2014.09.24:Something Precious Is On Fire

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Something Precious Is On Fire
Honestly, Prospect was overdue.
IC Date September 24, 2014
IC Time Evening
Players Marionette, Megan of the Sevateem, Gray Worm, Hrafn, Mikhail, Revi, Sahael
Location Deep Forest

Begin Log

[911] Dispatch says, "Attention all PFD units, we have a ladder fire in progress south of city limits (OOC: +map/forest 1014)"

The blaze has been going for a while, judging by how far it's spread already: the dangers of too much acreage and too few residents on lookout. PFD crews are just starting to arrive on the scene, grimly steeling themselves for what may be a long haul.

Marionette bounds through the forest, legs pumping and gyroscopes spinning with abandon as the figure moves. Carefully avoiding the firecrews the figure picks a spot to scan from. Just a jogger for a run in the woods, no Cylons here.

Prowling in from upwind, Megan keeps to the underbrush and moves slowly, carefully, lurking for now. She needs to get the lay of th eland, see how what's being done to fight the fire already, to determine what, if anything, she can do to help. She's already given her 'pack' instructions to stay upwind of the fire but to rescue any firefighter who looks like they need it - IF they can do so without getting hurt themselves!

Fortunately, the firemen (and a few women) are more concerned with the fire than random interlopers, though they'll shoo away anyone who looks like they're going to blunder around and hurt themselves. "We're gonna need a controlled burn to cut this off," one of them says. "How are we coming on that helicopter?"

The figure stalks around the perimiter, checking the wind currents, air flow, downloading up to date meteorological projection data attempting to determine the course of the fire, the direction of the burn. Then scanning across the firefighters before targeting one in the HUD that seems about the right size. "Copy Target Slash Slash Uniform.png to self dot appearance dot current. Initiate image protocols." Ports open and the figures image shimmers and suddenly another Firefighter joins the line working to control the blaze.

Slathered in mud, twigs sticking out from here and there, Megan creeps even closer still... she's still not sure /how/ she can help, but there's got to be something she can do even if it's just keeping firefighters from dying.

Gray had seen the smoke while out for a walk, and has come to investigate. Although, he's doing his investigating from the other side of the flames, the areas already burned beyond where the firefighters are working. He's being very, very quiet, making slow movements as he kneels down and rubs at the burned grass under his currently bare feet. He may or may not be visible from a distance, but the smoke may simply be hiding his visage.

The firefighters are in a sarcastic mood. "Oh, it'll be here any minute now," one of them says. "Let's see, it left Denver at seven-thirty..." Even as they talk, they're starting to fall into familiar positions. One crew is operating a hose to start putting out some of the nearest flames and pre-emptively dampening the fuel supply, while another consults a map and discusses how best to position and time a controlled burn, and how to get to the right spot for it.

RandomFirefighter.png has joined the firefighting party.

RandomFirefighter.png uses Assist Others to increase effectiveness in firefighting.

Firefighter.png remains quiet for now just helping out while consulting the California State Forestry Protection and Firefighting Manual.pdf on the HUD as to how to help out.

Gray remains out there, where the flames have already passed, quietly observing the destruction without much worry for his own safety. The heat doesn't seem to bug him that much, considering he's not currently wearing shoes. His gaze turns up to peer at the flames as the firefighters start to spray the water, quietly watching them through occasional breaks in the smoke and flames as best he can, but not really getting any closer while he considers the correct course of action here.

The correct course of action changes from moment to moment, and is always a chancy matter; large-scale fires are a classic example of applied chaos theory. Take that branch up there, for instance; it's about to crack and fall, yet none of the men and women in uniform have spotted it quite yet.

Megan continues to skulk around the fringe, muddied up and lurking in the underbrush, watching the fire fighters in case one of them goes down and needs rescued.

Gray is still entirely silent as he turns his gaze up to the precarious branch. He stares at it for a moment or two, fingers still to the ground before him as he stays there, crouched behind in the ashen area where the fire has already burned, barefoot. He stares at the branch for a moment or two, but nothing seems to happen, other than what is already happening normally.

Team Controlled Burn has worked out their plans and is heading back to their vehicle, while Team Fire Hose is spraying down the worst of the flames. And that one sizable branch finally succumbs to structural damage and gravity, plummeting down toward one of the firefighters. "Heads up!" another shouts, and the likely victim /tries/ to get out of the way but his foot's gotten momentarily tangled in the roots and brush. Wuh-oh.

Hrafn waits to see if any people or you know animals need his help (since I just got here I won't react to the falling branch till it falls)

Four legs turn to two a ways off before a large Russian runs up to see the blaze, looking around at the firefighters already here. It appears a controlled burn has occured already to limit the blaze, but a tree branch is falling at a firefighter. Mikhail watches as two women rush towards the branch.

Gray peers as the branch comes down, gravity doing his work for him. Then he peers around the area, currently crouched silently in the already burned area behind the growing blaze. Then, he simply... Vanishes. He may or may not still be acting here, but the fire is sure getting a bit larger towards the east... Must be a sudden gust of wind fueling it, or something.

Fire and smoke are hard things to ignore and Revi has made her way to the edge to see if there is anything to be done about it. There might be cute bunnies or forest critters to usher to safety. Oh my goodness.

Mikhail grits his teeth, and moves to the East, trying to see if there's a way he can get infront of the fire or slow it down...

Sahael is in fact doing somehting quite similar to that. Having seen the smoke Sahael has moved with inhuman speed ahead of the fire with his truty trench shovel! Yes that's right he shows up to a fire with a trench shovel, so what? Well okay he doesn't show up to the fire mich either. He's WELL ahead of it, using his gifts to clear brush at a feverish pace, focussing right now most of his efforts on clearing teh ground around a group of redwoods.

