2019.09.23:Nancy Drew and the Psych Ward Ghost pt.1

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Nancy Drew and the Psych Ward Ghost pt.1
There have been disturbances at Trinity Heights, but who would believe the children living in the psychiatric hospital? Bishop and her trusty side kick investigate and go on the hunt for the Haunting spirit.
IC Date September 23rd, 2019
Players Wesley, Bishop
Location Trinity Heights
Spheres Sorcerer/Psychic

Comet St. and Maple St.(#383RJ)---------

        Comet and Maple street is made up of smaller, business buildings along with some run-of-the-mill apartments and some various one to two story houses to boot. Occasionally one will see the rare victorian mansion on this corner of the street or two, but mostly the block is made up of smaller homes, cozy apartments and small-time businesses. Some hole-in-the-wall, Mom-n-Pop stores can be found around this area as well if one knows just where to look for some good Italian, Mexican and Chinese food.
        The streets along this area are a bit more rundown, having seen some more wear and tear from ongoing traffic of numerous pedestrians and a plethora of cars from ages long past. The area in this neighborhood is fairly decent, with police cruisers coming by every now and then, though never staying for too long as they seem to have more important areas of the city to 'protect and serve'.

Contents: Wesley Obvious Exits:

House of the Rising Dough <RD> Trinity Hospital Cuephoria <Cu> Missionary Baptist Church <MBC> Beauregard Alternative Learning Center <LC> Maple Park <MP> Lincoln Blvd. Belvedere Ave. <N> Ash St. <W> Metro Transit System <MTS>

        Wesley had left word for Bishop to meet over near Trinity Heights. A date. A time. Would she show up? I guess he was about to find out!

Wesley-Projected just looked at you.

Nancy Drew has showed! Bishop hoists her backpack up onto her shoulders and it seems bursting with supplies. or just maybe an extra puffy jacket.

        Wesley is nowhere to be seen. At 50 minutes to sunset. Had he said meet 10 'til sunset? Just before sunset? Right after? /at/ sunset?

        From nowhere, really, a voice will greet Bishop. "'so'k. I'm not the easiest person to be around. And maybe I kinda ... like ... brats." A pause, before the voice continues. "I'm really glad you showed up." The voice has a hollow, echoing quality to it. But despite all that? It /could/ be Wesley's.

Bishop does a quick and comical 360 turn about. and then does one more for good measure. the corner of her mouth turns up in a smirk. "well that's a neat trick. do you give lessons?" she then starts putting a hand out in front of her to feel around and asks "invisibility?

        A shadow. Flat and without any substance. The outline of the shadow is vaguely humanoid?

        "Oh, I /could/ be invisible, sure, but then we wouldn't be able to talk. So, no. Look down," says the shadow. Wes'll be in front of her for a moment, but then? To help establish his bona fides and veracity? The shadow slides and moves around to merge into her own natural shadow. "I got your back on this." Did he just make a joke? Was that a joke? Wes is the /master/ of deadpan, so. Maybe?

Bishop rolls her eyes at the joke as if her dad delivered it. She dose smooth her skirt down and hold it close to her as he slides into her shadow, as if he might see her unmentionables. "don't suppose you can posses the shadow of my backpack. that's a bit creepy. like someone walking over my grave." she turns towards the building "So whats up? I'm the one taking the physical risks?"

        "We're here to visit your sister, if anyone asks. If that doesn't work? I'll handle it," replies Wes. He'll handle it? "I can protect you better this way than if I was here in the flesh," he states, matter of factly. "But this isn't a black bag op. In and out. The ghost in on the children's ward. This is strictly recon."

Bishop rolls her eyes again at all the spec ops lingo, again as if it was a joke from her father. She sets her bag down pulls a hair tie and puts her hair up in a high pony. a few more slight adjustments and she suddenly looks very much a highschool age. she then sets her backpack on and starts on to the building. she murmurs trusting Wes to hear "cake walk. I got it."

        The shadow slides along with her, moving as and when Bishop does. "Nice backpack," he mutters as they make their way up to the hospital. Nice backpack? Well, he did say he wasn't much good at small talk didn't he? Then? Thy're entering the hospital. Next stop? Alchemilla General Hospital! Er, Trinity Height, but. Same diff. Basically.

Comet St. and Maple St.(#383RJ)---------

        Comet and Maple street is made up of smaller, business buildings along with some run-of-the-mill apartments and some various one to two story houses to boot. Occasionally one will see the rare victorian mansion on this corner of the street or two, but mostly the block is made up of smaller homes, cozy apartments and small-time businesses. Some hole-in-the-wall, Mom-n-Pop stores can be found around this area as well if one knows just where to look for some good Italian, Mexican and Chinese food.
        The streets along this area are a bit more rundown, having seen some more wear and tear from ongoing traffic of numerous pedestrians and a plethora of cars from ages long past. The area in this neighborhood is fairly decent, with police cruisers coming by every now and then, though never staying for too long as they seem to have more important areas of the city to 'protect and serve'.

