Nuwisha Gifts

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Wyrmfoe database of Garou gifts

  • Nuwisha may learn Garou Ragabash gifts
  • Homid Nuwisha may learn Garou Homid gifts
  • Latrani Nuwisha may learn Garou Lupus gifts

Common Nuwisha Gifts

PGttCB 135-136, Nuwisha 49-53

Level 1

  • Snake's Skin
  • Spirit Speech
  • Swollen Tongue

  • Song of Kokopelli
  • Xochipilli's Touch

Level 2

  • Odious Aroma
  • Sheep's Clothing

  • Camouflage
  • Dance of Dionysis
  • New Face
  • Twisting Tongues
  • Umbral Map

Level 3

  • Gift of Rage
  • Happy Thoughts

  • Dance of Abandon
  • Gift of Laughter
  • Push*
  • Scent of Vengeance
  • Shadow Walk

Level 4

  • Bridge Walker
  • Trickster's Skin

  • Disappearing Act
  • Heave-Ho
  • Locked Door*

Level 5

  • Assimilation
  • Coyote's Mask

  • Umbral Gateway*
  • Umbral Target*

*Umbral Danse (must learn and successfully perform Rite of Dansing before learning these gifts, WPG 2nd ed page 174)

Rank 1

Snake's Skin - With this Gift, a Nuwisha can shed a layer of skin, instantly regenerating the lost flesh, in order to slip free of extremely tight bonds and even handcuffs. This Gift may help a werecoyote avoid being thrown by an opponent. This Gift is taught by a Snake spirit.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Athletics in order for the character to remove the outer layer of flesh and allow her to slip free from any bonds. An additional Dexterity + Athletics roll is required to slip free of any extremely complicated traps.

(PGttCB p135, Nuwisha BB p49)

Song of Kokopelli - This Gift allows the Nuwisha to ensure that everyone within hearing range of the Song remains calm and sedate. This Gift may cancel the frenzy of an opponent, but only or as long as the Nuwisha continues to sing. This Gift is taught by a Gaffling in service to Coyote.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Performance, with a varying difficulty depending on the situation. Each individual may attempt to resist this effect with a Willpower roll, difficulty 6. The difficulty to resist the song's effects is increased by one for every success the player has in his initial roll. The Nuwisha's "singing" may be vocal, or any musical instrument, from pipes to drums. This Gift lasts as long as the Nuwisha's song.

(Nuwisha BB p49)

Spirit Speech - As the Garou Theurge Gift.

(PGttCB p135)

Swollen Tongue - The Nuwisha uses this Gift on a target to stop that target from speaking. As soon as the Gift is in effect, the target's tongue swells, preventing any form of speech. Howls and sounds coming from the target are muffled at best. This Gift is taught by a Spider spirit.

System: The Nuwisha must touch her target, while the player makes a Gnosis roll (difficulty of the victim's Willpower). With three or more successes, the target cannot even use sign language, as her hands begin to tremble uncontrollably. This Gift lasts for one scene.

(PGttCB p135, Nuwisha BB p49)

Xochipilli's Touch - The Nuwisha using Xochililli's Touch brings luck to herself or to a target. Usually the luck is short term, but whether that luck is good or bad is entirely in the hands of a Nuwisha. if the luck is good, a person might discover that her cancer was misdiagnosed and is actually only a thumbprint on the x-ray, or she might win the lottery. If the luck is bad, a tire might explode during a high speed chase, or the person might get audited by the IRS. The Nuwisha has no control over how the luck will manifest, only whether the luck will be good or bad. This Gift is normally instantaneous, but can take several hours to manifest, at the Nuwisha's discretion. This Gift is taught by an Epiphling of Luck or a Gaffling in service to Xochipilli.

System: The player rolls Wits + Enigmas, difficulty 7. The Storyteller has complete control over how Xochipilli's Luck manifests itself, but the player may increase the luck to levels that seem almost miraculous by spending a Gnosis point.

(Nuwisha BB p50)

Rank 2

Camouflage - As the Garou Wendigo Gift.