RandomFirefighter looks up as proximity alarms suddenly flash on the HUD before dashing forward and throwing themselves over the person about to get wacked by a burning log. One arm up as a shield. The falling branch smashes down onto composite plating and dynamic laminate as reinforced tritanium frame takes the brunt of the impact. Kinetic servo motors whine in high pitched protest as the figure pushes the falling branch away from the person. The Random Firefighter flickers and flashes as its image stabilizes. One arm hangs limp but hey, the stuck guy is safe.

Hrafn runs in with little more than a wet hankerchief over his face as a protection from smoke. The young man is easily identifiable to anyone who's seen him before and paid attention. The scars the tattoos all sort of make him easy to spot. But he's here to pull burning branch, and try to make sure the firefighters can get out, that one took a hell of a whack after all.

Bursting out of the bushes, the naked, mud-caked woman (Megan) rushes toward the firefighters in question... but then the log hits the one 'firefighter' and she slows, her eyes blinking a few times in shock at what she isn't sure she actually saw.

While everyone remains unharmed for the moment, and the water is making something of an inroad, the fire is continuing to spread around in other directions. No big surprise there, that's why the other team drove off earlier. Of those remaining, one turns and addresses the civilians, even as he keeps a hand on the hose to help support it. "Get out of here! It's not safe!"

Sahael is not in the dangerous area. He just keeps clearing brush, because trench shovels can fold up and make great axe like tools. Especially when you can run like a Kenyan and work like a fucking dwarf. He just keeps focussing on thining brush and detritus from around the redwoods. They actually need thi fire, he's just making sure the fire isn't going to be raging at full power when it goes over the endangered trees.

Mikhail seems to be just... looking for now. His dark eyes scanning over and around the fire. When the firefighter yells at the civies, he says, "I can hyelp.." sounding like Colossus should have sounded in X-Men 2.

RandomFirefighter01 kneels down and untangles their fellow firefighter so they can get away from the fallen burning branch. RFF-01 looks around with an expression of grim determination, then turns their back to the rest of the team so that they can reach into the holofield and adjust the servo-coupler that has disattached. A brief flex/rotation then turns back to look at Meghan of the Mud Women with a look of grim determination and a face that might have been copied from an episode of Rescue Me then returns to the fireline. Nothing to see here. Just a Randow Firefighter fighting fire with a default look of grim determination. Pay no mind to the lack of smudging, smoke marks or dirt. Nothing to see here. Just grim determination and certainly not Dennis Leary fighting fires in Prospect. Nope.

Seeing that the two firefighters, or the firefighter and the 'firefighter' are fine, Megan moves back to the treeline and makes a concerted effort to fade into the foliage again, though of course how successful that might be now she's been noticed will depend on lots of different factors, but she tries at least.

Hrafn pricks his finger and takes a deep breath through the wet hankerchief. The tattooed and scarred man curses and then goes barreling into the fire.

Sahael watches the fire advance in his direction and whipes his brow. The trees here will still be burned. but with any luck the fire will have to struggle so hard to get to them they will survive being burned... and if they don't at least their seeds aren't going to be destroyed at this point. So maybe he didn't safe a whole forest, instead he simply worked on saving what he could, and letting nature have a chance to renew itself. Realizing tehre isn't much more he can do with this, he simply packs away his tench shovel, and retrieves some chocolate and marshmallows from his pack. Time for smores!

RFF-01 cycles out with grim determination, as firefighters often do, the figure heads to the back of the lines, but then continues moving heading back into the woods. The RandomFireFighter flickers as Thermoptic Camoflauge is engaged and dissapears without the predator noises, not that anyone can hear something like that with shouting people and roaring flames. Now just a heat shimmer in the air, the figure departs the lines.

The scarred and tattooed young man with the hankerchief over his mouth and nose dashes into the fire after something, as he actualy approaches the flames those paying attention to him would note that any of the flames that get within arms reach of him seem to suddenly burn hotter, going blue.

Deer in the Fire.jpg

"Okay, it's your funeral." The firefighters have made their token protest; they don't have time to fret about lawsuits, they've got work to do! It's going well, too; between the water and the impromptu breakers, there's actually an open path leading right up to that pair of deer that Hrafn spotted earlier.

That's when the water supply abruptly sputters down to a trickle, instead jetting in random directions from a point somewhere in the middle of the hose's length. "(fuck.) We got a breach! Everybody head back and switch to the spare!"

Not having anything more she can really do here, Megan slips off into the forest again.

Hrafn to the RESCUE. The young man goes charging through the break in the fire to work on herding the deer out and away from danger. Save BAMBI damnit!

Mikhail drops his jacket, takes off his shirt showing the kevlar vest under it and uses the shirt to try and seal the hose, wrapping it around the leaking section and tying it off, using his hands where the material fails.

Sahael makes his way towards the fire with a smile on his face and some marshmallows on a skewer! He might be aware of the shouting eventually atthis point. Breach doesn't sound good...

It takes a minute for the crew to figure out what Mikhail is trying to pull off. They get the water flow shut off, which helps, but one of them shakes her head. "Appreciate it, but I don't think it would hold for long. It's okay, we've got another one." As long as nothing manages to screw /that/ one up, she doesn't add out loud. Tempting fate and all. Meanwhile, Hrafn carries off some not yet roast venison, and Sahael indulges his sweet tooth.

Mikhail sighs and moves to see if he can help with feeding out the replacement hose before the fire gets out of control again...

Hrafn rescues the bambi and mom or something. He does his best to treat them too if they have managed to get any burns or other wounds. The tattooed man is ... odd to say the least.

Sahael notices the firefighters making tehir way his way and decides it's best to just get out of the way. He does leave behind a bag of marshmallows for them though! Assuming teh fire doesn't beat them to it.

End Log