Mercy Young/Stereotypes

From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 10:48, 27 July 2013 by imported>PirateSpice
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Black Spiral Dancers Blackspiraldancers.png My kin are vicious bastards to the very last one. True soldiers of the cause.
Gaians Gaia.png Dance the spiral, or be destroyed.
The Camarilla Camarilla.png They can go choke on their laws.
The Sabbat Sabbat.png Good company, but they're not true Wyrmlings.
Anarchs Anarch.png Aimless fools. Freedom is an illusion. Having no master doesn't make you strong, it makes you alone.
Independent Clans Independent.png Haven't met too many. Some are more suitable than others.
Autarkis Vampire.png Take them as they come. If they prove corruptible, so much the better.