Contents: Wesley-Projected Obvious Exits:

House of the Rising Dough <RD> Trinity Hospital Cuephoria <Cu> Missionary Baptist Church <MBC> Beauregard Alternative Learning Center <LC> Maple Park <MP> Lincoln Blvd. Belvedere Ave. <N> Ash St. <W> Metro Transit System <MTS>

Trinity Heights - Grounds---------

        Situated just between the upscale commercial buildings of down town and the sprawls of apartment buildings and inner city homes, a very old building sits behind high stone and wrought iron walls near the center of a sizable property. Half old, imported Victorian style and half fortress estate, a tall gate gives way to the paved drive leading to a round-about at its large front doors. Peaked roofs with old gargoyles over tall windows, dark shingles and a stone facade, the place has just a dash of menace that's dulled down by the park-like grounds and California sun. A wing of floors extending from either side of the central building seems to exaggerate its size with its bat formation, their multitudes of windows barred securely.
        Inside, a large and airy reception and waiting room have white walls and clean, marble tiled floors with an abundance of dark wood accents, arched ceilings and wide doors. Orderlies and nurses in plain white go about their business during the days, attending to tasks or keeping watch over the exits. Here one can receive information, schedule a visit with a patient or doctor, or see to the checking in of a patient. Beyond secure doorways, a cheerful day room can be seen, along with hallways to patient wings and private offices.
        At night the building appears sinister and intimidating, security lights bathe the grounds in harsh light and jagged shadows. With the reception area and hallways lit with only a minimal glow, the visitation room locked and darkened, the cheerful mask of day time is removed and leaves the place echoing strangely and streaked with frightening shadows.

Contents: Wesley-Projected Obvious Exits: Basement <Ba> Wings <Wi> Comet St. <O>

        The hospital is standard as far as staffing goes. Maybe a little lighter than it should be. Thankfully? In the evenings? The place echoes strangely and is positively streaked with frightening shadows. Thankfully! Bishop and her 'shadow' will fit in JUST. FINE.

Bishop tucks in her earbuds and turns her music up very loud. people don't expect interaction from someone with headphones. With that and a confident walk she blends in just fine. she glances at the reception desk to see if there is a sign in sheet but avoids the desk if not. the only thing that would make her less interesting would be a spirit gift, or a clipboard. Nothing makes you blend in like a clipboard.

        Given that the place is littered with creepy shadows, Wes feels safe in loosely tethering himself to Bishop. He'll swivel about and dart here or there to establish a perimeter around the young woman. Guiding her towards the wings. "That way," he mutters.

You move to Trinity Heights - Wings

Trinity Heights - Wings-------

        The two great wings of the facility are nearly identical in their construction and use, differing only in decor and the age of their residents. Each of the three floor's halls are lined with secure personal rooms with a wire mesh laced window in the door and often a barred security window in the outside wall with a view of the grounds. The rooms are spartan but comfortable and painted in calming colors, the floors tiled in white throughout.
        Towards the reception area on the ground floor are several psychologist offices and meeting rooms filled with calming, non threatening items that can't be used to harm others or one's self, such as light weight plastic furnishings and simple games. Furthest from reception are the high security rooms for violent or suicide-watch patients. These contain little more than a barred window and beds with typical padded restraints, or in some cases nothing at all but floor to ceiling padding.
        The children's wing is nearly identical to the adult wing, save for more happy animal decorations, more stuffed animals and toys in the counseling rooms, and the personal rooms bearing a more cheerful, childish touch.
        Soft, soothing music is piped all through the hospital to heighten the tranquility of the patients and help subdue their less than sane urges and outbursts. This music turns off at lights-out, leaving the wings in an eery, shadowy silence at night, the halls dimly lit with security lighting and the silence occasionally broken by the distant screams from someone waking from night terrors. A skeleton crew of orderlies stalks the dim halls, checking rooms and ensuring no patients are wandering after hours.

Obvious Exits: Out <O>

        The staff by and large pay no mind to visitors. They assume if you've made it this far, and look like you belong or know where you're going? That you belong. After all, they're here to keep people from getting OUT, not necessarily from getting IN. Wes indicates the wing wall decorated with clowns. And balloons. And clowns WITH balloons. "This place is positively charming," he mutters. No sarcasm there at all, NO SIR. "We all float down here," he whispers.

Bishop fallows the bouncing shadow, and the more colorful cartoons on the walls. She doesn't hurry, keeps her head down and casually bobbing to the music which she has in only one ear now. when clear of orderlies she asks "should I pick a room to duck into or are you going to do you mombo jumbo out here? She gives a shudder as he mentions pennywise "hey, cut it out, some of us have childhood traumas, ok?"

