"The Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world; a world filled with broken promises, selfishness and separations; a world longing for light again." --Crazy Horse--
Faina She brings honor to her ancestors by agreeing to join with me, a stranger, in the fight against corruption.
Sydney You know I´m a pretty decent guy, but you must be smocking crack if you think I´m going to accept or apologize for people shitting on my ancestors. Wake the fuck up huh?
Rodrigo The litany forbids eating your stupid face off. Oh well. Just a dumb kid. I should drink at home.
Rianna At least someone has brains in this city. I would have liked to meet her but trying to incite a drunken brawl usually doesn´t work out too well. Oops.
Warrick What they said about the Bastet is obviously not true or not true about you. A brave warrior I will be proud to fight beside whenever it is needed.
Prospect Fire Department: Although most pc's won't visit the station, fires do happen IC. Why settle for NPCs when you can call me?
Tribal Lands: Johnny Redbird can most often be found here when not on duty. This isn't only limited to the Caern but other areas like the Oasis Casino.
Navajo: Do you have a Navajo or Native American PC. Lets meet regardless of supernatural race.