Cody (old)/Contacts

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Revision as of 07:16, 22 December 2014 by imported>Cody
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Dyson Dyson, like his wife, is my family, and my friend. In times like these I'm thankful that I have such a thing when most don't.
Alala She, like her husband, is the family I've never had in life before and could not truly live without.
Jotun He has been there for me when I needed it most. Always. He is the father I never had, a sage mentor, the older brother/guardian I needed when times were rough and someone I would sacrifice my life for as he has done the same for me time and time again.
Odie This time.. it's not so funny. The 'joke' is on me. Hurt me once? Shame on you. Hurt me twice? Shame on me.
Garan I think he thinks I may be crazy.. he's likely closer to the truth on that then most or what he may even realize.
Ferdinand My little furry friend in arms. I should lend him some of my GI Joe action figures. He might dig the outfits.
LaVey So many different faces and all the time in the world to make up countless more.
Phil I think his invisible friend is out to get me..
Ambrogio He fixes problems.. permanently.
Theodore A friend, and someone I can trust.
3Strange I hope he doesn't blow up the house. I really don't want to have to clean that up.
Fletcher Once I knew only darkness and stillness.. my life was without past or future.. but a little word from the fingers of another fell into my hand that clutched at emptiness, and my heart leaped into the rapture of living.
Jim Ever faithful and loyal to a fault.
Fenton "Fentooooon! Oh Jesus Christ!" [[1]]