it firmly. "Disspelled the illusion. Counter the magic that you all sensed." he says, straightening up in his chair. "If you can't, attack back. Weaken your opponent. Determine if it was an illusion, or was a representation of life. Negate his attack." Hastings shrugs, looking back amongst the four again. "You're here now. You descended the staircase. Now I want you all to be able to survive, because so far, all we know about Simon are guesses."

Zach had quite a few things to say, but decided to hold his tongue for now. It was important he saw everything, and wanted Mr. Hastings to feel comfortable continuing to reveal himself. His stance was solid and still, and his gaze didn't wander like usual. Instead he would just wait, he was sure there was more coming. He was carefully weighing every word, not outright trusting this man.

Gar nods to Hastings, "Possibly." he comments on the ease of killing, "Still I will not act unless i know I ma making the correct hcoice. I am not an Euthanatos I am a shaman, I will act as a Shaman. I am helping becasue I was asked, but I help as a shaman as I do all things."

xxxxxLiesl gives a single nod of acknowledgement to the statement that she helped with Velok's preparation, something that there was no time for her to work out what she needed for herself. She glances to Gar at his comments, and she gives him that nod as well, and glances to Cig with another nod. She's the reason both of them agreed to come here, and she's aware that she'll have a lot to answer for, should either get hurt, or worse, killed.

Cig shakes Hasting's hand. His grip is also firm but non-aggressive. "I'm certain that we'd all appreciate any insights that you might have in protecting ourselves from what the enemy might throw at us. It's also my understanding that we're here to gather intel rather than... what's the word? Engage? Engage the enemy," he indicates. "It's already been stated that he has a knack for evading pursuers, and you probably have people here who are better trained at killing someone than I am." he suggests. He glances at the others then back at Simon. "Of course now you've made at least some of us a little wary of trusting you," he offers. "Would it be reasonable to have our next step be to break some bread and discuss any strategies that you've come up with so far?" he asks.

The breaking of bread. Whether that's actualy on your Mr. Hastings' mind when he gets Harley to show you to your rooms the four of you find yourself alone in a spartan cell, filled with your belongings. Cig wanders inside and glances at the rest of you. "That went well," he states, sounding like he might be making a bit of a joke there when he says it.

Gar looks over at Cig and chuckles, "Wel lwe are all alive so I might have ot agree with you." he then find a place to sit down.

Zach has no belongings outside of what he carries and the shitty room he rents, so he felt at home here. He nods lightly to Cig - obviously still processing much of what happened. There is something different about him though, the fire in his eyes seems smoky and distant in a way, as if he had seen something he had never seen before. "Yeah, we Euthanatos are pretty serious people. I wouldn't take it personal."

xxxxxLiesl is still very silent, as she files in with the rest of them. She shrugs a little at Cig's attempt at a joke, looking the quarters over. Better than a patch of dirt on an arena floor anyway. She mills with the others, pensive.

Cig gives Zach a bit of a smile. "I'm not," he states. He nods to Gar then looks at Liesl. "Are you okay?" he asks her in a gentle voice. He glances at the rest of the group, making sure that everyone's still doing alright at this juncture.

Zach nods, and sighs a bit, glancing between his companions. He wouldn't interrupt until he knew Liesl was okay, as it was his instinct to protect and heal. Instead he found a place to sit somewhere near Gar, as he thought he might have some answers to questions that had formed. Until he knew all was well he would hide his recent revelation, but if any were to hear it - it was these few he had come to trust.

Gar loosk over to Liesl and smiles to her trying to lift her mood, "No zombies this time." He loosk ot the others, "Well might as well relax while we can."

xxxxxLiesl nods to Cig, just once, though. She does semi smile to Gar. "No zombies," she agrees. "I'm fine, just ... annoyed. I suppose there was a /reason/ for that charade, but I feel like we were put through that needlessly.