(Nuwisha BB p50)

Dance of Dionysus - The target of this Gift becomes uncoordinated and extremely dizzy. His vision blurs, his ears ring, and bystander may think he is drunk. Speech is unaffected and reasoning is possible, but all Physical difficulties are increased by three. This Gift is taught by a Coyote spirit.

System: The Nuwisha must touch her target, while the player spends one Gnosis and one Willpower point. This Gift lasts for one turn.

(Nuwisha BB p50)

New Face - The Nuwisha can completely change her identity. She may be male or female, any race or breed. However, this Gift only changes the Homid and Latrani form of the character, and does not hide her true nature; she will still be recognizably Nuwisha if she changes shape. This Gift is taught by a spirit of Kishijoten.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Expression, difficulty 6, and must expend one Gnosis point. This effect lasts for one scene.

(Nuwisha BB p50)

Odious Aroma - As the Garou Bone Gnawer Gift.

(PGttCB p135)

Sheep's Clothing - The Nuwisha can take the form and scent of another shapeshifter. While this Gift is in effect, the Nuwisha may take the appearance of any form common to the type of shapeshifter she is impersonating. Even Gifts designed to identify shapeshifters cannot pierce Sheep's Clothing (unless Coyote feels it appropriate). A Cuckoo spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Wits + Primal Urge (difficulty 6 for mammalian Changers, 7 otherwise). The character thereafter looks and smells like whatever kind of shapeshifter she chooses. She does not, however, gain any of the special powers of the Breed - a Nuwisha impersonating a Rokea could assume Gladius form, but would gain neither the enhanced strength nor the Sending that the form usually confers. This Gift lasts for one full day, although the player can extend that duration by spending additional Gnosis (one day per point spent).

(PGttCB p135)

Twisting Tongues - The Nuwisha may understand any written or spoken language while using this Gift. Even sign language and facial expressions offer no trouble. While under the influence of this Gift, the Nuwisha can speak with spirits, Banes, and even computers (which hardly makes for interesting conversation, but can prove worthwhile). This Gift is taught by a Trickster spirit.

System: The player rolls WIts + Expression, difficulty 7. For every success, the character can filly comprehend the language - complete with all slang terms - for one full day. The character must employ this Gift seperately for each langage she wishes to comprehend.

(Nuwisha BB p50)

Umbral Map - The Nuwisha using this Gift can locate any part of the Umbra, and in some cases even locate an individual entity in the Umbra. This Gift is taught by an Ancestor Spirit.

System: The player makes a Gnosis roll, with varying difficulty. If the character has never before been to the target part of the Umbra, the difficulty is 7. If the character has traveled the area before, the difficulty is 6. If the character frequents the area. the difficulty is only 5. With one success, the character can pinpoint where in the Umbra he is. With two, he can determine how best to approach any area or Realm in the Umbra. With three successes, the character can get a feel for where a target is within the Umbra. With five or more successes, the character can pin point the target's exact location within the Umbra.

(Nuwisha BB p50)

Rank 3

Dance of Abandon - The Nuwisha can compel an opponent to forget everything but the need to celebrate. Where anger and hatred dwelled a moment earlier, suddenly the target of this power is filled with joy and a need to express that joy. This is used for defensive purposes primarily, as the Gift is too powerful to allow anything but celebration. There are some cases however, where this Gift can backfire on the Nuwisha. Certain Garou, such as the Get of Fenris, tend to celebrate very violently. This Gift is taught by a Gaffling in service to Loki.

System: The player makes a Willpower roll against a difficulty equal to the opponent's Willpower. Two or more successes are necessary to activate this Gift. Dance of Abandon may only be used against one opponent at a time.

(Nuwisha BB p50)

Gift of Laughter - The Nuwisha may end a frenzy with this Gift, or may simply use it to lighten the mood in tense situations. This Gift may also be used to end the pain of someone who is mortally injured, allowing him to use the last few moments of life in full control of his faculties. This Gift is taught by a spirit of Kishijoten.