        "We just gotta peek into every room and see if the ghost is in any of them. But if you see her, don't engage and just pretend that you don't," remarks the shadow. "I'll keep watch and make sure no creepy clowns tear our arms off for dinner." Someone? Is not particularly well adjusted, socially speaking. But he had mentioned that already, right? "Sorry, just cracking wise to keep things breezy." A sigh from the shadows. Meanwhile, the nurses and orderlies go about their business. Shift must be changing soon, as the wing is devoid of walkers. Er, no, not zombies, nurses rounding on the patients.

Bishop makes a rather rude noise and complaines "every room. too much attention and I'm too fuckin lazy" and then she stops and closes her eyes for a moment in silence.

        If shadows could roll their eyes? Wes's eyes would've just rolled. He waits while Bishop does her Thing (tm)."Just walk slowly by each room towards the end of the hall and peek in the window. The ghost, she ain't exactly the subtle type." He disconnects and goes to the opposite side of the win. "I'll peek under the doors on this side." An orderly at the far end of the hall looks up from his smartphone but doesn't say anything.

Bishop pulls the earbud out and pales a bit suddenly. She says, quite a bit louder than intended "Oh, Shit, I think I'm gunna be sick." as she moves to put her back against a wall to lean against it. a too clear image of two hogs of human beings humping down stairs comes to her thoughts.... with audio. slap slap slap slap slap squish. "why do the uggliest people breed in brightly lit rooms?"

        "Oh yeah, I bet this place is a haven for playing doctor," the shadow mutters as he drifts back closer to Bishop in case anyone comes towards her. "A fucking playpen for lotion and hoses." The shadow pools at Bishop's feet and hangs loose while she recovers.

Bishop says to her feet "you're lucky you're not here physically, otherwise I would recomend you wash everything, twice." Her little outburst does draw the attention of the orderly who now pays attenion to her, but doesn't approach yet. She recovers and slips her earbuds in and starts looking through her phone. With head down and earbuds back in she begins moving down the hall casually looking up to each room "hush you, or I'll draw you a picture."

        "Only if you promise to draw it in color," the shadow mutters before detaching and heading back to the opposite side of the wing. All in all? So far? It looks like Silent Hill is gonna be ... well, silent? "You make a halfway decent Nancy Drew," offers the shadow when he drifts back down to Bishop's side.

        The rooms are full of patients, most of the children sedated or engaged in "quiet time". No signs of any ghost tonight. Just your regular run of the mill creepy psych hospital.

The second one was the best, but then who doesn't like a manifested psycho sexual nightmere? Bishop makes her way to the end of the hall, eyeing each of the kids and looking for a ghost. "thanks" she says "you make a half way decent side kick." she teases. With the orderly still looking she moves into the room of a young girl, about her complection and smiles to her. Well if she's here to see her sister she better have a sister. especially if they have to come back later to look again. "hola" she says to the girl with a smile. and then mutters "are we camping here till dark or coming back later?

        The shadow follows Bishop into the room, then he shakes his head. Not that Bishop could tell, since Wes was only two dimensional at the moment. "Oh right," he mutters softly. "We should go debrief the op, then come back on the next shift and make another pass." The patient smiles up at Bishop, then stares at the shadow. Wes slides up onto the wall, and makes shadow puppet animals. A bunny rabbit. A fox. Etc etc etc.

Bishop smiles to the little girl and switches to spanish for a moment asking if she speaks it, what her name is and so forth. She picked a girl that could be her sister after all, so it's a good chance she comes from a spanish speaking household too. The girl giggles at the shadow puppets and speaks to bishop for a moment and bishop promises to visit again tonight. she reaches into her backpack and pulls out a stuffed animal to hand to the girl. she says her good buys and heads on out "There, we have an in."

        "I'll probably have to turn you into a nurse to get us in on the night shift if anyone makes a fuss, but. That won't be a problem. We'll cross the bridge when we get to it.," says the shadow puppet play on the wall. "I have a U-Store-It unit a few blocks away that I'm using as a temp basecamp." The shadow puppet circus comes to a close as Wes falls back into Bishop's shadow. "That was smart. You've got a decent knack for this stuff," he gives by way of compliment.

Bishop lets a smirk cross her lips as she gets a compliment. it does effect her. but then who doesn't like praise. She walks out just as confidently and slips some sunglasses on. on the way out she stops by the front desk and says to the woman and the orderly with some alarm "Hey, I was visiting my sister and there was some smoke coming from her vent. you might want to check the office under her room, it's Dr. Wilkonson's office, I'd hurry before it's too late" Before she even finishes the warning grabbing the fire extinguisher. Bishop hurries as she hears the orderly kick in the door and a fat nurse scream.