"I think that the point of it was that you should never assume anything about anything," Cig suggests to Liesl. He seems a bit restless and decides to pace around the room a bit as he speaks. "And Gar's right, we might as well enjoy the downtime. I have a feeling that our host is going to push us over the next while. Maybe with good reason," he offers to the group as he moves from one side of the room to the other. "Does anyone have any observations that they'd like to share with the rest of us?" he asks.

Gar shakes hishead, 'No real observations but well if he was going ot test us he could have coose a less obvious way." He shrugs, "Anyway.. I would not be surprised if there is another test to come."

Brow furrows at her words, and his gaze was steely and distant. "Yeah, it was his way of caring. Our lot is a brutal one without second chances, and that's what I think he was trying to show us. He could have made it less obvious it was a test, and he might have gotten the answers he wanted." He looked away then, sort of thinking and analyzing this new Euthanatos. Zach didn't seem one to give much prestige to rank or reputation, rather judging each and every soul by himself.

xxxxxLiesl nods, apparently grudgingly accepting the others' assessment. She pretty much came to the same conclusion, but doesn't like it. For her, it /is/ personal.

"Sometimes obvious isn't so obvious," Cig offers back to Gar. He stops at one end of the room and lets out a breath of air. "Okay, let's forget about our host for now. What do we know about Simon? He's the one that we're ultimately trying to get information on."

Zach nods and tries to refocus his thoughts. As an old soldier he was used to compartmentalizing feelings to focus on the mission, so this process was immediate and obvious by the look on his face. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. Although he intended to speak intelligently, he could only repeat things he had been told. "He likes to play games."

xxxxxThis is Liesl's cue, since she's the only one in the group that has actually met ... well, if not the man, then his stand-ins. "I've encountered him - or his dopplegangers - on three ... no, four occasions. The first time was in Brazil. He ... saw through my cover, and the person who was with me ... and he asked that we give his regards to Velok. Not by name, though. I don't know if it was because he didn't know his name, or was just further toying with us." She pauses and tries to remember if there was more to that meeting, before moving on. "Didn't see him for quite awhile after that. When he showed back up again, he was acting quite insane. Manic one moment, followed by a more serene demeanor. He came to invite me and my friend - the same person who was with me in Brazil - to a 'party' ... taunted and mocked ... I threw a box of hot food on him." She rolls her eyes, not liking that she lost control. "He said that he was going to kidnap us, to be sure that we'd be at that party. Several days later is when we found ourselves in that arena." She glances around the group. "He made a big spectacle out of it. Introducing us to an audience of ... monsters. That was the only time he wasn't wearing his nice suit, but he was wearing those dark glasses." She shrugs. "Then, after we made our escape, and /thought/ that he was dead, he showed up after we got back to Prospect... wearing the suit I threw food on."

Cig nods to Zach. "Games," he repeats, glancing at the others as he seeks out more information from them. "Powerful magic," Cig adds after Liesl has stopped speaking. "Do you think that he's actually got some mental health issues or do you think that it's an act?" he asks. "And can you give us more details about the people that you've seen him with? Any tics that he might have? Anything that would give us insight into his personality?" he asks.

Gar thinks, "Well at the very least he semes obsessive." he then shrugs, "Still just because he might be crazy does nto mean he is out of control."

Zach was curious and concerned that Simon might be truly Mad. He would only speak from memory again, just mentioning more to himself than out loud. "Guy likes fancy clothes." There was no trace of humor on his face as he said it, more deep thought as if his words only brushed the surface of his considerations.

xxxxxLiesl thinks a moment. "The only person I've seen him with was the drug lord in Brazil. El Papa, he was known as. And, the guy that 'invited' us to the palace, The Iguana - we thought we were being the kind of girls they were looking for, but I wouldn't be surprised if Simon made sure that we got brought along." After the fact speculation, but it sort of fits. "They didn't seem happy with whatever it was that he was telling them. It was pretty clear that he was in charge." The others speak up, and she tries to address those points. "The toga he wore," she tells Zach, "was pretty fancy, too, with a red sash across the chest. I think he had a laurel wreath, too." She shakes her head on the sanity question. "It could go either way - putting on an act, or is truly nuts. I'd go with the former, though."