System: The player rolls charisma + Expression against a difficulty matching the target's Willpower, at least one success is required to use this Gift, and at least three successes are needed to end a frenzy.

(Nuwisha BB p50)

Gift of Rage - The Nuwisha with this Gift can Rage. While this Gift is in effect, the Nuwisha is capable of taking the extra actions that any other Changing Breed takes for granted. The Nuwisha also loses her immunity to silver while this Gift is in action, as Coyote does not want his children to be comfortable with the notion of hatred. Gift of Rage is taught by a spirit servant of Loki.

System: The player makes a Gnosis rill (difficulty 7) and expends one Willpower to gain five Rage points for the duration of the scene. The character may never exceed five Rage. As long as the Nuwisha has any Rage left, she takes aggravated damage from silver.

(PGttCB p135, Nuwisha BB p50)

Happy Thoughts - Shapeshifters with Rage are dangerous to be around. More than one Nuwisha has lost her life when an unappreciative werewolf has lost control after a prank. This Gift allows the Nuwisha to remove the threat of frenzy for a short time (hopefully long enough to get away). An avatar of Coyote teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The character must touch the target. For the duration of the scene, the target loses access to his Rage. He cannot frenzy, take extra actions, or use Rage in any way. He can still change shape, however - the Rage is still present, the target just cant make use of it.

'(PGttCB p136)

Push - (Umbral Danse) - The Nuwisha can force another being into the Umbra with this Gift. This is taught by a Coyote spirit.

System: The player must make a Gnosis roll (difficulty of the target's Willpower) and expend one Gnosis point. The target of this Gift appears in the Penumbra.

(Nuwisha BB p50)

Scent of Vengeance - Nuwisha using this Gift can make another shapechanger recognize the scent of an old foe. Usually this scent emanates from somewhere in the distance, but the Nuwisha can also place the scent on another target, creating all sorts of havoc between innocent strangers or even close friends. When used in the latter fashion, this Gift completely masks the natural olor of the target. This Gift is taught by a Skunk spirit.

System: The player rolls Wits + Subterfuge, difficulty 5, when producing the scent of an old foe. If the character decides to use this Gift on a target, he must successfully touch the person and spend one Gnosis point in addition to making a Wits + Subterfuge roll at difficulty 7.

(Nuwisha BB p51)

Shadow Walk - The Nuwisha employing this Gift may visit any aspect of the Umbra, even those normally forbidden to the Changing Breeds. This includes the Dark Umbra of the dead, (which most Nuwisha avoid as both too depressing and too dangerous) and many Horizon Realms of the magi. This Gift is taught by a Gaffling of the Trickster.

System: The player must make a successful Gnosis roll, difficulty 7. Of course, the Nuwisha must still know where to go.

(Nuwisha BB p51)

Rank 4

Bridge Walker - As the Garou Galliard Gift.

(PGTTCB p136)

Disappearing Act - The Nuwisha using this Gift seemingly disappears from sight. Enemies looking for the werecoyote can touch the Nuwisha or even run into him, and never notice that he is there. All senses are affected, and even other Gifts or supernatural powers used for detection (Auspec and so on) cannot locate the Nuwisha as long as he remembers not to move. This Gift is normally used to avoid being killed by large mobs or enemies who desperately want the Nuwisha dead. This Gift is taught by a Cat spirit.

System: The player expends one Willpower and one Gnosis point. The Gift lasts for as long as the Character does not willingly move. The Gift stays in effect even if the character is knocked over, but the character cannot get back up without dispelling the Gift's effects.

(Nuwisha BB p51)

Heave-Ho - The Nuwisha using this Gift can throw an opponent incredible distances. The Nuwisha must still be able to lift her target, either by sheer strength or in combination with a combat maneuver. Some werecoyotes claim they have thrown opponents for several city blocks. They were not exaggerating. This Gift is taught by an Ancestor Spirit.

