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Janek Masing

"Paganism is infectious, more infectious than diphtheria or piety."

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Azraphael's History

Azraphael was created on the Seventh Day, and he did his job as best he could to collect the dead animals and plants. He was a quiet, gentle soul. When Man first appeared, Azraphael instantly fell in love. He watched them from the shadows, leaving presents and adoring them from afar. When Lucifer gathered his fellows to announce his rebellion, Azraphael was quick to join. He began to work to teach mankind what he could, while his fellow Halaku stared at him in disapproval. He was not distant like they were, and in the end he suffered for it.

He was furious and horrified when the Creator added Mankind to the Halaku's realm, and he was one of the first to join the war. He was a simple soldier of the Crimson Legion through much of the war. During the end, however, his bravado and killing skills brought him slightly higher in the ranks, and he ended the war as a Lieutenant.

The Abyss tore Azraphael apart, and he forsook Lucifer and the war. He railed at the Raveners and Luciferans alike, believing they had entirely lost the point of why they fought. He never did. Then...the tear appeared in the walls...and he escaped.

Janek's History

Janek Masing was born in a tiny village in Estonia. He was the son of a farmer, but was an astonishingly brilliant boy. He studied hard as a child when he wasn't helping his father on the farm. When he was eighteen years old, he traveled to Hungary and attended the Medical University of Budapest, where he excelled at all of his classes.

When he graduated he returned to the village, becoming the town doctor. Secretly, the man was a pagan. He was a nature worshiper, and included working herbal remedies with his modern science. Eventually he was discovered in the woods during prayer, and the panicked, backwards citizens blamed him for spreading illness. He was burned at the stake...like it was the eleventh century all over again.

Together At Last

Janek and Azraphael joined at the moment of death, and he quickly fled the city. He moved to America, where he discovered another Fallen to heal the scars caused by the fire. He's now arrived in Prospect, opening a Free Clinic to attempt to aid the meek, for they are the Creators chosen children.

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RP Hooks

  • Estonia
Janek was the town doctor in a village in Estonia that had a population of 130 people. In the end he was burned at the stake for 'being a witch', as if it were the eleventh century all over again.
  • Pagan
Azraphael was there in the beginning, as he was created on the seventh day. However, the universe once existed in layers, and while God was God in one layer, he was Gaia in another, and a song in yet another. Now all of the layers are one, and Azraphael/Janek prefers viewing his creator in a very pagan mindset, unlike most Fallen.
  • Doctor
Janek is a doctor, and he runs a small free clinic in town. He tends to the homeless and the poor, asking little in return except hope.

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Date of Birth: September 16th, 1986
House: Slayer
Faction: Reconciler
Occupation: Free Clinic Doctor
Hometown: Haanja, Estonia


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Notable Stats
Janek/Notable Stats

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