Cig clenches and unclenches his hands a bit, appearing to need to be in motion, if only in some small way, right now. "You think that it's an act?" he asks Liesl after considering the words of his other two companions. "Why do we think that he's obsessive? And if obsessive than what is he obsessive about?" he asks everyone. To Liesl: "Is there something that he seemed to be particularly fond of? Or disproportionately seemed to dislike?" He stops moving his hands a moment later. Zach considers an angle now, his deep thought obviously having been wrapped up in strategy. "and Why was he working with El Papa and the Iguana? What did he need them for?" He couldn't help piling on the questions, though he aimed it at the group instead of poor Liesl's memory.

Gar says, "Well his behavour seems to say that tome. After al lhe sems ot fixate on Velok for no reasons that we know of. Might have to change that assessment as we learn more about him.""

xxxxxLiesl thinks about this few a few moments. "He seems obsessed about Velok. Hurting him, mostly through hurting others." Cig's questions makes her think again, "He seemed to be all about being in charge." She looks to Zach with this, "He was using their operation for some reason of his own. There were kids involved ... and a particular pair that were deemed to be "special", kept from being killed, but I don't know what happened to them." Then, there's the knock on the door, and Liesl moves to answer, as she finishes Cig's question. "Dislikes? He seemed to fixate on 'rude' behavior towards him - my throwing food, and Misa's tossing him to the floor at the arena." As she finishes, she opens the door to whoever is knocking.

xxxxxWhen the door opens, there stands Hastings. He certainly looks the same as he was when he took a phone call and had Harley show them all to their room. Now, the bald man stands before them with his hands folded behind his back. The man looks towards Liesl immediately, then towards everyone else. He doesn't step inside or anything, he simply waits at the entrance of the room. "May I come in?" The man asks. Despite this being, in effect, his chantry right now, there's still an aura of manners, respecting their personal space.

Cig glances at Zach when the guy asks his questions. Good questions. But whether or not Zach intended to inundate Liesl with questions it's to her that Cig glances when those questions are asked. To Gar: "Velok's hunting him," he indicates. "But maybe there's more," he allows. He snerks at himself when a stray thought sneaks into the periphery of his brain. He shakes it off though. He focusses on Liesl again. "Likes to be in charge," he echoes. That's a feature to be mindful of... and possibly exploit. Something else that Liesl says seems to catch his attention but then there's a knock at the door. He quiets and glances towards it to see who's come to get them. He gives Hastings a welcoming smile. "You may," he confirms in a pleasant voice.

Zach found something Liesl said very interesting, and potentially a possible way to get close. He would need to think on that later though, as Mr. Hastings had arrived. He nods to him respectfully when their eyes inevitibly meet, but says nothing. Instead of standing he let his posture of trust be shown be leaning back to sit up straight and wait for whatever is to be said. Gar nods ot Mr Hastings, "By all means." he hten informs him, "We were just discussing our quarry." he states.

xxxxxLiesl steps back from the door, gesturing smoothly as Cig invites Hastings in. "Welcome," she murmurs.

xxxxxHastings waits for the permission, then steps into the room. He doesn't glance around or see what they've done with the place, he only moves to stand in such a way where he can look out amongst the four of them. He doesn't try to quiet them, only waits until they are quiet before he can speak. "I'd like to...apologize." The man says, his eyes looking between all four but never actually settling. "Perhaps I was too harsh in your introduction. You were sent to me specifically because Velok trusts you. You are not mine to mentor or to shape and guide." He says, not actually waiting for responses before he continues. "My concern is that you will be facing dangers that I don't know. Velok doesn't know. We are not used to being unable to..." Hastings searches for the word, seeming uncomfortable. "Take care of things ourselves. Relying on untrained killers." Obviously excluding Zach, and referring to the other three. "Even within the Euthanatos in general, our faction is not entirely trusted. In a tradition already not entirely trusted." Hastings takes a breath. He doesn't actually smile or anything, always speaking with that curt tone. "When you are out there, you will only have your own wits. Each of you will have to defend each other. Help each other. One of you being attacked means ALL of you are being attacked."