System: The player must roll Dexterity + Athletics and expend one Gnosis point. For each success, the character triples the normal distance he is able to throw a target (10 feet per dot of Strength is the rule of thumb). This Gift is cumulative based on the number of successes. For example, a Nuwisha with a Strength of 5 could normally throw a target 50 feet. But with one success, the Nuwisha could throw he target 150 feet, and with two successes could throw the target 450 feet. With three successes the same character could throw a target 1350 feet, and so on.

(Nuwisha BB p51)

Locked Door - Umbral Danse - The Nuwisha can bar others from entering the Umbra with this Gift. This powerful Gift is used only to prevent the Wyrm from escaping, or to avoid capture. On rare occasions Locked Door is employed to force Technocracy mages out of the Umbra. This Gift is taught by a Weaver spirit.

System: The player rolls Willpower against a difficult of 7 and spends three Gnosis points. The Gift lasts for one scene per success rolled.

(Nuwisha BB p52)

Trickster's Skin - Similar to Sheep's Clothing, this Gift allows the Nuwisha to "trade skins" with a target. The Nuwisha takes on the appearance, voice, and scent of the target, while the victim becomes identical to the Nuwisha. Superb for making an escape from an angry werewolf pack, this Gift is also useful in combination with Swollen Tongue; the hapless target knows the truth, but cannot communicate to his friends that he is anything but a stranger.

System: The player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty of the target's Primal Urge +3, or 7 if the target cannot possess the Primal Urge trait). The Nuwisha may use this Gift on any target within line of sight, and it lasts for one scene.

(PGttCB p136)

Rank 5

Assimilation - As the Garou Homid Gift.

(PGttCB p136)

Coyote's Mask - In one Kwakiutl Indian legend, Coyote dons masks of various animals and then allows the animals to die for him, this saving his life. The most powerful Nuwisha may accomplish a similar feat, using their Gift as a shield against death. Only Coyote teaches this Gift.

System: In order to learn this Gift, the Nuwisha must first learn a Gift that changes his shape, including Sheep's Clothing, Trickster's Skin, or the Ragabash Gift: Thousand Forms. If the character wishes to invoke this Gift, he must spend a full turn in concentration after using the chosen shape changing Gift. The player then spends one Gnosis point and rolls Willpower (difficulty 8). If successful, the Nuwisha may "die" once while wearing something or someone else's form. If the Nuwisha drops below Incapacitated from lethal or aggravated damage while wearing Coyote's Mask, the Nuwisha immediately appears in breed form not more than 10 feet away, and all that is left of the "corpse" is a small scrap of coyote fur. The Nuwisha is considered to be at full health.

(PGttCB p136)

Umbral Gateway - Umbral Danse - The Nuwisha can open a portal into the Umbra. The Umbral Gateway is a direct opening in the Gauntlet between the worlds, and is open to anyone or anything to Nuwisha chooses to take with him. This Gift is connected to the Nuwisha, and no other creatures may use the opening without the Nuwisha's consent. Any entity attempting to pass through the portal must effectively have the Nuwisha's permission to do so. This Gift is taught by the spirit of the Trickster.

System: The player rolls Wits + Occult, difficulty 8, and expends four Gnosis points. The Umbra Cateway remains open for as long as the Nuwisha desires, but no longer than one scene.

(Nuwisha BB p52)

Umbral Target - Umbral Danse - The Nuwisha using this Gift literally throws a target into the Umbra and into any location in the Umbra that she desires. A Garou suffering from strong Wyrm taint could be thrown into the Atrocity Realm, or into the silver waters of Erebus. A Technocracy mage could end up in a Wyld Realm or even tossed through the gates of Malfeas. This Gift is commonly used as a severe form of punishment, or to assist someone or something in need of special help. Several Kithain have been dropped at the Arcadia Gateway to prevent them from falling completely away from their Dreaming aspects. This Gift is taught by Coyote himself.

System: If the target of this Gift is already in the Umbra. the player need only make a Gnosis roll, difficulty 5. If the target is in the Gaia Realm, the Nuwisha must first grab the target, and the player expends one Gnosis to force the opponent into the Umbra. The effects of this Gift are instantaneous.

(Nuwisha BB p52)