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Biographical Info
Most of Kendra's life was lived in happiness and safety among people she'd known since birth in Michigan, though she was a wilful and precocious child who always seemed to yearn for something beyond the quiet suburban life of a Detroit suburb. As childhood progressed into the terrible teenage years, this feeling and desire to rebel only progressed.
Still, she was able to find contentment in post-college life as a trauma nurse, work that she loved, and also a few years later in starting a family with her by-then husband, her college boyfriend who married her after they discovered she was pregnant. Her life with him was mostly happy, and she filled their home with children that she dearly loves, but it always felt to her as though something was missing from it, a sense of greater purpse or destiny.
This led to the eventual end of her first marriage in divorce ten years ago. There was no good reason for it that she could give her friends and family; he hadn't mistreated her, he hadn't wronged her, he hadn't cheated on her. She loved him. But it just didn't feel like what she was meant to be doing. She tried again, getting remarried three years later, this time to a police officer who'd been divorced himself, and while their relationship had excited her when it began, she felt the same old feelings of discontentment start to bubble up even faster than they had during her first marriage.
It was this gnawing sense of dissatisfaction that led her to Prospect, and led her to completely abandon most of the vestiges of what she now thinks of as her "old" life. She abandoned both her job and her husband without so much as a whisper of notice, leaving in the night with her children and no more concrete a plan than to take an entry-level job offer with a corporate conglomerate in the sun-soaked Southern Californian city. She's here to start over and live the life the way she wants, following that sense that there's more out there than quiet domestic tranquility.
Biographical Info

Most of Kendra's life was lived in happiness and safety among people she'd known since birth in Michigan, though she was a wilful and precocious child who always seemed to yearn for something beyond the quiet suburban life of a Detroit suburb. As childhood progressed into the terrible teenage years, this feeling and desire to rebel only progressed.
Still, she was able to find contentment in post-college life as a trauma nurse, work that she loved, and also a few years later in starting a family with her by-then husband, her college boyfriend who married her after they discovered she was pregnant. Her life with him was mostly happy, and she filled their home with children that she dearly loves, but it always felt to her as though something was missing from it, a sense of greater purpse or destiny.
This led to the eventual end of her first marriage in divorce ten years ago. There was no good reason for it that she could give her friends and family; he hadn't mistreated her, he hadn't wronged her, he hadn't cheated on her. She loved him. But it just didn't feel like what she was meant to be doing. She tried again, getting remarried three years later, this time to a police officer who'd been divorced himself, and while their relationship had excited her when it began, she felt the same old feelings of discontentment start to bubble up even faster than they had during her first marriage.
It was this gnawing sense of dissatisfaction that led her to Prospect, and led her to completely abandon most of the vestiges of what she now thinks of as her "old" life. She abandoned both her job and her husband without so much as a whisper of notice, leaving in the night with her children and no more concrete a plan than to take an entry-level job offer with a corporate conglomerate in the sun-soaked Southern Californian city. She's here to start over and live the life the way she wants, following that sense that there's more out there than quiet domestic tranquility.