Zach nods and lets the smirk on his face show his approval. Apologies were rebirths, and those were nothing more than a little good-death... not that he was offended in any way to begin with - he was generally blunt and enjoyed blunt people. He spoke then directly to Mr. Hastings, seeming to blend a few ideas together and hope he managed to pick up all the subtelty inbetween. (Subtlety was not a strength of his) "Well training could be good. Now is the time for patience, though." He intended to make very direct eye contact with this last statement, hoping to convey a respectful but forceful opinion as a question. "Never get a second chance to make a first strike, eh?"

"Groups in general don't tend to be trustworthy," Cig suggests. "It's a matter of numbers," he states. "The more people you have in a group the more likely that one of them will be an asshole," he indicates. He gives the others a bit of a grin to let them know that he's aware of how what he said can be interpretted and that it probably makes him the 'asshole' of the group. He glances back at Hastings. "You're giving us the benefit of your experience," he says. "In the same way that we're giving you the benefit of ours," he adds. "I'm assuming that if the situation could have been handled in house then you wouldn't have involved us," he observes. "Which leads me to ask if your enemy happens to be a Euthanatos?"

Gar ndos to Cig, as hte other man echos his thoughts on the matter. "Well our differences cna be n advantage after all given a situation he might not beable ot adapt to four different posibilities."

xxxxxLiesl doesn't plan to be shaped, guided or trained to be a killer. She's still having nightmares about her part in the death of Arena-Simon. Besides, who expects a Cultist to be a killer? She also nods to Cig, she'd considered the possibility as well, but not entirely convinced. "We do all have difference experiences and abilities," she acknowledges.

xxxxxHastings nods his head a couple times, staying rather relaxed. "I won't be training you. I would recommend training to anyone, because we don't exactly live in a world where everything is Sunshine and Rainbows." One might say it's a world of darkness. Maybe. "But I recognize that sometimes, a skilled blade is not what is required. Cig's diplomacy is required. Liesl's carefully evaluation and caution. Gar's open mind and loyalty. And yes..." He says, looking back to Zach. "Even Zach's willingness to risk himself for his ideals is required." The way he mentions it, it's almost like someone elses words. "The traditions have worked together for so many years, even with occasional turmoil. You all can work together if you trust each other." Hastings looks back over towards Cig and shakes his head. "We don't know." There's that phrase again, and it's clear that if ANYONE hates it most, it's Hastings. "I've been contacting people, but we don't know if Simon is associated with a tradition, or if he's an orphan. If it's one of ours..." The thought...ick. Hastings shakes his head and leaves the sentence open.

Zach asks the obvious question, vaugely enough to encourage elaboration. "Have you learned anything from your contacts?" He didn't seem phased one way or the other about Hasting's statement, he didn't live except but for Odin.

Cig snerks again when his diplomacy is mentioned. Then he gets tight-lipped and pensive. He balls his right hand into a fist then releases it again and shakes his hand out. While he may not attribute any great measure of ability to himself he certainly doesn't show any signs of disagreeing with Hasting's assessment of the others. He nods to their host when his question about Simon being a Euthanatos is responded to with uncertainty. "What do you know about him?" Cig asks Hastings.

Gar nods as Hastings mentions what he brings to the table then he nods at Cig's question, "After all we have to have some intel to gain more."

xxxxxLiesl has never had trouble with working with other Traditions, and in some cases, disdained the company of members of her own. Present company definitely excluded. And, except for Zach, she has worked with the others, in one form or another, and with good results; at least, she sees it that way. And Zach, he has a directness that she can appreciate. She's quiet, everyone else asking the questions that she might have.

