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Of Kithain big and small:
Ambrosine - An old friend known since...forever? I don't remember how long. She has asked for aid to bring hope. Being the hero isn't really my bag, but for now she is my Lady so I will do as she has requested of me.
Lark - My friend and roommate, a dark shadow follows those lovely feet and firm legs and bringing your grace to a snails pace. I hope one day, I may return the favor of your heart-warming kindness and brighten that shadow for you.
Katya - Peas and carrots, if the peas had sharp pointy teeth and the carrot was outside of threat distance. Contrasts are we, so alike yet so different.
Naevys - Her Grace the Gwydion. Her crown hides the Sidhe underneath it, whether she holds her crown between herself and others I do not know, for it is how Gwydion present themselves. Do not worry, Your Grace. I shall remind you the wonders of the person behind that garrisoned crown of yours.
Seline - Lady of the Wood. There is more to life than the woods, trust a Varich on this. Open your eyes!
Locke - Once we got the usual spew out of the way that usually comes between our Kiths, he isn't so bad in the long run. I won't hold my breath on his leadership skills though, but I'm always a fan of being surprised.
Teagen - She's pregnant. Happy baby, but beyond that? Eh.

Of Everyone Else:
Dollie - The boss lady. And they're real, promise.
Basilisk - There is a small part of me that reminds me of the Fomorians but I don't get the vibe of Nightmare from her. She's sweet, in her own demented sort of way.
Of Those Who Finished Their Road
Caz - I warned her to be mindful and be cautious of herself, for even a Redcap knows the fear of death. She learned it, and hopefully it will stay with her.