"I was born and raised within nature. I was taught the old ways. I don't believe in modern culture. So you can take your cars and highrises and shove them up your ass."
"Most spend their time concerned with their wallets. What they should be concerned with is the steady and constant degradation of the world they live in. One day, Gaia will show them their error."
"There are others who aren't so blinded by their greed to ignore the plight of gaia."
"There are others like me. Those who practice the old ways. Not all of them are well intentioned."
"Varied and interesting. Dedicated to Gaia. Still slightly unnerving."
"Dedicated to the destruction of Gaia's world. Therefore, I'm dedicated to the destruction of them."
Do you want an earring that shoots lasers? A necklace that gives you more stamina? A sword that also doubles as a butter knife? Say no more fam, I got you.
Are you sick? Feeling ill? Want some extra energy? Need help in the sack? Say no more fam, I got you.
Are you kicking ass and taking names? Is the wyrm involved? Is someone trying to ruin gaia's creation? Say no more fam, I'll help you kick some ass.
Not like Conan, like the old school hates modern culture kind. Seriously though, don't put her in a car, she'll have a heart attack.
You need something made or repaired? Yeah, I can do that. What? It's a cellphone? Get that outta here.