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BackgroundKendra un sep.jpg
Most of Kendra's life was lived under the protection of the Sept of the Leaping Stone, kept safe and secure by fierce Gaians who wanted nothing more than to see her blossom and thrive. She learned who and what she is early in life, growing up on stories from her mother about how her matrilineal heritage could be traced all the way through the ages to heroines of the Black Furies who had lived centuries ago. Despite her excellent pedigree, she never found the life of a Furies kinswoman all that fulfilling, and always yearned for something more. Surrounded by strong warriors who encouraged her to become anything she liked, she nevertheless felt trapped.

She found contentment in her post-college life as a trauma nurse, and a few years later in starting a family with her new husband, a kinsman of the tribe, a good man who had endured a torrid affair with a Fury but was eventually cast aside. Her life with him was mostly happy, and she filled their home with children that she dearly loves, but it always felt to her as though something was missing from it, a sense of greater purpse or destiny.

This led to the eventual end of her first marriage in divorce ten years ago. There was no good reason for it that she could give her friends and family; he hadn't mistreated her, he hadn't wronged her, he hadn't cheated on her. She loved him. But it just didn't feel like what she was meant to be doing. She tried again, getting remarried three years later, this time to a police officer, and while their relationship had excited her when it began, she felt the same old feelings of discontentment start to bubble up even faster than they had during her first marriage.

Perhaps it was this quiet gnawing sense of dissatisfaction that caught the sometimes-subtle eye of the Wyrm. It didn't even come to her - she went to it, finding herself increasingly unfulfilled with her work in a trauma center and making the sudden decision to apply for a clinical research nursing position with Magadon Pharmaceuticals. The torrid affair she began almost immediately with the area managing director led to the company quickly discovering just who and what she is, and by then, decisions were beyond her control. Bending a Black Fury kinswoman to the will of the Wyrm is not as much a coup as an actual Black Fury, but it's still a feather in one's cap.

Pentex corporate officers aren't all in the know about the Garou, the Black Spiral Dancers, or the Wyrm, but enough of those that are found out about her. They had no interest in leaving her near her kin, where she might be redeemed or even simply murdered for her betrayal, and they devised a simple plan and offered her a simple choice: leave immediately, accept a Pentex position elsewhere, and never return, or else be handed right back over to the Black Furies with proof of how far she had already fallen. It did not take her long to decide, and her husband returned home from a night shift not long after to find an empty house, with no sign of his wife or daughters.

Converting Kendra to the cause of the Wyrm took less effort than it does with most, and she has proven to be an eager convert, perhaps because she has finally found the purpose that she felt was missing in her life. Whatever the reason, the Black Spiral Dancers of the Prospect area have found themselves with a devoted new kinswoman on their hands, and Pentex a motivated new employee.