xxxxxHastings shakes his head. "Not about Simon, no. You are my contacts now, in that regard." Hastings still doesn't sit down, taking one more look at everyone. "We've been on the defensive so far. Finding Simon in Brazil was a surprise. The arena was a surprise. We've yet to surprise him. Now we're on offensive, and that's when information starts flowing in." Hastings reaches down and into his pocket, pulling out several braclets. The bracelets look to be made of silver and platinum, and in each one is firmly held a marble with what looks like a galaxy inside. http://tinyurl.com/mwd3uh5 He pulls out four of them, carefully holding them within his hands. "These will be for your uses." He says quietly. Each bracelet seems to be fit for each of their arms, walking around the room and delivering one to each. "These will be your emergency." He instructs, taking in a deep breath. "When you are in Prospect, they will remain with Velok." When each one is delivered, the man nods. "They will be how you travel now, instead of planes. Before you are to go on assignment, they will be tied in such a way. Right now, these are linked to this chantry, and Prospect." He delivers them for everyone to look at, then shows chains that can hook onto each one and connect them to the others.

Zach regards these with a wary eye. He didn't explicity trust talisman, but he recalled Cig's words about having to trust some things to move past them. Feeling he was in a safe place, as none of the four of them had seemed to detect otherwise, he decided to put it on immediately without question. Still not sure what it did, he was silent and listened. It seemed he wouldn't get many answers from Hastings, and they had a lot of work ahead of them. He went back to wondering what it was Simon needed, which would be an obvious weakness.

Cig seems to be both fascinated by and somehow reluctant to take his bracelet. He does so in the end though, giving a nod of thanks to Hastings for the offering that he's been given. He examines the device, looking curious as to its workings but he doesn't spend too much time on it just now - it wouldn't be polite.

Gar takesht breacelet and examines it closely and ndos, he does asks sone question, "Iwill it interfere with the traversing of world?" he does nto sound liek he expects it to but he has to make sure.

xxxxxLiesl accepts the tiny galaxy as it is handed out, looking with fascination at the thing. Morningstar moves his head to look as well, after having been near motionless for so long. She watches and listens for now.

xxxxxHastings nods, not entirely expecting hesitation, but he doesn't exactly seem to be expecting them to turn it down. "It won't interfere with traversing of world. It will send you back to Prospect when you're done here. They can be..." He says with a shift, shaking his head. "They can be set to be an emergency usage, in case one of you gets into...significant trouble, but that would be a..grave decision." Hastings shakes his head, reaching out to take them back. "That's all I have for you all. You'll be heading to an Ecstatic chantry after you've rested. They only enjoy meetings at night. We believe we've found someone that has ties to Simon somehow, but the Ecstatics know more." He waits till he has all the bracelets back and walks back towards the exit, turning to look back at everyone. "I'm sorry I don't know more for you now."

Zach was sad to give it up, but reluctantly did so with a grin. He didn't have much to ask of Mr Hastings, letting him leave with only another nods. Excited at the idea of an honest lead, he leaned back onto his knees and stared at nowhere in particular seemingly deep in thought.

Cig takes one last glance at his bracelet then extends his arm to offer it back to Hastings. He nods to the things that their host says to them, stays quiet after the apology is voiced, then replies with, "You can't give what you don't have."

Gar returns the bracelet to Hastings and nods, "Well if oyu knew a lot we wouldnot be here." He smiles. He looks ot the rest, "So what cna us not Estatics expect at the next stop? "he asks of Cig and Liesl.

xxxxxLiesl gives back the trinket as Hastings comes around to collect them again. Odd, but presumably there will be no need for them for awhile. So, she hands it over, with one last tongue-flick from Morningstar. She nods in agreement with Cig, looking thoughtful about the chantry they will be visiting, tonight apparently. She flashes a grin at Gar, along with a wink. "What do you think?"

xxxxxFor the first time since they've met them, as Cig talks, Hastings smiles. Not just a flicker, either, but a full smile. He reaches back and takes Cig's offered hand. "No, you can't. But hopefully you'll remedy all of that for us soon." He takes one more look at everyone in the room, nodding to each before he steps out and closes the door behind him.

"Hopefully," Cig states with a return smile to Hastings. "I would recommend purchasing significant amounts of personal lubricant," Cig says in perfect straight-face to Gar. His eyes are full of impishness though. "I'm going to go for a walk," he announces. Assuming that he's allowed to leave.